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‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
Fundamentals of Nursing
1. "Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the
absence of disease and infirmity”. This was stated by
A. United States Health Agency
B. National Institute of Health
C. National League for Nursing (NLN)
D. World Health Organization
2. The name of the nursing diagnosis is linked to the etiology with the phrase:
A. “as manifested by ”.
B. “related to”
C. "evidenced by"
D. "due to"
3. Priorities of Planning in Nursing Process is done by
A. Information processing model
B. Interpersonal theory
C. Stages of illness model
D. Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs
4. When caring for a client with a femoral venous catheter, it is essential for the nurse to:
A. irrigate the catheter with sterile saline solution to maintain patency.
B. maintain sterile technique when working with the catheter.
C. assess the pressure dressing frequently for bleeding.
D. limit the mobility of the affected limb.
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
5. Nursing Diagnosis Categories include all, except
A. Actual
B. Risk
C. Possible
D. Syndrome
E. Factual
F. Wellness
6. Which of the following nursing interventions would be most important for
determining fluid balance in a client with end-stage renal failure?
A. Monitor urine specific gravity
B. Measure fluid intake and output
C. Weigh daily
D. Record frequency of bowel movements
7. When recording blood pressure, the sounds which can be heard with a stethoscope placed
over the artery is termed as:
A. Wheeze
B. Murmers
C. Crackle sounds
D. Korotkoff sounds
8. A woman in labor is receiving an antibiotic. She suddenly complains of trouble breathing,
weakness and nausea. The nurse should recognize that these signs are usually indicative of
A. Pulmonary egophony.
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
B. Amniotic fluid embolism.
C. Anaphylaxis.
D. Bronchospasm.
9. What is the term used for a high-pitched musical sound in clients during a respiratory
A. Crowing
B. Wheezing
C. Stridor
D. Sigh
10. "The goal of nursing is to put the patient in the best condition
for nature to act upon him”. This was stated by
A. Henderson
B. Jean Watson
C. Marta Rogers
D. Florence Nightingale
11. "Nursing is the diagnosis and treatment of human responses to health and illness”. This
definition was given by
A. American Nurses Association (ANA), 1995
B. International Council of Nurses
C. Florence Nightingale, 1858
D. Indian Nursing Council, 1948
12. According to Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs, the highest level is
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
A. Physiologic needs
B. Safety and security
C. Belongingness and affection
D. Esteem and self-respect
E. Self-actualization
13. What is the term used for normal respiratory rhythm and depth in a client?
A. Eupnea
B. Apnea
C. Bradypnea
D. Tachypnea
14. Ccomprehensive, individualized care provided by the same nurse throughout the period
of care refers to
A. Team nursing
B. Primary nursing
C. Home Health Nursing
D. Critical Care Nursing
Answer Key
1. D
2. B
3. D
4. A
5. E
6. C
8. C
9. B
10. D
11. A
12. E
13. A
14. B
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
 '' mental "
Major depressive disorder is :
a- Anxiety disorder
b- Personality disorder
c- Mood disorder
d- Panic disorder
Intetional taking of ones own life :
a- Anxiety
b- Phobia
c- Suicide
d- Depression
The question ((why me)) is:
a- Denial
b- Anger
c- Bargaining
d- Non of the above
Lithium is :
a- Antianxiety druge
b- Antipsychotic agents
c- Antidepressant druge
d- Anti mania
5Compulsions are :
a- Repetitive unwanted action
b- Repetitive unwanted thought
c- Repetitive unwanted ideas
d- Repetitive unwanted images
Zoo phobia is a type of :
a- Simple phobia
b- Social phobia
c- Agoraphobia
d- Non of the above
Acceptance is a stage from :
a- OCD
b- Anxiety disease
c- Mood disease
d- Dying & grieving
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
CBT is a type of :
a- Druge therapy
b- Alternative therapy
c- Psychotherapy
d- Non of the abov
Bipolar I disorder is :
a- Manic episode alternating with episode of major depression
b- Hypomania
c- Hypomania alternating with episode of major depression
d- Episodes of major depression
11Euphoria is a symptom of :
a- Depression
b- Schizophrenia
c- Bipolar disorder
d- Anxiety disorder
12Signs of suicide prediction :
a- Hopelessness
b- Self denigration
c- Sense of isolation
d- All of the above
13Delusion, hallucination , disorganized speech are clinical features of :
a- Mood disorder
b- Anxiety disorder
c- Sschizophrenia
d- Non of the above
‫ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬
Communities can influence the spread of
a- Disease
b- Population
c- A& B
d- Non of the above
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
Examples of community health including:
a- Fidelity
b- Respect
c- Autonomy
d- All of the above
________ refers to telling the truth
a- Autonomy
b- Veracity
c- Respect
d- All of them
The components of community health practice including :
a- Research
b- Prevention of health problem
c- Promotion health
d- All of them
An /a ___________ adisease of man or animal resulting from an
infection :
a- Host
b- Communicable
c- Infections
d- Non of them
________ is the constant presenc e of an infections agent in given area
a- Epidemic
b- Pandemic
c- Endemic
d- Non of them
Community health has dimensions such as :
a- Structure
b- Process
c- Status
d- All of them
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
Which disease is available for active immunization ?
a- Polio
b- Tetanus
c- Typhoid
d- All of them
Human immunodeficiency virus ( it is abbreviation ) :
a- HIV
b- BCG
c- DVT
d- All of them
The virus of hepatitis B is transmitted through :
a- Blood
b- Salvia
c- Semen
d- All of them
Epidemiology research include many steps :
a- Identify the problem
b- Analyze
c- Collected data
d- All of them
The composition of the community mental health made up of :
a- Client
b- Psychiatric
c- Health planner
d- All of them
The essential elements of primary health care including :
a- Prevention of locally disease
b- Promotion of proper food
c- Appropriate treatment for disease
d- All of them
___________ is people in relationship with others
a- Community
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
b- Money
c- Education
d- All of the above
_ ___________ is the science and art of preventing disease through
organized community
a- Public health
b- Anatomy
c- Hematology
d- Non of the above
The identification of needs and the protection and improvement of
collective health within a geographically defined area is :
a- Mental health
b- Public health
c- Community health
d- Non of all the above
All the following are the aims of community health except one :
a- Promotion of public health
b- Protection of public health
c- Medical treatment
d- Preservation of public health
Community health practice is a part of :
a- Psychiatric and mental health
b- Public health
c- Maternal and child health
d- Non of the above
All the following are the societal influences that have shaped the
development of community health nursing except one :
a- Advanced technology
b- Changes in education
c- Deterioration in causal thinking
d- Changing role of women
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
The economic factors that have shaped the development of community
health nursing :
a- Health care costs
b- Access of health care
c- Increased competition among health services providers
d- All of the above
Ethical principle include:
a- Beneficence
b- Justice
c- Fidelity
d- All of the above
The components of community health practice are :
a- Promotion of health
b- Research
c- Evaluation
d- All of the above
The " efforts that seek to move people closer to optimal well-being or
higher level of wellness " called :
a- Community
b- Disease
c- Health promotion
d- Illness
The goals of health promotion is to raise the levels of
a- Wellness
b- Smoking
c- Services
d- All of the above
The goal of health promotion is to raise levels of wellness for :
a- Individuals
b- Families
c- Communities
d- All of the above
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
All the following are the efforts of community health except one :
a- Reduce the span of healthy life for all citizens
b- Reduce health disabilities among population groups
c- Achieve access to preventive services for everyone
d- Enhance quality of life
The field that concerned with assessing , controlling , and improving the
impact people make on their environment and the impact of the
environment on them is called :
a- Environmental health
b- Public health
c- Maternal and child health
d- Non of the above
The essential elements of primary health care include :
a- Health education
b- Promoting of food supply and proper nutrition
c- Adequate supply of safe water and basic sanitation
d- All of the above
Health education is good example for :
a- Primary health care
b- Secondary health care
c- Tertiary health care
d- Non of the above
Teaching a group about poison control in home . this activity is an
example of what level of preventive care :
a- Lowest
b- Primary
c- Tertiary
d- Secondary
The study of the distribution and determinants of health , health
condition , and disease in human population groups :
a- Mental health
b- Epidemiology
c- Fidelity
d- Non of the above
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
