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Методична розробка для самостійної роботи студентів № 1
з теми “Types of Dental Restorations”
(Стоматологічний факультет, курс ІІ, модуль І )
Text: Types of Dental Restorations
Grammar: Indefinite, Continuous and Perfect Tenses (Review)
Мета самостійної роботи
Засвоїти лексичний матеріал, пов’язаний з темою.
Поглибити наративні навички.
Розвинути діалогічне мовлення.
Повторити часи Indefinite, Continuous and Perfect
Включити засвоєний лексико-граматичний матеріал в активне спілкування.
1. Learn the Active Vocabulary
2. Read the text “Types of Dental Restorations”
3. Answer the following questions.
1.In what cases are dental restorations used?
2. What is the difference between direct and indirect restorations?
3. Why do patients need to see a dentist before a dental restoration procedure?
4. Do dental restorations usually cause discomfort?
5. What does the longevity of dental restoration depend on?
6. Modern dental restorations can be made from different materials, can't they?
7. In what cases is amalgam usually used?
8. What kind of material is composite resin?
9. Why are ionomers used for small fillings in areas without much stress?
10. What advantages and disadvantages of gold alloys do you know?
11. When do doctors use porcelain for dental restorations?
12. What material used for dental restorations is very strong, durable and highly
resistant to wear?
4. Explain the meaning of the following words and word-combinations. Use them
in the situations of your own.
Associated dental pain; direct restorations; multiple visits to the dental office; dental
examination; permanent teeth; longevity of dental restorations; expensive; dental
health of the patient; potential new materials; currently available materials.
5. Fill in the blanks with the words given below.
1. Direct restorations are done by inserting … directly into the tooth.
2. Dental restorations are used to restore … or … teeth.
3. … is commonly used for dental fillings. It contains a mixture of mercury with at
least one other metal.
4. … are types of synthetic resins which are used in … as restorative material or
5. A glass ionomer cement (GIC) is a dental restorative material used in dentistry for
… teeth.
6. … is a very thin shell of porcelain that can replace or cover part of the enamel of the ….
7. Full-porcelain restorations are particularly desirable because their colour and
translucency mimic natural tooth ….
8. Composites and amalgam are used mainly for ….
(Dental composite resins, veneer, direct restorations, enamel, filling, damaged,
amalgam, decayed, restorative material, dentistry, tooth)
8. Choose the proper form of the verb form those in brackets.
1. Don't worry. The dentist (is not, had been, will be, have been) here to give a hand.
2. There will be a scientific TV program on the types of dental restorations tonight,
(won't there, will it, will there, isn't it)?
3. There (was, is, were, did) four nurses and an old doctor in the polyclinic.
4. Usually I (don't have, haven't, am not having, have) coffee in the morning. I
(suffers, am suffering, has suffered, suffer) from hypertension.
5. The teacher (will tell, had told, will have told, was telling) about the types of
materials used in dental restorations.
6. A man (were, has been, had been, was) unconscious for a few minutes before an
ambulance arrived.
7. (Is there, Were there, Will be there, Will there be) drugs for every kind of disease
in the nearest future?
8. This volunteer nurse (hadn't been, wasn't, hasn't been, haven't been) to South
Africa yet.
9. Translate into English.
1. Тобі слід звернутися до лікаря. Ти ж бачиш, що колір твоїх зубів сильно
змінився. Я думаю, що завдяки сучасним методам реставрації лікар зможе
відновити колір, прозорість та блиск твоїх зубів та надати їм природної
2. Ще до закінчення процесу реставрації дантист підкоректував контури зубів,
зробив їх округлішими.
3. Упродовж усього курсу лікування зуби з видимими дефектами все більше
набирали естетичного вигляду.
4. Композиційні пластмаси відомі вже достатньо давно, але все ще
застосовуються для реставрації зубів.
5. Завтра стоматолог прийме всіх пацієнтів до 12 години, а потім братиме
участь у науковому семінарі, на якому йтиметься про застосування
склоіномерних цементів у відновній стоматології.
Методичну розробку складено ст. викладачем Цебрук І. Ф.
Методичну розробку обговорено і затверджено на кафедрі мовознавства.
Протокол № ____ від _______________
Зав. кафедри мовознавства, професор
Голод Р.Б.
Методична розробка для самостійної роботи студентів № 2
з теми “Fillings”
(Стоматологічний факультет, курс ІІ, модуль І )
Text: Fillings
Grammar: The Present Perfect Continuous Tense
Мета самостійної роботи
Вивчити лексичний матеріал, що стосується зубних пломб.
Поглибити наративні навички на основі опису різних типів зубних пломб.
Розвинути діалогічне мовлення.
Вивчити The Present Perfect Continuous Tense.
Включити засвоєний лексико-граматичний матеріал в активне спілкування.
1. Learn the Active Vocabulary
2. Read the text “Fillings”
3. Answer the following questions.
1.In what cases are dental fillings used?
2. How long does it take a dentist to complete filling?
3. What do dental fillings involve?
4. Amalgams are the most common dental fillings, aren’t they?
5. What disadvantage do they have?
6. Are amalgam fillings or composite resin fillings more durable?
7. What patients prefer to have gold dental fillings?
8. What fillings are alternative to composite resin fillings? Why?
9. What indirect fillings do you know?
10. What is the difference between inlays and onlays?
11. How long are temporary fillings meant to last?
12. When are temporary fillings used?
4. Explain the meaning of the following words and word-combinations. Use them
in the situations of your own.
To restore teeth; durability of dental filling material; expensive dental filling; to look
like natural teeth; to be more resistant to staining; to strengthen natural teeth; dental
laboratory; inlay; temporary dental filling; to heal; emergency dental treatment.
6. Say what type of filling it is spoken about.
1. This type of fillings lasts two to four times longer than any other dental material,
and might be considered the "gold standard" for dental fillings. They are much
more costly than other fillings.
2. These fillings, (also called silver fillings) are a mixture of mercury (from 43% to
54%) and powdered alloy made mostly of silver, tin, zinc and copper. Due to the
known toxicity of the element mercury, there is some controversy about the use of
these fillings.
3. They are a mixture of powdered glass and plastic resin, and can be made to
resemble the appearance of the natural tooth. They are strong, durable and
cosmetically superior to silver or dark grey coloured amalgam fillings.
4. These fillings are hard, but can cause wear on opposing teeth. They are brittle and
are not always recommended for molar fillings.
5. They are a mixture of glass and an organic acid. Although they are tooth-coloured,
glass ionomers vary in translucency.
(Porcelain fillings, gold fillings, glass ionomer cement, composite resin, amalgam
7. Open the brackets using the verbs in the Present Perfect Continuous.
1. I (to read) … the paragraph on the types of fillings for half an hour.
2. She (to write) … the test in Prosthetic Dentistry for ten minutes.
3. The patient (to wait) … for the dentist since seven o'clock.
4. He (to teach) … English since 1991.
5. How long … you (to stay) … in hospital?
6. They (to perform) … the dental surgery since nine o'clock.
7. What … this laboratory assistant (to do) … here since morning?
8. How many months … they (to build) … this stomatological polyclinic?
8. Open the brackets using the verbs in the Present Perfect or Present Perfect
1. She (to suffer) … from toothache since yesterday.
2. He (to know) … this doctor since childhood. He is a pedodontist.
3. I (to try) … to understand your report on the types of dental restorations for half
an hour.
4. She (to look) … for her handpiece since she came to the hospital.
5. The students (to be) … in this academic building since 8 a.m.
6. My sister (to sleep) … for ten hours.
9. Translate into English using the predicates in the Present Perfect Continuous.
1. З шостої години ранку я переглядаю статті стосовно сучасних
пломбувальних матеріалів, що вирізняються високою стійкістю, безпекою та
естетичними якостями.
2. Він мріяв стати дитячим стоматологом з дитинства.
3. – Скільки часу ви вивчаєте англійську мову? – Я вивчаю її вже три роки.
4. Вони вже півтори години обговорюють застосування різних типів пломб.
5. Цей пацієнт сидить у стоматологічному кріслі вже півгодини?
6. – З якого часу ви працюєте в цій клініці? – Я працюю тут з 2001 року.
7. Стоматолог уже кілька хвилин розмірковує над тим, яку пломбу краще
поставити на цей каріозний зуб.
8. Хто це з ваших колег робить операцію вже третю годину поспіль?
Методичну розробку складено ст. викладачем Цебрук І. Ф.
Методичну розробку обговорено і затверджено на кафедрі мовознавства.
Протокол № ____ від _______________
Зав. кафедри мовознавства, професор
Голод Р.Б.
Методична розробка для самостійної роботи студентів № 3
з теми “Dental Crowns”
(Стоматологічний факультет, курс ІI, модуль І )
Text: Dental Crowns
Grammar: The Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Мета самостійної роботи
1. Засвоїти лексичний матеріал стосовно різних типів коронок.
2. Розвивати навички аналітичного і пошукового читання та перекладу.
3. Навчитися робити усне повідомлення про термін зубних коронок.
4. Вивчити The Past Perfect Continuous Tense.
5. Включити засвоєний лексико-граматичний матеріал в активне
1. Learn the Active Vocabulary
2. Read the text “Dental Crowns”
3. Answer the following questions.
1.What is a dental crown?
2. What part of a tooth does the crown incase?
3. In what cases is a dental crown usually needed?
4. How many dentist visits does preparing a tooth for a crown require?
5. Why may a dentist take a few X-rays before preparing a tooth?
6. When is a root canal treatment performed?
7. What tooth amount is filed down?
8. What is the impression paste or putty used for?
9. Where are the crowns manufactured?
10. How much time does it usually take to make a crown?
4. Explain the meaning of the following words and word-combinations. Use them
in the situations of your own.
