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Chapter 29 – How Plants Colonized Land
Four main groups of land plants:
o ________________________ (mosses)
o ________________________ (ferns)
o ________________________ (conifers – ex. pines)
o ________________________ (flowering plants)
Bryophytes → “_____________________”; (no water tubes)
Pteridophytes → “___________________” but _______________________
Gymnosperms → “__________________” with ______________
Angiosperms → “___________________” with ______________________________________
Closest relative to land plants = green algae called ________________________
Features of Land Plants:
BUT….many algae have some of this….SO…
UNIQUE FEATURES connect land plants and charophyceans:
Differences between land plants and close algae relatives (so ONLY land plants have these):
o __________________ meristems
o ______________________ embryos
o ___________________ of generations
o Sporangia produces ______________________
o Gametangia produces gametes
Archegonia =
Antheridia =
Apical meristems →
Multicellular, dependent, embryos →
Alternation of generations →
Gametophyte with haploid cells → gametophyte produces …
Sporophyte with diploid cells → sporophyte is produced by mitotic division of
the _______________________; sporophyte produces haploid spores by
o ALSO…..water conservation →
Prevents desiccation
Except for bryophytes, land plants all have true roots, stems, leaves because of vascular tissues
o Xylem →
o Phloem →
Evolutionary connections between land plants and charophyceans:
o Homologous chloroplasts, peroxisomes, cell walls
o ________________________ (structure in cell division)
o _______________________ sperm (algae and many plants)
o Molecular systematic → chloroplast DNA and rRNA
o Three phyla: __________________________, ____________________________,
_______________________________ (mosses closest to vascular plants)
o ____________________________ most conspicuous/ dominant phase
Vascular Plants
o Food transport (__________________) and water transport (___________________)
o ___________________________ = dominant generation
Pteridophytes (seedless vascular) → FERNS
Sporophyte = dominant
o Homosporous →
o Heterosporous → 2 kinds of spores
Megaspores =
Microspores =
Produces sori →
Other information:
o Seedless vascular plants formed “__________________” during carboniferous period
Chapter 30 – Evolution of Seed Plants
Reproductive Adaptations of Seed Plants:
o Reduction of gametophyte
NOT ________________________ like in pterophyta (ferns)
o Evolution of seed
Spores →
Seeds →
o Evolution of Pollen
Pollen →
No water requirement (no flagellated sperm)
Seed Plants
o Vascular plants that produce seeds
o Recall: sporophyte = dominant phase (ex. pine trees = sporophytes)
o Two clades of seed plants:
Gymnosperms →
Angiosperms →
Most diverse and geographically widespread
_________________ known species
o ANGIOSPERMS = phylum ___________________________
Monocots →
Leaves with ______________________ veins
______________________ group (single ancestor)
Dicots →
Leaves with _________________________ veins
_____________ seed leaves
Success of angiosperms due to:
Angiosperm structure specialized for reproduction
Specialized shoot with 4 circles of modified leaves: sepals, petals, stamens,
o Sepals →
_____________ and
____________ are
NOT involved in
o Petals →
o Stamens →
Produce _______________________ → male gametophytes
o Carpals →
Also called ________________
Produce __________________________ → female gametophytes
Stigma →
Style →
Ovary →
Ovules/ seeds are protected by the ovary
o Seed forms from _________________
o Fruit forms from ________________
Angiosperm structure that protects dormant seeds and aids in dispersal
Mature ovary (fruit)
o Wall of ovary becomes a ______________________ →
Simple fruit →
Aggregate fruit →
Multiple fruit →
Humans produce edible fruits via selective breeding (ex. apple, orange, cereal
Angiosperm Life Cycle
Heterosporous →
o Male →
o Female →
Steps of the cycle:
o Anthers produce microspores
o Microspores form pollen