Which of the following is/are sources of information in epidemiologic
investigation :
a- Existing epidemiologic data
b- Informal investigation
c- Carefully designed scientifically studies
d- All of the above
Epidemiologic research includines:
a- Reviewing literature
b- Collecting the data
c- Analyzing the finding
d- All of the above
The first step of the nursing process is :
a- Assessment
b- Working
c- Promotion
d- Diagnosi
1- reduction of an elevated potassium level can be obtained by use of all the
following except:sodium polystyrene sulfate (Kayexalate)
50% dextrose
Calcium gluconate
2- signs and symptoms of Addison's disease include :Hypokalemia
3- blunt trauma to the abdomen most commonly injures which of the
following organs :Liver
4- signs and symptoms nephritic syndrome include :-
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
All of the above
5- causes of microcephaly include of the following except :Down syndrome
Infant of diabetic mother
Untreated maternal Pku(phenylketonuria)
Congenital infection
6- causes of increased skull circumference during infancy include ll the
following except :Hydrocephalus
7- the anterior fontanel normally closes by :3 months of age
6 months of age
12 months of age
18 months of age
8- at 1 year age the length of a normal infant is expected to be about :65 cm
75 cm
85 cm
9- delayed development of speech is expected in all te following except :Down syndrome
Congenital hypothyroidism
Growth hormone deficiency
10- the posterior fontanel is expected to close at :In uterus
Shortly after birth
At 6 months age
At 12 months age
11-Colostrum has all of the following properties except :It contains high amount of Iga antibodies
It has a higher fat content than mature human milk
Minerals are higher than in mature human milk
It has a higher protein content than mature milk
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
12- The neonatal period refers to :
First hour after birth
First day of life
First week of life
First 4 week of life
13- apreterm is alive born baby who is delivered:Before 40 weeks gestation
Before 37 weeks gestation
Before 38week gestation
Before 36 week gestation
14- The blood volume of newborn infant is :55 cc/kg
15- The normal hemoglobin level in afull-term baby is:6-10gm/dl
16- The newborn should be fed on the first day on :Glucose 5%
Sugar water
Non of the above
17- The normal respiratory rate at birth is :5-10/minute
18- The normal pulse rate at birth is:60-80/minute
19- Low birth weight is defined as:Birth weight<1500gm
Birth weight<2000gm
Birth weight<2500gm
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
Birth weight<3500gm
20- Which of the following is anormal weight for afull term newborn :1 kg
21- Sepsis in infants may produce:Vomiting
All of the above
22- BCG vaccine is given by :Oral route
23- All of the following are live vaccines except:BCG
Hepatitis B
24- Congenital infections include all the following except :Toxoplasmosis
Rata virus
25- Live vaccines include :Cholera
Hepatitis B
26- Dehydration associated with convulsions occurs most commonly with:Hyponatremia
27- Common complications of dehydration include:Acute renal failure
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
Cerebral damage
All of the above
28- In acute renal failure all of the following usually develop except:Hyperkalemia
Metabolic alkalosis
29- Urinary tract infections are frequently associated with:Diabetic mellitus
Atonic bladder
Urinary instrumentation
Urinart obstruction
All of the above
30- Normal serum calcium is :3-5mg/dl
31- All of the following are associated with fallot teratology except :Pulmonary stenosis
Ventricular septal defect
Over riding of the aorta
Left ventricular enlargement
32- The symptoms and signs of congestive heart failure include:Edema of lower limbs
Enlarged tender liver
All of the above
None of the above
33- Erythropoietin is ahormone which is primariy produced by:
Bone marrow
34- During assessment of anew born APGER score the nurse must check all
the following except :Heart rate
Nasal flaring
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
Skin color
Muscle tone
35- What is the sound caused by the rush of blood tgrough the umbilical
arteries called:Funic soufflé
Fetal soufflé
Placental soufflé
Uterine soufflé
36- How long after fertilization does it take for the zygote to reach the uterine
cavity :1 to 2days
3 to 4 days
5 to 6 days
7 days
37- Which of the following describes the number of live births per 1000
population:Fertility rate
Birth rate
Live birth rate
Delivery rate
38- What is the number of deaths per 1000 births occurring during the first
28 day of life :Stillbirth rate
Fetal death rate
Perinatal mortality rate
Neonatal mortality rate
39- What hormone is responsible for maintenance of the corpus luteum if
implantation of the ferilitized ovum takes place:Estrogen
40- Which of the following is not apresumptive symptoms of pregnancy :Nausea
Urinary frequency
41- What is Chadwick sign :-
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
Discoloration of the vaginal mucosa
Pigmentation of the skin
Change in consistency of uterus
Implantation bleeding
42- What is the goal of prenatal care :To establish a good relationship with your patient
To deliver a healthy baby without impairing the mother's health
To set up a payment schedule for the delivery
To see the patient often enough so you feel comfortable with the patient
43- What is aprimipara:A woman who was pregnant once
A woman delivered once of a viable fetus
A woman who has completed two pregnancies
A woman who has had 12 week miscarriage
44- What is anulligravida :A woman who never delivered alive born baby
A woman who had one miscarriage
A woman who has never been pregnant
A woman who had only one pregnancy
45- Naegele's rule estimates gestation age based on which of the following
formulas:Add 7 days to LMP and count back three months
Subtract 7 days from LMP and count back three months
Add 21 days to LMP and count back three months
46- Which of the following tests should be voluntary at the first prenatal
visit:Serological test for syphilis
Human immunodeficiency virus
47- Which nutrient during pegnancy is not adequately provided in diet
48- What is the relationship of the long axis of the fetus to that of the mother
called:Presentation of the fetus
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
Lie of the fetus
Fetal attitude
Fetal posture
49-What are the cardinal movements of labor ( in order):Descent , engagement, flexion, internal rotation, extension, external rotation,
Descent, flexion, engagement,, internal rotation, extension, external rotation,
Engagement , Descent, flexion,, internal rotation, extension, external
rotation, expulsion
50- Which of the following is characteristic of true labor:Irregular contractions
Discomfort in lower abdomen
Cervical dilatation
Discomfort relieved by sedation
51-Fertilization usually occurs in the :Uterus
Ampulla of the uterine tube
Isthmus of the uterine tube
52- The hormone responsible for ovarian production of estrogen during the
first half of the menstrual cycle is the :Growth hormone
Follicle stimulating hormone
Luteinizing hormone
Adrenocorticotropic hormone
53- Which of the following symptoms is considered the most important
diagnostic of placenta previa:Irregular fetal heart beat
Unengaged presenting part
Cervical blushing
Painless vaginal bleeding
54- The antidate for magnesium sulfate is :Protamine sulfate
Potassium chloride
Sodium gluconate
Calcium gluconate
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
55- When the uterus moves downward and forward about two weeks prior
delivery this is referred to as :Quickening
Braxton hicks contractions
False labor
56- A woman who had an abortion at 10 weeks and is now pregnant would be
Gravida1 , para1
Gravida2, para0
57- What is the average weight ofanulliparous adult uterus:20 to 30 g
50 to 70g
80 to 90g
100 to 150g
58- Which of the following is an example of alarge protein that readily
crosses the placenta:IgG
59- Which of the following vitamins is important to be given prophylactically
for the fetus soon after birth (especially in the breast feeding newborn):Vitamin k
Vitamin a
Vitamin c
Vitamin d
60- What is the average weight during pregnancy:5 kg
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
1. During preparation for bowel surgery, a male client receives an antibiotic to
reduce intestinal bacteria. Antibiotic therapy may interfere with synthesis of
which vitamin and may lead to hypoprothrombinemia?
a. vitamin A
b. vitamin D
c. vitamin E
d. vitamin K
2. When evaluating a male client for complications of acute pancreatitis, the
nurse would observe for:
a. increased intracranial pressure.
b. decreased urine output.
c. bradycardia.
d. hypertension
3. A male client with a recent history of rectal bleeding is being prepared for a
colonoscopy. How should the nurse position the client for this test initially?
a. Lying on the right side with legs straight
b. Lying on the left side with knees bent
c. Prone with the torso elevated
d. Bent over with hands touching the floor
4. Which of the following nursing interventions should the nurse perform for a
female client receiving enteral feedings through a gastrostomy tube?
a. Change the tube feeding solutions and tubing at least every 24 hours.
b. Maintain the head of the bed at a 15-degree elevation continuously.
c. Check the gastrostomy tube for position every 2 days.
d. Maintain the client on bed rest during the feedings.
