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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Shell’s Carbon Bubble Shell reserves: high carbon intensity, high extraction costs, high investment risks The Authors: Peter Polder, oil and gas specialist Rolf Schuttenhelm, climate science writer Kari Velure, environmental governance specialist Milieudefensie/Friends of the Earth Netherlands, May 20, 2014 Table of contents: Infographic Shell carbon bubble reserves Foreword Shell’s climate statement Abbreviations & terminology p. 4 p. 5 p. 6 p. 6 Summaryp. 7 Introduction + Shell key statistics p. 8 1. Shell and the Carbon Bubble p. 10 2. How big is Shell’s Carbon Bubble? p. 13 3. Natural gas:p. 16 Does Shell’s ‘answer to the climate problem fit the carbon bubble? 4. Biofuels:p.18 Shell’s high-carbon solution to a high-carbon problem 5. Recommendations to lower carbon emissions p. 20 6. Shell’s additional climate risks p. 23 Sources WAppendix: Methodology Sources 3 Shell’s Carbon Bubble, by Friends of the Earth Netherlands, May 2014 p. 25 p, 26 How deep is Shell drilling into the CARBON BUBBLE ? UP TO Global carbon bubble $ 21 TRILLION Shell’s oil & gas reserves overvaluation of in national, private & public energy 1 6 .2 BILLION OVER Extra capital expenditure $ 1 TRILLION to extract ‘unburnable carbon’ proven reserves 2 LOWER ESTIMATE PROVEN OIL ADDITIONAL RESERVES UNPROVEN BARRELS 7.4 BILLION BARRELS HIGHEST ESTIMATE PROVEN GAS BILLION 46 ADDITIONAL RESERVES UNPROVEN BARRELS 74 BILLION BARRELS By definition the carbon bubble excludes energy companies’ unproven fossil carbon reserves (and also possible future exploration). Mentioned global overinvestment (up to 80%) lies solely within proven reserves of energy companies. Therefore reserves that offer high energy for low CO2 are to be favoured over more CO2 intense reserves. CO2 intensity follows from nature of carbon reserves and the energy input required to extract the reserves. ‘Unconventional fossil reserves’ (for instance: tar sand, deep see oil, shale gas) have relatively high CO2 intensity, as expressed per reserve per barrel of oil equivalent. CO2 intensity of shale gas (55) is for instance 2.5x that of conventional gas (22). These high CO2 intense reserves are therefore more likely to be classified as ‘unburnable’ and not an economically viable, high asset risk investment. KG CO2 CO2 intensity Shell reserves The is the financial overvaluation of proven carbon reserves Thecarbon carbonbubble bubble is the financial overvaluation of proven carbonthat are classified ‘unburnable’ – following from a limited remaining atmospheric carbon reserves as that are classified as ‘unburnable’ – following from a limited budget – following from a limited remaining atmospheric carbon budget. remaining atmospheric carbon budget. 125+ 125 <112 KG KG CO2 CO2 75 55 55 50 KG KG SHELL’S FOSSIL CARBON RESERVE 33 51 UNPROVEN KG 4.5 Normal gas GTL Shale Heavy CO2 CO2 2 CO2 Thight gas CO2 INTENSITY BILLION TONNES CO2 CO2 CO2 22 KG CO .5 PROVEN KG KG 1 gas oil LNG Tar sand Oil shale Highest estimate unproven CARBON RESERVE NATURE + EXTRACTION ENERGY Carbon Tracker Institute, 2013 2 Carbon Tracker Institute, 2014 Source: Shell's Carbon Bubble report - Milieudefensie/Friends of the Earth Netherlands, May 2014 een product / ontwerp: laurens kauw a tjoe Foreword The proven carbon energy reserve of the world’s major energy companies vastly exceeds the remaining atmospheric carbon budget under internationally agreed climate targets. According to previous research by Carbon Tracker Institute (GTI) up to a staggering 80 percent of these proven reserves are therefore to be classified as being ‘unburnable’ - potentially diminishing the real economic value of these reserves by 21 trillion US dollars (2013). This may also have huge implications for the value of shares of major oil and gas companies, as these are assessed under the false assumption that all proven reserves will be brought to market and consumed. This overinvestment in proven carbon reserves is now defined as ‘the carbon bubble’. How high is Shell’s ‘share in the carbon bubble’? Following GTI research on average as much as 80 percent of energy companies’ proven carbon reserves lies in the carbon bubble – with high stranded asset investment risk. The value of the shares of major oil and gas companies such as Royal Dutch Shell are assessed under the false assumption that all the fossil carbon en ergy reserves of these companies will be extracted, brought to the market and consumed. Research by Carbon Tracker Institute has already shown that under internationally agreed climate targets the proven carbon reserves of the world’s major energy companies may exceed the remaining atmospheric carbon budget fivefold. Therefore the real economic value of the stocks of these companies (expressed in proven carbon energy reserves) would only be just 20 percent of currently assessed value – a financial bubble that CTI estimates to have reached a 21 trillion US dollars stranded asset risk. Here we assess further risk for Shell and Shell investors related to a decarbonising world economy – one that the financial world and more specifically energy investors will rapidly have to adapt to. There are however – as shown in the infographic to the left – additional risk factors, such as a relatively high CO2 intensity and high extraction costs of these reserves, which may even increase the ‘carbon bubble sensitivity’ of an energy company. These factors we assess for Royal Dutch Shell. 5 Shell’s Carbon Bubble, by Friends of the Earth Netherlands, May 2014 Shell’s own climate strategy statement(1) (2013): “Rising climate change concerns could lead to additional regulatory measures that may result in project delays and higher costs. In the future, in order to help meet the world’s energy demand, we expect our production to rise and more of our production to come from higher energy-intensive sources than at present. Therefore, it is expected that both the CO2 intensity of our production, as well as our absolute upstream CO2 emissions, will increase as our business grows. Examples of such developments are our in-situ Peace River project and our oil sands activities in Canada. Additionally, as production from Iraq increases, we expect that CO2 emissions from flaring will rise. We are working with our partners to find ways to capture the gas that is flared. Over time, we expect that a growing share of our CO2 emissions will be subject to regulation and result in increasing our costs. Furthermore, continued attention to climate change, including activities by non-governmental and political organisations, is likely to lead to additional regulations designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. If we are unable to find economically viable, as well as publicly acceptable, solutions that reduce our CO2 emissions for new and existing projects or products, we may experience additional costs, delayed projects, reduced production and reduced demand for hydrocarbons.” 6 Abbreviations and Terms BBL Barrel of oil (159 litres) BOE Barrels of oil equivalent: the amount of energy that is equivalent to the amount of energy found in a barrel of conventional crude oil. Capex Capital expenditure CO2eq Measures for describing how much global warming a given type and amount of greenhouse gas may cause, using the functionally equivalent amount or concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) as the reference, based on the warming effect of the gas over a 100-year period EROEI Energy return on energy invested. Determines economic viability, also influences CO2 intensity. Reserves Economically recoverable reserves of oil, natural gas, and the like Resources Proven supplies that are not yet technically or economically recoverable, or where this has not been established. Shell’s Carbon Bubble, by Friends of the Earth Netherlands, May 2014 Summary In 2009, Oil Change International extensively analysed the CO2 intensity of Shell’s production and reserves for the years up to 2008. It concluded that Shell was the most carbon intensive oil company in the world. 