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Database Systems: Design,
Implementation, and
Eighth Edition
Chapter 15
Database Administration and Security
• In this chapter, you will learn:
– Data are a valuable business asset requiring careful
– How a database plays a critical role in an
– Introduction of a DBMS has technological,
managerial, and cultural organizational
Database Systems, 8th Edition
Objectives (continued)
• In this chapter, you will learn: (continued)
– Database administrator’s managerial and technical
– Data security, database security, and the information
security framework
– Several database administration tools and strategies
– How various database administration technical tasks
are performed with SQL Server 2005
Database Systems, 8th Edition
15.1 Data as a Corporate Asset
• Data are a valuable asset that require careful
– How many opportunities are lost if data about customers,
suppliers, inventories, operations are missing?
– What is the actual cost of data loss?
• Data are a valuable resource that translate into
– The data user applies intelligence to data to produce
• Accurate, timely information triggers actions that
enhance company’s position and generate wealth
Database Systems, 8th Edition
Data form the basis for decision making, strategic planning, control, and
operation monitoring
Database Systems, 8th Edition
15.2 The Need for and Role of Databases
in an Organization
• Database’s predominant role is to support
managerial decision making at all levels while
preserving data privacy and security
• DBMS facilitates:
Interpretation and presentation of data
Distribution of data and information
Data Preservation and monitoring of data usage
Control over data duplication and use
• Three levels to organization management:
– Top, strategic decision
– middle, tactical decision
– Operational, daily operational decision
Database Systems, 8th Edition
SKIP 15.3
• Database at top management level
– Provide information necessary for strategic decision
making, strategic planning, policy formulation, and goals
– Provide access to data to identify growth opportunities
and to chart the direction of such growth
– Provide a framework for defining and enforcing
organizational policies
– Improve the likelihood of a positive ROI by searching for
new ways to reduce costs and/or by boosting productivity
– Provide feedback to monitor whether the company is
achieving its goals
• Database at middle management level
– Deliver the data necessary for tactical decisions and
– Monitor and control the allocation and use of company
resources and evaluate departments’ performances
– Provide a framework for enforcing and ensuring the
security and privacy of data in the database
• Database at operational management level
– Represent and support the company operations as
closely as possible with a flexible data model
– Produce query results within specified performance levels
– Enhance the company’s short-term operational ability by
providing timely information for customer support and for
application development and computer operations
15.4 The Evolution of the Database
Administration Function
• Data administration has its roots in the old,
decentralized world of the file system
• Advent of DBMS and its shared view of data
produced new level of data management
– Data processing (DP) department evolved into
information systems (IS) department
• Data management became increasingly complex
– Development of database administration function
Database Systems, 8th Edition
After the DP department evolved into the IS department, the
responsibility of the IS department were broadened to include:
• A service function to provide end users with active data management
• A production function to provide end users with specific solutions for
their information needs through integrated application or
management information systems
• The application development
segment was in charge of
gathering DB requirements
and logical DB design
• The DB operations segment
took charge of implementing,
monitoring, and controlling the
DBMS operations
To plan, define,
implement, and
enforce the policies,
standards, and
procedures in the
data administration
• No standard for how the DBA function fits in an
organization’s structure, especially for the fast-paced
technology changes:
– Distributed databases impose new and complex
coordinating activities on the system DBA
– Internet-accessible data and growing data warehousing
applications add to the DBA’s data modeling and design
– PC-based DBMS packages invite data duplication and poor
DB design
• DBA operations according to DBLC phases:
– DB planning, including defining standards, procedures,
and enforcement
– DB requirement gathering and concept design
– DB logical and transaction design
– DB physical design and implementation
– DB testing and debugging
– DB operations and maintenance, including installation,
conversion, and migration
– DB training and support
coordinator of
all DBAs
Data Administrator (DA): reports directly to top management, and
is given higher responsibility and authority than DBA.