Visible portion; a weak tooth; severely worn tooth; porcelain-fused-to-metal crown;
surrounding bone; extensive decay; missing tooth; impression paste; dental
laboratory; temporary crown; anesthesia; sensitive teeth; allergic reaction.
5. Replace the words in bold type by a word or a combination of words from the
1. The crowns, when cemented into place, completely cover the whole visible
portion of a tooth that lies at and above the gingival line.
2. A dental crown may be needed when it is essential to protect a weak tooth (for
instance, from caries) from breaking or to hold together parts of a fractured
3. Before the process of making a crown is begun, the dentist will numb the tooth
and the gum tissue around the tooth.
4. After remodeling the tooth, the dentist will use impression paste or putty to make
an imprint of the tooth to receive the crown.
5. At the second visit, the dentist will take off the provisional crown and check the
suitability and colour of the permanent crown.
6. Speak on Dental Crowns Longevity.
7. Open the brackets using the verbs in the Past Perfect or Past Perfect
1. I (to read) … an interesting article on porcelain crowns for half an hour when the
librarian said they were going to close.
2. The professor was tired as he (to report) … on the types of crown material used in
modern restorative dentistry for about an hour.
3. The students (to discuss) … the problem dealing with dental crowns for twenty
minutes when I entered the class-room.
4. Olga (to be) … in hospital for a week already when her boyfriend called on.
5. John (to wear) … the porcelain crowns for several years before it chipped a little.
6. Samantha consulted this dentist, as she (to know) … him for many years.
7. The dentist (to reshape) … the tooth for about half an hour before he made an
impression of the tooth using putty.
8. Doctor Kovalenko was unsatisfied, as the dental laboratory technician (to make)
… porcelain crowns for a long time.
II. Translate into English.
1. Цей дантист ставив коронки уже більше 10 років, до того, як вирішив взяти
участь у міжнародному семінарі для того, щоб поділитися своїм досвідом з
колегами із зарубіжних країн.
2. Впродовж багатьох років цей чоловік не дотримувався гігієни ротової
порожнини і не доглядав за зубними коронками, тому й не дивно, що зуби
під коронками зруйнувалися. Стоматологові не вдасться поставити нові
коронки на ці зуби, їх потрібно буде видалити.
3. Моя мама відвідувала стоматолога два тижні до того, як лікар поставив їй
порцелянові коронки на передні зуби.
4. Коли викладач увійшов до класу, студенти обговорювали вчорашню лекцію
про застосування металокераміки для виготовлення зубних коронок. Вони
обговорювали її вже десять хвилин.
5. Коли Марія закінчила медичний університет, її брат вже три роки працював
зубним техніком у стоматологічній клініці.
6. Керівництво нової стоматологічної клініки запропонувало моєму батькові
очолити ортопедичне відділення у цьому медичному закладі. Тому він
звільнився з роботи в поліклініці, в якій пропрацював більше десяти років.
Методичну розробку складено ст. викладачем Цебрук І. Ф.
Методичну розробку обговорено і затверджено на кафедрі мовознавства.
Протокол № ____ від _______________
Зав. кафедри мовознавства, професор
Голод Р.Б.
Методична розробка для самостійної роботи студентів № 4
з теми “Veneers”
(Стоматологічний факультет, курс ІI, модуль І )
Text: Veneers
Grammar: Passive Voice (Indefinite Tenses)
Мета самостійної роботи
Засвоїти лексичний матеріал з даної теми.
Ознайомитися з особливостями виготовлення вінірів.
Вивчити методи порівняння на основі опису спільних та відмінних рис
різних методів реставрації зубів .
Вивчити Passive Voice (Indefinite Tenses).
Включити засвоєний лексико-граматичний матеріал в активне спілкування.
1. Learn the Active Vocabulary
2. Read the text “Veneers”
3. Answer the following questions.
1. What are veneers?
2. When are they used?
3. What teeth are veneers placed on?
4. What is the difference between direct and indirect veneers?
5. What problems do veneers fix?
6. How many appointments does the indirect way of veneers installing usually
7. What veneers are preferable? Why?
8. What is the lifespan of veneers?
9. Is it beneficial to restore not too damaged teeth with veneers?
10.How must veneers be maintained?
4. Give English equivalents of the following from the text.
Деформовані чи злегка пошкоджені зуби; передня сторона зуба; порцелянові
вініри; естетичніший та стійкіший; покращувати вигляд зуба; відбілювання
зубів; помірно стерті зуби; злегка зміщені зуби; закрити щілину між зубами;
відновлювати зуб безпосередньо в ротовій порожнині; правильне лікування; під
місцевою анестезією; зуботехнічна лабораторія; цементування постійних
вінірів; правильна гігієна ротової порожнини.
5. Using the information obtained speak on the following items.
 Problems that dental veneers may solve
 Differences between porcelain and composite resin veneers
 Situations when veneers are appropriate
 Restorative benefits of veneers
6. Discuss disadvantages of dental veneers.
 The process is not reversible.
 Veneers are usually not repairable should they chip or crack.
 Because enamel has been removed, your tooth may become more sensitive to hot
and cold foods and beverages.
 Veneers may not exactly match the colour of your other teeth. Also, the veneer
colour cannot be altered once in place. If you plan on whitening your teeth, you
need to do so before getting veneers.
 Though not likely, veneers can dislodge and fall off. To minimize the chance of
this occurring, do not bite your nails; chew on pencils, ice, or other hard objects;
or otherwise put pressure on your teeth.
 Teeth with veneers can still experience decay, possibly necessitating full coverage
of the tooth with a crown.
7. Change the following into the Passive Voice. Leave out the subject of the
1. Dentists place veneers mainly on front teeth.
2. We do not discuss questions concerning maintenance of veneers at our meetings.
3. Somebody built this dental polyclinic in 1963.
4. Will they make veneers in the dental laboratory tomorrow?
5. He will restore moderately worn out teeth next week.
6. The dentist removes the temporary veneers, verifies the adaptation and colour of
the porcelain veneers before installing them with dental cement.
7. Dentists use some of the same techniques to bond plastic resins for minor smile
8. Does teeth whitening provide a white smile for mildly discoloured teeth?
8. Change the following into the Active Voice.
1. Veneers were invented by a California dentist named Charles Pincus.
2. A porcelain veneer is always indirectly fabricated.
3. The veneer procedure will be done with the use of little local anesthetic.
4. A composite resin material is bonded to the tooth in order to fill in the chip or
crack and better protect the surrounding tooth structure.
5. Before the dental veneer is permanently cemented to the tooth, the dentist will
temporarily place it on the tooth to examine its fit.
6. Teeth enamel discolouration is caused by staining, aging, or chemical damage to
7. Your veneers will be manufactured from an impression taken in the cosmetic
dentist's office.
8. Composite (direct) veneers are usually performed in a single visit to the dentist.
Методичну розробку складено ст. викладачем Цебрук І. Ф.
Методичну розробку обговорено і затверджено на кафедрі мовознавства.
Протокол № ____ від _______________
Зав. кафедри мовознавства, професор
Голод Р.Б.
Методична розробка для самостійної роботи студентів № 5
з теми “Dental Implants”
(Стоматологічний факультет, курс ІІ, модуль І )
Text: Dental Implants
Grammar: Passive Voice (Continuous Tenses)
Мета самостійної роботи
Засвоїти лексичний матеріал до теми.
Описувати процедуру встановлення зубних імплантів.
Робити усне повідомлення на тему “Переваги зубних імплантів”.
Вивчити Passive Voice (Continuous Tenses).
Включити засвоєний лексико-граматичний матеріал в активне спілкування.
1. Learn the Active Vocabulary
2. Read the text “Dental Implants”
3. Answer the following questions.
1. What are dental implants?
2. What role does a dental implant perform?
3. Is it placed into upper or lower jaw?
4. What is the lifetime of implants?
5. Do dental implants require special care?
6. When may a person want to consider dental implants?
7. Why is it important to replace missing teeth?
8. Who may be a candidate for dental implants?
9. In what cases aren’t dental implants advisable?
10. What method is involved in placing implants?
11. How long must a dental implant be left to heal?
12.What procedure is performed after the healing period?
4. Explain the meaning of the following words and word-combinations. Use them
in the situations of your own.
Natural-looking; patient’s satisfaction; very durable; implants maintenance; regular
dental check-ups; compatibility; chewing comfort; psychological health; integrity of
the jawbone; tooth-saving; surgery; local anaesthesia; healing period.
5. Translate into English.
1. Метод усунення дефектів зубних рядів із застосуванням внутрішньокісткових імплантів успішно застосовують і в Україні.
2. Дентальний імплант – це конструкція, що імітує за формою корінь зуба,
виготовляється з біологічно інертних матеріалів і вживлюється в щелепну
3. На сьогодні є велика кількість дентальних імплантів, кожен з яких має свої
переваги та недоліки.
4. Поняття “імплантація” не обмежується проведенням операції встановлення
імплантів: це величезний комплекс лікувальних та профілактичних заходів.
5. Імплантація позбавляє людей від серйозних комплексів, пов’язаних із
6. Turn the following into the Passive Voice without leaving out the subject of
the action.
1. At the moment the dentist is inserting a small post made of titanium into the bone
socket of the missing tooth.
2. The oral surgeon was stitching the gum back over the implant while interns were
watching him performing this procedure.