3. Its relatively high investments in unconventional carbon reserves, difficult exploration terrain and low energy return on energy investment (EROEI) explorations all contribute to that high CO2 intensity. In this report we have updated the Shell carbon reserve analysis of 2012. We conclude that Shell has made some progress, but at the same time both its corporate strategy and new developments for curbing climate change are posing threats to its long-term economic viability and survival. The future outlook can have much faster implications for Shell when the financial sector decides to operate on the understanding of having a limited atmospheric carbon budget - and thereby recognises the necessity to ‘deflate’ the carbon bubble, and also revalue fossil carbon energy companies’ shares. Shell’s progress is largely in the field of natural gas. After many delays, Shell is finally reducing natural gas flaring in Nigeria. And due to decreasing worldwide oil production, the share of natural gas in Shell’s production is rising. That is also reflected in the reserves - an increasing share of the reserves consists of natural gas (see infographic in this report). The threats lie in the company’s vast tar sands concessions, deep-sea oil projects, shale gas projects and the liquefaction of natural gas in the form of LNG and gas-to-liquids (GTL). Shell views LNG and GTL as replacements for coal and oil, but it is unlikely that this view will much help the climate - as CO2 intensity of such fuels is exeptionally high (see infographic in this report). More or less the same goes for Shell’s efforts to replace oil with bioethanol made from Brazilian sugarcane, which has only a marginally lower CO2 intensity (including EROI factors). Comparing CO2 intensity of current Shell production to CO2 intensity of its proven and unproven reserves show there is a sharp rise in CO2 intensity still to come. 7 These factors, together with the direct impact of climate change on Shell’s projects in the form of more extreme weather, rougher seas, drought and other water stress, conflicts and melting tundra (see all these elaborated in the report), show that climate change is also a direct threat to Shell’s extraction operations. Climate change of course also greatly challenges economic viability of large fossil carbon energy companies, as it necessitates a global policy towards a low carbon energy system. Political leaders throughout the entire world have pledged that the average rise in global temperatures must be limited to no more than two degrees Celsius. To attain that goal, the remaining atmospheric carbon budget (in ‘allowed CO2eq emissions’) is very limited, according to all leading sources, including the 2013/2014 IPCC report. Research by Carbon Tracker Institute translates the 2-degree carbon budget to a seperation between ‘burnable’ and ‘unburnable’ fossil carbon in the proven reserves of private, public and national energy companies. Altogether up to 80% of these proven fossil fuel reserves must remain in the ground. For companies like Shell this means that a substantial part of their reserves and resources will lose their value – the amount that equals Shell’s ‘carbon bubble’. Unfortunately it is the value of these “stranded assets” that also determine the shareholder value of the company. When energy company share values are re-assessed according to carbon bubble understanding, financial and economic changes to the global energy market can happen swiftly, anticipating the low carbon energy transition ahead. We would like to conclude that if Shell wants to adapt to the required low-carbon future, there are several things the company can do, right now, to make greater progress: cut direct emissions where technologically possible, offer better transparency on their operations and specifically the risks climate change has for Shell, and divest from oil and gas projects with a high carbon intensity (therefore move away from unconventional oil and gas). Shell’s Carbon Bubble, by Friends of the Earth Netherlands, May 2014 Introduction Royal Dutch Shell plc, commonly known simply as Shell, is a multinational petroleum company. Although nowadays 90 percent of the world’s oil is not produced by major Western corporations but by state-run oil companies in countries such as Saudi Arabia and Venezuela, Shell still tops the Fortune 500 list as the largest private sector energy corporation in the world. Its track record has made it a favoured investment opportunity for many large investors such as pension funds. It leads the industry in the hunt for frontier oil and gas reserves. Royal Dutch Shell: Key statistics(2) 2% 3% 3.000.000 of worldwide oil production of worldwide natural gas production barrels of oil equivalent production each day... ...of which 50% natural gas 72.000.000 tonnes of C02 equivalent in 2012 direct emissions ...added barrels oil equivalent to reserves in 2012 ...barrels oil equivalent (BOE) of production in 2012 In 2012... -2% less oil “The world faces the critical challenge of how to meet rising demand for energy that powers economies, while urgently cutting the emissions of carbon dioxide that energy use generates. Shell is taking action in four areas; producing more natural gas, the cleanest-burning fossil fuel; helping to develop technologies to capture and store CO2 ; producing low carbon biofuel; and working to improve the energy efficiency of our operations.” The question is whether these efforts have any impact. The latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report emphasises the dangers of continued mass burning of fossil fuels. If we remain on our current course, the children who are born today will grow up in a world that is warming up far beyond the 2-degree C margin set for global warming. Substantial damage is already taking place within that 2-degree margin, but beyond those 2 degrees, an irreversible avalanche of climate changes will move our planet towards being uninhabitable – even more so if we include scientific understanding of positive feedbacks in the natural carbon cycle, a very dangerous threat if warming surpasses the politically defined 2-degrees threshold. To stay below the 2-degree margin, we have no other option than to severely limit the amount of fossil fuels that we can still burn. +5% more natural gas than in 2011 32.000.00 ...BOE of resources... Shell was one of the first major oil companies to stop denying the scientific understanding of climate change. In its communications, Shell emphasises climate change as a major threat to the well-being of our planet, and the company claims to be seriously working on reducing its own impact on the climate, as well as working on the transition to a low-carbon energy system. A quote from the 2012 Shell Sustainability Report: ...of which 36% oil(3) 8 Shell’s Carbon Bubble, by Friends of the Earth Netherlands, May 2014 According to the IPCC’s latest estimates, the maximum amount(4) of CO2ee that can be emitted into the atmosphere, counting from now, in order to have a 50% chance of remaining below two degrees is 565 billion tonnes, states CTI. Recently it was calculated that if we burn all currently known reserves of coal, gas and oil, then that will produce 2795 billion tonnes of CO2(5). This means that up to 80% of all fossil carbon reserves must remain in the ground if we want to limit global warming to 2 degrees C. Several energy scenarios(6) show that a phasing out of fossil fuels before 2050 is possible. Fossil fuels will then still be in use, but only a fraction of what is used nowadays – and without a major role for large fossil carbon energy companies. The authors of this report think shareholders have an important role to play by requesting Shell to calculate the financial risks of overinvestment and carbon bubble sensitivity and report these transparantly in its annual reports. This would require the company to also be completely transparent about the carbon intensity of its oil and gas production on project level. Because these intensities can differ substantially from project to project, so would the carbon risks involved – and therefore investment risk versus opportunity. 90% of all fossil reserves, mainly consisting of coal, but also including natural gas and oil, is government property(7) and is produced by state oil companies. The remaining 10% is in the hands of private companies such as Shell. Because these reserves (resources for future profits) determine for a large part the value of most of these companies, an agreement on a binding global climate treaty may well lead to share price collapse. For the average fossil carbon energy company 80% of its fossil assets may no longer have any financial value, become “stranded assets” – a carbon bubble of gigantic proportions, with extremely large (multi-trillion US dollar) consequences to the financial world. Shell views climate change both as an opportunity and a threat. One of the ways the company hopes to benefit is to provide natural gas as a replacement for coal in power stations and as fuel for cargo transport and the shipping trade. This replacement would produce a substantial reduction in CO2 in comparison with oil and coal. The company is also trying to realise reductions in its own operations and to become a market leader in carbon storage technology. This technique pumps CO2 underground so that fossil fuels can be used without producing CO2 emissions. Shell assumes that the expected stricter regulations on emissions will give them a competitive advantage. This carbon bubble could have an enormous impact on Shell’s value if the company has to write off a substantial part of its reserves and at the same time sees the costs for developing the remaining reserves rise exponentially. This is both because the impact of climate effects such as extreme weather, melting permafrost soils in tundra regions and rougher seas has major consequences for oil and natural gas extraction and because of investments needed to lower direct emissions of Shell’s oil and gas projects. This will also directly result in major financial consequences for Shell’s shareholders, employees and customers. 