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Name: ____________________________________
Date: ________________
Chapter 30: Respiratory and Circulatory Systems
Directions: You must
create a minimum of 3
questions in this column
per page.
I. Blood (30.5)
A. Blood is composed mainly of _________, _________
_________, and _________
1. Blood cells- ____________________________
a. Produced in _________ ___________
b. Each has specialized _________ and _________
2. Plasma- ____________________________________
B. Platelets and blood clotting
1. Platelets are ______________________
2. Example of positive feedback mechanism
C. Red and White Blood Cells
1. Red blood cells - __________________
2. White Blood Cells – ________________
Name: ____________________________________
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per page. Use these to
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Date: ________________
II. Respiratory and Circulatory Functions (30.1)
A. The ____________ and ____________ systems work together
to maintain ____________
1. Every cell in body needs nutrients and oxygen to
a. Circulatory system- ______________________
b. Respiratory system- _____________________
(pick up oxygen and get rid of carbon dioxide)
2. Two systems work together to maintain ____________
B. The respiratory system moves ____________ into and out of
the blood
1. Functions to ____________ O2 into body and to
____________ CO2 and water vapor
2. Respiratory system consists of specialized structures
a. nose and mouth- ________________________
1). nose ____________ and ____________
the air
2). Tiny ____________ (cilia) and
____________ help filter dust and pathogens
from air
b. Trachea- _____________________________________
1). Epiglottis ____________ and ____________ to
keep food or saliva from entering the airway
2). Branches divides into ______ bronchi leading to
each ____________
c. Lungs- _______________________________________
1). Bronchi branch into _______ bronchioles
2). Alveoli- ________________________________
d. Diaphragm- ___________________________________
Name: ____________________________________
Date: ________________
C. The circulatory system moves blood to all parts of the body
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1. Functions to transport _____ and ____________ to body
cells and carry ____________ poor ____________ and
______ back to the heart and lungs
2. Main parts of system are ____________,
____________, and ____________ ____________
a. Heart- __________________________________
b. Blood- _________________________________
1). About 5 liters
2). Takes about 60 seconds for round trip
c. Blood vessels- _______ types
1). Arteries- __________________________
_________________________ (oxygen rich)
2). Veins- ____________________________
_________________________ (oxygen poor)
3). Capillaries- smallest vessels where
nutrients, oxygen, and waste can diffuse into
and out of cells
3. Circulatory system performs two other important
functions to maintain ____________
a. Collects ____________ ____________ produced
by ____________ and ____________ and delivers
to ____________ and ____________ to be filtered
out of blood
b. Helps maintain ____________ ____________ by
distributing heat produced by muscles and internal
III. Respiration and Gas Exchange (30.2)
A. Gas exchange occurs in the ____________ of the lungs
1. _____ and ______ move in and out of blood by diffusion
B. Respiratory diseases ________________________________
1. Emphysema- caused mainly by ____________ and
Name: ____________________________________
Date: ________________
destroys ____________.
2. Asthma- causes bronchioles to constrict due to
Directions: You must
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questions in this column
per page. Use these to
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____________ ____________. Can be triggered by
allergies, ____________, exposure to ____________ and
chemicals or exercise.
IV. The Heart and Circulation (30.3)
A. The tissues and structures of the heart make it an efficient
1. Consists of four chambers
a. Atrium- _________________________________
(smaller chambers)
b. Ventricles- ______________________________
(larger chambers)
2. Heartbeat consists of ____ contractions
a. Starts in ____________ and then _____________
b. Pacemaker- _____________________________
3. Blood flow in heart
a. Oxygen ____________ blood enters right atrium
and pumped into ____________ ____________
b. Right ventricle pumps blood to ____________
for gas ____________
c. Returns to left atrium and pumped to
____________ ____________
d. Left ventricle pumps blood to ____________ of
____________ (this is the largest chamber)
B. The heart pumps blood through two main pathways
1. Pulmonary circulation- _________________________
2. Systemic circulation- ___________________________
C. Lifestyle plays a key role in circulatory disease
1. Increased risk of developing circulatory disease with:
____________, lack of ____________, excessive
____________, long-term ____________, diet high in
Name: ____________________________________
Date: ________________
saturated ____________.
Summary (5 sentences)