3. We are learning cases of dental implants failure.
4. The periodontist was performing procedure of putting implants under local
anaesthesia at this time on Monday.
5. At present the workers are fixing the department of prosthetic dentistry.
6. The professor was showing us the film about surgery involved in placing dental
implants the whole lesson on Friday.
7. I am reading a very interesting article on advantages of dental implants now.
8. The dentist is discussing all postoperative instructions with his patient.
7. Translate into English using the predicates in Indefinite or Continuous
1.Зараз його оглядає стоматолог.
2. Нам радили прийти на іспит завчасно.
3. Мого брата все ще оперують під місцевою анестезією.
4. Я впевнений, що скоро йому вставлять зубні імпланти.
5. Цей підручник з ортопедичної стоматології вчора читали цілий вечір.
6. Його лекції завжди слухають з великою цікавістю.
7. У цій стоматологічній клініці уважно ставляться до кожного пацієнта.
8. Її доповідь обговорювали о третій годині.
9. Моєму батькові невдовзі поставлять порцелянові коронки.
10. Чи всім студентам видали залікові книжки минулого тижня?
11. Нас просили прийти о восьмій.
12. Йому казали не рухатись.
13. Ці ліки мені було призначено лікарем.
14. Зараз обговорюють переваги встановлення зубних імплантів.
15. О сьомій вечора операцію ще робили.
16. Кабінет стоматолога все ще провітрюють.
17. Мені радили звернутися з приводу реставрації зубів до цього спеціаліста.
Методичну розробку складено ст. викладачем Цебрук І. Ф.
Методичну розробку обговорено і затверджено на кафедрі мовознавства.
Протокол № ____ від _______________
Зав. кафедри мовознавства, професор
Голод Р.Б.
Методична розробка для самостійної роботи студентів № 6
з теми “Types of Dentures”
(Стоматологічний факультет, курс ІI, модуль І )
Text: Types of Dentures
Grammar: Passive Voice (Perfect Tenses)
Мета самостійної роботи
Засвоїти релевантний лексичний матеріал.
Уміти називати різні типи зубних протезів.
Називати особливості догляду за зубними протезами.
Вивчити Passive Voice (Perfect Tenses).
Включити засвоєний лексико-граматичний матеріал в активне спілкування.
1. Learn the Active Vocabulary
2. Read the text “Types of Dentures”
3. Answer the following questions.
1. What does the loss of teeth usually lead to?
2. What are dentures?
3. How many categories of dentures are there?
4. What major types of dentures do you know?
5. The full denture replaces an entire jaw, doesn’t it?
6. What does a partial denture replace?
7. Why are most patients of full dentures in their later years?
8. What do dentures improve?
9. Are all patients’ dentures uniform?
10. Patients feel no discomfort after receiving dentures, do they?
11. In what way must people maintain their dentures?
12. Why are regular checkups with a dentist required?
4. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following from the text.
Traumatic event; hygiene problems; chewing difficulties; missing teeth; soft and hard
tissue; safe, comfortable and functional; denture design; mandibular arch; false teeth;
acrylic resin; composite material; entire teeth; multiple teeth; to heal properly;
shifting position; gum disease; to improve drastically; unique anatomy; to feel
awkward; overnight; cleansing fluid; to encourage.
5. Match the type of denture given in brackets below with its description.
1.They are dentures for those patients who have lost all of their natural teeth in the
upper or lower jaw, or both. – … .
2. These dentures are placed as soon as the natural teeth are removed. – …
3. Instead traditional plastic prosthetic teeth, these dentures are made with modern
ceramic porcelain teeth. – …
4. For those who have lost some teeth, but don't want to get dental implants or
bridges, these dentures are an affordable option.– …
5. These dentures replace upper teeth only.– …
6. These dentures use one or more remaining teeth for support. The advantage of this
type is greater stability when chewing. – …
7. They lock onto dental implants placed with the Mini Drive-Lock system. – …
8. It is a partial denture attached to the surrounding teeth. – …
(Immediate dentures, implant-retained dentures, overdentures, bridgework, partial
dentures, natural looking cosmetic dentures, full dentures, upper dentures)
6. Translate into English.
1. Знімні зубні протези використовуються при повній або частковій втраті
2. Штучні зуби, тобто зубні протези, діляться на дві групи: знімні і незнімні
зубні протези.
3. Сучасні зубні протези виготовляють зі спеціальних акрилових пластмас.
4. Для кращої адаптації багато стоматологів радять у перші тижні залишати на
ніч знімний протез у роті.
5. Частково знімний протез використовується у тих випадках, коли втрачено
один або декілька зубів.
6. Повний знімний протез дуже часто є єдиною можливістю замінити усі
втрачені зуби.
7. Turn the following into the Passive Voice.
1.The dentist has already carried out a preliminary intra-oral examination to assess
the clinical situation and a treatment plan.
2. Poorly fitting dentures have lead to bite problems, speech impediments and tissue
3. The dentist had extracted some natural teeth before he inserted immediate
4. The denturist will have constructed a new denture by the next week.
5. By that time the denturist had perfectly made a model of the patient's edentulous gums.
6. Tooth whitening hasn't made dark teeth look whiter.
7. Before he goes to bed he will have brushed his dentures.
8. The patient has lost teeth because of severe gum disease.
8. Turn the following into the Active Voice.
1. A cobalt-chrome frame has been constructed around the remaining teeth.
2. Absent teeth have already been substituted by bridgework.
3. The lecturer told us that in ancient times dentures had been made out of human or
animal teeth.
4. The dentist explained that oral hygiene hadn't been observed by the patient
5. The patient has been advised to keep the dentures in place overnight until the
adjustment period is over.
6. Temporary veneers will have been removed and verified before the dentist installs
them with dental cement.
7. Before the gum was stitched the titanium implant had been tightly fitted into the socket.
Методичну розробку складено ст. викладачем Цебрук І. Ф.
Методичну розробку обговорено і затверджено на кафедрі мовознавства.
Протокол № ____ від _______________
Зав. кафедри мовознавства, професор
Голод Р.Б.
Методична розробка для самостійної роботи студентів № 7
з теми “ Complete Dentures ”
(Стоматологічний факультет, курс ІІ, модуль І )
Text: Complete Dentures
Grammar: Reported Speech
Мета самостійної роботи
Засвоїти релевантний лексичний матеріал.
Знати особливості повних знімних протезів.
Вивчити перетворення прямої мови в непряму.
Включити засвоєний лексико-граматичний матеріал в активне спілкування.
1. Learn the Active Vocabulary
2. Read the text “Complete Dentures ”
3. Answer the following questions.
1.When do people need complete dentures?
2. What do dentists usually do to make dentures?
3. What relationship does the dentist take into account when making dentures?
4. Is it an easy task for the dentist to make a complete denture?
5. Complete dentures are always comfortable soon after insertion, aren't they?
6. Why does the dentist use border molding process?
7. What denture is relatively easier to make?
8. Why is it advisable to place some implants in the lower jaw before making the
mandibular complete denture?
9. What do patients usually feel when new complete dentures are first place in the
10. How long does it take to develop chewing patterns after complete dentures have
been placed?
11. Do dentures have the same chewing power as natural teeth?
12.Why is it necessary to keep natural teeth as long as it possible?
4. Fill in the blanks with the words or word-combinations given in brackets.
1. Complete dentures are used to replace missing teeth for people with no ….
2. Full dentures are very similar in appearance to …, and can improve a smile or
facial appearance.
3. Even the presence of one or two living teeth can greatly increase the … of a
4. The denture is usually made of methyl methacrylate and is completely supported
by the ….
5. … feel strange and bulky. Feeling of fullness in the lips and cheeks is common.
6. Occasionally, after wearing the denture for some time, a … may arise.
7. Placing the dentures in a … while sleeping is a very excellent aid to good tissue
8. …. should brush daily the top surface of their tongue as well as the palate with a
soft nylon tooth brush and tooth paste.
(New dentures, water bath, denture wearers, natural teeth, mouth tissues, stability,
sore spot, remaining teeth)
5. Translate into English.
1. Повні знімні протези застосовуються при повній відсутності зубів на одній
або обох щелепах.
2. Найпростішою конструкцією є знімний пластинчастий протез із пластмаси
опорою для якого служить слизова оболонка порожнини рота.
3. Дуже часто єдиним надійним способом фіксації нижнього повного знімного
протезу є використання імплантатів.
4. До знімних протезів звикають певний час. В цей період потрібно бути дуже
обережним, щоб не пошкодити м’які тканини ротової порожнини.
5. Перші декілька днів пацієнтові рекомендують постійно носити протези і не
знімати їх навіть тоді, коли виникає біль, набряк чи почервоніння.
6. Знімні протези періодично необхідно видаляти з ротової порожнини для
того, щоб очистити від залишків їжі. Ідеальним є чищення протезів після
кожного прийому їжі, але за відсутності такої можливості, цілком достатньо
буде проводити гігієнічні процедури вранці і ввечері.
6. Change the following from direct into indirect speech.
1.The patient complained, "I suffer from severe pain when I move my tongue,
swallow or open the mouth."
2. Denturist said, "I have already fabricated mandibular complete denture."
3. "I know that the maxillary denture is usually relatively easy to manufacture", said
the student.
4. "I had read the article on different types of dentures before she came", Lily said to me.
5. The teacher of English said, "I am going to give you an exercise on indirect
speech. It will not be easy, but if you are thoughtful you can do it, as I have given
you all the information you need. You can look in your book if you wish, but I
don’t want you to ask anyone to help you."