9 Shell’s Carbon Bubble, by Friends of the Earth Netherlands, May 2014 Shell’s philosophy on climate change perhaps comes across most clearly in its reply to the Carbon Disclosure Project (8): “Shell’s strategy is influenced by both the need to meet the world’s growing demands for energy and by the fact that global CO2 emissions must be reduced to avoid serious climate change. This is in-line with our corporate strategy of focusing work around specific lines of business that serve as core engines, are growth pipelines and provide future opportunities. One example of how CO2 considerations influence business decisions is that we assess potential costs associated with CO2 emissions when evaluating projects. We believe this could give Shell a strategic advantage if in the years to come regulations impose a price on CO2 emissions. ii) Specific aspects of climate change influencing our strategy: Strategic: Growth in energy demand means that all forms of energy will be needed over the longer term. With hydrocarbons forecast to provide the bulk of the energy needed over the coming decades, policy makers are focusing on regulations which balance energy demand with environmental concerns. Operational: The management of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions – the most significant greenhouse gas (GHG) – will become increasingly important as concerns over climate change lead to tighter environmental regulations. To the casual observer the question remains what the real intentions of Shell are. Is it continuing its exploration of even more (and harder to extract, therefore more CO2 intense and less profitable) fossil reserves? Will it increase its shareholder value by developing ever more carbon intensive resources ? Or is it going to take responsibility for its share of the worlds total emissions? Is it intending to offer its shareholders, investors and employees the assurance that Shell will offer longterm value, despite the carbon bubble, by changing to an energy company that no longer relies on fossil fuels? And will this transition go fast enough in a world which will increasingly experience problems caused by climate change – a process that is accompanied by large direct financial threats to the fossil energy infrastructure. 1. Shell and the Carbon Bubble Which consequences does effective climate policy have for Shell as a company? What will happen if we decide to label up to 80% of proven fossil fuel reserves as incombustible? Until now Shell refused to make the risks assessment and share it with stakeholders and shareholders. Instead it keeps repeating the mantra that we will need fossil fuels the coming decades – a statement that violates both climate scientific understanding and internationally intended climate policy, aiming to stabilise atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations. The Carbon Disclosure Project works with investors and companies on the disclosure of CO2 emission data for major corporations. It has made public the self-reported data of 1550 companies - 26% of all emissions worldwide(9).” Incombustable reserves: 80% 10 Shell’s Carbon Bubble, by Friends of the Earth Netherlands, May 2014 The unburnable 80% of fossil reserves are mainly in coal, and oil and gas. Companies like Shell seem to think that it will be someone elses reserves that have to stay underground. It could even lead to a temporary additional demand for natural gas to replace coal. But also a majority of natural gas and oil reserves will be qualified as stranded asset. The most evident conclusion to draw from this is that, from an economic perspective, it makes no sense to invest in the search for new supplies and the exploration of additional reserves, also because these require large additinal capital expenditure. Even existing reserves are beyond our carbon budget. Shell invested $ 39 billion in its upstream operations in 2013. A substantial part of the activities, and personnel and capital in Shell’s Upstream division is focused on finding and developing oil and gas fields. Effective climate policy means that Shell has to downsize this upstream division, cease exploration activities and cut investments. The market value of Shell is largely determined by the value of its reserves and resources. When Shell in 2004(10) was forced to admit that 29% of its booked reserves were wrongly defined as such – and reassessed as unproven resource, the market value of the company fell by $15 billion. To determine what portion of Shell reserves are incombustible, and therefore should be considered worthless, is difficult. Also, it can not be said with certainty that carbon bubble understanding will hit shareholder value in the same way as it did in 2004 – but the consequences could very well be worse: The reserves Shell had to reclassify as recources in 2004 would be available for future development, and not be lost. If we do compare the reserve scandal of 2004 to carbon bubble overvaluation and Shell has to disinvest 80% of the reserves that the company owns that could translate in a $41 billion direct loss. On top of this heavy devaluation of the resource base can be expected – undeveloped reserves often consisting of concessions that are not even recoverable at current high oil prices – and which under CTI calculation of the carbon bubble are essentially worthless by definition. 11 Of course there is little reason to assume linearity when reserve devalution increases – rather than a direct loss (expressable in billions of dollars) increasing devaluation would challenge the very business model the company operates under (which assumes carbon energy extraction as net profitable). It can therefore be stated that our (linear) comparison to the 2004 reserve scandal only offers an indication of a possible lowest limit financial estimate of Shells carbon bubble. Much rather an exponential increase in share value drop is to be expected, under increasing reserve devaluation (which is why the fossil carbon energy reserve overvaluation is so amply-called the carbon bubble). Much also depends on assessment of which part of the reserves have to remain in the ground. Many companies in the fossil industry seem convinced that this is mainly going to be the reserves of their competitors. When it comes to oil and gas, the bulk of the reserves are held by state oil companies, and not by shareholders of companies like Shell. Will these companies have a fair share of their reserves in the ground after a political deal? Or do we let the market decide by pricing carbon? In this case, Shell will be severely affected because, as this report shows, the production of the company shifts to difficult to develop reserves that are carbon intensive, and are already high cost. When we look at the CO2 intensity of the different types of oil and gas we see a striking similarity between the reserve types that require high investments and have a high cost price per barrel. Tar sand oil, deep sea projects, schale plays and LNG are expensive, complex and contribute a disproportionately high share of Shell’s direct emissions. These types of projects are also technically high-risk in that they are vulnerable to project delays and (costly) incidents. aShell’s philosophy on climate change perhaps comes across most clearly in its reply to the Carbon Disclosure Project(8): Shell’s Carbon Bubble, by Friends of the Earth Netherlands, May 2014 Oil majors need ever-higher investments In 2013 the investments of the oil majors in new upstream projects rose to record levels. For several years, the costs increased by 10% per year. But results were disappointing, the production of oil and gas majors stagnated over the past decade. The shareholders of these companies pressed the companies to reverse this trend (11). In fact, shareholders told the oil companies that they were no longer interested in the large high-risk projects that would have enabled production and reserve growth – instead, they preferred dividend. BP was the first to capitulate at the end of 2013, by announcing to cut 10% of investments. Shell followed early 2014 after the departure of Peter Voser by announcing a 20% investment cut. It is expected that other oil companies will follow and that this will mean that production by these companies will decrease (12). Shell announced disinvesting in several of its flagship projects. A few examples on how high carbon intensity and high capex risks combine: Divestment shaleplays U.S. Peter Voser already announced he regretted having invested ($24+ billion) in US shale plays. Shell, like many other companies, was not able to make a profit out of shale (13). The rapid depletion rate of a shale gas wells necessitates continued investment in new drilling – and sometimes concession expansion. Next to that the average production of a shale gas well is far lower than that of conventional natural gas wells. This makes shale gas production both expensive and carbon intensive. Shell lost 2 billion dollars in its attempt to join the US shale gas revolution. It is also selling assets in the tight oil producing shale play Eagle Ford. Shell continues to invest in test drilling in shale plays in Argentina, Algeria, Tunesia, Turkey, Ukraine and China. It recently joined forces with the oil subsidiary of Gazprom and started test drilling in Siberia’s Bazhenov shale play to find out if it could produce tight oil (14). 