7. The nurse is caring for a male client with cirrhosis. Which assessment findings
indicate that the client has deficient vitamin K absorption caused by this hepatic
a. Dyspnea and fatigue
b. Ascites and orthopnea
c. Purpura and petechiae
d. Gynecomastia and testicular atrophy
8. Which condition is most likely to have a nursing diagnosis of fluid volume
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
a. Appendicitis
b. Pancreatitis
c. Cholecystitis
d. Gastric ulcer
10. A male client with pancreatitis complains of pain. The nurse expects the
physician to prescribe meperidine (Demerol) instead of morphine to relieve pain
a. meperidine provides a better, more prolonged analgesic effect.
b. morphine may cause spasms of Oddi’s sphincter.
c. meperidine is less addictive than morphine.
d. morphine may cause hepatic dysfunction
11. Mandy, an adolescent girl is admitted to an acute care facility with severe
malnutrition. After a thorough examination, the physician diagnoses anorexia
nervosa. When developing the plan of care for this client, the nurse is most likely
to include which nursing diagnosis?
a. Hopelessness
b. Powerlessness
c. Chronic low self esteem
d. Deficient knowledge
12. Which diagnostic test would be used first to evaluate a client with upper GI
a. Endoscopy
b. Upper GI series
c. Hemoglobin (Hb) levels and hematocrit (HCT)
d. Arteriography
13. A female client who has just been diagnosed with hepatitis A asks, “How
could I have gotten this disease?” What is the nurse’s best response?
a. “You may have eaten contaminated restaurant food.”
b. “You could have gotten it by using I.V. drugs.”
c. “You must have received an infected blood transfusion.”
d. “You probably got it by engaging in unprotected sex.”
14. When preparing a male client, age 51, for surgery to treat appendicitis, the
nurse formulates a nursing diagnosis of Risk for infection related to
inflammation, perforation, and surgery. What is the rationale for choosing this
nursing diagnosis?
a. Obstruction of the appendix may increase venous drainage and cause the
appendix to rupture.
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
b. Obstruction of the appendix reduces arterial flow, leading to ischemia,
inflammation, and rupture of the appendix.
c. The appendix may develop gangrene and rupture, especially in a middle-aged
d. Infection of the appendix diminishes necrotic arterial blood flow and increases
venous drainage.
15. A female client with hepatitis C develops liver failure and GI hemorrhage.
The blood products that would most likely bring about hemostasis in the client
a. whole blood and albumin.
b. platelets and packed red blood cells.
c. fresh frozen plasma and whole blood.
d. cryoprecipitate and fresh frozen plasma.
16. To prevent gastroesophageal reflux in a male client with hiatal hernia, the
nurse should provide which discharge instruction?
a. “Lie down after meals to promote digestion.”
b. “Avoid coffee and alcoholic beverages.”
c. “Take antacids with meals.”
d. “Limit fluid intake with meals.”
17. The nurse caring for a client with small-bowel obstruction would plan to
implement which nursing intervention first?
a. Administering pain medication
b. Obtaining a blood sample for laboratory studies
c. Preparing to insert a nasogastric (NG) tube
d. Administering I.V. fluids
19. A male client undergoes total gastrectomy. Several hours after surgery, the
nurse notes that the client’s nasogastric (NG) tube has stopped draining. How
should the nurse respond?
a. Notify the physician
b. Reposition the tube
c. Irrigate the tube
d. Increase the suction level
20. What laboratory finding is the primary diagnostic indicator for pancreatitis?
a. Elevated blood urea nitrogen (BUN)
b. Elevated serum lipase
c. Elevated aspartate aminotransferase (AST)
d. Increased lactate dehydrogenase (LD)
21. A male client with cholelithiasis has a gallstone lodged in the common bile
duct. When assessing this client, the nurse expects to note:
a. yellow sclerae.
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
b. light amber urine.
c. circumoral pallor.
d. black, tarry stools.
22. Nurse Hannah is teaching a group of middle-aged men about peptic ulcers.
When discussing risk factors for peptic ulcers, the nurse should mention:
a. a sedentary lifestyle and smoking.
b. a history of hemorrhoids and smoking.
c. alcohol abuse and a history of acute renal failure.
d. alcohol abuse and smoking.
23. While palpating a female client’s right upper quadrant (RUQ), the nurse
would expect to find which of the following structures?
a. Sigmoid colon
b. Appendix
c. Spleen
d. Liver
24. A male client has undergone a colon resection. While turning him, wound
dehiscence with evisceration occurs. The nurse’s first response is to:
a. call the physician.
b. place saline-soaked sterile dressings on the wound.
c. take a blood pressure and pulse.
d. pull the dehiscence closed.
25. The nurse is monitoring a female client receiving paregoric to treat diarrhea
for drug interactions. Which drugs can produce additive constipation when
given with an opium preparation?
a. Antiarrhythmic drugs
b. Anticholinergic drugs
c. Anticoagulant drugs
d. Antihypertensive drugs
26. A male client is recovering from an ileostomy that was performed to treat
inflammatory bowel disease. During discharge teaching, the nurse should stress
the importance of:
a. increasing fluid intake to prevent dehydration.
b. wearing an appliance pouch only at bedtime.
c. consuming a low-protein, high-fiber diet.
d. taking only enteric-coated medications.
27. The nurse is caring for a female client with active upper GI bleeding. What is
the appropriate diet for this client during the first 24 hours after admission?
a. Regular diet
b. Skim milk
c. Nothing by mouth
d. Clear liquids
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
28. A male client has just been diagnosed with hepatitis A. On assessment, the
nurse expects to note:
a. severe abdominal pain radiating to the shoulder.
b. anorexia, nausea, and vomiting.
c. eructation and constipation.
d. abdominal ascites
29. A female client with viral hepatitis A is being treated in an acute care facility.
Because the client requires enteric precautions, the nurse should:
a. place the client in a private room.
b. wear a mask when handling the client’s bedpan.
c. wash the hands after touching the client.
d. wear a gown when providing personal care for the client.
30. Which of the following factors can cause hepatitis A?
a. Contact with infected blood
b. Blood transfusions with infected blood
c. Eating contaminated shellfish
d. Sexual contact with an infected person
I- Circle the most correct answer
1- All the following interventions may be performed by you for a child with
productive cough except?
a. Encourage fluid intake
b. Administering antitussive
c. Postural drainage
d. Giving mucolytics
2- Fallot tetraology includes which of the following defects?
a. Pulmonary stenosis
b. Right ventricular hypertrophy
c. Ventricular septal defect
d. All of the above
3- The nursing care for cardiac disease child should include?
a. Bed rest
b. Provision of oxygen as needed
c. Passive stimulation
d. All of the above
4- Hyperbilirubinemia in newborn usually occurs due to?
a. Immature liver function
b. Rh incompatibility
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
c. ABO incompatibility
d. Hepatitis disease
5- The most dangerous complication of hyperbilirubinemia in newborn is?
a. Lethargy
b. poor feeding
c. Kernicterus
d. Jaundice in the eyes
6 - All the following nursing measures may be done for anemic child except?
a. Bed rest
b. Elevate head of bed
c. Large meals
d. Administration of blood
7- Which of the following interventions may be done for iron deficiency anemia
a. Bed rest
b. High iron diet
c. Brushing teeth after iron administration
d. All of the above
8- Thalassemic child care may include all of the following except?
a. Administration of blood every 3-4 weeks
b. Administration of iron chelating agent (desferal)
c. Increase physical activity
d. Possible splenectomy
7- All the following nursing measures are suitable for child with convulsions
a. Keeping patent air way
b. Place child on his side
c. Restraining child’s extremities
d. Recording the events of convulsion
8 - As a nurse you should position the new born with myelomeningiocele on?
a. Back
b. Prone
c. Supine position
d. All of the above
9 - Management of bacterial meningitis may include all the following except?
a. Isolation
b. Oral antibiotics
c. Quiet environment
d. Monitoring convulsions and complications
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
10 - Which of the following CSF results not match the bacterial meningitis?
a. High cells count
b. High sugar
c. High protein
d. Turbid CSF fluid
11- In child with acute glumerulonephritis and impaired renal function, you may
do all the following except?
a. Bed rest
b. Record intake and out put
c. Give high fluid diet
d. Monitor blood pressure
12- Screening should be done for newborns in Gaza to early detect?
a. Hypothyroidism
b. CDH
c. PKU
d. All of the above
13 - Juvenile D.M. in children can be treated by?
a. Insulin
b. Diet
c. Oral hypoglycemic agents
d. All of the above
14 - Celiac disease child dietary management includes?
a. Low phenylalanine diet
b. Life long free gluten diet
c. Low fat soluble vitamins supplementation
d. All of the above
15- Growth is increase in?
a. Function
b. Size
c. Quality
d. A+C
2- The adolescent age groups are influenced more by?
a. Their older brothers/sisters
b. Their peers
c. Their parents
d. Their teachers
3- Adolescents are more vulnerable to?
a. Suicide
b. Drugs addiction
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
c. Emotional instability
d. All of the above
4- The Parents should ………… their child’s growth and development?
a. Monitor
b. Facilitate
c. Understand
d. All of the above
1) All of the followings are signs of HYPOXIA Except:
a) Rapid pulse
b) Cyanosis
c) Rapid shallow respiration
d) Diarrhea.
