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Staff Publications 2009
Gwasanaeth Llyfrgell a Rheolaeth
Library & Knowledge Management
Staff research & scientific publications 2009
The Library and Knowledge Management Service maintains a publications register for
Public Health Wales NHS Trust. The register covers publications from National Public
Health Service (NPHS) staff 2003-2009 and has been extended to all Public Health
Wales staff from 2010. The register includes journal articles, books, chapters in books,
external reports, papers in published conference proceedings and electronic publishing
on recognised sites
Alam, M. F., Cohen, D., Butler, C., Dunstan, F., Roberts, Z., Hillier, S., & Palmer, S., 2009. The additional
costs of antibiotics and re-consultations for antibiotic-resistant Escherichia coli urinary tract
infections managed in general practice, International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, 33 (3), 255-257
Barnes, R. A., White, P. L., Bygrave, C., Evans, N., Healy, B., & Kall, J., 2009. Clinical impact of enhanced
diagnosis of invasive fungal disease in high-risk haematology and stem cell transplant patients. ,
Journal of Clinical Pathoogy, 62 (1), 64-69
Boucher, N. A. & Rose, B. G., 2009. Technical external quality assessment for SurePath stained liquidbased cytology gynaecological cervical samples using control material--a novel approach,
Cytopathology, 20 (3), 169-175
Chalmers, R. M., Robinson, G., Elwin, K., Hadfield, S., Xiao, L., Ryan, U., Modha, D., & Mallaghan, C., 2009.
Cryptosporidium sp. rabbit genotype, a newly identified human pathogen., Emerging Infectious
Diseases, 15 (5), 829-830
Chalmers, R. M., Elwin, K., Thomas, A. L., Guy, E. C., & Mason, B., 2009. Long-term Cryptosporidium
typing reveals the aetiology and species-specific epidemiology of human cryptosporidiosis in England
and Wales, 2000 to 2003, Euro Surveillance: Bulletin Europeen sur les Maladies Transmissibles = European
Communicable Disease Bulletin.14(2),
Cheknis, A. K., Sambol, S. P., Davidson, D. M., Nagaro, K. J., Mancini, M. C., Aida Hidalgo-Arroyo, G.,
Brazier, J. S., Johnson, S., & Gerding, D. N., 2009. Distribution of Clostridium difficile strains from a
North American, European and Australian trial of treatment for C. difficile infections: 2005-2007.,
Anaerobe, 15 (6), 230-233
Coyle, E., Huws, D., Monaghan, S., Roddy, G., Seery, B., Staats, P., Thunhurst, C., Walker, P., & Fleming, P.,
2009. Transport and health--a five-country perspective, Public Health, 123 (1), e21-e23
Craine, N., HIckman, M., Parry, J. V., Smith, J., Walker, A. M., Russell, D., Nix, B., May, M., McDonald, T., &
Lyons, M., 2009. Incidence of hepatitis C in drug injectors: the role of homelessness, opiate
substitution treatment, equipment sharing, and community size, Epidemiology & Infection, 137 (9), 12551265
Version: 0.a
Library and Knowledge Management Service
Date: 10 September 2010
Staff Publications 2009
Gwasanaeth Llyfrgell a Rheolaeth
Library & Knowledge Management
Craine, N., Parry, J., O'Toole, J., D'Arcy, S., & Lyons, M., 2009. Improving blood-borne viral diagnosis;
clinical audit of the uptake of dried blood spot testing offered by a substance misuse service, Journal
of Viral Hepatitis.16(3):219-22,
Davies, A. P., Campbell, B., Evans, M. R., Bone, A., Roche, A., & Chalmers, R. M., 2009. Asymptomatic
carriage of protozoan parasites in children in day care centers in the United Kingdom.[Report],
Pediatric Infectious Diseases Journal, 26 (9), 838-840