12 Closely linked to the decision to step out of US shaleplays was canceling plans to develop a Gas To Liquids plant in Louisiana (15) that would be able to produce diesel using cheap shale gas as a feedstock. The $20 billion plan would produce 140,000 barrels of liquids wich would normaly be made out of oil, and with a slightly higher carbon intensity if made from conventional natural gas. Apparently Shell thinks that natural gas prices in the US will not be low enough for GTL production and not high enough for its own shalegas projects. Shell already operates GTL plants in Malaysia and Qatar. In Qatar it gets the gas almost for free. Selling assets in the Niger Delta Shell also decided to sell assets in the Niger Delta. This conflict zone has long been a primary production zone for Shell supplying more than 10% of its oil production. As the oil in the Niger Delta contains a high share of associated gas, Shell’s Nigerian oil production has been accompanied with large-scale flaring. This flaring, together with massive oil leaks and unattended poverty contributed to the social unrest that makes the Niger Delta a dangerous operating area for Shell. These security risks for personnel and infrastructure also makes the Niger Delta oil expensive. Shell is selling its stake in oil blocks in parts of the conflict zone. Together with steps to capture instead of burn the associated gas the carbon intensity of Shell’s production in Nigeria is declining sharply. At the same time it is ramping up production in the Iraqi Manjoon Field – another high-flaring oil production field. Shell is planning to capture the gas in Iraq somewhere in the future. The security situation in Iraq is however slowly moving towards a civil war – so all local long-term investments are high-risk. Two areas in which investment cuts would lower Shell’s carbon intensity and Shell capex problems would be Shell’s tar sand operations and deep sea drilling. Both tar sands and deep sea projects require an above average amount of energy and material. This translates in both relatively high costs per barrel and high emissions per barrel. Where oil production in the Middle East costs about $23 a barrel, tar sands need a price above $81, and deep sea oil above $63 (16). Shell’s Carbon Bubble, by Friends of the Earth Netherlands, May 2014 Shell is currently planning to expand its tar sand operations in Canada in several ways. In december 2013 it got government approval for the expansion of its Jackpine tar sand mine which would allow production to go up to 100,000 barrels a day (17). In its 2013 annual report it claims that work on the expansion has just begun. Shell also started a carbon capture and storage project called Quest at the Scotford Refinery processing most of its tar sands production. The project will cost $1.35 billion, $865 of it covered by government subsidies and backed up by a two-for-one carbon credit deal with the province of Alberta. The project would capture 35% of the CO2 emissions of the Scotford Plant (18). Another -perhaps less evident- high-carbon oil source is the deep sea. Shell has deep sea projects in the Gulf of Mexico, Nigeria, Brazil, the South Chinese Sea and several other places now supplying 10% of its production (19). These large and financial high-risk projects require large platforms that take up lots of energy and resources. The carbon intensity of deep sea oil and gas is estimated at 40 CO2 kg/ boe 2. How big is Shell’s Carbon bubble? There are two ways to answer that question. The most simple one would be to assume that all oil companies are equal, and all oil and gas reserves are equal. As we have to leave up to 80% of the listed carbon reserves in the ground, this same number would apply to Shell. In that case Shell would have to leave 8,366 million to 11,155 million boe of its reserves undeveloped and sign off the booked associated financial value of that reserve. 13 Of course reality is more complex – and in this case that complexity offers little comfort to Shell’s particular case. The carbon intensity of different fossil fuel reserves varies a lot. If demand will fall because of a political decision to leave a part of the reserves underground it is very likely that prices for oil and gas would drop. If on top of that governments decide to put a price on carbon and adopt policies that would lower the demand for oil and gas then it will be the reserves with a high carbon intensity and high capex needs that would be cancelled first. The exposure to these types of reserves differs per company. Looking at the carbon intensity factors it is logical to assume that investements in unconventional oil and gas, LNG and oil fields that require a large amount of flaring will be hit first. Looking at Shell’s reserves portfolio this would put projects at risk currently providing 971.000 barrels of oil eq – or 42% of current production. Calculating Shell’s carbon intensity The best way to evaluate the ‘climate-friendliness’ of companies is to compare the combined impact of production, use and disposal of their products on the climate. For an oil company like Shell product is expressed as a barrel of oil or its corresponding amount of natural gas. For the effect of one barrel on the climate we must determine the greenhouse gas emissions during extraction, production and subsequent burning, for instance in a car or a power station. ‘Fortunately’ for Shell the disposal of its products (the emission of CO2 into the atmosphere) is currently still without financial ramifications and it is not held (financially) responsible for the resulting short and long term (damaging) effects. Shell’s Carbon Bubble, by Friends of the Earth Netherlands, May 2014 Another issue to be taken into account when assessing climate impact is future oil and gas production and specifically changes in the associated CO2 intensity. New reserves are usually found in smaller and less accessible fields, and oil quality is slowly decreasing – or to qoute Shell’s itself: “the era of cheap oil is over.” (20) This increasing price tag also leads to further increasing CO2 intensity over the years, as conventional oil production is shrinking, and a higher share of total liquids production consist of unconventional oil. This trend is seen worldwide, but even starker at the independent,d oil companies, like Shell, that lack access to large conventional oil fields owned by state oil companies. In this report we first consider the current production, and then we look at the reserves and resources from which the company will derive its future production. How many kilos of CO2 equivalent emissions per barrel of oil equivalent (BOE) can be determined based on the Life Cycle Analyses (LCA) of various types of oil and various production methods. The results may sharply differ – as Box 1 shows. There are a number of scientific studies on the LCA of oil and gas. We noticed a degree of uncertainty in the final numbers caused by the lack of transparancy of oil companies, and uncertainty around specific parts of the production cycle, for instance the amount of methane leakage from installations and waste water ponds. In the debate on the climate impact of shale gas these different numbers cause confusion. There is a huge difference in methane leakages between shale operations with or without open ponds to store waste water. The waste water will contain methane that will evaporate in open ponds. Although Shell declined to answer the question if they use these open ponds for their operations in the US they have been seen at the Shell shale gas operations in Ukraine – and also in Argentina. On the basis of scientific studies by A. Brandt from Standford University, NETL National Energy Technology Labratory, the earlier report by Oil Change and two studies by HSBC we come at these numbers: 14 Type CO2 factor unit source Conventional oil 25.2 Kg CO2 / boe HBSC Saudia Arabia 13.6 Kg CO2 / boe Oil Change Niger Delta 2009 128.6 Kg CO2 / boe Oil Change Iraq 19.6 Kg CO2 / boe Oil Change Deep water/Arctic 25.2 ~40 Kg CO2 / boe HBSC/Oil Change Enhanced recovery 40.0 Kg CO2 / boe HBSC NGL 33.9 Kg CO2 / boe Oil Change Conventional gas 22.0 Kg CO2 / boe HBSC Liquefied Natural Gas LNG 75 Kg CO2 / boe HBSC Coal to Liquid CTL 135.0 Kg CO2 / boe HBSC Gas to Liquid GTL 50.0 Kg CO2 / boe HBSC Heavy oil 55.0 Kg CO2 / boe HBSC Oil Sands 75.0 ~111.5 Kg CO2 / boe HBSC / Oil Change Oil shale 125.0 Kg CO2 / boe HBSC Tight oil unknown unknown Coal Bed Methane CBM 50.4 Kg CO2 / boe HBSC Shale gas low 22.88 Kg CO2 / boe Howarth Shale gas high 55 Kg CO2 / boe Howarth Shale gas average 22 Kg CO2 / boe NETL Tight Gas 33.1 Kg CO2 / boe HBSC Coal 55 Kg CO2 / boe NRDC 1 barrel is 5.8 x 10-6 BTU Sources: HBSC, Oil and Carbon, counting the costs, 2008; Oil Changes / FOEI, Irresponsible Energy Shell: The World’s Most Carbon Intensive Oil Company Methodology behind. Irresponsible Energy, 2009, NETL National Energy Technology Labratory 2008-2012, IPCC:, A. Brandt Shell’s Carbon Bubble, by Friends of the Earth Netherlands, May 2014 How does Shell report oil, gas and carbon data? In its annual investors’ handbook, sustainability report and annual report, Shell gives fairly detailed figures on its production, differentiated in natural gas, oil and tar sands, but without precise figures on shale gas, coal bed methane or tight oil production. Average energy intensity and total direct emissions are provided, but the company has not replied to requests for more exact data per project or fuel type. Precise figures on reserves are given (supplies which are recoverable according to the regulations set by the US SEC market watchdog) but no specific figures on the far more extensive resources. These are still to be developed resources, which at the current price of oil are not now economically