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EDU 711
ID: 2010003956
Why Genetic Engineering and Screening a Concern
An issue that has entered the mainstream media in a lot of countries is Genetic
Engineering (GE) or Genetic Modification (GM) of food. A lot of food that
we eat today contains genetically modified ingredients and that is usually
without our knowledge.
These concerns range from ethical issues to a lack of knowledge on the
effects genetic engineering may have. One major concern is that once an
altered gene is placed in an organism, the process cannot be reversed.
Other concerns include:
Newly introduced genes may act differently within a new host and the overall
term effect on an organism is unpredictable. There are also certain ethical
issues of major concern.
"Playing God" has become a strong argument against genetic engineering.
Despite all of these current concerns, the potential for genetic engineering is
tremendous. However, further testing and research will be required to educate
society on the positives and negatives of genetic engineering. With the
newfound breakthroughs in cloning, the capabilities of changing human
characteristics are unpredictable
Why Genetic Engineering and Screening a Concern
 There are also argument that Genetic Screening is done only
for the purpose of aborting fetuses that are not healthy, but
this not always the case.
 The issue of screening an individual for certain traits before the
person is hired. Many feel that genetic based elimination is a
form of discrimination. In the past people were chosen for
certain jobs because of the expression of genetic traits including
gender, height, and strength. This type of discrimination is one
of the main concerns expressed by those against the push
towards screening for specific traits. What some people fail to
realize is that screening is already a part of our everyday lives.
 However there are also concerns that parents will use prenatal
screening as a form of selection for the "perfect child" and
chose to abort any fetus that doesn't fit their standards.
What is Genetic Engineering
 Genetic engineering is the process of taking genes and
segments of DNA from one species and putting them into
another species, thus breaking the species barrier and
artificially modifying the DNA of various species.
 Genetic engineering can be done on any living organism
because all living organisms contain DNA within each cell
 Altering the DNA of a cell changes attributes of cells created
by later reproduction, ideally in a useful and beneficial way.
 The process is used to create plant or animal hybrids, to
correct genetic flaws in an animal or human, or to utilize
biological organisms to produce valuable chemicals (such as
What is Genetic Engineering
 In order to understand how genetic manipulation is
accomplished, it is important first to understand the
structure of deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA. . Within its
chemical structure, DNA stores the information that
determines an organisms hereditary or genetic properties.
DNA is made up of a linked series of units called
nucleotides, Different nucleotide sequences determine
different genes genetic information. Genetic engineering is
based on this genetic information.
Process of Genetic Engineering
Process of Genetic Engineering
 Genetic manipulation is carried out through a process
known as recombinant-DNA formation, or gene
splicing. This procedure behind genetic engineering is
one whereby segments of genetic material from one
organism are transferred to another. The basis of the
technique lies in the use of restriction enzymes that
split DNA strands wherever certain desired sequences
of nucleotides, or specific genes, occur. This desired
segment of DNA is referred to as donor DNA. The
process of gene splicing results in a series of
fragments of DNA, each of which express the same
desired gene that can then combine with plasmids and
allowed to multiply , which be then transplanted into
other organisms
Examples of genetic Engineering
Genetic Screening
Genetic screening is the testing of an individual for the presence or
absence of a gene. This can be used to test for certain diseases of
which the gene responsible is known.
 Genetic screening involves looking at a person's DNA to determine if
he or she has any genetic indicators of disease. It may be motivated by
the individual’s desire to rule out a potential future problem in his or
her own life or in any present children or future children. Some
researchers also screen a broad spectrum of people to find potential
for genetic disease in large populations.
Process of Genetic Screening
Advantages of Genetic Screening
 Fewer children with genetic diseases are born. Men or
women who are carriers of an allele that causes a genetic
disease could avoid having children with the disease by
choosing a partner who has been screened and found not to
be a carrier of the same allele. Frequency of alleles causing
genetic disease can be reduced.
 Couples who know that they are both carriers of a recessive
allele that causes a genetic disease could use IVF to produce
embryos screened for the allele. Embryos that do not carry
the allele could be used.
 Genetic diseases can be found and treated more effectively.
If some genetic diseases are diagnosed when a child is very
young, treatments can be given which prevent some or all of
the symptoms of the disease. PKU (phenylketonuria) is an
example of this.
Disadvantages of Genetic Screening
 Frequency of abortion may increase. If a genetic
disease is diagnosed in a child before birth, the
parents may decide to have it aborted. Some people
believe that this is unethical.
 Harmful psychological effects. If a person discovers
by genetic screening that they have a genetic disease
or will develop a disease when they are older, this
knowledge might cause the person to become
 Creation of a genetic underclass. People who are
found to have a genetic disease may be refused jobs,
life insurance and health insurance and be less likely
to find a partner.
Impact of Genetic Engineering on
the World and Pacific Islands
Contemporary research in Asia, Latin America and Africa has already led
to the widespread use of the techniques of tissue culture and genetic
engineering in maintaining export markets and creating new ones. Current
efforts in the Caribbean and pacific regions are indicative of this growing
 Globalization has embraced the world of islands in Asia, Africa, Europe,
the Caribbean and the pacific regions. As a result, and despite the
geographic and economic limitations that slow down the pace of
technological advancement, several island nations have embarked upon
the path of diversifying and modernizing their reliance on traditional
agricultural and Nature-given biotech resources. Amongst the various
options, virtually all island countries, inclusive of Cyprus and Malta, have
adopted high-tech biotechnology, genetic engineering, and gene-rich
micro-organisms as strategic mechanisms in ensuring self-reliant
development and economic stability for the year 2000 and beyond.