o Ovules produce megaspores
o Megaspores from embryo sac
o Pollen → sticky stigma of carpal
Although they can self pollinate, most ____________________________
Cotyledons →
Double Fertilization
Characteristic of angiosperms
Creates _______________________ central cell
Specifics →
o 1 pollen grain = __ sperm
o 1 sperm fertilizes the egg → ___ zygote
o 1 sperm fuses with the 2 nuclei to form 3n __________________ which
becomes the …
o Monocots store most food in __________________________ (ex. corn)
o Dicots transfer nutrients from the endosperm to the
_____________________ (ex. beans)
Relationship between animals and angiosperms
Plants and Human Welfare
Agriculture (food!) is based on ________________________
Plant diversity is non-renewable
o Humans are extinguishing plants →
o Ethical concerns →
o Practical concerns →
Chapter 35 – Plant Structure and Growth
Angiosperms → 250,000 species; most diverse and widespread
Genes and Environment affect Structure
o Long-term –
o Short-term –
Plant Organs: roots, stems, leaves
o Differences between monocots and dicots
Leaf Venation
o Resources are needed from soil AND air; therefore, we need:
___________ system
___________ system
***These two depend on each other ***
o Roots → Function →
Monocots =
Dicots =
Both may have ______________________ (increase surface area; take up much water)
OR __________________________ (above ground) roots
o Shoots →
________________________ (leaf)
________________________ (flower)
Modified shoots (tubers, bulbs, etc) can be mistaken for roots
o Stem →
_____________________ bud (angle at leaf/ stem) have potential to bud
_________________________ bud – concentrated growth; this inhibits axillary buds →
However, if terminal bud is removed (pruning) the axillary bud will start to grow
o Leaves →
Structure →
Some have special functions (pg. 724)
Plant Tissues → Dermal, vascular, ground
o Dermal –
o Vascular –
Transports between roots and shoots
Xylem →
o Tracheids →
o Vessel elements →
o Fig. 35.8 pg. 725
Phloem →
o Sucrose and other organic molecules thru tubes formed by chains of cells
→ _______________________________ elements
End → sieve plates that have pores
Non-conducting ____________________________________
may assist (via plasmodesmata)
o Ground –
Neither dermal nor vascular
Function →
In dicots, divided as:
Pith →
Cortex →
Plant Cells → parenchyma, collenchyma, and sclerenchyma
o 3 basic types of cells
Each cell has structural adaptations in the protoplast (contents) or cell wall
Plasmodesmata →
Middle Lamella →
Primary Wall →
Secondary Wall →
o Parenchyma
Primary walls →
Most lack ____________________________ walls
“Typical Cell” → therefore they are the __________________ specialized (all cells start
out as parenchyma)
Perform most metabolic functions
Division →
o Collenchyma
Primary cell walls →
Grouped together to support ______________________________________________
Lack __________________________ walls
o Sclerenchyma
Function as ____________________________________ in plants
Thick ________________________________ walls with ____________________
More rigid than collenchyma
Mature cells cannot elongate, so they are present in cells that have ________________
Plant Growth and Development
o Major differences between plants and animals:
Totipotency →
o Growth (definition) →
o Development (definition) →
o Plant Life Cycles
Annual →
Biennial →
Perennial →
Germ → Flower → Seed → Death
o Meristems →
Pattern of growth depends on the locations of the meristems
2 main types of meristems:
Apical Meristems –
o Location →
Fig. 35.12
pg. 729
o _______________________ growth (length) → gives rise to primary
plant body
Lateral Meristems –
o ____________________________ growth (thickens) →
o Found in ________________________ plants
o Growth Vocabulary → PRIMARY GROWTH!! (definitions)
Root cap →
Zone of cell division →
Quiescent center →
Primary meristems:
Protoderm →
Procambium →
Ground →
Zone of elongation →
Zone of maturation →
Miscellaneous vocabulary: stomata, guard cells, mesophyll (palisades/ spongy) →
o Growth Vocabulary → SECONDARY GROWTH!!