recoverable with current technologies. We have tried to estimate the composition and scope of these resources, based on news reports, Shell’s communications to shareholders and other sources. This lack of transparancy means that Shell does not provide the data that would make it possible for shareholders and stakeholders to be informed about Shell’s exposure to the carbon bubble in detail (21) – on the required reserve type and project scale. Based on the numbers that can be found we made an estimate. This means there is a margin of uncertainty in our calculation of Shell’s CO2 intensity. In its 2009 report ‘Irresponsible Energy, Shell: The World’s Most Carbon Intensive Oil Company’, Oil Change International made extensive efforts to calculate Shell’s CO2 intensity. We see that Shell’s production at that time had an estimated CO2 intensity of 33.8 kg CO2e/BOE and its reserves and resources were 62.6 kg CO2e/BOE. That makes Shell’s average production in 2008 low in comparison to its direct competitors Exxon, BP and Chevron, but the future production from its resources is – in comparison to these same companies – much higher. Between 2008 and 2012 a number of developments have increased the carbon intensity of Shell’s resourses and reserves in a major way. These raised the average intensity for current production to 35.9 kg CO2 per BOE and lowered future production to 40 kg CO2 per BOE. This raise in current production is mainly due to the company’s tar sands and shale projects, but flaring natural gas in Nigeria and Iraq and energy intensive projects in the deep seas and the Arctic region also play a role. 15 On the positive side, we see a substantial improvement in reducing natural gas flaring in Nigeria combined with asset sales in the carbon intensive Niger Delta. As its Nigeria operation accounts for about 12% of Shell’s total oil production, what happens in the Niger Delta has a big impact. If Shell’s plans are implemented, the capture of associated natural gas from the oil fields in the Niger Delta will be reduced by 90% in 2015(22). Shell reports that this will lower the CO2 intensity of the oil production from 128.6 CO2 kg/boe a day to a level ‘below the current global industry average’(23). Lacking a precise number we estimated this means less than 40 CO2 kg/boe a day. Shell also sold oil fields in the Niger delta that were producing 70,000 barrels a day. This will further lower total emissions accountable to Shell (24) . Shell’s oil production has been stagnating for years. Between 2003 and 2012, oil production dropped from 2,359 million barrels of oil eq per day to 1,488 million barrels of oil eq per day. In the same period natural gas production rose from 1,518 million boe per day to 1,629 million boe per day, and was much lower in several of the years in between. The rising share of natural gas can thus mainly be attributed to decreasing oil production. Nevertheless, this lowers average CO2 intensity of production. Shell states that since 2012 natural gas comprised 50% of its worldwide production. Increases occurred due to the growth of tar sands production, from 78,000 in 2008 to 145,000 barrels of synthetic crude per day in 2013. A considerable part of the tar sands resources are comprised of tar sands at a great depth, which cannot be profitably extracted with present technology, although this is expected to change in the future. In all probability, large-scale open tar sands mining, as it now occurs, will have to be replaced with another in situ extraction method. Shell is betting on more production from alternative fossil fuels like oil from the deep sea and Arctic zones, shale gas, tight oil, liquid natural gas (LNG) and gas-to-liquids (GTL). Producing these alternative fossil fuels is expensive and also demands a great deal of materials such as steel and concrete. This means the energy input to produce oil from these types of oil and gas is higher than average conventional oil, making them more CO2 intensive. Shell’s Carbon Bubble, by Friends of the Earth Netherlands, May 2014 Shale Shell has many resources in the form of shale plays and oil shale. Because these terms sound similar, the two are often confused. Shale plays are composed of low-permeability former sea floor clay sediment and can contain oil and gas. This can be extracted from the shale layers via hydraulic fracking; breaking the shale layers open by drilling horizontally and using highly pressurised water mixed with sand and chemicals. Shale oil and shale gas from these layers do not differ chemically from conventional oil and gas, only the source and the extraction method are different – and EROEI values. Shale oil is also referred to as tight oil. The production of both shale gas and tight oil has increased sharply in the US. An increasing portion of Shell’s US production now consists of shale gas and tight oil. Shell recently decided to dispose of these interests due to the extremely high costs that accompany these extraction methods. Shell is still seeking shale gas and shale oil in other parts of the world. Oil shale is comprised of kerogen, an organic material that has not yet been converted into oil or gas by geological processes. Oil shale is found in very large quantities in the US, as well as in Jordan and Russia. For decades, Shell has been trying to develop a method to convert this kerogen into oil and to make it recoverable. But in 2012 it decided to abandon these efforts and sell its US shale lab (25). In calculating Shell’s CO2 intensity, we have omitted oil shale from the calculations although Shell still owns large concessions in the US and Jordan. This is in part prompted by Shell’s decision to stop research into an extraction method; it does not appear that oil shale will be economically recoverable for the next several decades. Taking 30 billion BOE with an extremely high carbon intensity out of the final calculation is the main reason the carbon intensity of Shell’s total resource bases is now much lower than the value calculated in 2008. 16 Shell’s reserves offer the physical possibility of continued growth in both oil and natural gas production. Its oil reserves were 5,598 billion barrels in 2003. These dropped sharply in 2007 and came back up again to 6,180 billion barrels of oil eq (BOE) in 2012. Natural gas reserves rose from 6,881 billion boe in 2003 to 7,375 billion boe in 2012. In addition, Shell has claims to yetunproven resources of somewhere between 46 and 74 billion BOE. Of these, 32 billion BOE are in fields already in production, in the development phase or are a subject of research. The remaining resources are currently not economically and technically recoverable. This includes 30 billion barrels of oil shale concessions that Shell has in the US and Jordan and a substantial portion of the tar sands concessions in Canada. Of the remaining 32 billion BOE, we know that 36% or 11.5 billion BOE consist of oil and the rest is 20.5 billion BOE of natural gas(26). Natural gas: Does Shell’s ‘answer’ to the climate problem fit the carbon bubble? As we’ve seen Shell is partly transforming from a petroleum oil company to a natural gas company. An increasing share of its reserves and production consists of natural gas, and according to Shell that is good for the climate: “Natural gas is abundant, acceptable and affordable. At Shell we believe that it is an important component of a sustainable global energy mix,” Shell states on its website(27). It is a fact that Shell is slowly making the transition to natural gas. But it isn’t doing so voluntarily, but because fewer new oil fields are being discovered worldwide. The new oil fields that are found are increasingly located in deep seas, the Arctic or conflict zones – or unconventional oil reserves, presenting technical challenges, lower EROEI values, with ever-decreasing profit margins. Natural gas stocks are much more abundant, though it is difficult to transport the gas. If it cannot be marketed close to the source, it must be liquefied. However, the question then arises to what degree this strategy -because of its energy intensity- actually contributes to reducing CO2 emissions. Natural gas is indeed cleaner than oil, but does the share of natural gas compensate for the rising CO2 intensity of Shell’s tar sands and shale oil projects? And doesn’t liquefying natural gas in the form of LNG (liquefied natural gas) negate any CO2 benefits? And to what degree does this natural gas replace another fossil fuel, or does it just result in availability of an additional fossil fuels – possibly even hampering other energy policy options, like energy efficiency measures or Shell’s Carbon Bubble, by Friends of the Earth Netherlands, May 2014 development of renewable and other low-carbon sources? A major part of the answer on those questions has to do with if and how other fossil fuels are displaced by natural gas. Will natural gas be able to replace coal in electricity production? At the moment outside the US the opposite is happening because of the higher market price of natural gas. Especially in Europe it is natural-gas fired power plants that are closing down – opening room for coal-based power. Or does natural gas replace oil in the transport sector? Shell has several programmes to develop the market for GTL and LNG in transport, a transition that would have a negative climate impact, as