2) Hypercabnia is:
a) Bluish discoloration of the skin nails beds and mucosal membrane.
b) Inadequate alveolar ventilation can lead to hypoxia.
c) Accumulation of carbon dioxide in the blood.
d) Slow respiration rate.
3) Which position allow maximum chest expansion to the client:
a) Prone.
b) Semifolwer.
c) Supine.
d) Lateral.
4) Which one of the following its major function to supply energy:
a) Protein
b) Carbohydrates
c) Fats
d) Minerals
5) What number 18 indicate, regarding body mass index scale (BMI):
b) Morbidly obese
c) Malnourished
d) Normal
6) Which one of the following diets include only water, tea, coffee, clear juice:
a) Clear liquid diet
b) Soft diet
c) Full liquid diet
d) Diabetic diet
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
7) Constipation is:
a) Fewer than 5 bowel movement per week.
b) Fewer than three bowel movement per week.
c) Passage of liquid feces and increased frequency of defecation.
d) air or gas in GI tract
8) All of the followings are normal characteristics of feces Except:
a) Brown color.
b) Very hard and solid.
c) Amount: varies with diet.
d) Odor: affected by digested food
9) Oliguria is:
a) Production of abnormally large amount of urine by kidneys.
b) Lack of urine production, with no effective urine production.
c) voiding that either painful or difficult.
d) Low urine output, usually less than 500 ml a day, or 30 ml an hour.
10) All of the followings are normal characteristics of urine Except:
a) Volume: 1200- 1500 ml per day
b) Straw color.
c) Sterile, no microorganisms.
d) Cloudy.
11) The drug generic name is:
a) Is the name by which the chemist knows it.
b) Is the name under which it’s listed in one in the official publication.
c) Is given for the drug to being official name.
d) Is name given by the drug manufacture.
12) The preferred site for IM injection is:
a) Ventrogluteal site.
b) Vastus latralis.
c) Dorsogluteal site.
d) Deltoid muscle.
13) The intentional wound is:
a) Occur during therapy.
b) Occur accidentally.
c) The mucous membrane or skin surface is broken.
d) The tissue is traumatized without a break in the skin.
14) The abrasion is:
a) Open wound involving skin only
b) It is due to surface scrape.
c) It is painful wound.
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
d) All of the above.
15) All of the followings are risk factors for nosocomial infections EXCEPT:
a) Poor hand washing.
b) Using sterile techniques.
c) Contamination of closed drainage system.
d) Improper procedure technique (dressing, suctioning, catherization).
16) Medical asepsis includes:
a) Hand washing.
b) Personal protective equipment (uniform, gown, gloves, face mask).
c) Cleaning, Disinfecting, Sterilizing.
d) All of the above.
17) Acute infection is:
a) Infection may occur slowly and takes long time.
b) is limited to the specific part of the body where micro organisms remain.
c) Infection appears suddenly or in short time.
d) When micro organisms spread and damage different part of body.
18) Indirect transmission of infection includes:
a) Vehicle born transmission.
b) Vector borne transmission.
c) A only correct.
d) A and B are correct.
19) Incubation period of infection is:
a) Person is most infectious and non specific sign and symptom.
b) Organism growing and multiplying.
c) Recovery from infection.
d) Presence of specific sign and symptom.
20) All of the following libratory data indicating infection EXCEPT:
a) Increased specific type of leukocyte.
b) Increased in body temp.
c) Decreased WBC.
d) Positive culture in blood, urine or sputum.
21) All of the followings are Signs of systematic infection EXCEPT:
a) Fever.
b) Vomiting.
c) Fatigue and loss of energy.
d) Enlargement and tenderness of lymph node.
22) All of the followings are etiologies of self care deficit EXCEPT:
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
a) scar and abrasions.
b) Activity intolerance or weakness.
c) Mental impairment.
d) Visual impairment.
23) Skin turgor is:
a) Decrease sensation in extremities due to nerves system disease.
b) Collection of fluids inside the tissue.
c) Elasticity by lifting and pulling the skin on an extremity.
d) Non of the above.
24) Which of the following conditions indicate long term lack of oxygen:
a) Koilonychias.
b) Capillary refill
c) Clubbing fingers.
b) Non of the above.
25) Pressure ulcer risk factors include:
a) Immobility and inactivity.
b) Fecal and urinary incontinence.
c) Decreased mental status.
d) All of the above.
26) Complications of wound healing include:
a) Hematoma.
b) Nausea.
c) Hypertension.
d) All of the above.
27) The patient should be fasts (NPO) before the surgery for:
a) 24 hours.
b) 16 hours.
c) 6 to 8 hours.
d) 12 hours.
28) Scrub nurse role includes:
a) Assist the surgeons.
b) Draping the client with sterile drapes.
c) Handling sterile equipments and supplies.
d) All of the above.
29) Deep- Breathing and coughing exercises in postoperation phase are
important for:
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
a) Prevent deep vain thrombosis (DVT).
b) Atalectasis (collapse of alveoli).
c) Hemorrhage.
d) Infection.
30)Which of the following vital signs are normal:
a) Temp: 37, RR: 22, HR: 90, BP: 135/85.
b) Temp: 36.7, RR: 18, HR: 75, BP: 125/80.
c) Temp: 38, RR: 12, HR: 110, BP: 155/90.
d) Temp: 37.2, RR: 16, HR: 50, BP: 115/65.
31)Nurse can provide care for:
a) Individual.
b) Families.
c) Communities.
d) All of the above is correct.
32)Nursing can be defined as:
a) Caring.
b) Science and art.
c) Holistic.
d) All of the above is correct.
33)Example of health promotion:
a) Immunization.
b) Direct care (give medication).
c) Stop cigarette smoking.
d) All of the above is correct.
34)Immunization is an example of:
a) Health promotion.
b) Prevent illness.
c) Restoring health.
d) Care of the dying.
35)Health is defined as:
a) State of complete physical, social, mental, and spiritual wellbeing and not
merely absence of disease.
b) Felling of wellbeing.
c) Absence of disease.
d) State of complete physical and mental wellbeing only.
36)In which phase of nursing process the nurse collect data about the client:
a) Diagnosis.
b) Assessment.
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
c) Implementation.
d) Evaluation.
37)Chief complain includes:
a) Immunization and childhood illness.
b) Hoppies and sleep pattern.
c) Risk factor for certain diseases.
d) The answer given to question “what brought you to the hospital”
38)The chief complain should be record using:
a) Nurse words.
b) Patient words.
c) Physician words.
d) None of the above.
39)Nursing diagnosis is:
a) A statement that describes actual health problem only.
b) A statement that describes potential health problem only.
c) A statement that describes actual and potential health problems.
d) Puts the nursing care plan into action.
40)The nursing diagnosis include all the following except:
a) Problem.
b) Time.
c) Sign.
d) Etiology.
41)Hyperthermia is:
a) Body temperature between 36.4 – 37.4
b) Body temperature between 39 – 41
c) Body temperature below 36.
d) Body temperature between 38 – 40.
42)All of the following are clinical sign of fever except:
a) Palled.
b) Shivering.
c) Decrease thirst.
d) Increase heart rate.
43)All of the following factors are increase respiratory rate except:
a) Decrease temp.
b) Stress.
c) Exercise.
d) Increase altitude.
44)The most safe and non invasive site to measure the temperature is:
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
a) Oral site.
b) Auxiliary site.
c) Rectal site.
d) Tympanic site.
45)The difference between rectal and auxiliary temp is:
a) 0.5 c
b) 0.8 c
c) 2 c
d) 1 c.
46)The tachycardia is :
a) Heart rate below 60.
b) Heart rate above 100.
c) Respiratory rate below 12.
d) Respiratory rate above 20.
47)Hyperventilation is:
a) Slow breathing.
b) Shallow respiration.
c) Deep respiration.
d) Fast respiratory rate.
48)Hemoptysis is:
a) Cough with secretions.
b) Cough without secretions.
c) Difficult breathing.
d) Blood in the sputum.