6. The prosthodontist explained the patient, "If you have just received your dentures
you must avoid raw vegetables, fibrous meats and sticky foods for the first few
7. The patient said, "My dentures have been ill fitting for quite some time."
8. The dentist says to my granny, "You must keep your denture in place overnight
for the first little while, but after the adjustment period is over you are to soak the
denture in cleansing fluid while sleeping."
9. Our lecturer answered, "In search for the ultimate denture, I discovered a
procedure called the "Pound Denture Technique," named after its creator, Dr. Earl
Методичну розробку складено ст. викладачем Цебрук І. Ф.
Методичну розробку обговорено і затверджено на кафедрі мовознавства.
Протокол № ____ від _______________
Зав. кафедри мовознавства, професор
Голод Р.Б.
Методична розробка для самостійної роботи студентів №8
з теми “ Root Canal Treatment”
(Стоматологічний факультет, курс ІІ, модуль І )
Text: Root Canal Treatment
Term-elements: endo-, -odont(o)Grammar: Reported Speech
Мета самостійної роботи
Вивчити словотворчі елементи
Засвоїти релевантний лексичний матеріал.
Уміти описувати різні стоматологічні спеціальності.
Узагальнити граматичний матеріал.
Включити засвоєний лексико-граматичний матеріал в активне спілкування.
1. Learn the Active Vocabulary
2. Read the text “Root Canal Treatment”
3. Answer the following questions.
1.What branch of dentistry is endodontics?
2. What is the functional role of the dental pulp?
3. Is root canal treatment a rare procedure?
4. When is the pulp usually infected?
5. Are antibiotics beneficial in the treatment of pulp infection?
6. In what cases may inflamed pulp heal on its own?
7. What is the goal of root canal treatment?
8. What can damage the pulp?
9. Root canal treatment can’t be done in one visit, can it?
10. What does the endodontic treatment include?
11. What may untreated pulp infection result in?
12. Will the tooth need to be extracted in a few years after root canal treatment?
4. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following words and word-combinations.
Branch of dentistry; root canal; connective tissue; to emerge through the gums; to be
removed without destroying the tooth; root canal treatment; main reasons; untreated
infection; common dental procedure; healing; inflamed pulp; the goal of treatment;
damaged pulp; to save a tooth; to get rid of germs; to prevent infection; to drain; to
restore the crown; to be overstressed; to avoid; to spread to other parts of the body; to
be pulled out.
5. Explain the meaning of the following words and word-combinations. Use them
in the situations of your own.
Endodontic treatment; pulp; root canal; to mature; to nourish; untreated infection; to
reduce blood supply; pulp chamber; common cause; temporary filling; curved root
canals; medications; natural teeth.
6. Recall sentences from the text describing:
 the functions of the pulp
 the reasons of root canal treatment
 the procedure of root canal treatment
7. Memorize the meaning of the following term-element.
endo- (end-) [endqV] – combining form of Greek origin denoting inside, within
-odont(o)- [qVdPnt] – combining form of Greek origin denoting teeth
8. Change the following from direct into indirect speech.
1. The student said to the lecturer, "I have got most information about the endodontic
treatment from this book."
2. "If I feel better, I shall attend the lecture in Anatomy tomorrow ", said Helen to
3. "I felt pain in root canal treatment an hour ago. My daughter gave me some
painkiller and now I don’t feel any pain ", said my grandmother to the dentist.
4. "Watching the procedure of endodontic treatment today I’ve made some
discoveries for myself ", said my younger sister.
5. He said, "Two days ago we watched the endodontist removing the pulp."
6. The teacher said, "In a week we are having practice at the polyclinic."
7. The patient visiting the dentist complained, "I had pain in the right side of the face
8. Examining the patient the dentist said, "The root canals are impassable now."
9. Change the following from indirect into direct speech.
1. The doctor told the students that he would remove the temporary filling and fill
the pulp chamber and root canals two days later.
2. He said he had been treated for pulp infection the year before.
3. The doctor admitted that the patient’s teeth were in good condition then.
4. The student promised that the next week he would deliver an interesting report on
the complications of endodontic treatment.
5. The dentist told us that X-ray examination performed three days earlier had
shown completely filled root canals.
6. Consulting the dentist the patient said that the previous night he had an intense,
local tooth pain.
7. The doctor told the patient that some minutes later he would shave off the bottom
of the root and get into the canal from the bottom to remove the file piece.
8. The lecturer told us that we would begin studying physiology of the nervous
system a week from then.
Методичну розробку складено ст. викладачем Цебрук І. Ф.
Методичну розробку обговорено і затверджено на кафедрі мовознавства.
Протокол № ____ від _______________
Зав. кафедри мовознавства, професор
Голод Р.Б.
Методична розробка для самостійної роботи студентів № 9
з теми “Tooth Extraction”
(Стоматологічний факультет, курс IІ, модуль І )
Text: Tooth Extraction
Term-elements: extra-, disGrammar: Indirect Questions. Indirect Orders
Мета самостійної роботи
Вивчити терміноелементи.
Засвоїти лексичний матеріал, що відноситься до теми.
Вміти описувати процедуру видалення зуба.
Вивчити утворення та вживання Indirect Questions. Indirect Orders.
Включити засвоєний лексико-граматичний матеріал в активне спілкування.
1. Learn the Active Vocabulary
2. Read the text “Tooth Extraction”
3. Answer the following questions.
1. What kind of procedure is a tooth extraction?
2. What is the most common reason for tooth extraction?
3. What is the difference between simple and surgical extraction?
4. Why are wisdom teeth frequently removed?
5. Is tooth extraction used in dental crowding? Why?
6. What other reasons for tooth extraction do you know?
7. Does a dentist perform any dental examination before tooth extraction?
8. In what cases is X-ray examination performed?
9. Sometimes the dentist prescribes antibiotics before dental extraction, doesn't he?
10. What patients are preventive antibiotics administered?
11. What does a dentist usually do in simple extraction?
12. Why does a dentist make incision in the gum in surgical extraction?
4. Explain the meaning of the following words and word-combinations. Use them
in the situations of your own.
Excessive tooth decay; abscessed tooth; erupted tooth; general dentist; complicated
procedure; maxillofacial surgeon; impacted teeth; dental crowding; chemotherapy;
bridge; X-ray; dental history; preventive antibiotic; artificial hip; luxator; dissolvable
5. Fill in the words with those given in brackets. Entitle the text.
Bleeding is normal after a tooth … and may last for about a day. The … will
apply a gauze pad on the extraction site. The … needs to be left in place for about 30
to 45 minutes. After this time, it can be …. As long as … continues, a damp gauze
pad needs to be applied to the area. Pain, swelling or jaw stiffness generally lasts no
more than a couple of days after the …. Dentists may give a prescription for pain …
or recommend an over-the-counter pain medication, although these are often not
necessary for … extractions. The dentist may also prescribe … if there is a high risk
of infection. To prevent … and reduce the healing time, patients are advised not to spit,
drink through a straw or vigorously rinse their mouths for at least the first 24 hours
following the procedure. Patients are urged to contact their dentist if bleeding is …,
continues for more than 24 hours or if they experience nausea, fever, chills or severe pain.
(Procedure dentist, replaced, heavy antibiotics, dry socket, pad, extraction, simple,
bleeding, medications)
6. Memorize the meaning of the following term-element.
extra- [ekstrq] – prefix of Latin origin denoting outside, beyond
dis- [dIs] – prefix of Latin origin denoting absence of , opposite of;
do the opposite of;
deprive of, remove
7. Read the definition and fill in the blanks with the words given in brackets.
Consult the glossary.
1. Inability to function normally, physically or mentally; incapacity – ….
2. Outside the oral cavity – ….
3. To cause to disintegrate or become disintegrated – ….
4. Derangement or abnormality of function; a morbid physical or mental state – ….
5. Ocurring outside a bone or bones – ….
6. An instrument for removing a calculus or foreign body – ….
7. A lack of the proper relationship between two elements or factors – ….
8. The process or act of pulling or drawing out – ….
9. Displacement of a body part, especially the temporary displacement of a bone
from its normal position; luxation – ….
10. Situated or occurring outside a cell nucleus – ….
(Extraosseous, extractor, extraoral, extraction, extranuclear, disorder, dissolve,
dislocation, disproportion, disability)
8. Change the following from direct into indirect speech.
1. The nurse asked the dentist, "Why have you administered antibiotics?"
2. "Have you already interviewed the patient to obtain his medical and dental
history?", the professor asked the student.
3. He asked, "Are they performing panoramic X-ray tomorrow?"
4. The lecturer said, "Learn the procedure of simple tooth extraction in detail."
5. "Don’t speak loud, mother is sleeping after the procedure of tooth extraction", my
sister said to me.
6. The dentist asked, "Do you feel numbness?"
7. "Since when have you had an artificial hip?", the dentist asked his patient.
8. "How often do you perform surgical dental extraction?", asked the student.
9. "What was the reason of this tooth extraction?", asked the nurse.
Методичну розробку складено ст. викладачем Цебрук І. Ф.
Методичну розробку обговорено і затверджено на кафедрі мовознавства.
Протокол № ____ від _______________
Зав. кафедри мовознавства, професор
Голод Р.Б.
Методична розробка для самостійної роботи студентів № 10
з теми “Cosmetic Dentistry”
(Стоматологічний факультет, курс ІІ, модуль І )
Text: Cosmetic Dentistry
Grammar: The Infinitive (Forms and Functions)
Мета самостійної роботи
1. Вивчити словотворчі елементи.