Davies, A. P. & Chalmers, R. M., 2009. Cryptosporidiosis.[Review], BMJ, 339 (7727), 963-967
El-Bouri, K. W., 2009. Clinical microbiology services are essential for diagnosis, treatment and
prevention of MRSA and other nosocomial pathogens in Libyan healthcare facilities. [Editorial], Lybian
Journal of Medicine, 4 (3), 91-92
Evans, M. R., Northey, G., Sarvotham, T., Rigby, C. J., Hopkins, A. L., & Thomas, D. R., 2009. Short-term
and medium-term clinical outcomes of quinolone-resistant Campylobacter infection., Clinical Infectious
Diseases, 48 (11), 1500-1506
Evans, M. R., Northey, G., Sarvotham, T., Hopkins, A. L., Rigby, C. J., & Thomas, D. R., 2009. Risk factors
for ciprofloxacin-resistant Campylobacter infection in Wales., Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 64
(2), 424-427
Goorhuis, A., Legaria, M. C., van den Berg, R. J., Harmanus, C., Klaassen, C. W. H., Brazier, J. S., Lumelsky,
G., & Kuijper, E., 2009. Application of multiple-locus variable-number tandem-repeat analysis to
determine clonal spread of toxin A-negative Clostridium difficile in a general hospital in Buenos Aires,
Argentina., Clinical Microbiology & Infection, 15 (12), 1080-1086
Gray, J. R. & Berwick, D. M., 2009. Peering into the chasm: Improving the quality of clinical genetic
services, American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part C: Seminars in Medical Genetics, 151 (3), 173-174
Available at:
Hart, J. & Smith, G., 2009. Verocytotoxin-producing Escherichia coli O157 outbreak in Wrexham, North
Wales, July 2009., Euro Surveillance: Bulletin Europeen sur les Maladies Transmissibles = European
Communicable Disease Bulletin, 14 (32),
Hillier, S., 2009. Donaldsons' Essential Public Health. Third Edition.[Book Review], Journal of Public
Health, 31 (4), 599
Humphreys, C. P., 2009. Data briefing. Watch on suicide and self harm, Health Service Journal (6141
30/01/2009), 17
Available at: Accessed:
Version: 0.a
Library and Knowledge Management Service
Date: 10 September 2010
Staff Publications 2009
Gwasanaeth Llyfrgell a Rheolaeth
Library & Knowledge Management
James-Ellison, M., Barnes, P., Maddocks, A., Wareham, K., Drew, P., Dickson, W., Lyons, R. A., & Hutchings,
H., 2009. Social health outcomes following thermal injuries: a retrospective matched cohort study,
Archives of Disease in Childhood, 94 (9), 663-667
Ladhani, S., Neely, F., Heath, P. T., Nazareth, B., Roberts, R., Slack, M. P. E., McVernon, J., & Ramsay, M.
E., 2009. Recommendations for the prevention of secondary Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)
disease, Journal of Infection, 58 (1), 3-14
Lambourne, J., Agranoff, D., Herbrecht, R., Buchbinder, A., Willis, F., Letscher-Bru, V., Agrawal, S., Doffman,
S., Johnson, E., White, P. L., Barnes, R. A., Griffin, G., Lindsay, J. A., & Harrison, T. S., 2009. Association of
mannose-binding lectin deficiency with acute invasive aspergillosis in immunocompromised patients.,
Clinical Infectious Diseases, 49 (10), 1486-1491
Maddams, J., Brewster, D., Gavin, A., Steward, J., Elliott, J., Utley, M., & Moller, H., 2009. Cancer
prevalence in the United Kingdom: Estimates for 2008, British Journal of Cancer, 101 (3), 541-547
McCann, E., Baines, E. A., Gray, J. R., & Procter, A. M., 2009. Improving service delivery by evaluation of
the referral pattern and capacity in a clinical genetics setting, American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part
C: Seminars in Medical Genetics, 151 (3), 200-206