1. The differentiate sign to diagnose Myocardial Infraction from Angina pectoris
is : ‫وتميز عالمة لتشخيص مرضى الذبحة مخالفة من ذبحة صدرية هو‬
a. The patient’s pain will relieve with rest.
b. The patient’s Pain will relieve by taking Isordil Sublingual.
c. The Patient’s pain increased by breathing
d. The Patient’s pain will not relieve with rest or Isordil. . ‫ألم المريض لن يخفف أو مع‬
2. Post operative Patient complain of infected wound after 24 hours from the
surgery day, you can found in the wound site:
a. redness‫احمرار‬
b. swelling‫تورم‬
c. bad odor ‫رائحه سئية‬
d. all of the answer are rights
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
3. how you will intervene to relieve swelling lower extremity with cast for 4 days?
a. change the cast.
b. Call the doctor
c. Elevate the extremity ‫رفع الحد االقصـي‬
d. Give message
5. patient with blood infusion, you found it with fever after the infusion begin
with 19 minutes. The right action is:llll ‫ وكنت وجدت‬، ‫المريض مع ضخ الدم‬
‫ الحق في العمل هو‬.‫ دقيقة‬19 ‫مع الحمى بعد أن يبدأ ضخ‬
a. stop infusion immediately.‫توقف الضخ فورا‬
b. Call the doctor who incharge.‫أالتصال بالدكتور‬
c. Continue blood infusion with slow rate.
d. a+b
6. The inferior vena cava bring the deoxygenated blood to heart via:‫دم غير موكسد‬
a. right ventricle
b. lift ventricle
c. right atrium
d. lift atrium
7. The artery which supply the myocardial muscle with oxygen and nutrient,
a. carotid
b. anterior vena cava
c. pulmonary artery
d. coronary arteries ‫الشرايين التاجيه‬
8. One of The immediate action to a patient with Myocardial infraction is to give
patient:‫ الذبحه القلبيه مريض‬.. ‫تعطيه؟‬
a. Paracetamol
b. Morphine‫مورفين‬
c. Oxygen
d. B+C
9- Patient with burn in his back and abdomen, then the percent of the burn is.
a. 18 %
b. 36 %
c. 27 %
d. 45 %
10. What is the first priority to do in a patient with burn?
a. check pulse
b. check breathing ‫ نشوف التنفـس‬..//
c. give sedative
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
d. apply cold compresses
11. you can say the patient is Full oriented, if he is oriented to :
a. place
b. time
c. person
d. all of them
12. The best cannula used when you want to give blood intravenous to an adult
patient is :
a. Yellow cannula
b. Blue cannula
c. Pink cannula
d. Green cannula ‫األخضر قنية‬
13. The patient told you that he still feels with a back pain after the
administration of sedative drug I.M by an hour, you think that he is lying. What
is the right action you must take it?
a. Ignore his complain.
b. Inform the Doctor
c. Give him extra dose from drug.
d. Tell him that he is not feel pain and he have delusion.
14. doctor order is to give a drug to the patient q.i.d., the best times to give this
drug is at like schedule :
a. 6am-12pm-6am-12pm
b. 3am-9am-3pm-9pm
c. 6am-2pm-10pm
d. 6 am -6pm
15. The medication order is to give pethedine 100 stat. that mean you will give it :
1. now for one time
2. two times as needed
3. three times daily
4. once daily
16. if you find that the patients output is more than his intake from the fluids
since three days, you will suspect that he is complain or will complain from:
a. edema
b. dehydration
c. its normal result
d. give him lasix
17. if you read in the medication chart beside the drug name this abbreviation (
N/A), you will know that this drug is :
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
a. stopped
b. increase the dose
c. decrease the dose
d. the drug is Not Available..
18. you will use the Oropharengeal tube when the patient is :
a. cannot talk
b. unconscious patient ‫ مريض فاقد الوعـي‬..//
c. patient with N.G. tube
d. Patient with sever throat pain
19. R.T.A. Patient in E.R. , he start complain from Increase Pulse rate, Low
blood pressure, and decrease level of consciousness, you must think that he
a. Urinary Tract Infection
b. Shock‫ًصدمه‬
c. Coma
d. Respiratory distress.
20. “Code Blue “, means :
a. Patient with arrest
b. Patient with hemorrhage
c. Patient in O.R
d. Patient with blood infusion
21. you find a victim arrested in the street according to car accident, you found a
clear fluid dropping from his ear, and you must give him rescues breathing, what
you will do?
1. head tilt, chin lift
2. chest thrust
3. jaw thrust ‫ فتح الفك‬..
4. put him in left side position
22. you heard the nurse talk to the doctor and he said “ the patient has macro
Haematuria”. What he means byhaematuria?
a. Difficult of breathing
b. Difficulty of urination
c. The urine seems bloody
d. The patient cannot urinate.
23. You found the cardiac monitor show straight line in a sleeping patient in
CCU, what you will do? ‫؟‬.. ‫خط تخطيط القلب مستقيم‬
a. call for CPR
b. give cardiac massage
c. check cardiac monitor leads ‫ مراقبة وضائف القلـب‬..//
d. give cardiac shock
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
24. before you send the patient to the‫ _العمليات‬operation room, you must check :
a. is the patient fasting? ‫صيام المريض‬
b. Did he sign the consent form? ‫انه وقع على االستماره‬
c. Did he shaved the site of operation?
d. All of them
25. the yellow hard containers in the hospital used to waste which of the
following? ‫الحاويات الصفراء في المستشفى النفايات التي تستخدم ليلي‬
a. used gauze, cotton.
b. Sharp waste ‫لنفايات الحادة‬
c. Used papers and fluids.
d. All of them.
26. if u know that the patient is complain from quadriplegia, you will know that
he have weakness in : ‫ وسوف تعرف أن لديه ضعف‬، ‫إذا ش نعرف أن المريض يشكو من شلل رباعي‬
a. his arms
b. his legs
c. his legs and arms. ‫ساقيه وذراعيه‬
d. One arm and one leg.
27. Carotid artery is located in : ‫الشريان السباتي الموجود في‬
a. the nick
b. the head
c. the legs
d. the abdomen
27. The route of drug administration that provides the dependable absorption is
‫ مسار ادارة المخدرات التي تنص على امتصاص يمكن االعتماد عليها هو‬:a. Oral
b. Intermuscular
c. Subcuntaneous
d. Intravenous
28. medication is being administered , the most accurate way to verify a patient’s
identification is to ‫ فإن الطريقة األكثر دقة للتحقق من وجود المريض في عملية‬، ‫الدواء تتم إدارته‬
‫تحديد الهوية‬:a. call the patient by the name in the drug card or cardex
b. ask the patient to state his or her name
c. ask another nurse to identify the patient
d. check the patient’s identification bracelet. ‫التحقق من هوية المريض سوار‬
29. when the nurse is administering medications , the patient informs the nurse
that the tablet usually received is a different color . the nurse should :.‫ المريض بإبالغ الممرضة التي عادة ما تلقى في اللوحة هو لون مختلف‬، ‫الممرضة هو إعطاء األدوية‬
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
‫ الممرضة بما يلي‬: -a. insist that the patient take the tablet she poured
b. have the patient take the tablet & then recheck the order
c. leave the medication at the bedside & recheck the order
d. recheck the order before giving the drug
e. verify the medication with the physician ‫ تحقق من الدواء مع الطبيب‬.
30. all of the following are examples of mild allergy symptoms that may occur in
response to antibiotic therapy except ‫كل ما يلي أمثلة ألعراض الحساسية خفيفة التي قد تحدث‬
‫في االستجابة للعالج بالمضادات الحيوية إال‬
a. urticaria ( redness)
b. rash
c. wheezing ‫الصفير‬
d. (pruritus ( itching
31. for which client is the oral rout of administration appropriate ?
a. client D who has vomited twice in the last hour .
b. client E who is complaining of a sever headache
c. client F whose assessment reveals an absence of bowel sounds.
d. Client G who is only responsive to painful stimuli.
32. Which of the following organs is a primary site for the metabolism of drugs
‫? من األجهزة التالية هي الموقع الرئيسي الستقالب المخدرات‬
a. Heart
b. Liver ‫الكيد‬
c. Pancreas
d. Intestine
34. Mrs. Higgins has refused to take her ASA ordered by the physician . the first
action of the nurse should be ‫ أول عمل‬.‫السيدة هيغنز رفضت الصطحابها آسا بأمر من الطبيب‬
‫للممرضة يجب أن يكون‬
a. Notify the physician of the refusal
b. Chart the refusal on the medication administration record.
c. Find out why she doesn’t want to take the ASA
d. Tell her she must take the ASA because the physician has ordered it .
35. a medication order should never be implemented if : a. the nurse doesn’t know the physician .
b. the nurse doesn’t know the patient’s history .
c. the nurse Questions any part of the order
d. the nurse did not know witness the writing of the order .
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
36. ORDERD : penicillin 400.000 u IM now
AVAILABLE : penicillin 800.000 u per 2 cc
How many ml should you give ?
a. 2 .ml
b.1 ml
c. 0.2 ml
d. 0.4 ml
37. ORDERD : deltasone 7.5 mg now .
AVAILABLE : deltasone 2.5 mg scored tablets .