2. Вивчити нову лексику, що відноситься до теми.
3. Описувати косметичну стоматологію, як галузь стоматології ..
4. Вивчити утворення та вживання The Infinitive (Forms and Functions).
5. Включити засвоєний лексико-граматичний матеріал в активне
1. Learn the Active Vocabulary
2. Read the text “Cosmetic Dentistry”
3. Answer the following questions.
1. What does cosmetic dentistry focus on?
2. What is one of the benefits of cosmetic dentistry?
3. Dentists have many methods for repairing, restoring or otherwise changing the
appearance of the teeth, don't they?
4. Does computer technology make it possible to view before or after images?
5. What do common cosmetic dental treatment options include?
6. In what cases may enamel shaping be used?
7. What does dental contouring involve?
8. What kind of process is bonding?
9. What is usually performed in gum lift?
10. What makes today's cosmetic dental procedure more durable and predictable than
in years past?
4. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words given below.
1. Before gum reshaping can be done a person must be in good medical ...
2.Cosmetic dentist use special advanced … to carry out gum reshaping.
3. If the gum lift … the gums only it is called soft tissue gum lift.
4. Oral hygiene must be in … for gum lift procedure to succeed long term.
5. After gum lift treatment time must be given for….
6. … will significantly reduce the long term success of gum lift treatment.
7. The success rate of gum disease … is high as long as there is good after care.
8.Gum reshaping is … as it is done under local anesthesia.
(Perfect order, involves, painless, treatment, healing equipment, smoking, health)
5. Translate into English.
1. Косметична стоматологія – це дуже популярна в наш час галузь стоматології.
2. Корекція зубного ряду та збереження здоров’я ротової порожнини є
головним завданням косметичної стоматології.
3. Гарна усмішка завжди буде приваблювати увагу людини.
4. Сьогодні стоматологія володіє цілим спектром методик, які дозволяють
досягти прекрасного естетичного ефекту при найрізноманітніших дефектах:
зміні кольору та форми зубів, щілинах між зубами, потемнілих старих
пломбах та багатьох інших дефектах.
5. При корекції емалі стоматолог видаляє та замінює частинки емалі.
6. Величезні можливості сучасних стоматологічних матеріалів дозволяють
повністю імітувати тканини живого зуба.
6. Use the infinitives in brackets in the required form.
1. He seems (to work) … as a cosmetic dentist at the regional clinic.
2. She seems (to work) … as a cosmetic dentist at the regional clinic some years ago.
3. The patient expects his teeth appearance (to improve) … by this experienced
4. The students are glad (to speak) … to their professor now.
5. Cigarette smoking can (to cause) … gum disease.
6. The patient seemed (not to understand) … what the dentist told him.
7. The lecturer wants (to tell) … if the student can’t attend a lecture.
8. The student is sorry (not to work) … hard all these years.
Методичну розробку складено ст. викладачем Цебрук І. Ф.
Методичну розробку обговорено і затверджено на кафедрі мовознавства.
Протокол № ____ від _______________
Зав. кафедри мовознавства, професор
Голод Р.Б.
Методична розробка для самостійної роботи студентів № 11
з теми “Dental Braces”
(Стоматологічний факультет, курс ІI, модуль І )
Text: Dental Braces
Grammar: The Objective Infinitive Complex
Мета самостійної роботи
Вивчити нову лексику, що відноситься до теми.
Описувати виготовлення та встановлення брекетів.
Вивчити утворення The Objective Infinitive Complex
Включити засвоєний лексико-граматичний матеріал в активне спілкування.
1. Learn the Active Vocabulary
2. Read the text “Dental Braces”
3. Answer the following questions.
1. In what cases are dental braces used?
2. What devices are dental braces?
3. What purposes do they serve?
4. Are dental braces available for children or for adults?
5. When must orthodontic treatment begin?
6. What specialist fits dental braces for patients?
7. Must full dental examination be carried out before the orthodontic treatment?
8. Dental braces are made according to the moulds taken, aren't they?
9. How long must patients wear dental braces?
10. What must patients keep to after dental braces are removed?
11. Why are some patients recommended to wear retainers?
12. What helps the orthodontist to create ideal tooth positions?
13. Is today's orthodontic treatment considered to be comfortable one? Why?
4. Replace the words in bold type by a word or a combination of words from the
1. Dental braces are a type of orthodontic treatment that corrects pathologic position
of the teeth.
2. Most commonly dental braces are used to make straight teeth that have grown in
curved or align the maxilla and mandible.
3. An orthodontist usually puts in dental braces for patients.
4. Sometimes there may be too many teeth present, and they must be extracted
before the beginning of treatment.
5. When dental braces are taken away, patients should continue observing a regular
regime of tooth brushing, flossing and regular dental check ups.
6. Today's dental braces are much better for a variety of reasons.
7. Some reports indicate that the help of modern technology can minimize treatment
time considerably.
5. Match the type of dental brace given in brackets below with its description.
1. They are tooth-coloured brackets made from a glass-like composite material that
appears translucent.
2. These braces are actually stainless steel braces overlaid in gold.
3. Similar to traditional metal braces, these braces are placed behind the teeth so that
they're virtually unnoticeable.
4. They are 30 per cent smaller than their traditional metal counterparts but just as
5. These braces are mouthguard-like devices made of clear plastic.
(Gold braces, mini braces, lingual braces, removable braces, porcelain dental
6. Translate into Ukrainian. Pay attention to the Objective Infinitive Complex.
1. He expects a good result to be achieved with the use of fixed braces.
2. The stomatologist supposes this patient to require a retainer wearing after active
orthodontic treatment.
3. The students saw him perform full dental examination to choose the best treatment
4. They wanted the professor to deliver a lecture on caring for teeth with braces or
5. We know fixed braces to include metal bands that are cemented to the molars, and
metal brackets that are directly bonded, or glued, to the enamel of front teeth.
6. The dentist thinks brace breakage to have been caused by eating tough-to-bite food.
7. The family dentist recommended the patient to disinfect his retainer once a week
by soaking it in a denture cleanser.
7. Use the Objective Infinitive Complex instead of the subordinate clause.
1. The dentist expects that the mouthguard made of durable plastic and designed to
fit comfortably over braces will protect the soft tissue inside the mouth in case of
the patient's participating in any sports.
2. He ordered that panoramic x-ray examination should be performed to evaluate the
condition of the patient’s oral cavity.
3. The students heard that the teacher spoke about different factors causing
4. I know that the time required for treatment using dental braces varies from person
to person, depending on the severity of the problem.
5. Some scientists believe that poor muscular functional habits such as thumb
sucking during and beyond infancy cause malocclusion.
6. The teacher thought that we would learn in detail the mechanical process used to
move teeth.
7. My parents' desire is that I should become an orthodontist.
8. His wish is that this dentist should perform a thorough dental examination.
Методичну розробку складено ст. викладачем Цебрук І. Ф.
Методичну розробку обговорено і затверджено на кафедрі мовознавства.
Протокол № ____ від _______________
Зав. кафедри мовознавства, професор
Голод Р.Б.
Методична розробка для самостійної роботи студентів № 12
з теми “Teeth Whitening”
(Стоматологічний факультет, курс ІІ, модуль І )
Text: Teeth Whitening
Grammar: The Subjective Infinitive Complex
Мета самостійної роботи
Вивчити новий лексичний матеріал до теми.
Описувати методи відбілювання зубів.
Вести дискурс на ситуативно зумовлену тематику.
Вивчити The Subjective Infinitive Complex
Включити засвоєний лексико-граматичний матеріал в активне спілкування.
1. Learn the Active Vocabulary
2. Read the text “Teeth Whitening”
3. Answer the following questions.
1. What dentistry category does teeth whitening fall under?
2. What does the tooth whitening process eliminate?
3. The degree of improvement doesn’t depend upon the nature of stains, does it?
4. What food products are known to cause teeth staining?
5. What is the effectiveness of teeth whitening procedures?
6. Why are more and more people choosing these procedures?
7. What is the side effect of many commercially available toothpastes?
8. What are the most effective teeth whitening techniques available nowadays?
9. Why must teeth whitening techniques be performed under the dentist’s
10.What does in-office teeth whitening method involve?
11. Does teeth whitening cause any side effects?
12. Why is it preferable to perform whitening for sensitive teeth in a dental office?
4. Explain the meaning of the following words and word-combinations. Use them
in the situations of your own.
Discolouration; to brighten; traumatic injury; external factors; toothpaste; abrasive
substance; porcelain veneers; at-home teeth whitening; bleaching gel; dental
restoration; bleaching kit; sensitive teeth; available teeth whitening techniques.
5. Say if the following statements are true or false. Correct the false statements
to make them true.
1. Teeth whitening is ideal for patients having healthy teeth and healthy gums who
would like a brighter smile.
2. A procedure of teeth whitening is performed by orthodontists.
3. It is well known that coffee and tea cause teeth staining.
4. Teeth whitening techniques must be performed under the dentist’s supervision.
5. None of the home use whitening toothpastes can come even close to producing the
bleaching effect a person gets in the dentist's office.
6. Everybody may buy a teeth whitening toothpaste at the chemist’s.
7. Teeth never become sensitive after the procedure of teeth whitening.
6. Translate into Ukrainian. Pay attention to the Subjective Infinitive Complex.
1. His teeth turned out to be stained because of fluorosis.
2. 96 per cent of patients with stains on teeth caused by food are said to experience
some lightening effect due to bleaching.