DA is responsible for controlling the overall corporate data resources,
both computerized and manual
15.5 The Database Environment’s
Human Component
• Even most carefully crafted database system
cannot operate without human component
• Effective data administration requires both
technical and managerial skills
• DA’s job has a strong managerial orientation
with company-wide scope. DBA is focal point
for data/user interaction
– Both need diverse mix of skills
Database Systems, 8th Edition
Contrasting DA and DBA Activities and Characteristics
• DA must set data administration goals
Data “sharability” and time availability
Data consistency and integrity
Data security and privacy
Extent and type of data use
A Summary of DBA Activities
Database Systems, 8th Edition
Used as a general title
that encompasses all
appropriate data
administration functions
The DBA’s Managerial Role
• DBA responsible for:
– Coordinating, monitoring, allocating DB administration
resources: people and data
– Defining goals and formulating strategic plans for the DBA
Database Systems, 8th Edition
• End-User Support
– Interacts with end user by providing data and information
support services
Gathering user requirements,
Building end-user confidence,
Resolving conflicts and problems,
Finding solutions to information needs,
Ensuring quality and integrity of data and applications,
managing the training and support of DBMS users
• Policies, standards, procedures
– Policies are general statements of direction or action that
communicate and support DBA goals
– Standards describe the minimum requirements of a given
DBA activity
– Procedures are written instructions that describe a series of
steps to be followed during the performance of a given
End-user DB requirement gathering;
DB design and modeling;
Documentation and naming conventions;
Design , coding, and testing of DB application programs;
DB software selection;
DB security and integrity;
DB backup and recovery;
DB maintenance and operation;
End-user training
• Data security, privacy, integrity
– Distribution of data makes it difficult to maintain data control,
security, and integrity
– DBAs must team up with internet security experts to build
security mechanisms handling attacks or unauthorized
• Data Backup and Recovery
– Ensures data can be fully recovered
– Disaster management
• Includes all planning, organizing, and testing of DB
contingency plans and recovery procedures
Periodic data and application backups
Proper backup identifications
Convenient and safe backup storage
Physical protection of hardware and software
Personal access control to the software of a DB installation
Insurance coverage for the data in the DB
• Data backup and recovery
– Data recovery and contingency plans must be thoroughly
tested and evaluated, and they must be practiced frequently
– Establish priorities concerning the nature and extent of the
data recovery process
• Data Distribution and Use
– DBA is responsible for ensuring that the data are distributed
to the right people, at the right time, and in the right format
– Enabling end users to become self-sufficient in the
acquisition and use of data can lead to more efficient use of
data in the decision process.
– Letting end users micromanage their data subsets could
inadvertently sever the connection between those users and
the data administration function.
The DBA’s Technical Role
• Evaluates, selects, and installs DBMS and related
utilities (p.621)
• Designs and implements databases and
applications (p.622)
• Tests and evaluates databases and applications
• Operates DBMS, utilities, and applications
• Trains and supports users (p.625)
• Maintains DBMS, utilities, and applications (p.625)
Database Systems, 8th Edition
15.6 Security
• Security refers to activities and measures to
ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and
availability of an information system and its data
– Securing data entails securing overall information
system architecture
– Confidentiality: data protected against unauthorized
– Integrity: keep data consistent and free of errors or
– Availability: accessibility of data by authorized users
for authorized purposes
Database Systems, 8th Edition
Security Policies
• Database security officer secures the information system
and the data
– Works with the database administrator
• Security policy: collection of standards, policies,
procedures to guarantee security
– Ensures auditing and compliance
• Security audit process identifies security vulnerabilities
– A weakness in a system component that could be exploited to
allow unauthorized access or cause service disruptions
– Identifies measures to protect the system
Database Systems, 8th Edition
Security Vulnerabilities
• Security threat: imminent security violation
– Could occur at any time
• Security breach yields a database whose
integrity is:
– Preserved
• Action is required to avoid the repetition of similar
security problems, but data recovery may not be
necessary. Like unauthorized or unnoticed access for
information purposes
– Corrupted
• Action is required to avoid the repetition of similar
security problems, and the database must be recovered
to a consistent state. Like virus or hacker.
