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Today’s Topic: Networking Operating systems
Greetings my beauties! We are getting close to the time of revision and wrapping up a year
of learning and discovering. It has been challenging and at times quite rewarding and you
have persevered. So let us now look at one of the last topics for this year.
First, save this file on your jump drive... do it now please....................! Alrighty then – now
read the contents of this file and do the activities ON YOUR OWN.
What is a networking operating system? A networking operating system is an operating
system that contains components and programs that allow a computer on a network to
serve requests from other computers for data and provide access to other resources such as
printer and file systems. The network management functions of an operating system
provide the ability to manage user accounts and network resources.
You try it now... type ‘define network operating systems’ in any search engine and see
what you get... I will wait...
Go on...
Read them through and make sure you have a handle on the difference between an OS for
a standalone and an OS for a whole network… Dun yet???
An operating system manages the whole computer for us, yes? And a network is like a
single-user system except for the communication and shared resources bit; so let us now
define a few of the relevant network O/S concepts:
Requests > this is any petition from a user; could be for a file to be opened, or
an output device to act on this job, not that one, or sending a message to
another user...
User accounts > that which identifies the user by a username, screen name or
"handle", To log in the statement of all the networking transactions that person
is doing, a user is typically required to authenticate himself/herself/itself with a
password or other credentials so we know who requested and accessed and
performed what and when it was done .
Network resources > all the software and hardware available to the network –
storage space on the server, laser printers, fax machine, every workstation, files
that everybody can get to, etc...
To reiterate - a network operating system provides printer sharing, common file system
and database sharing, application sharing, and the ability to manage a network name
directory, security, and other housekeeping aspects of a network. Got it now??
The features of such an O/S include
Add, remove and manage users who wish to use resources on the network.
Allow users to have access to the data on the network, which commonly resides on
the server.
Allow users to access data found on other networks such as the internet.
Allow users to access hardware connected to the network.
Protect data and services located on the network.
Enables the user to pass documents on the attached network.
That is, the features of an O/S in a networked environment are network management and
networking protocols.
This is nothing new, girls, we are simply expanding on earlier classes on operating systems
(those notes will come in handy now) and the exploration we have done into the wonderful
world of ... (dum dum duhhh) PROTOCOLS (cue the screaming).
Before we move on, answer these few questions on the next page (just to refresh your
memory and get you in the appropriate frame of mind:
To gain access to resources on the network, a user must enter __________. (Choose all that
the access token
the domain name
his or her password
his or her user name
What does a user account contain? (Choose all that apply)
the rights the user has
the groups to which the user belongs
the password
the user name
Which of the following is a security advantage of database encryption?
It enables organizations to meet compliance requirements.
It makes it easy to protect the database from administrators.
It provides protections against modification and deletion.
It helps applications process data more quickly.
A computer can function without an operating system.
True or false
A multi-tasking operating system such as windows 98 allows you
to have two or more programs open & displayed on your desktop
at a time.
True or false
A user name and password protect the work you do from a virus.
True or False
No, I am not giving you the answers, sorry. Let’s move on now...
Network operating systems may provide:
basic support for hardware ports
file, print, data storage, backup and replication services
security features such as authentication, authorization, login restrictions, and access
control (remember those??)
name services and directory services
remote access
system management
network administration and auditing tools with graphic interfaces
clustering capabilities
fault tolerance and high availability
Examples include:
Go to this site and read the paragraph on network operating systems:
There are some familiar concepts there, yes??
And this one to identify other types of NOS:
Keep going:
Another revision task:
Go to and log in with the details I emailed to you. Answer as many
questions as you can in the remaining time. You can attempt this revision test twice and it
will be available all day.
In closing:
It is important that you are able to define network concepts but also to weave together all
the elements (topologies, devices, security, etc.) in a cohesive argument. Start to practise
answering exam questions requiring just this. Remember practice makes perfect, yes?
Nahum 1:7, reads, “The LORD is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who
trust in Him.”
I know some of you are feeling a bit overwhelmed and my only suggestions (before you
start on your long to do list each day) is to pray fervently and unceasingly for your trials
and those of your classmates...
... Warmest regards, Mrs. B.