 The Caribbean nations consist of more than 25 island states with varying
populations that depend on a rich diversity of plant genetic resources for
their nutrition, health and well-being.
Genetic Engineering in Fiji
 At the moment, the only real application of
biotechnology in the region is tissue culture. It was
first introduced into the region through the tissue
culture laboratory established by the South Pacific
Commission (SPC), Plant Protection Service in Fiji
with the aim of increasing the number of varieties of
the main root and tuber crops available in the Pacific
island countries, and to facilitate their distribution
through their pathogen-tested status. In the late 1980s
another tissue culture laboratory was established on
the campus of the University of the South Pacific
(USP), Western Samoa to provide security for the
germplasm material that was being maintained in
Suva, Fiji.
Benefits of Genetic Engineering
Genetic engineering when used on microorganisms help in the
creation of new pharmaceuticals which cannot be made in any
other way.
Genetic engineering helps in the process of bio remediation
which is the process of cleaning up waste and pollution with the
help of living organisms.
Genetic engineering has helped lower the overall usage of
herbicide and pesticide.
Genetic engineering has helped with the production of vaccines
and other drugs in plants.
Genetic engineering has helped produce quicker and more
predictable way of generating new cultivars. Further, the cultivar
properties are better known today than it was ever known before.
Benefits of Genetic Engineering
Today, genetic engineering can produce sustainable agriculture.
Genetic engineering has produced very useful genetically
modified breeds which can tolerate factory farming without any
In humans, genetic engineering is used to treat genetic disorders
and cancer. It also helps in supplying new body parts.
Although, this has not been done today, genetic engineering has
the potential of creating new types of human beings with many
advantageous traits.
Anti-sense mRNA technology.
Genetic engineering is used in the field of mining to extract
useful elements from the ones they are actually embedded into.
Certain bacterial sequences are manipulated to transform waste
into ethanol, so that it can be used as a fuel.
Effects of Genetic Engineering
 The most frightening scenario is the destructive use of genetic
Terrorist groups or armies could develop more powerful biological
weaponry. These weapons could be resistant to medicines, or even
targeted at people who carry certain genes. Genetically engineered
organisms used for biological weapons might also reproduce
faster, which would create larger quantities in shorter periods of
time, increasing the level of devastation.
Unexpected characteristics may appear in genetically altered
Genetic engineering, may, in turn, disrupt and weaken the immune
systems by introducing foreign substances into organisms that they
won't be able to fight. No one really knows the overall effect of
If something lethal does escape, it cannot be recaptured and will
potentially spread across the entire world.
Effects of Genetic Engineering
 Scientific studies have already shown that in some cases
serious allergic reactions can occur, and that antibiotic
resistance and toxicity levels may be increased.
Genetically engineered foods create specific ethical
problems for those of various faiths.
New toxins and allergens in foods as well as other damaging
effects on health caused by unnatural foods:
The creation of herbicide-resistant weeds, resulting in
increased pollution of food and water supply.
Artificially induced characteristics and inevitable side effects
will be passed on to all subsequent generations and to other
related organisms.
Solution to genetic Engineering
In the case of GE, better solutions include crop breeding (often assisted
by molecular biology techniques) and agro ecological practices such as
crop rotation, cover crops, and integrated crop/livestock management.
 Such healthy farm practices are the future of U.S. agriculture—and
policymakers can help speed the transition by supporting research and
education on them. In the meantime, stronger regulation of the
biotechnology industry is needed to minimize health and environmental
risks from GE products.
 We can educate ourselves, our families, friends and community about
current and potential problems with genetically engineered foods. On the
local level, we can talk to the grocers and store managers where we shop.
Most of them have little awareness of the issues involved. We can ask
them to label them clearly so that those who wish to avoid them they can.
On the national level we can let our elected representatives know that we
want both stricter government oversight of research and development and
also required labeling.
While genetic engineering can do a whole lot of good if used
for the betterment of life, imagine the side effects that the
alteration of genes - the bit units of the entire, complex
program of life - can bring about if even a little mishap were
to take place during the alteration process . A study of all of
the effects of genetic engineering can lead to responsible use
of the technology when it is fully developed. Right now,
however, there are no specific limits are on genetic
engineering. We, as a society, are technologically ready to
carry out genetic engineering, but we may not be ready for
the responsibility it brings.
My Own View
 Our society is becoming more advanced where
science fiction is rapidly becoming fact. We must
become more educated with each advance in research.
The amount of information discovered in our
lifetimes alone will overcome any past advances in
science. We are on the brink of a new world in which
certain now fatal genetic diseases will become
treatable, if not eradicated. In this area of research it
is necessary for people to become more informed.
Ignorance quickly spreads fear and it is up to the
scientifically literate of society to educate those
around them. Every argument has two sides, good and
the bad side.
Discussion Question
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