Database Systems, 8th Edition
Sample Security Vulnerabilities and Related Measures
Database Systems, 8th Edition
Sample Security Vulnerabilities and Related Measures
Database Security
• Database Security refers to the use of DBMS features
and other measures to comply with security
• DBA secures DBMS from installation through operation
and maintenance
• Authorization management:
– User access management
• Define each DB user; Assign password to each user; Define
user groups; Assign access privileges; Control physical
– View definition
– DBMS access control
– DBMS usage monitoring
• auditing
Database Systems, 8th Edition
15.6 Database Administration Tools
• Two main types of data dictionaries:
– Integrated: built-in
– Standalone: third-party, for older type DBMS
• Active data dictionary automatically updated
by the DBMS with every database access
• Passive data dictionary requires running a
batch process
• Main function: store description of all objects
that interact with database
Database Systems, 8th Edition
• Data dictionary that includes data external to DBMS
becomes flexible tool
– Enables use and allocation of all organization’s information
• Data dictionary typically includes:
Data elements that are defined in all tables of all databases
Tables defined in all databases
Indexes defined for each database table
Defined databases
End users and administrators of the database
Programs that access the database
Access authorizations for all users of all databases
Relationship among data elements
• Metadata often the basis for monitoring database use
– Also for assigning access rights to users
• DBA uses data dictionary to support data analysis and
Database Systems, 8th Edition
CASE Tools
• Computer-Aided Systems Engineering
– Automated framework for SDLC
– Structured methodologies and powerful graphical interfaces
• Front-end CASE tools provide support for planning,
analysis, and design phases
• Back-end CASE tools provide support for coding
and implementation phases
• Benefits associated with CASE tools
Reduction in development time and costs
Automation of the SDLC
Standardization of system development methodologies
Easier maintenance of developed application
Database Systems, 8th Edition
• Typical CASE tool has five components
– Graphics designed to produce structured diagrams,
such as DFD, ERD, class diagrams, and object
– Screen painters and report generators
– Integrated repository for storing and crossreferencing the system design data
– An analysis segment to provide a fully automated
check on system consistency, syntax, and
– A program documentation generator
An Example of a CASE tool: Visio
Database Systems, 8th Edition
CASE Tools
Computer Associates
Power Designer
Skip 15.8, 15.9
• Data management is a critical activity for any
– Data should be treated as a corporate asset
• DBMS is the most commonly used electronic
tool for corporate data management
• DBMS has impact on organization’s managerial,
technological, and cultural framework
• Data administration function evolved from
centralized electronic data processing
– Applications began to share common repository
Database Systems, 8th Edition
Summary (continued)
• Database administrator (DBA) is responsible
for managing corporate database
• Broader data management activity is handled
by data administrator (DA)
• DA is more managerially oriented than more
technically oriented DBA
– DA function is DBMS-independent
– DBA function is more DBMS-dependent
• When there is no DA, DBA executes all DA
Database Systems, 8th Edition
Summary (continued)
• Managerial services of DBA function:
– Supporting end-user community
– Defining and enforcing policies, procedures, and
standards for database function
– Ensuring data security, privacy, and integrity
– Providing data backup and recovery services
– Monitoring distribution and use of data in database
Database Systems, 8th Edition
Summary (continued)
• Technical role of DBA:
– Evaluating, selecting, and installing DBMS
– Designing and implementing databases and
– Testing and evaluating databases and applications
– Operating DBMS, utilities, and applications
– Training and supporting users
– Maintaining DBMS, utilities, and applications
Database Systems, 8th Edition
Summary (continued)
• Security ensures confidentiality, integrity,
availability of information system and data
• Security policy is a collection of standards,
policies, and practices
• Security vulnerability is a weakness in system
• Information engineering guides development
of data administration strategy
• CASE tools and data dictionaries translate
strategic plans to operational plans
Database Systems, 8th Edition