3. Tooth enamel wearing away is believed to have been caused by overzealous use of
over-the-counter home bleaching products.
4. At-home whitening procedures are certain to have helped this patient.
5. A person is ordered to wear mouth trays made in the office through the night.
6. Teeth whitening is reported to cause common side effects of tooth sensitivity and
gingival irritation.
7. Transform the following complex sentences into simple ones using the
Subjective Infinitive Complex.
1. It is known that in-office and at-home bleaching procedures have become among
the most popular treatment options.
2. It turned out that tissue irritation resulted from an ill-fitting mouthpiece tray rather
than tooth bleaching agent.
3. It was supposed that whiteness would start fading as he consumed a lot of foods
and beverages causing stains.
4. It is probable that wearing the tray will lead to teeth sensitivity.
5. It is improbable that this procedure will help to whiten severely stained teeth.
6. It did not seem that the patient’s teeth had brightened.
7. It is reported that dentists apply either a gel to the gum tissue or use a rubber
shield prior to treatment to protect gums and oral cavity from the effects of
8. Translate into English using the Subjective Infinitive Complex.
1. Сподівалися, що стоматолог полікує каріозні зуби перед відбілюванням.
2. Виявилося, що у цього пацієнта є таке протипоказання для відбілювання
зубів, як оголення кореня зуба.
3. Навряд, щоб його зуби стали білішими після першої процедури
4. Очевидно, пацієнт користувався відбілюючою зубною пастою.
5. Відомо, що професійне відбілювання зубів проводиться в кабінеті
стоматолога з використанням спеціальної апаратури і розчинів з високою
концентрацією відбілюючих компонентів.
6. Повідомляють, що науковий семінар дантистів-косметологів відбувся в
Івано-Франківському національному медичному університеті минулого місяця.
7. Спостерігали, як стоматолог проводив хімічне відбілювання зубів перекисом
водню (hydrogen dioxide).
Методичну розробку складено ст. викладачем Цебрук І. Ф.
Методичну розробку обговорено і затверджено на кафедрі мовознавства.
Протокол № ____ від _______________
Зав. кафедри мовознавства, професор
Голод Р.Б.
Методична розробка для самостійної роботи студентів № 13
з теми “Self-Reliant Work Allergy to Amalgams. Dental Abscess.
Tooth Sensitivity”
(Стоматологічний факультет, курс ІІ, модуль І )
Self-Reliant Work Allergy to Amalgams. Dental Abscess. Tooth Sensitivity
Grammar: Review
Мета самостійної роботи
Знати визначення медичного терміну «алергія».
Описувати особливості перебігу абсцесу.
Робити усне повідомлення на тему “Чутливість зубів”.
Узагальнити граматичний матеріал.
Включити засвоєний лексико-граматичний матеріал в активне спілкування.
1. Get ready to report on allergy to amalgams. Use the following as a plan.
Definition of the medical term "allergy"
Incidence of allergies to amalgams (rare conditions)
Related allergies and conditions (contact dermatitis, an amalgam tattoo)
Symptoms (swollen and red or purple gums, shrinking or recessed gums,
painful or itchy gums, bleeding gums, unpleasant smell or taste)
 Diagnosis (allergy symptoms, skin test, blood test)
 Treatment and prevention (removing an amalgam filling, using another
2. Get ready to report on allergy to amalgams. Use the following as a plan.
 What is a dental abscess?
 What types is abscess classified into?
 What are the symptoms of a dental abscess?
 What is the treatment of a dental abscess?
 What is the outlook (prognosis)?
3.Get ready to speak on causes of tooth sensitivity and how to reduce it.
You may use the following information.
1. What causes tooth sensitivity?
 Brushing too hard
 Recession of the gums
 Gum disease (gingivitis)
 Cracked teeth
 Teeth grinding
 Tooth whitening products or toothpaste with baking soda and peroxide
 Aging
 Plaque build-up
 Mouthwash use
 Acidic foods
 Recent routine dental procedures
2. What can a person do to reduce tooth sensitivity?
 Maintain good oral hygiene
 Use a soft bristled toothbrush
 Use desensitizing toothpaste
 Use fluoridated dental products
 Avoid teeth grinding
 See a dentist at regular intervals
Методичну розробку складено ст. викладачем Цебрук І. Ф.
Методичну розробку обговорено і затверджено на кафедрі мовознавства.
Протокол № ____ від _______________
Зав. кафедри мовознавства, професор
Голод Р.Б.
Методична розробка для самостійної роботи студентів № 14
з теми “Oral Hygiene”
(Стоматологічний факультет, курс ІІ, модуль І )
Text: Oral Hygiene
Grammar: Forms of the Participle. The Present Participle
Мета самостійної роботи
1. Вивчити новий лексичний матеріал до теми.
2. Розповідати про гігієну ротової порожнини.
3. Вивчити Forms of the Participle. The Present Participle.
4. Включити засвоєний лексико-граматичний матеріал в активне
1. Learn the Active Vocabulary
2. Read the text “Oral Hygiene”
3.Answer the following questions.
1. What is oral hygiene?
2. What does oral hygiene consist of?
3. Who usually performs professional teeth cleaning?
4. The purpose of oral hygiene is to minimize any etiologic agents of disease in the
mouth, isn’t it?
5. What must effective brushing clean?
6. Should the tongue be also brushed?
7. How often must a toothbrush be replaced?
8. What does flossing help prevent?
9. Why must a person keep to the oral hygiene lifelong?
10. What toothbrush is recommended for an infant?
11. Why is it necessary to keep bridges and dentures clean?
12. Must brushing and flossing be performed vigorously?
4. Give English equivalents of the following from the text.
Запобігання карієсу зубів; регулярне очищення; зубний камінь; різні
інструменти та прилади; чищення зубів щіткою; чищення зубною ниткою;
утворення зубного нальоту; після кожного прийому їжі; м’яка зубна щітка; під
кутом 45о; споживач; лінія ясен; вказівний палець; зубочистка; болючі ясна;
містки та зубні протези; кровоточивість.
5. Insert the words from the list given below. Entitle the text.
The … of the toothbrush goes back as early as 3500 B.C. The … relatives of the
toothbrush could be the 'chewing sticks' (primitive toothpicks) used by the Babylonians
and Egyptians. This form of the … was crafted from a stick that was chewed on one edge
so that the fibers of the wood were made softer and brush-like in shape. It was then rubbed
against the teeth … them. Sometimes the sticks were made from aromatic trees to freshen
the mouth. Ancient Greeks used to rub their teeth every … with a thin linen towel. The
Chinese are believed to make the next big … in the history of the toothbrush, creating the
ancestor of today’s toothbrush. These first toothbrushes were crafted with a … made of
bamboo and a set of Siberian wild boar … attached to the handle. The Chinese are
considered as the ones who … the toothbrush. Their version of the toothbrush spread to
Europe, brought back from China to Europe by travelers. French dentists, promoted the
European use of toothbrushes in the seventeenth and early eighteenth …. The first
toothbrush mass-produced was made by William Addis in England. The modern history
of the toothbrush starts with the invention of … by Du Pont in 1937. Just a year later in
1938, the first nylon bristle toothbrush got in the market.
(Toothbrush, nylon, centuries, invented, step, history, bristles, morning, handle,
earliest, to clean)
6. Transform the sentences according to the model.
Model: The boys who live in this house are the students of the medical university.
The boys living in this house are the students of the medical university.
1. Many students who learn English are the members of our English club.
2. The woman who teaches prosthetic dentistry at our university studied in New York.
3. The dentist who examines our students works in the regional dental polyclinic.
Model: The patient who is speaking to the doctor is my best friend.
The patient speaking to the doctor is my best friend.
1. The student who is making the report on proper brushing and flossing is our
2. The workers who are fixing the stomatological department of our regional hospital
go home by bus.
3. The man who is checking our tests is our English teacher.
Model: When we arrived at the hospital, we went to the reception room.
Arriving at the hospital, we went to the reception room.
1. When she heard her name, she entered the dentist’s office.
2. When the doctor saw his patient, he stopped and waited for him.
3. When I entered the dental room, I saw the dentist cleaning the patient’s teeth.
Model: When the students of our group took the exam they had to answer some
questions on the purpose of oral hygiene.
When taking the exam the students of our group had to answer some
questions on the purpose of oral hygiene.
1. When the intern examined the patient, he forgot to ask his age.
2. When Paul studied at the medical university, he published several scientific
articles on the importance of dental hygiene.
3. While I was waiting in the queer at the dentist's surgery, I got acquainted with a
very pleasant man.
Model: After we had passed the examination we went to the hospital to see our friend.
Having passed the examination we went to the hospital to see our friend.
1. As I hurt my knee I couldn't attend classes.
2. After he graduated from the medical university, he began working at the dental
3. As she ate too much ice-cream she had a sore throat.
Методичну розробку складено ст. викладачем Цебрук І. Ф.
Методичну розробку обговорено і затверджено на кафедрі мовознавства.
Протокол № ____ від _______________
Зав. кафедри мовознавства, професор
Голод Р.Б.
Методична розробка для самостійної роботи студентів № 15
з теми “Dentifrice”
(Стоматологічний факультет, курс ІІ, модуль І )
Text: Dentifrice
Grammar: Forms of the Participle. The Present Participle
Мета самостійної роботи
1. Засвоїти терміни, що відносяться до засобів для чищення зубів.
2. Розвинути навички аналітичного і пошукового читання та перекладу.
3. Розрізняти, розуміти і використовувати терміноелементи греко-латинського
4. Розпізнавати і аналізувати релевантні граматичні явища та моделі і
включати їх в активне спілкування.