these fuels have high CO2 intensity. What is the effect of new natural gas projects on Shell’s CO2 intensity? Shell is investing in natural gas, or actually liquefied natural gas, and claims that it can develop 8.2 billion BOE in natural gas, most of it as LNG. This technique for transporting gas, which consists of freezing, shipping and then thawing LNG, is energy (and thus CO2) intensive. In both the LNG terminals and LNG tankers a small percentage of the methane will escape to the atmosphere. Methane is a more potent greenhouse gas than CO2 but its effect in the atmospheer is much shorter (it decomposes to CO2). Shell plans to build several floating LNG installations that are larger than aircraft carriers. The Prelude is the first floating LNG terminal currently beeing built in Korea. Once operational the Prelude FLNG facility will produce 5.3 million tonnes of liquids per year; 3.6 MTPA of LNG, 35,000 barrels per day Boe of condensates and 0.4 MTPA of LPG 200 km off the west coast of Australia. The carbon intensity factor of LNG used in this report is based on LNG terminals on land and estimated at 75 kg CO2 per boe. If this number will change for a FLNG is yet unknown but very likely due to the higher amount of materials needed to build the plant. This means that our caluclation of the carbon intensity of future Shell LNG production is probably too low still. In much the same way the effect of using unconventional gas as a feedstock for LNG is unknown, so we used the most likely lower number of LNG using conventional gas as a feedstock. For example on the other side of Australia Shell’s joint venture with Chinese state oil company Sinopec, Arrow, is planning to build the Arrow LNG Plant(28). This LNG plant will make it possible to ship 18 mtpa of LNG made from coal seam gas produced in Arrow’s controversial coal seam gas opererations in Queensland, Australia. 17 The coal seam gas operation has, like shale gas, a higher carbon intensity than conventional gas, mainly caused by methane leakage (from drilling method, high number of wells, and waste water) and the low production per wel. Converting coal seam gas in LNG would further worsen the carbon intensity. Australian LNG is primarily intended for Asia and will compete with both coal and sustainable energy but most likely – as in Asia net energy consumption is increasing following production – will just add extra fossil fuels to the energy mix. Shell hopes to supply 368 Million boe LNG worldwide in 2020, that will produce 690,225,000,000 kg of CO2 emissions per day. The other way to get natural gas to consumers is the gas-to-liquids (GTL) method, by using the Fisher Tropsch process to convert natural gas, chiefly into diesel and aviation fuel. Natural gas has a carbon intensity of 22 kg CO2/barrel, GTL has a CO2 intensity factor of 55(29). By 2020 Shell wants to raise its GTL production from the current 154,700 bbl/d GTL to at least 294,000 bbl/d although it just scrapped plans for a big GTL facility in the US. This could increase the emissions from Shell’s GTL factories from 7,735,000 kg CO2e per day currently to 14,700,000 kg CO2e per day. It should be mentioned that Shell is still developing the GTL technique, which will probably lead to a more efficient process and thus to lower carbon intensity. Through the energy-intensive conversion process, GTL fuels have 5% higher CO2 emissions (well to wheel) than conventional diesel and kerosene(30). Natural gas conclusion Assuming LNG would replace coal would lower emissions, if it replaces conventional oil in either transport or a power plant it would let emissions rise. If GTL would replace diesel made from conventional oil it would have a higher carbon intensity. If it would replace other feedstocks it could be lower. Based on current market conditions it is to be expected that Shell’s investments would make extra natural gas available that would most of all add extra fossil fuel to the energy mix, instead of replacing coal or oil. This only serves to increase the net stress on the limited atmospheric carbon budget – and therefore increases carbon bubble sensitivity. Shell’s Carbon Bubble, by Friends of the Earth Netherlands, May 2014 Biofuels: Shell’s high-carbon solution to a highcarbon problem In 2011, Royal Dutch Shell and Brazilian sugarproduction group Cosan formed one of the biggest joint ethanol fuel ventures in the world, with an estimated market value of $12 billion. Shell invested $1.6 billion in the joint venture(31). The new company, named Raízen, produces over 2.4 billion litres of ethanol per year (35,000 barrels a day) to Brazilian and international markets. The target is to more than double ethanol output, to up to 5 billion litres a year(32), and the company expects to have a market share of 20% of Brazilian ethanol in seven years. According to Shell, “It can reduce net CO2 emissions by up to 70% compared with petrol. We recognise the sustainability challenges associated with some biofuels and are working to ensure that the feedstocks and conversion processes for the biofuels we purchase today are as sustainable as possible”(33) Biofuels sustainable? Sugarcane is grown as a mono-crop, predominantly in southern and central Brazil, as well as in parts of Asia and Africa. It relies on heavy quantities of inputs, particularly fertiliser (34). The cultivation and processing of sugar has environmental impacts through the loss of natural habitats, intensive use of water, heavy use of agro-chemicals, discharge and runoff of polluted effluent and air pollution due to pre-harvest sugar cane burning. These lead to the degradation of wildlife, soil, air and water in production areas and downstream ecosystems(35). Shell claims “Our Raízen JV agreement includes a set of principles to help improve sustainable production. These require Raízen to assess the potential direct and indirect impacts of cultivating new land.” CO2 Footprint The main driver of demand for ethanol as a road fuel lies in climate targets to reduce CO2 emissions from transport. However, when compared to electric transport, ethanol as a biofuel is not the optimal alternative. Research has shown that bioelectricity outperforms ethanol across a range of feedstocks, conversion technologies and vehicle classes. 18 Bioelectricity produces an average of 81% more transportation kilometres and 108% more emissions offsets per unit area of cropland than does even cellulosic ethanol (produced from wood, grasses or the non-edible parts of plants). These results suggest that alternative bioenergy pathways have large differences in how efficiently they use the available land to achieve transportation and climate goals.(36) Figures on the carbon footprint of ethanol as compared to conventional road fuels differ widely, depending on the weight attributed to land use change (LUC), including indirect land use change (ILUC). For example, in 2008 the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) calculated that ethanol’s carbon footprint is 26% lower than fossil road fuels. These calculations included figures for LUC. Two years later, they concluded that the footprint of ethanol would be 50% lower as compared to fossil road fuels, and that it can be 60 to 90% lower in scenarios where by-products are collected for combustion. The difference was that with the new figures, EPA also assumed that sugarcane would be planted on pastures and not in previously forested areas. Scientific research has now shown that emissions from indirect land use change (ILUC) have the potential to negate any greenhouse gas emission savings which might be generated. In fact the net-effect of biofuel targets could be an overall increase in emissions(37) from biofuel use. According to the Dutch research and consultancy organisation CE Delft, when climate impacts, land use (incl. ILUC) and depletion of crucial minerals (phosphorous and potassium) are combined, using sugarcane ethanol has an overall environmental impact comparable to driving on gasoline, natural gas or sugar-beet ethanol.(38) Land use change for biofuels and its impact on food production and communities Based on figures on sugarcane expansion, researchers concluded that sugarcane expansion in Brazil preferentially occurs in the Cerrado, the tropical savannah area(39). The area covered by sugarcane in the Cerrado is predicted to increase by 365 per cent by 2035(40). By 2035 Cerrado might have lost some 600 thousand hectares to sugarcane in new deforested areas.(41) Shell’s Carbon Bubble, by Friends of the Earth Netherlands, May 2014 In the state of Mato Grosso, which has areas of Amazon forest and Cerrado, as well as Brazil’s largest cattle herd, eight per cent of the sugar cane expansion has been on former forest land. This means an increase in net greenhouse gases emissions(42). Sugarcane expansion has also resulted in other agriculture in the south and midwest of Brazil being displaced, particularly cattle pasture. In the southern central region, 60 per cent of the expansion was on land previously used for grazing cattle. Cattle farmers sell their pastures and often move to new ground on former rainforest lands.