Available at:
Meldrum, R. J., Mannion, P. T., Garside, J., & Welsh Food Microbiological Forum, 2009. Microbiological
quality of ready-to-eat food served in schools in Wales, United Kingdom., Journal of Food Protection, 72
(1), 197-201
Meldrum, R. J., Little, C. L., Sagoo, S., Mithani, V., McLauchlin, J., & de Pinna, E., 2009. Assessment of the
microbiological safety of salad vegetables and sauces from kebab take-away restaurants in the
United Kingdom., Food Microbiology, 26 (6), 573-577
Monaghan, N. & Morgan, M. Z., 2009. Consent of older children participating in BASCD coordinated
dental epidemiology surveys in Wales., Community Dental Health, 26 (3), 157-161
Paranjothy, S., Fone, D., Mann, M., Dunstan, F., Evans, E., Tomkinson, A., Sibert, J., & Kemp, A., 2009. The
incidence and aetiology of epistaxis in infants: a population-based study, Archives of Disease in
Childhood, 94 (6), 421-424
Porter-Jones, G., Williams, S., Powell, C., Pusey, L., & Roberts, R. J., 2009. Impact of a novel way to
communicate information about MMR on uptake of MMR vaccine: a randomized controlled trial, Public
Rachet, B., Maringe, C., Nur, U., Quaresma, M., Shah, A., Woods, L. M., Ellis, L., Walters, S., Forman, D.,
Steward, J., & Coleman, M. P., 2009. Population-based cancer survival trends in England and Wales up
to 2007: an assessment of the NHS cancer plan for England, The Lancet Oncology, 10 (4), 351-369
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Date: 10 September 2010
Staff Publications 2009
Gwasanaeth Llyfrgell a Rheolaeth
Library & Knowledge Management
Rivero, F., Saura, A., Prucca, C., Carranza, P., Chalmers, R. M., Crabree, J., & Lujan, H., 2009.
Development of an efficient diagnostic kit for easy and fast detection of pathogenic intestinal parasitic
protozoa: T4P5-03., Tropical Medicine and International Health, 14 (Suppl 2), 59
Roberts, C., Porter-Jones, G., Crocker, J., & Hart, J., 2009. Mumps outbreak on the island of Anglesey,
North Wales, December 2008-January 2009, Euro Surveillance: Bulletin Europeen sur les Maladies
Transmissibles = European Communicable Disease Bulletin.14(5),
Shetty, A., McLauchlin, J., Grant, K., O'Brien, D., Howard, T., & Davies, E. M., 2009. Outbreak of Listeria
monocytogenes in an oncology unit associated with sandwiches consumed in hospital., Journal of
Hospital Infection, 72 (4), 332-336
Slegg, G., Cottrell, S., Nicholas, H., & Messenger, L., 2009. A Guided Online Anxiety Self-Help
Programme to aid a return to work: A pilot study., Journal of Occupational Psychology, Employment and
Disability, 11 (2), 63-77
Smith, R. P., Chalmers, R. M., Elwin, K., Clifton-Hadley, F. A., Mueller-Doblies, D., Watkins, J., PaiBa, G. A., &
Giles, M., 2009. Investigation of the role of companion animals in the zoonotic transmission of
cryptosporidiosis., Zoonoses and Public Health, 56 (1), 24-33
Smyth, E. T. M., McIlvenny, G., Enstone, J., Spencer, R. C., Humphreys, H., Davies, E., & Newcombe, R. G.,
2009. Response to Dr Wilson, Dr Charlett, and Dr Pearson. Pitfalls in the comparison of intercountry
prevalence of healthcare-associated infection (HCAI), Journal of Hospital Infection, 71 (3), 279-280
Teo, S. S. S., Riordan, A., Alfaham, M., Clark, J., Evans, M. R., Sharland, M., Novelli, V., Watson, J. M.,
Sonnenberg, P., Hayward, A., Moore-Gillon, J., Shingadia, D., & for the British Paediatric Surveillance Unit
Childhood Tuberculosis Study Group, 2009. Tuberculosis in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland.