How many should you give ?
a. 3 tablets
b. 1 tablets
c. tablets ½ 2
d. tablets ½ 1
38. 20 minutes after receiving her noon dose of oral medication , Mrs. Rooney
vomits . to assure accuracy in medication administration the first thing nurse
Mulligan should do is to :a. report the situation to the head nurse
b. contact the physician
c. administer another dose of medication
d. examine the vomits for signs of medication
39. which of the following routs for drug administration is the most common ,
least expensive , safest , and best tolerated by patient ‫التي من مساراتهم التالية التخدير هو‬
‫ وأفضل مسموح بها المريض‬، ‫ واألكثر أمانا‬، ‫? األكثر شيوعا واألقل تكلفة‬
a. intramuscular
b. topical ‫موضوعي‬
c. oral
d. intravenous
40. you arrives in Mr. Rich’s room with the ASA [ aspirin ] he requested for the
headache . you find him in the bathroom . you are very busy & don’t have time
to wait . you should : ‫ يمكنك‬.‫كنت في وصول السيد ريتش في غرفة مع آسا [االسبرين] طلب للصداع‬
‫ يجب عليك‬.‫ كنت مشغول جدا وليس لدينا وقت لالنتظار‬.‫العثور عليه في الحمام‬
a. tell him you will return and take the medication with you ‫أقول له أنت سترجع وتناول‬
‫الدواء معك‬
b. ask him to com out of the bathroom immediately
c. ask his roommate to give him the ASA
d. leave the medication on the over-the-bed table since ASA is a nonprescription
41. you are preparing to administer Mrs. Carter’s eye drops . the correct
position for her to assume would be : ‫ الموقف‬.‫كنت تستعد إلدارة السيدة كارتر قطرات العين‬
‫الصحيح بالنسبة لها لتولي سيكون‬
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
a. head titled forward , placing the drops in the conjunctival sac.
b. head titled backward , placing the drops in the lower conjunctival sac. ‫رئيس‬
‫ ووضع قطرات في كيس الملتحمة السفلي‬، ‫بعنوان متخلفة‬.
c. head titled forward , placing the drops directly on the eyeball .
d. head titled backward , placing the drops directly on the eyeball.
42. to instill drops in the adult patient , the ear canal is opened by pulling the ear
. ‫ وقناة األذن يتم فتح طريق سحب األذن‬، ‫لغرس قطرات في المريض الكبار‬:a. up and back
b. down and back
c. up and forward
d. back and forward
43. The nurse correctly administer an IM injection a ……………… degree angle
‫ درجة زاوية‬..................‫ممرضة بشكل صحيح إدارة حقنة في العضل ل‬
a. 15
b. 30
c. 45
d. 90
44. when giving medication , the label should be checked 3 times . which of the
following is not one of these times ? .‫ مرات‬3 ‫ ويجب أن تكون التسمية فحص‬، ‫عند اعطاء الدواء‬
‫مما يلي ليست واحدة من هذه األوقات‬
a. when the nurse reaches for the container
b. immediately prior to pouring medication
c. when the nurse located the drug on the shell
d. when replacing the container to the drawer or shelf .
45. which of the following is the reason for using the Z tract technique for
injections ‫مما يلي هو سبب استخدام هذا االسلوب لحقن المسالك ى‬
a. for medication of over 5cc in quantity
b. for medication that is highly irritating to subcutaneous tissue ‫لهذا الدواء هو المزعج‬
‫للغاية في النسيج تحت الجلد‬
c. for medication that stains the tissue
d. for medication that cannot be given orally
46. which of the following orders is complete :a. ampicillin 250mg IM q12hrs x 10 days
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
b. Maalox 30 cc po
c. humulin R insulin SQ in AM & noon
d. (OPV ( oral polio vaccine ) 0.5 cc
47. Mrs. Kelly tells the nurse that her arm is sore from an injection she received
early in the day . she states “ the nurse gave me a shot , and I heard her say that
the needle was a 25 gauge . isn’t that too big for a local injection ?” . your best
response would be :
“a. a 25 gauge needle is a small needle , but it can cause som discomfort . let me
see your arm .”
b. really, Mrs. Kelly, no once gets hurts with a 25 gauge needle . you are over –
reacting to the shot “
c. a 25 gauge needle is very small . you are just nervous about the injection.”
d. a 25 gauge needle is very small. So you are wrong about the pain from the
48. Mrs. Davis has a written order from her physician for Demerol 100 mg stat .
which of the following best explain this order ?
a. give it needed
b. give once when needed .
c. give once immediately ‫تعطي مرة واحدة على الفور‬
d. give once when specified
49. while checking Mr. Appendectomy’s vital signs , he requests his “ medication
for the pain in my incision “ the vital signs were :
BP 100/60 , T – 98.4 F , P – 66 , RR – 10 .you decide he may not have the
Morphine sulfate injection at this time due to witch vital signs reading ?
a. blood pressure
b. pulse
c. respiration
d. temperature
50. after withdrawing the needle from the tissue when administering an ID
injection you :- ‫بعد سحب اإلبرة من النسيج عندما باإلدارة حقنة معرف لك‬
a. apply firm pressure to the site with your thumb .
b. do not rewipe the site
c. gently wipe the site
d. massage the site vigorously
51. Mr. Harvey , age 54 , is admitted with a diagnosis of congestive heart failure
secondary to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease [COPD] . the physician
orders sublingual nitroglycerin , 0.4 mg p.r.n , for chest pain , whin
administering the nitroglycerin , the nurse should :a. tell Mr. Harvey to hold the tablet under his tongue and let it dissolve .
b. tell Mr. Harvey to swallow the tablet with water .
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
c. apply nitroglycerin ointment to Mr. Harvey’s chest .
d. mix the nitroglycerin with applesauce for Mr. Harvey to eat
52. asking the patient if he is allergic to any medication is a part of
the ……………
phase of the nursing process ? ‫يطلب من المريض اذا كان حساسية من أي دواء هو جزء‬
‫ مرحلة من مراحل العملية التمريضية‬...............‫من‬
A. assessment
B. planning
C. implementation
D. evaluation
53. teaching the patient about the medication is a part of the …………… phase
of the nursing process ? ‫ مرحلة من مراحل العملية‬...............‫تعليم المريض عن الدواء هو جزء من‬
A. assessment
B. planning
C. implementation‫اتنفيذ‬
D. evaluation
54. a nurse is unable to read the label on a bottle of liquid medication because the
label is stained from spillage . the nurse knows that the correct procedure is
to .‫ممرضة غير قادر على قراءة الملصق على زجاجة الدواء السائل ألن التسمية الملون من االنسكاب‬
‫الممرضة يعلم أن اإلجراء الصحيح هو‬:A. ask the charge nurse to verify the medication in the bottle and apply a new
label .
B. smell and test the medication and apply a new label if certain of the contents .
C. empty the contents down the drain and notify the charge and the pharmacist.
D. Send the bottle back to the pharmacy to be relabeled . ‫ارسال الزجاجة مرة أخرى إلى‬
‫الصيدلية لتكون إعادة إعتبرت‬
55. Mr. Walker will receive regular insulin . the nurse monitors for the onist of
action in approximately ------------‫ الممرضة‬.‫ السيد ووكر سوف تتلقى االنسولين العادية‬onist
‫مراقبين للعمل في حوالي الساعة‬
A. 5 to 10 minutes .
B. 150to 20 minutes
C. 30to 60 minutes
D. 1 to 2 hours .
56. is it necessary for the nurse to wear gloves during administration of an
intermittent feeding through a G-tube ? is it necessary for the nurse to wear
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
gloves during administration of an intermittent feeding through a G-tube
A. yes , because it is a sterile procedure .
B. yes , because universal precautions must be maintained . ‫ ألن االحتياطات العالمية‬، ‫نعم‬
‫يجب المحافظة‬
C. no , because it is not a sterile procedure .
D. no , because there is no danger of contact with body fluid if the procedure is
performed correctly .
57. to prepare the skin for injection the nurse would use ‫لتحضير الجلد للحقن الممرضة‬
‫ ستستخدم‬:
A. friction with back and forth motions at the site with alcohol swab .
B. friction and alcohol swab moving from outer edge to center of site .
C. friction and alcohol swab with circular motions and palpate site gently with
finger pad before injection .
D. friction and circular motions with alcohol swab from center of site
outward ‫االحتكاك وحركات دائرية مع مسحة من الكحول المركز من موقع إلى الخارج‬.