(43) Sugarcane expansion on farm land is fuelling land conflicts, as rural and indigenous communities are forced off their land to make way for the plantations. Small-scale farming has become unviable in the plantation areas and many small farmers feel they have no financial choice but to sell up. While ethanol firms paint a picture of Brazil as the world’s ‘ethanol barn’ with large areas of land ‘available’, there is mounting violence by ranchers against indigenous people, such as the Guarani in Mato Grosso do Sul. The agricultural sector is said to put pressure on the government against the demarcation of indigenous lands, thereby exacerbating land conflicts. The government of the state of Mato Grosso do Sul even intends to amend the law to allow new mills to be built in the Pantanal nature reserve, in the region between the river basins of the Paraguay and the Paraná. This project may intensify land conflicts even further, while also causing more destruction to the Cerrado and contaminating rivers and subterranean water reservoirs, including the Guarani Aquifer. Shell responds: ‘Raízen supports the work of the Brazilian government to implement effective land use policies and address concerns over sugar cane production displacing other crops to areas rich in biodiversity. Raízen also supports government efforts to protect the land rights of indigenous peoples.’ 19 In 2008, research by Wageningen University in the Netherlands concluded: ‘The rapid further expansion of sugarcane areas forecasted for Brazil is expected to continue at the expense of current crop land and extensively managed pastoral land in the Cerrado region. This expansion may directly or indirectly affect parts of the Cerrado area with native vegetation and unprotected forest where biophysical, infrastructural and socio-economic conditions are favourable for sugarcane cultivation. Most threatened are those lands adjacent to current production areas. Environmental consequences of sugarcane expansion might range from quite acceptable (conversion of crop land and managed pastures) to very negative where sugarcane expands directly or indirectly in unprotected areas, which still have native vegetation with high bio-diversity or into unprotected native forest areas.’(44) Biofuels conclusion It is doubtful that sugarcane biofuel can provide net CO2 benefits over conventional fossil oil. It is negligible in terms of Shell’s total oil and gas production. Furthermore, a lot has to change before sugar cane production will be social and ecological sustainable. Shell’s Carbon Bubble, by Friends of the Earth Netherlands, May 2014 Recommendations for Shell to lower carbon emissions. If we are to remain below the agreed 2-degree global warming limit, by 2050 fossil fuels use would be fully marginalised. If Shell seeks a future role as an energy company it will have to use the remainder of the first half of this century to undergo a dramatic transition, away from its current core activity as extracting fossil carbon reserves. For the time being Shell will remain a large player in the energy industry – although its financial status can be quickly challenged by carbon bubble ramifications, as that may lead to both share value drop and disinvestment. One thing Shell can do to decrease its ‘carbon bubble vulnerability’ is to try and reduce its overall CO2 intensity. Current actions in this field are disappointing though, and the general trend moves in the wrong direction: increasing intensity. Stop investing in CO2 intensive fossil fuels like shale play reserves Shell could make the choice to no longer focus on tar sands, shale gas and oil shale. In recent decades the company has been the leader in developing technology that has made these reserves recoverable. Shell has major interests in concessions and resource positions in tar sands in Canada and the US, shale gas in the US, Ukraine, Russia, Turkey, South Africa and China, and has been trying for years to make its oil shale concessions in the US and Jordan recoverable. These investments are a deliberate choice to develop types of oil and gas that are extremely CO2 intensive. End the flaring of surplus natural gas In Nigeria, Iraq, and other places, natural gas that is recovered during oil production is flared – simply burned on the spot, without using the energy. This often happens because it is not profitable to utilise the natural gas locally, to pump it back into the oil field or to make use of it elsewhere. Large-scale flaring harms local air quality and affects the health of local populationin oil extraction areas. Also it is a globally significant source of atmospheric CO2 emissions, further decreasing the remaining atmospheric carbon budget. Making use of the gas efficiently, in a way that replaces the use of oil, would lead to a sharp reduction in emissions. Some options include connecting households to a natural gas network to take the place of cooking with 20 kerosene, or replacing oil-burning power stations in Africa and the Middle East. Shell is working on phasing out flaring in its Nigerian projects but the pace has slowed. In 2004 Shell emitted 24.1 million tonnes of CO2eq via flaring worldwide; in 2012, 7.7 million tonnes of CO2eq. Much of the natural gas is exported to the West as LNG. The transportation of gas as LNG increases the CO2 intensity of gas reserves and elevates the financial break even points of the exported reserves. This decreases climate benefits of halted flaring and maintains a high carbon bubble sensitivity for the overall oil & gas reserve exploitation. Transparency about the sources of oil Shell is not only a major producer of oil but also a major oil trader. The company does not reveal quantities but based on media statements it can be estimated that half of all oil in Shell refineries does not originate from Shell oil fields, but has instead been purchased on the global market.(45) Legislation in the US compels companies to be relatively open about the oil fields where oil is sourced. Such legislation does not exist in the EU and is actively resisted by Shell and other companies. The EU Fuel Quality Directive [still not implemented], which would oblige companies to reduce the CO2 intensity of fuel for road transport, will act on the basis of averages provided by the industry itself, not specified by source. The EU is working on regulations which would require reporting on the most climate-damaging oil, such as tar sands oil, to the great dismay of oil companies. Because of this lack of transparency, motorists or other customers of Shell are unable to choose whether or not to buy oil sourced from a particular technology or production region. As one of the larger companies, Shell could insist on increased openness for the sector. Inform shareholders on Shell’s exposure to the carbon bubble The market value of an oil company is to a large degree determined by the value of the company’s proven reserves. If the world’s political leaders should one day decide to adopt a stringent climate policy to limit global warming, a significant part of those reserves might become so called ”stranded assets”, assets that are unsellable, the value of Shell’s shares will decline. This is the so-called carbon bubble. Shell and other oil companies should inform their shareholders about the exposure to these risks. Shell’s Carbon Bubble, by Friends of the Earth Netherlands, May 2014 A new business model for Shell Finally, the company should take responsibility for the long-term interests of its shareholders and 90,000 employees. It could begin to develop a vision for Shell beyond oil. What does the company want to do? How can it use its capabilities for new, useful and profitable purposes? Shell’s five additional climate risks Climate Risk 1 Climate Risk 2 Increasing wind causes ice buildup oil rigs cannot withstand Can´t build pipelines on melting tundra marsh The Arctic is the last oil frontier. Several oil companies, especially Shell, desire to extract its percieved oil and gas riches now that the melting ice cover seems to make such carbon reserves in reach. Shell’s plans to start drilling outside Alaska are currently postponed due to an inadequate oil spill response plan, high costs and a series of incidents. The company however still insists on pursuing drilling in the Arctic, despite the wellknown fragile ecological state of this area and the security issue for Shell itself: melting ice causes a large amount of floating icebergs. Such ice masses can accumulate under projected increases in wind fetch and create enormous physical pressure, possibly damaging oil rigs, tankers and other facilities. In July 2012 an iceberg twice the size of Manhattan broke off a glacier on north-western Greenland, illustrating the speed and scale of changes to the local environment. Shell’s oil infrastructure in the Arctic Circle is partially resting on permanent frozen soils. These permafrost soils are thawing and thus become unstable. This could result in damage to pipelines and buckled roads and increasing land transport difficulties. Damages to infrastructure in the onshore Arctic will therefore be costly to repair. Moreover, oil spills resulting from damages to unstable permafrost-based pipelines would be highly damaging to the existence of this ecosystem - and may open up extremely costly legal charges. Wildlife such as reindeer and vegetation such as moss and lichen has adapted to live in the Arctic tundra. Pic: tundra_1.html 21 Shell’s Carbon Bubble, by Friends of the Earth Netherlands, May 2014 Climate Risk 3 Climate Risk 4 Water competition serious threat