5. Вивчити Forms of the Participle. The Present Participle.
1. Learn the Active Vocabulary
2. Read the text “Dentifrice”
3. Answer the following questions.
1. What is a dentifrice?
2. What dentifrice is recommended by dentists most often?
3. What ingredients do most toothpastes include?
4. Why do many people use toothpastes containing fluoride?
5. Some toothpastes contain antibiotic, don’t they?
6. Are there any toothpastes for people with sensitive teeth available nowadays?
7. What is toothpowder used for?
8. Is baking soda abrasive or softening substance?
9. What kind of product is mouthwash?
10. Does mouthwash eliminate the need for brushing?
4. Explain the meaning of the following words and word-combinations. Use them
in the situations of your own.
Good oral hygiene; whitening capabilities; food debris; abrasive agents; toothpaste
texture; tartar; antibiotic; anti-plaque agents; sensitive teeth; flavouring substance;
tooth decay; gingivitis; mouth rinse; alcoholic mouth wash.
5. Insert the words from the list given below. Entitle the text.
The earliest known … to a toothpaste is in a manuscript from Egypt in the 4th century
A.D., which prescribes a … of powdered salt, pepper, mint leaves, and iris flowers.
The Romans used … formulations based on human urine. In the 9th century, the
Persian … Ziryab is known to have invented a type of toothpaste, which he
popularized throughout Islamic Spain. The exact … of this toothpaste are not
currently known, but it was reported to have been both "functional and pleasant to
taste". It is not known whether these early toothpastes were used alone, were to be
rubbed onto the teeth with rags, or were to be used with early … such as neem tree
twigs or miswak. It is known that these twigs were used by Indians in …. Neem tree
twigs are said to have good ….
(Mixture, ingredients, medicinal effects, reference, musician and fashion designer,
toothpaste, toothbrushes, ancient times)
6. Transform the following sentences using Participle II instead of the
subordinate clauses.
Model: She's just received the results of the blood test which was made last week.
She's just received the results of the blood test made last week.
1. Toothpaste which was recommended to this patient is for sensitive teeth.
2. Saccharin which was added to the toothpaste makes it taste better.
3. A variety of ingredients which were used in toothpastes help prevent the
accumulation of tartar on the teeth.
4. My mother has bought whitening toothpaste which was recommended by the
5. The tasks on oral hygiene which were given to the students at the exam were not
very difficult.
6. The patient has brought the doctor the flowers that were cut in her garden.
7. The dentist wears the white gown which was presented to him by his colleagues
some years ago.
7. Open the brackets using the appropriate form of the Participle.
1. The questions on oral hygiene (to put) _________ to the professor were important.
2. Who is the student (to do) ____________________ the task on the blackboard?
3. The report on dentifrices (to write) ______________ by him is very interesting.
4. The translation (to do) _______________ by me was easy.
5. Do you know the dentist (to come) _________________ towards us?
6. (To write) ________________ out all the new words, I started to learn them.
7. (To hear) _________ my friend's voice, I stood up to open the door of the ward.
8. (To buy) ____________________ drugs for toothache, Helen left the chemist's.
9. (To know) __________________ English well this patient suffering from some
disease of the oral cavity could consult the famous specialist from London.
10. The articles on children's oral hygiene (to write) ___________________ by
modern scientists don't differ greatly from those (to write) ______________ many
years ago.
11. We study at the university (to found) ______________________ in 1945.
12. (To be) ________________________ ill, she couldn't go to the library with us.
13. (To recommend) ______________________ a dentifrice designed for sensitive
teeth, I went to the chemist's to buy it.
14. (To examine) ______________________ the patient, the dentist asked another
person to come in.
Методичну розробку складено ст. викладачем Цебрук І. Ф.
Методичну розробку обговорено і затверджено на кафедрі мовознавства.
Протокол № ____ від _______________
Зав. кафедри мовознавства, професор
Голод Р.Б.
Методична розробка для самостійної роботи студентів № 16
з теми “Food and Oral Hygiene”
(Стоматологічний факультет, курс ІІ, модуль І )
Text: Food and Oral Health
Grammar: The Objective and Subjective Participle Complexes
Мета самостійної роботи
1. Засвоїти терміни, що відносяться до теми.
2. Розповідати про їжу корисну для зубів.
3. Називати захворювання ротової порожнини, що спричиняються
нездоровою їжею.
4. Вивчити The Objective and Subjective Participle Complexes.
5. Включити засвоєний лексико-граматичний матеріал в активне спілкування.
1. Learn the Active Vocabulary
2. Read the text “Food and Oral Hygiene”
3. Answer the following questions on the text.
1. What food is beneficial for health of the oral cavity?
2. What does eating sugary and starchy food contribute to?
3. May poor nutrition cause premature tooth loss?
4. What diseases of the oral cavity are associated with poor diet?
5. What food is known to be fermentable carbohydrates?
6. What food can replenish minerals inside the tooth enamel?
7. Why is frequent snacking bad for oral health?
8. Candies and potato chips are not useful for dental health, are they?
9. Must a person avoid fruits containing sugars?
10. What food decreases the risk of tooth decay?
4. Explain the meaning of the following words and word-combinations. Use them
in the situations of your own.
Nutritional habits; chewing muscles; calcium; sugary food; negative effects on oral
health; acidic food; erosion; dental plaque; premature tooth loss; digestive tract;
saliva; tooth decay; soft drinks; sweetened coffee; toxic to oral bacteria.
5. Fill in the blanks with the words given below.
1. Diet has a significant impact on a person’s ….
2. Vegetarians who do not consume any … may be at risk for certain oral health
problems unless they find alternative sources of protein, some vitamins and
minerals, such as vitamin D and calcium.
3. Bacteria in the mouth convert … from the foods a person eats to acids, and these
are the acids that begin to attack the enamel on teeth, starting the decay process.
4. Drinks that are high in sugar are especially …_ to teeth when they are sipped over
long periods of time.
5. High carbohydrate containing foods produce less acid when eaten with a meal
than when eaten alone because .. production is increased during a meal to help
neutralize acid production and clear food from the mouth.
6. A small piece of … at the end of the meal can help combat the acids produced
from carbohydrate foods during the meal.
7. While eating … and avoiding … and drinks that are high in sugar are good ways
to prevent cavities, a good dental regime is essential in maintaining healthy teeth
and gums.
8. In order to …_ the occurrence of dental erosion which particularly seems related
to consumption of acidic beverages, the amount and frequency of intake of soft
drinks and juices should be limited.
9. Chewing … stimulates the flow of saliva, which decreases acid and flushes out
food particles.
(Saliva, sugars, animal products, sugarless gum, hazardous, minimize, healthy foods,
snacks, cheese, oral health)
6. Translate into Ukrainian paying attention to the Objective and Subjective
Participle Complex.
1.The interns observed the dentist cleansing the patient's teeth.
2. She bought special toothpaste because she couldn't bear to see you suffering from
tooth sensitivity.
3. He saw all his plans to visit a cosmetic dentist destroyed.
4.You must have your tooth extracted before getting braces to create room for the
teeth that are being moved into place.
5. This patient's state of the oral cavity was believed improved.
6. The teacher was watched writing on the blackboard sentences with Objective and
Subjective Participle Constructions.
7. The patient's teeth are considered whitened.
8. The pain in the lower jaw was felt worsening.
7. Translate into English using the Objective or Subjective Participle
1. Студенти спостерігали, як лікар-стоматолог оглядав пацієнтку, котра п’є
багато солодких соків, що призвело до ерозії зубної емалі.
2. Я бачила, як під кінець обіду він їв яблуко. Це добре очищує зубну емаль.
3. Студенти чули, як стоматолог радив пацієнтові відмовитися від солодких
газованих напоїв оскільки він ризикує залишитися без зубів.
4. Лікарі спостерігали, як правильна дієта поступово полегшувала перебіг
захворювання ротової порожнини у цієї жінки.
5. Бачили, як жінка їсть сир з родзинками (raisins). Вона вагітна і для здоров’я
її зубів потрібно багато кальцію.
6. Цьому чоловікові видалили кілька зубів. Він нехтував гігієною ротової
порожнини та неправильно харчувався.
Методичну розробку складено ст. викладачем Цебрук І. Ф.
Методичну розробку обговорено і затверджено на кафедрі мовознавства.
Протокол № ____ від _______________
Зав. кафедри мовознавства, професор
Голод Р.Б.
Методична розробка для самостійної роботи студентів № 17
з теми “Halitosis”
(Стоматологічний факультет, курс ІI, модуль І )
Text: Halitosis
Grammar: The Absolute Participle Complex
Мета самостійної роботи
Засвоїти терміни, що відносяться до теми “Halitosis”.
Називати причини галітозу.
Вивчити Absolute Participle Complex
Включити засвоєний лексико-граматичний матеріал в активне спілкування.
1. Learn the Active Vocabulary
2. Read the text “Halitosis”
3. Answer the following questions on the text.
1. What is halitosis?
2. When can it occur?
3. What food and beverages can produce a distinctive breath odour?
4. Is halitosis a common or rare condition?
5. What is morning breath caused by?
6. In what cases may bad breath be persistent?
7. What medical condition is called xerostomia?
8. What diseases may cause bad breath?
9. Can bad breath be prevented?
10. In most cases a dentist can treat the cause of bad breath, can't he?
11. What specialist treats gum diseases?
12. Do over-the-counter mouthwash help eliminate bad breath?
4. Give English equivalents of the following from the text.
Неприємний запах; теплий та вологий; виділення з носа; їжа та напої; після
травлення; слина; бактерії та мертві клітини; тимчасовий галітоз; постійний
поганий запах з рота; захворювання ясен; зволожувати ротову порожнину;
слинні залози; інфекції дихальних шляхів; без цукру; засіб для полоскання
рота; жувальна гумка; маскувати; тимчасовий спосіб.