[Article], Archives of Disease in Childhood, 94 (4), 263-267
Teo, S. S. S., Alfaham, M., Evans, M. R., Watson, J. M., Riordan, A., Sonnenberg, P., Clark, J., Hayward, A.,
Sharland, M., Moore-Gillon, J., Novelli, V., Quinn, D., & Shingadia, D., 2009. An evaluation of the
completeness of reporting of childhood tuberculosis., European Respiratory Journal, 34 (1), 176-179
Terenziani, M., Storm, H. H., Aareleid, T., Hakulinen, T., Hedelin, G., Tron, I., Le, G. E., Launoy, G., MaceLesech, J., Faivre, J., Chaplain, G., Carli, P.-M., Lacour, B., Berger, C., Freycon, F., Esteve, J., Kaatsch, P.,
Tryggvadottir, L., Berrino, F., Allemani, C., Baili, P., Ciccolallo, L., Gatta, G., Micheli, A., Sant, M., Taussig, E.,
Capocaccia, R., Carrani, E., De, A. R., Roazzi, P., Santaquilani, M., Tavilla, A., Valente, F., Verdecchia, A.,
Ferretti, S., Crosignani, P., Tagliabue, G., Ramazzotti, V., Cercato, M. C., Vercelli, M., Orengo, A., De, L., V,
Serventi, L., Magnani, C., Pastore, G., Gafa, L., Tumino, R., Paci, E., Crocetti, E., Langmark, F., Andersen, A.,
Rachtan, J., Plesko, I., Obsitnikova, A., Pompe-Kirn, V., Ardanaz, E., Moreno, C., Galceran, J., Torrella, A.,
Peris-Bonet, R., Barlow, L., Moller, T., Jundt, G., Lutz, J.-M., Usel, M., Coebergh, J. W. W., Stiller, C.,
Coleman, M. P., Steward, J. A., Black, R., & Brewster, D., 2005. Childhood cancer survival trends in
Europe: A EUROCARE working group study, Journal of Clinical Oncology, 23 (16), 3742-3751
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Staff Publications 2009
Gwasanaeth Llyfrgell a Rheolaeth
Library & Knowledge Management
Terhes, G., Urban, E., Konkoly-Thege, M., Szekely, E., Brazier, J. S., Kuijper, E., & Nagy, E., 2009. First
isolation of Clostridium difficile PCR ribotype 027 from a patient with severe persistent diarrhoea in
Hungary.[Letter], Clinical Microbiology & Infection , 15 (9), 885-886
Ward, M., 2009. What's in a word? Malcolm Ward chases after an activity that has gone missing,
Healthmatters (77), 14
Ward, M., 2009. Social marketing - more than just a sales pitch., Healthmatters, 1 (75), 32
White, P. L., Perry, M. D., & Barnes, R. A., 2009. An update on the molecular diagnosis of invasive
fungal disease., FEMS Microbiology Letters, 296 (1), 1-10
Williams, G. J., Denyer, S. P., Hosein, I. K., Hill, D. W., & Maillard, J.-Y., 2009. Limitations of the efficacy of
surface disinfection in the healthcare setting., Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology., 30 (6), 570-573
Williams, R. S., Brook, D., Monypenny, I. J., & Gower-Thomas, K., 2002. The relevance of reported
symptoms in a breast screening programme, Clinical Radiology.57(8):725-9,
Wootton, M., Walsh, T. R., Davies, E. M., & Howe, R. A., 2009. Evaluation of the effectiveness of common
hospital hand disinfectants against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, glycopeptideintermediate S. aureus, and heterogeneous glycopeptide-intermediate S. aureus, Infection Control &
Hospital Epidemiology.30(3):226-32,
Zellerino, B. C., Milligan, S. A., Gray, J. R., Williams, M. S., & Brooks, R., 2009. Identification and
prioritization of quality indicators in clinical genetics: An international survey, American Journal of
Medical Genetics, Part C: Seminars in Medical Genetics , 151 (3), 179-190
Available at:
Further details
The criteria and procedures are outlined on the Staff publications register web page
Please submit details of your scientific publications to:
Helen Wright, Public Health Wales Observatory, Carmarthen
WHTN: 01820 5077; Tel: 01267 225077; email [email protected]
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Library and Knowledge Management Service
Date: 10 September 2010