58. IM injection into the deltoid muscle should be limited to :- ‫ينبغي حقن العضلة الدالية‬
‫أن تقتصر على‬
A. 2.5 ml of solution
B. 2 ml of solution
C. 1 ml of solution
D. 0.5 ml of solution
59. a primary concern when giving heparin SC is to prevent : ‫وينصب االهتمام الرئيسي‬
‫عند إعطاء الهيبارين الماليزية لمنع‬
A. pain and bruising .
B. pain and bleeding
C. bleeding and bruising ‫نزف وكدمات‬
D. injecting a vein .
60. the type of needle selected for the ( dorsogluteal ) intramscular ( IM )
injections would be based on :1) the size of the patient
2) the viscosity of the antibiotic .
3) the position of the patient .
4) the volume of medication .
A. 1,2,3,4
B. 1,2,3
C. 2,3,4
D. 1,2
61. the largest gauge needle of the following is :A. 19 gauge
B. 20 gauge
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
C.. 21 gauge
D. 22 gauge
62. Optimum normal urine out put hourly to an adult : ‫األمثل البول العادي من وضع كل‬
‫ساعة لشخص بالغ‬
A. 10cc
B. 25cc
C. 50cc
D. 100cc
63. scurvy is a deficiency of : ‫االسقربوط هو نقص‬
A. Vit a
B. Vit b
C. Vit c
D. Vit d
64. Specific gravity of urine to have a normal fluid balance
A. 1.005
B. 1.015
C. 1.030
D. 1.020
65. 12 hours after delivery the fundus is at the level of
A. one fingerbreadth below the umbilicus .
B. one fingerbreadth above the umbilicus .
C. at the level of umbilicus.
D. Below symphysis pubis
66. In dystocia the ,mother should be watched for :A. Post partum haemorrhage .
B. Hypertension .
C. Cord proplase .
D. fetal death .
67. in the first trimester of pregnancy the vaccination to avoid :- ‫في األشهر الثالثة‬
‫األولى من الحمل في التلقيح لتجنب‬
A. polio
B. rubella . ‫الحميراء‬.
C. measles .
D. small pox .
68. in fetal circulation , the oxygenated blood placenta travels via :- ‫الجنين في التداول‬
‫ واالوكسيجين في الدم عن طريق المشيمة يسافر‬،
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
A. umbilical artery
B. umbilical vein ‫ حبل الوريد‬.
C. doctus arteriosus .
D. ductus venosus .
69. first stage of labor ends with :- ‫نتهاء المرحلة األولى من العمل مع‬
A. pain occurs .
B. dilation of cervix 10 cm ‫ سم‬10 ‫اتساع عنق الرحم‬
C. delivery of the baby
D. delivery of the placenta
70. an electrolyte deficiency that affect the heart muscular activity ‫ونقص بالكهرباء‬
‫ التي تؤثر في قلب النشاط العضلي‬: -:A. k
B. cal
C. Na
D. mg
71. The most vital immediate observation to a new born baby is :- ‫المالحظة األكثر‬
‫حيوية فورية لمولود جديد هو‬
A. Cardiac rate
B. Respiration rate .
C. Color
D. Tone
72. Signs of dehydration ‫ عالمات الجفاف‬: -:A. Loss of skin turgor .
B. Low body temperature
C. High body temperature
D. Sweating
73. Common cause of death in burns ‫ سبب شائع للوفاة في حروق‬: -:A. Hemorrhage
B. Neurogenic shock
C. Sepsis
D. Hypovolemic shock ‫صدمة نقص حجم الدم‬
74. The difference in close & open fracture is that , in open fracture you have to
watch for :- ‫ في كسر مفتوح لديك لمشاهدة ل‬، ‫االختالف في وثيقة وكسر مفتوح هو أنه‬
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
A. Infection
B. Hemorrhage ‫نزف‬
C. Inflammation
D. Pain
75. Epinephrine is not given via :- . ‫ ادرينالين التي ال تعطى عن طريق‬: -A. IV
B. Orally
C. Parentally
D. Intracardiac
76. Ultra sound used :A. To detect fetal position
B. To detect diameter of fetal head
C. To detect placenta abnormalities
D. All of the above .
77. To prevent oral mucosa infection q4h , instruct patient to use :- ‫لمنع العدوى عن‬
‫ طريق الفم المخاطي‬q4h ‫ إرشاد المريض الستخدام‬،
A. Warm saline gargle ‫الغرغرة الدافئة المالحة‬
B. Glycerin oil
C. Antibiotic
D. Warm gargle with mineral oil
78. One of the vital care after cholecystectomy :- ‫واحدة من الرعاية الصحية الحيوية بعد‬
‫ استئصال المرارة‬: -A. Bed rest
B. Low fat diet
C. Low Cholesterol diet
D. Low protein diet
79. X-ray of upper GI tract , the nurse should instruct the patient to take :- ‫األشعة‬
‫ يجب على الممرضة إرشاد المرضى على اتخاذ‬، ‫السينية لاللعلوي غي المسالك‬
A. Laxative previous day
B. NPO 8-12 hours
C. High fat diet
D. Normal diet
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
B. 1 tsp
C. ½ table spoon
D. 1 table spoon
81. A very serious complication of hysterectomy :A. vaginal pain
B. vaginal discharge
C. abdominal distention
D. no urine out put
82. Deep breathing and coughing exercise done at :- ‫التنفس العميق والسعال ممارسة عمله‬
‫ على‬: -A. angle of 90 degree
B. angel 45 degree
C. lie laterally
D. semi-fowler’s position ‫شبه جالس‬
83. Patient with spinal cord injury must be :-. ‫المريض مع إصابة الحبل الشوكي يجب أن‬
‫ تكون‬: -A. not to move at all
B. log rolled ‫سجل تدحرجت‬
C. turn the back with support in the head
84. After spinal anesthesia , watch fore :- ‫ ومشاهدة الصدارة‬، ‫ بعد التخدير الشوكي‬: -A. hypotention / headache ‫الصداع‬
B. fowler’s position to the optimum
C. numbness of extremities
D. analgesic
85. The cure for chronic renal failure is :- ‫ عالج الفشل الكلوي المزمن هو‬: -A. dialysis
B. kidney transplant ‫زرع الكلى‬
C. diuretics
D. force fluids
86. Acetyl salycilate [ aspirin ] immediate side effect :- ‫ أستيل‬salycilate [ ]‫االسبرين‬
‫الفوري اآلثار الجانبية‬
A. tinnitis
B. nausea & vomiting
C. abdominal pain
D. vomiting & diarrhea
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
87. digoxin can be with held to a patient with an apical pulse rate of below :‫ديجوكسين يمكن أن يكون مع عقد لمريض بمعدل قمي نبض أدناه‬
A. 45
B. 60
C. 70
D. 80
88. the best time to collect urine for culture :- ‫ أفضل وقت لجمع البول للثقافة‬: -A. early morning awaking sample .
B. 30 minutes after voiding
C. 30 minutes after fluid
D. double voided
89. The postpartal patient should be watched closely during the first hours after
delivery for :A. Uterine contraction
B. Vaginal bleeding
C. Hypotention
D. All of the above
90. The major goals for the burn patient in the first 48 hours after burn , is that
the patient ‫ هو أن المريض‬، ‫ ساعة األولى بعد الحرق‬48 ‫األهداف الرئيسية لحرق مريض في ال‬
A. Has fluid and electrolyte balance maintained ‫فقد السوائل والكهارل الحفاظ على التوازن‬
B. Develops no contractures
C. Dose not develop hyperthermia
D. Develops minimal scarring
91. The normal fasting blood glucose rang mg per 100 ml . of venous blood is :
1. 60-80
2. 80-120
3. 100-150
4. 100-200
92. before irrigating a client’s NGT the nurse must first :a. assess breath sounds
b. instill 15 ml. Of normal saline
c. ausculate for bowel sounds
d. check the tube for placement
93. the best method of preventing the spread of infection is :- ‫أفضل طريقة لمنع انتشار‬
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
a. isolating all patients suspected of having an infection
b. wearing rubber gloves when performing all nursing procedures
c. washing the hands thoroughly before & after each contact with a patient ‫غسل‬
‫اليدين جيدا قبل وبعد كل اتصال مع المريض‬
d. sterilizing the hands with strong germicide at least once a day
94. when caring for a client who has an open reduction and internal fixation of
hip , the nurse encourages active leg and foot exercise of the unaffected leg every
2 hours to help to :a. reduce leg discomfort .
b. maintain muscle strength .
c. prevent formation of clots .