2 lateral meristems:
Vascular Cambium → makes …
Cork Cambium → makes …
o Periderm →
o Bark →
o Plants have developmental plasticity:
Influenced by environmental factors
3 processes are important in the development of plants →
Morphogenesis →
o Depends on pattern formation →
This depends on positional information = signals of some kind
(chemicals) that indicate each cells location within an embryonic
structure; ex. polarity
Differentiation →
o Depends on control of __________________________________ →
regulating transcription and translation
Growth →
o Both contribute to plant form
o Plane of division (ex. asymmetrical) is an important determinant of form
o _________________________ accounts for 90% of expansion →
o Fig. 35.26 pg. 739
Chapter 36 – Plant Transport
Recall: transport proteins, selective channels, proton pumps, chemiosmosis, cotransport, aquaporins
Water Potential
o Depends on ________________________________ (hyper, hypo) AND
o Water moves from _________________ water potential to _____________ water potential
o Adding ____________________ = lowers water potential
o Adding ____________________ = increases water potential
Fig. 36.3 pg. 751
o Pure water = water potential = ____
Plant Cell Compartments
o Symplast →
o Apoplast →
Transport in Plants
o Bulk Flow → movement of water/ solutes by____________________________
o _________________________________ increase surface area to absorb water and nutrients
Mycorrhizae →
o Endodermis →
o Casparian Strip →
o Movement of xylem sap
Xylem sap consists of …
Moves by 2 forces:
1. __________________________ → (“push”)
Minerals accumulate in the stele = ________________________ water potential
therefore water flows IN from the ________________________, which yields a
positive pressure that force fluid UP the xylem
Guttation →
o (See Pic pg. 757)
o Occurs at night or when humidity is ______________
NOT the major mechanism
2. _________________________________________________ (“pull”)
Water lost from transpiration; therefore, water is drawn from other cells by
Cohesion →
Adhesion →
This is the MAJOR mechanism of xylem sap!
Due to Hbonding of
o So you could say that xylem transport is “_______________________”!!
o Control of Transpiration
Benefit of transpiration →
HOW stomata open and close → change shape!
Shape change →
Lots of K+ =
Little K+ =
Fig. 36.13 pg. 760
Stomata usually open at __________________ (decrease in transpiration)
CAM Plants →
o Movement of Phloem
Translocation →
Usually “food” is the disaccharide ________________________
Sugar “source” →
Sugar “sink” →
Always goes from source → sink
Requires ________________________ transport
Moves by bulk flow which is driven by pressure
Chapter 38 – Plant Reproduction
Alternation of Generations
o The plant life cycle goes through 2 “variations” or generations
o Gametophyte →
o Sporophyte
Produces _____________________________________ by ________________
Usually the dominant generation of ___________________________
Flower Structure
o Non-reproductive parts: ________________________ and _______________________
o Reproductive:
Male →
Female →
o Complete Flower →
o Incomplete Flower →
Development of Pollen (male gametophyte)
o In ________________________________ (pollen sacs) are diploid cells (called
______________________________________) that do meiosis to form haploid
__________________________________________, which give rise to _________________
(male gametophyte)
o Two cells: ________________________________ cell = produces sperm;
_____________ cell = produces pollen tube
o Pollen = ____ sperm
Development of Embryo Sac (female gametophyte)
o Ovary → ____________________ → megasporocyte → goes thru _________________
forming 4 megaspores – only ___ survives
o One end of the embryo sac has 1 egg and 2 _____________________ (which are used for …
o Definition →
Prevention of self-fertilization
o Ensures egg/sperm from different parents (genetic variety!)
o Possibilities:
Self-incompatibility →
Double fertilization
o Synchronizes ____________________________________ with _________________________
o 1 sperm + egg =
o 1 sperm + 2 polar nuclei =
Ovary Development
o After double fertilization, ovule develops into a ___________________ and ovary develops into
o Embryo development → divides into 2 parts:
o Enclosed in seed coat
o Mature seed = dehydrated (dormant!)
When rehydrated, forms embryonic root (_______________________)
From seed to seedling
o Germination of seeds depends on imbibition →
o _____________________________________ emerges first → water!
o Rest of process → Fig. 38.14 pg. 794
Asexual Reproduction
o Asexual reproduction a.k.a. ______________________________ reproduction:
Results in clones
Can grow from one _______________________________ cell
Fragmentation →
Apomixis →
No genetic diversity
Cuttings →
Test-tube cloning; can cross genes
Plant Biotechnology
o Humans do selective breeding for our benefit
o Transgenic →
o Much debate → political, economic, ethical issues