5. Arrange the following words in synonymic pairs.
 Halitosis, unpleasant, to thrive, discharge, to accumulate, beverage, common,
decaying, temporary, gums, dental appliance, dry mouth, to reduce, to prevent,
debris, sugarless.
 Distasteful, xerostomia, without sugar, release, remains, to decrease, drink,
gingiva, denture, frequent, impermanent, to grow, to build up, putrefying, bad
breath, to avoid.
6. Transform the following complex sentences into simple ones using the
Absolute Participle Complex.
Model: As an airway passage in the nose is blocked, nasal discharge at the back of
the throat leads to halitosis. –
An airway passage in the nose being blocked, nasal discharge at the back of
the throat leads to halitosis.
1. As he suffers from bad breath, his wife prepares him herbal decoction of
2. As gas chromatographs for bad breath evaluation are relatively expensive and
require personnel with special training to operate them, scientists do not widely
utilize them in research studies.
3. As decreased moisture in the mouth limits the washing and buffering effect of
saliva on oral bacteria and their waste products, a person's problems with bad
breath aggravate.
4. As this man with halitosis was unable to detect the unpleasant odour himself, his
friend informed him that he had bad breath.
Model: As bad breath had become chronic, he had to consult his dentist. –
Bad breath having become chronic, he had to consult his dentist.
1. As the patient had undergone the in-office antiseptic debridement, breath
malodour was totally eliminated.
2. As he had quitted smoking, the flow of saliva increased reducing bacteria in the
3. As the dentist had ascertained halitosis cause, a cure for bad breath was found.
Model: As dentures were inadequately cleaned, he suffered from bad breath. –
The dentures being inadequately cleaned, he suffered from bad breath.
1. As the article on halitosis and its treatment was being printed, we hoped to get it soon.
2. As antihistamins were taken, the patient had comparatively dry mouth and
therefore persistent problems with breath odours.
3. As a unique role in maintaining proper metabolic function is performed by
Vitamin B complex, dentists prescribe it for patients with halitosis.
4. As metronidazol was used for treatment, the overgrowth of sulphur-producing
bacteria was reduced resulting in bad breath elimination.
Model: When the work had been done, the nurses went home. –
The work having been done, the nurses went home.
1. As the treatment had been completed, the dentist developed individualized
maintenance regimen for the patient to prevent the recurrence of his old halitosis
2. As a few drops of peppermint had been applied to the tongue, her breath
3. As the embracing nature of halitosis had been detected, the problem was
4. When bacteria causing bad breath had been successfully eradicated, the man
could definitely enjoy life and his interaction with people.
Методичну розробку складено ст. викладачем Цебрук І. Ф.
Методичну розробку обговорено і затверджено на кафедрі мовознавства.
Протокол № ____ від _______________
Зав. кафедри мовознавства, професор
Голод Р.Б.
Методична розробка для самостійної роботи студентів № 18
з теми “Tobacco and Oral Health”
(Стоматологічний факультет, курс ІІ, модуль І )
Text: Tobacco and Oral Health
Grammar: Participle (Review)
Мета самостійної роботи
Засвоїти терміни, що стосуються теми “Tobacco and Oral Health”.
Розповідати про небезпеку паління.
Знати захворювання ротової порожнини які частково спричиняються
Аналізувати граматичний матеріал і вміти використовувати його в
активному спілкуванні.
1. Learn the Active Vocabulary
2. Read the text “Tobacco and Oral Health”
3. Answer the following questions on the text.
1. Why is it important to avoid or stop smoking?
2. What are the negative effects of smoking?
3. What is the most significant threat to a smoker?
4. Is smokeless tobacco harmless?
5. Smoking doesn't contribute to the development of gum diseases, does it?
6. Why do smokers suffer from failed dental restorations and dental surgeries?
7. What other factors in addition to tobacco use can exacerbate oral health problems?
8. Why is oral cancer twice as common in men as in women?
9. Does alcohol use along with tobacco increase or decrease the risk of oral cancers
and gum disease?
4. Explain the meaning of the following words and word-combinations. Use them
in the situations of your own.
Healthy tobacco-free mouth; uncoated tongue; smokeless tobacco; survival rate for
oral cancers; carcinogenic toxins; lining of the mouth; DNA; passive smoking;
bacterial infection healing process; soft tissue; saliva production; tooth extraction; to
exacerbate oral health problems.
5. Arrange the following words in antonymic pairs.
 Healthy, uncoated, offensive, firm, stained, negative, significant, dangerous,
early, rapidly, adults, exactly, to hamper, to dry, delayed, smokers.
 Coated, late, children, to facilitate, unstained, prompt, soft, beneficial, minor,
unpleasant, safe, ailing, nonsmokers, to moisten, slowly, approximately.
6. Arrange the following words in synonymic pairs.
 Tooth decay, bad breath, stains, larynx, damage, to malfunction, to multiply,
gums, to suffer from, failed, exacerbate, long-term, to trap, cancer.
 Discolourations, to catch, caries, to go wrong, gingiva, to proliferate, voice
box, impairment, halitosis, malignant tumour, durable, to have a medical
condition, unsuccessful, to make worse.
7. Fill in the blanks with the words given below.
1. Most people are now aware that smoking is bad for our ….
2. One of the effects of smoking is … on the teeth due to the nicotine and tar content.
3. Patients who smoke are more likely to produce …, which leads to gum disease.
4. Most people know that smoking can cause lung and throat cancer, but many
people are still unaware that it is one of the main causes of … too.
5. There are special … for people who smoke.
6. People who smoke may find they are more likely to have bad breath than ….
7. It is important for a smoker to visit a dentist regularly both for a routine … and a
full mouth examination so that any conditions can be detected early.
8. The … from oral cancers (including cancers of the tongue, mouth, gums, tonsils
and pharynx) is higher than the death rate from cervical cancer.
(Bacteria plaque, non-smokers, death rate, checkup, health, toothpastes, mouth
cancer, staining)
8. Translate into Ukrainian paying attention to the Absolute Participle Complex.
1. Tobacco having reduced blood flow to the gums, they become vulnerable to
2. Everything being understood, the discussion of cigarette smoking as major
preventable risk factor for periodontal disease was over.
3. The oral cancer having been detected early, the man had better chance for
4. Smoking quitted, serious risks to his health were greatly reduced.
5. Tom having periodontitis caused by smoking, cosmetic procedure was
6. There being special toothpaste for people who smoke, dentists usually recommend
theses toothpastes alternatively with patients’ usual toothpastes.
7. Helen waited for the results tests confirming her husband’s oral cancer with her
heart beating fast.
8. The diagnosis of cancer broke her down and she wandered away, with the tears
rolling down her cheeks.
Методичну розробку складено ст. викладачем Цебрук І. Ф.
Методичну розробку обговорено і затверджено на кафедрі мовознавства.
Протокол № ____ від _______________
Зав. кафедри мовознавства, професор
Голод Р.Б.
Методична розробка для самостійної роботи студентів № 19
з теми “Recapitulation”
(Стоматологічний факультет, курс ІІ, модуль І )
Мета самостійної роботи
Здійснити пошук інформації в науково-популярному тексті.
Перекласти та зробити граматичний аналіз тексту.
Анотувати медичний текст.
Перекладати речення із граматичними структурами, вивченими впродовж
семестру з української на англійську мову.
1. Skim through the text “WHO Oral Health Programme” and find the
sentences expressing its main idea.
2. Divide the text into sense-groups.
3. Read the text closely and speak about WHO Oral Health Programme.
4. Find different grammar constructions in the text and explain them.
5. Write a short summary of the text.
6. Translate the following sentences into English.
7. Translate into English.
1. Запалена цигарка є джерелом диму і тим самим впливає на людей, які
перебувають поруч і не палять.
2. Оскільки паління має багато негативних наслідків, багато курців мають
незадовільне стоматологічне здоров'я.
3. Так як тютюнові смоли осідають на яснах і емалі і дуже псують зуби, 75%
жінок, що палять потребують після 50 років протезування зубів.
4. Не кинувши палити, він ризикує захворіти раком ротової порожнини.
5. Ясна, які подразнюються гарячим (40 – 45о) тютюновим димом, стають
блідими, часто кровоточать, тому що під впливом нікотину руйнується
вітамін С.
6. Я не могла не зробити зауваження молодій жінці, що сиділа навпроти з
дитиною і палила.
7. Відмовившись від паління, ваші зуби будуть чистішими і білішими,
посвіжішає дихання.
8. Більшість осіб, що успішно відмовились від паління, зробили це враз, не
зменшуючи кількості щоденно випалених сигарет.
9. Зуби, які зараз оглядають, пожовтіли через те , що пацієнт багато курить.
10. Діагноз раку кореня язика, поставлений стоматологом-онкологом, викликав
величезне занепокоєння у родичів хворого.
11. Ми говорили про різні засоби проти паління, які використовують у сучасній
Методичну розробку складено ст. викладачем Цебрук І. Ф.
Методичну розробку обговорено і затверджено на кафедрі мовознавства.
Протокол № ____ від _______________
Зав. кафедри мовознавства, професор
Голод Р.Б.