Download Codeigniter Development is one of the best PHP framework in web

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What is Codeigniter and its advantages
Advantages of Codeigniter framework.
CodeIgniter is a powerful PHP framework with a very small footprint, built for
PHP coders who need a simple and elegant toolkit to create full-featured web
applications. If you're a developer who lives in the real world of shared hosting
accounts and clients with deadlines, and if you're tired of ponderously large
and thoroughly undocumented frameworks, then CodeIgniter might be a good
CodeIgniter is an Application Development Framework - a toolkit - for people
who build web sites using PHP. Its goal is to enable you to develop projects
much faster than you could if you were writing code from scratch, by providing
a rich set of libraries for commonly needed tasks, as well as a simple interface
and logical structure to access these libraries. CodeIgniter lets you creatively
focus on your project by minimizing the amount of code needed for a given
It kind of resemble the Struts framework
Codeigniter Development is one of the best PHP framework in web
Application Development. If you are looking forward to develop the application
in a better way, then the only option is web development framework. As
compared to the other frameworks, Codeigniter Development is fast, reliable,
its time and speed is significant. You can modify (software) for use on a
different machine or platform for existing codes by using PHP framework. PHP
server side scripting language is very useful, In PHP software development,
PHP programming or PHP application development or outsourcing PHP it is
Professional Codeigniter developers programmers is the best part of PHP
framework for web application development. So Codeigniter Development is
concluded, when you need a framework, exceptional performance. You can
prefer CakePHP (web applications development) and Zend Framework (as a
toolkit) for users who design websites using PHP. If you were writing the code,
then it has a motive to enable to develop the projects which could be faster.
Other features of Codeigniter:
Codeigniter has inbuilt library classes for many complicated functionalities.
Following are the features of codegniter.
Model-View-Controller Based System
Extremely Light Weight
Full Featured database classes with support for several platforms.
Active Record Database Support
Form and Data Validation
Security and XSS Filtering
Session Management
Email Sending Class. Supports Attachments, HTML/Text email, multiple
protocols (sendmail, SMTP, and Mail) and more.
Image Manipulation Library (cropping, resizing, rotating, etc.). Supports GD,
ImageMagick, and NetPBM
File Uploading Class
FTP Class
Data Encryption
Full Page Caching
Error Logging
Application Profiling
Calendaring Class
User Agent Class
Zip Encoding Class
Template Engine Class
Trackback Class
XML-RPC Library
Unit Testing Class
Search-engine Friendly URLs
Flexible URI Routing
Support for Hooks and Class Extensions
Large library of "helper" functions
Security features:
1. Remote
<? php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed'); This
ensures that the PHP file is not accessible directly by manipulating or running
a script, which would compromise the system.
2. SQL injection: This type of attack is highly common on the web. A SQL
injection occurs when an attacker exploits the front-end and the post data to
retrieve secure data from the database. According to CodeIgniter manual, it
becomes evident that your web application is automatically safe from SQL
injection as the POST data is retrieved in the controller using $this->input>post (‘’); which is automatically filtered by CodeIgniter. CodeIgniter User
Manual excerpt proves this fact: “Beyond simplicity, a major benefit to using
the Active Record features is that it allows you to create database
independent applications, since the query syntax is generated by each
database adapter. It also allows for safer queries, since the values are
escaped automatically by the system.”
3. XSS Attacks: An XSS or Cross Site scripting attack is unarguably the common
reason for the demise of web applications. A XSS attack works by a hacker
crafting a malicious URL into the browser in order to compromise the security
of the application. CodeIgniter has a built in XSS filter which is initialized
automatically. In order to double check the security threats against XSS
attacks, a Firefox add-on called XXS Me (download here) can be used to test
the sample application against 96 different types of attacks. The results are
shown in the image below. It shows that the all form input fields were not
found unencoded, which means the XSS filter within CodeIgniter did its job.
4. Other features: Apart from the ones mentioned above, there are a few minor
security features that web application developers can apply. For example,
make sure your web application does not allow any two different user groups
to access each other’s accounts on the same session.This is possible by
having the session data encoded with user id and user type so it can be used
to determine if the account belongs to the user whose user data is in the
active session.When it comes to storing passwords, the MD5 algorithm should
be used to encrypt passwords. Also, if you are using file uploads, make sure
the file names are encoded with a random 32-bit string so that private or
sensitive information is anonymous.In addition, CodeIgniter’s form validation
library can prove to be very useful. Form validation ensures that invalid
information is not entered into the database. To provide a double layer of
security, the SQL structure can be as such that it each field conforms to the
incoming form data by a) type and b) length.
Codeigniter is fast, reliable, lightweight and more capable.
PHP framework is an easy debug that allows you easily to get out the errors in
your development. Codeigniter Development can extend your PHP coding to
get the specific functions through frameworks.
In web Development, many features are almost the same so that you can
describe the same code in different way.
Codeigniter PHP Development is a most easy way to utilize a modular
Codeigniter PHP Development is compatible with most web servers,
numerous operating systems and platforms.
For many relational database management systems, PHP can be used.
In worldwide, PHP developers are located and without any difficulty with
Codeigniter PHP development you can find enormous amount of support
through forums and blogs.
Codeigniter has an outstanding performance as well as presentation.
While configuring the PHP framework, Codeigniter is famous among
developer because of effort investment.