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By Eamon Mott
Aztec location
Lived in modern day Mexico and Central America.
(Green is Aztecs)
Aztec Agriculture
They used Chinapas to farm in rectangular areas on
lake beds in the Mexican valley
Aztec Housing
The more important people had
bigger houses. But a common roof
in an Aztec house would be a
peaked straw roof with a layout of
15 to 25 square meters made
commonly out of stone and adobe.
Aztec Arts
It was very common for emperors, for example, to wear
necklaces and earrings.
Aztec Trade Networks
They had no metal but cocoa beans that were used to
make chocolate Were very valuable to them. It was
even there currency. Also Traded jewelry, cotton,
Merchants traveled south to trade many things like the
ones above and things like tools and animal skins
Aztec Environment
They lived in modern day Mexico and It was hot so they
did lot’s of farming. They adapted by creating irrigation
systems to control the water supply, as well as hunt for
fish in the large bodies of water surrounding them.
Aztec Government
They had an emperor who ruled . There was an emperor
for every few city states the city states themselves we
somewhat independent. All the emperors asked is that a
tribute, like something very valuable. as long as the
tribe was paid the emperor would leave the city states
Aztec culture
According to the Aztec religion it took 5 great major
gods to create the world.
Aztec Food
beans, squashes, potatoes, tomatoes and avocadoes and
meat such as rabbits, armadillos, snakes, coyotes and
wild turkey were hunter gatherers.
Aztec Religion
They believed that gods created the world and created
large nice temples for them and gave them gifts.
Technologies Used
Aztecs did great things like math, Calendar, canoe and
The Aztecs had no iron or bronze with which to make
their tools and weapons but instead the used Chert and
What happened to the Aztecs
The Aztec empire fell for many reasons, for one
they made sacrifices to the gods the worshiped all
the time, killing thousands of people. Another
thing that led to the fall of the Aztec empire was
the disease. After Cortes came, he declared war.
He and his men and slaves teamed up with soldiers
from Cuba. But the Aztec army overwhelmed the
Spanish but Cortes’s men would carry a disease
called smallpox. It was contagious and after the
Spanish retreated and the dead bodies were
“looted” by the Aztecs. The disease would spread,
no one had a cure for it so it just kept killing the
entire population, smallpox even killed the leader
of the Aztec army, Cuitláhuac.
All the tribes had one big thing in common, they all
planted corn and farmed as much as the could. Not as
much as hunting though. The Mississippian hunted the
most. There housing was similar too, they all had
houses and none of them built teepees because they
didn’t travel as much ,meaning they weren’t hunter
gatherers. The Aztec and Maya had the same type of
currency, they used cocoa beans.
They were different as well they all had a
different sort of leader and there art was
very different. The Mississippian usually
made pots and pottery, the Maya didn’t
do as much pottery they did more
drawings like ones on there cave walls.
The Aztecs had there emperors, who
would wear necklaces and jewelry. They
also had a different form of sacrifice, the
Maya and Aztec, would sacrifice people.
And the Mississippian would sacrifice
items they cherished very much.
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