to economic viability Shell’s shale reserves Increasing hurricanes and extreme weather: Multi-billion risk to offshore Shell extracts oil and gas reserves with production methods that require very large amounts of water. This is most evident in the mid-west US shale plays - a drought-sensitive region. The water usage of such shale gas production is extremely large (between 7 – 30 million litres per well) times potentially thousands of wells - capable of lowering ground water or depleting aquifer reserves. Especially in the parts of the US hit by drought competition for water between farmers & public drinking water services and shale gas companies can arise - where local population is likely to party with the first interest group. Efforts to save water use will however further increase shale gas production costs - risking loss of economic viability of such production. Due to its disputed profitability Shell is currently divesting from multi-billion US shale gas investments, but continues pushing shalegas in other dry - and sometimes drier - areas, like Algeria, Tunesia, China and the Karoo in South Africa, where farmer communities have already expressed grave concerns over water competition. The water demand of oil and gas operations is increasing worldwide at the same time climate change can increase water scarcity in some regions, including the mentioned Shell shale gas operating areas. That shale gas is a “bridge fuel” from high carbon energy sources to a renewable energy future is arguably a myth (see Hughes, D.Will Natural Gas Fuel America in the 21st Century?) - for the simple reason that shale gas is in fact very CO2 intense - and adding any additional carbon reserves to an already limited atmospheric carbon budget competition only helps to further increase overinvestment and carbon bubble tensions. In recent years we have witnessed a growing number of extreme weather events - a trend that can be linked to global climate change and that fits projections of expected further (net) increase in magnitude and frequency of such events. The consequences of extreme weather events can be huge for companies like Shell. When hurricane Katrina struck in 2005, Shell’s oil and gas infrastructure in the Golf of Mexico was severly damaged. Shell was responsible for the second largest oil spill after this hurricane with a leak of 4 million litres from a broken pipeline near Pilottown as well as a saller spill of 50,900 litres near Nairn. Despite these damages Shell rebuilt its plants and increased oil production in the region. After Katrina the authorities in the Gulf of Mexico enforced regulation for offshore oil and gas platforms that improved their preparedness to hurricanes but also raised the costs of production. Next to more regulation insurance costs also rose considerably, reflecting higher financial risks of operating in the area. When negligence (possibly including failure to adapt) is at play, there is additional risk of multibillion legal charges, as shown in the case of the Gulf of Mexico BP Deep Water Horizon oil spill. Shell’s Mars platform was highly damaged after Hurricane Katrina. Pic: That shale gas is a “bridge fuel” from high carbon energy sources to a renewable energy future is arguably a myth (see Hughes, D. Will Natural Gas Fuel America in the 21st Century? ) Pic: downloads/innovation/world-map-with-legend2011.pdf 22 Shell’s Carbon Bubble, by Friends of the Earth Netherlands, May 2014 Climate Risk 5 Security problems and climate change, drilling for conflict can cost billions There is growing evidence that climate change is already contributing to conflicts and social unrest. The consequences of these conflicts can in some cases also hit Shell’s operations. Firstly climate change - caused by the fossil carbon energy system - is already hitting food production and food prices. Together with higher oil prices these contribute measurably to social unrest, as was the case in the so-called Arab Spring. Social unrest and conflicts have already worsened security conditions for Shell in North Africa and caused Egypt to build up a $3 million debt on oil imports. Shell pulled out of Libya in 2012 citing the worsening security after the toppling of the Kadafi regime. Also Shell was forced to shut down its operations in Syria. None of these conflicts are caused just by climate change - but as a globally destabilising factor (to the economy, social welfare and political stability) - companies relying on intercontinental cooperation between production and consumption zones (as typically the case in the fossil carbon energy system) are themselves in the high-risk zone to suffer consequences including high financial risk. That local instability in production can backfire dramatically to Shell’s financial profits is further illustrated by the againincreased tensions in its Niger Delta operating areas, including possible financial consequences of oil spills in such conflict zones, when negligence is a contributing factor and other parties can claim compensation for oil spill-induced losses. 23 Shell’s Carbon Bubble, by Friends of the Earth Netherlands, May 2014 Appendix: Methodology This report follows up on “Shell’s Big Dirty Secret” (published by Friends of the Earth and Oil Change International in 2009) and the scientific research done on the life cycle analysis of different types of oil and gas production (for example by the U.S Department of Energy’s National Energy Technology Laboratory and Adam.R.Brandt of Stanford University). Also we try to add qualitative assessment to supplement en specify the understanding of Carbon Tracker Institute reporting. We have tried to use Shell’s own data whenever possible. Unfortunately, Shell does not publish production and direct emission data on a project-by-project basis. Because of this lack of transparency we had to use other sources or estimate the exact carbon intensity of its production and resource base. Where we had to make estimates we did so conservatively; all estimates in this report are noted. Other data not made available by Shell is its oil trading. Shell refineries do not exclusively use oil produced in Shell’s upstream projects. Shell sells its upstream production on the world market and also buys oil for processing in its refineries on the world market. Since it gives no information on how much oil it buys and from which oilfields, in theory it is possible that it sells its relatively clean oil from the North Sea to other companies and buys more carbon intensive oil form Russia. On all these issues we have contacted Shell by email to ask for more details. None of these emails were answered. We would like to invite Shell to make more of the requested data available to us so that it is possible to make a more accurate calculation in future. And how to count the CO2 emissions? Should we measure the amount of CO2 released when burning a barrel of oil, or should we estimate the total amount of CO2 emitted “from well to wheel”, so including the production process? We favour the latter – as it expresses the full climatic impact of the current inter-continental fossil carbon energy system. In scientific literature several sources can be found giving numbers for carbon intensity. When comparing these it becomes very clear that an absolute number does not exist. There is a margin of uncertainty depending on the extraction process, technological experience at the well and unknown factors like the amount of methane leakage. This explains for example the big differences between the carbon intensity numbers given for the extraction of shale gas. With shale gas the amount of methane leakage varies widely depending on whether or not at the well open ponds are used for storing waste water. It is known that Shell uses these ponds at shale gas wells in the Ukraine and possibly in the US. Combined with lack of information about the amounts of gas produced and the proven reserves at a specific well the carbon intensity can only be estimated within a wide bandwidth. Based on the sources mentioned before and the methodology Oil Change used when writing the Irresponsible Energy report in 2009 we come to the following numbers: Carbon intensity The amount of CO2 emission produced by burning a barrel of oil can vary significantly. Because oil is a fossilised natural product its chemical composition, and the amount of carbon it contains, is variable. Also the method of extraction and the subsequent refinery processes play their part in creating variation. 24 Shell’s Carbon Bubble, by Friends of the Earth Netherlands, May 2014 Sources shell-abandons-plans-for-20b-plant-in-louisiana/ 1. Royal Dutch Shell Strategy Report 2013 servicepages/downloads/files/entire_strategic_ report_shell_ar13.pdf 2. Royal Dutch Shell Annual Report 2012 3. Resources are reserves, but production is less certain, HSBC, ‘Carbon and the cost of oil’ 2013 4. IPCC press release events/press_information.shtml 5. Unburnable Carbon 2013: Wasted capital and stranded assets, Carbon Tracker Initiative 2013 6. See for example, ‘Energy(R)evolution’ by Greenpeace, 2012 international/en/publications/Campaign-reports/ Climate-Reports/Energy-Revolution-2012/ 7. Carbon and the Cost of Oil, 2013 , HBSC 8. Shell’s response to CDP, 2013 corporate/downloads/pdf/cdp-greenhouse-gasemissions.pdf 9. ibidem 10. 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