d. limit venous inflammation
95. when administering an antibiotic or a vaccine , the nurse must be alert for
the possibility of :- ‫ ويجب على الممرضة يكون في حالة تأهب‬، ‫عندما باإلدارة مضاد حيوي أو لقاح‬
a. overdoses and CNS depression
b. hypersensitivity and possible anaphylaxis . ‫فرط الحساسية وممكن تأق‬
c. sings of increasing infection
d. orthostatic hypotension
96. immediately after a child is admitted with acute bacterial meningitis , the
nurse should plan to :- ، ‫على الفور بعد ان يكون الطفل قد اعترف مع التهاب السحايا الجرثومي الحاد‬
‫ينبغي للممرضة خطة ل‬
a. assess the child’s vital signs every 3 hours
b. administer oral antibiotic medication as ordered
c. check the child’s level of consciousness every hour
d. restrict parental visiting until isolation is discontinued
97. when assessing the unconscious victim for pulselessness , which of the
following is the best artery to chick :a. radial
b. femoral
c. brachial
d. carotid
98. common signs and symptoms of jaundice include:- ‫عالمات مشتركة وأعراض اليرقان‬
‫ تشمل ما يلي‬: -a. ascites
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
b. dermatitis
c. icteric sclera ‫الصلبة العينية يرقاني‬
d. dark-colored stools
99. patient with head injuries are not given sedative because these drugs may :‫ المريض مصابا بجروح في الرأس ال تعطى لهذه األدوية المهدئة قد‬: -a. produce coma
b. depress the patient’s respiration
c. mask the patient’s symptoms ‫قناع المريض أعراض‬
d. lead to cerebral hemorrhage
100. in treating puncture wounds , the first priority is to :- ‫ واألولوية‬، ‫في عالج الجروح‬
‫ األولى هي‬: -a. stop the bleeding
b. cleans the wound
c. give prophylactic treatment aginst tetanus
d. remove the ************************ from the wound
101. ones the bleeding site has been determined , the first emergency measure to
institute during hemorrhage would be to :- ‫ في أول تدبير طارئ‬، ‫منها موقع النزيف قد حددت‬
‫ للمعهد خالل نزف سيكون على‬: -a. apply a firm – pressure dressing
b. apply direct , firm – pressure over the bleeding area or the artery
involved ‫ الضغط على المنطقة أو نزيف الشريان المشاركة‬-- ‫ شركة‬، ‫تطبيق المباشر‬
c. apply a tourniquet just proximal to the wound
d. elevate the extremity
102. nursing measures that can be used to lower core body temperature
include ‫ التمريض التدابير التي يمكن أن تستخدم لخفض درجة حرارة الجسم األساسية ما يلي‬: -:a. immersing the patient in cold water ‫غمر المريض في ماء بارد‬
b. placing the patient on a hypothermic blanket
c. administering chilled saline enemas
d. all of the above measures
103. the female hormone that induces changes in endometrium to prepare uterus
for implantation of a fertilized ovum and maintenance of a pregnancy is called :-
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
‫الهرمون األنثوي الذي يؤدي الى تغييرات في بطانة الرحم للتحضير الرحم لغرس البويضة المخصبة وعلى‬
‫ الحفاظ على الحمل ويسمى‬: -a. aldosterone
b. testoterone
c. progesterone
d. estrogen
104. for a hearing – impaired client to hear a conversation , a nurse should :‫ وهي ممرضة بما يلي‬، ‫ البصر العميل لسماع محادثة‬-- ‫ لالستماع‬: -a. use a louder tone of voice than normal
b. use visual aids such as the hands and eyes when speaking ‫استخدام المعينات البصرية‬
‫مثل اليدين والعينين عندما تتكلم‬
c. approach a client quietly from behind before speaking
d. select a public area to have a conversation
105. when dealing with a client with aphasia , the nurse should remember to :a. wait for him to communicate
b. speak loudly to ensure that the massage is received
c. speak from the client’s side to avoid overload
d. encourage writing of massages
106. Immunization should be started when child is :A. 6 months
B. 2 months
C. 1 months
D. 1 week
107. the most reliable method used for sterilizing hospital equipment to be free of
spores and bacteria is :- ‫وهذه أضمن طريقة تستخدم لتعقيم المعدات المستشفى لتكون خالية من‬
‫ الجراثيم والبكتيريا هي‬: -A. soaking in strong chemical
B. washing and drying it thoroughly after use
C. applying steam under pressure in an autoclave ‫تطبيق تحت ضغط البخار في اوتوكالف‬
D. boiling the equipment
108. nursing care of a child admitted with acute glomerulonephritis , should be
directed toward :- ‫ يكون موجها‬، ‫وينبغي أن الرعاية التمريضية لطفل اعترف مع التهاب الكلية الحاد‬
‫ نحو‬: --
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
A. forcing fluids
B. promoting diuresis ‫تعزيز إدرار البول‬
C. enforcing strict bed rest
D. eliminating sodium from diet
109.the nurse empties a portable wound suction device when it is only half full
because :A. it is easier and faster to empty the unit when it is only half full
B. this facilitates a more accurate measurement of drainage output .
C. their negative pressure in the unit lessens as fluid accumulates in it ,
interfering with further drainage
D. as fluid collects in the unit it exerts positive pressure , forcing drainage back
up the tubing and into the wound .
110. a patient develops a small decubitus ulcer on the sacral area . the nurse
should plan to deal with this problem by :‫ يض يطور‬decubitus ‫قرحة صغيرة في المنطقة‬
‫ الممرضة أن خطة للتعامل مع هذه المشكلة عن طريق‬.‫ العجزية‬A. keeping the area dry ‫حفظ المنطقة الجافة‬
B. applying moist dressing
C. providing a low caloric diet
D. keep the patient on the right side
111. when administering heparin , the substance the nurse would keep available
as the antidote is :- ‫ جوهر الممرضة ستبقي المتاحة ليكون الترياق هو‬، ‫ عندما باإلدارة الهيبارين‬: -A. magnesium sulphate
B. protamine sulphate. ‫كبريتات البروتامين‬
C. calcium gloconate
D. vitamin k
112. the main effect of excess calcium on the myocardium is :- ‫واألثر الرئيسي للكالسيوم‬
‫ الزائد على عضلة القلب هي‬: -A. spastic contraction ‫تقلص تشنجي‬
B. cardiac flaccidity
C. tetany
D. bradycardia
113. which of the following vitamin increase the retention of calcium and
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
phosphorous ions in the blood :- ‫التي من فيتامين التالية زيادة االحتفاظ أيونات الكالسيوم‬
‫ والفوسفور في الدم‬: -A. Vit A
B. Vit B12
C. Vit. D
D. Vit C
114. If a SC injection is in to which level of tissue must the solution be
released ‫ وحقن هي في المستوى الذي يجب أن يطلق سراح من األنسجة أن يكون الحل‬: --:A. Epidermis
B. Dermis
C. Subcutaneous ‫تحت الجلد‬
D. Any of the above
115.A critical nursing measure to employ with a patient on any sulphonamide
drug is to :- ‫ والحرجة التمريض قياس لتوظيف مع المريض على أي‬sulphonamide ‫ المخدرات هي‬: A. Monitor blood pressure every 30 minutes
B. Force fluids ‫قوة السوائل‬
C. Watch for tinnitus.
D. Monitor electrolytes
116. The primary cause of decubitus ulcer is :- ‫ السبب الرئيسي للقرحة‬decubitus ‫ هي‬: -A. Excessive perspiration
B. Pressure on bony area
C. Poor nutrition and inadequate fluid intake ‫سوء التغذية ونقص السوائل في الجسم‬
D. Inability to control voiding
117. Contra indications to the use of anticoagulant include :- ‫كونترا دالئل على استخدام‬
‫مضادات التجلط وتشمل‬
a. Blood dyscrasias
b. Liver or kidney disease
c. Peptic ulcer
d. All of the above conditions
118. Progesterone is primarily used for the treatment of :- ‫بروجستيرون يستخدم أساسا‬
‫ لعالج‬: -A. Hypertension of pregnancy
B. Abnormal uterine bleeding
C. Unovulation
D. Hypermenorrhagia
119. The average daily amount if water eliminated from the kidneys as urine is :-
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
A. 500 cc
B. 1500 cc
C. 2000 cc
D. 1200 cc
the normal average is between 1200 – 1500 cc
120. surgical patients should be taught to perform leg exercises for the main
purpose of ‫ وينبغي أن تدرس المرضى لعمليات جراحية ألداء تمارين الساق لهذا الغرض الرئيسي من‬: -:A. preventing muscle atrophy
B. preventing joint degeneration
C. prevent vein thrombosis‫تحسين الدورة الدموية‬
D. preventing boredom
121. When a patient is vomiting post-operatively , the most important nursing
************************ive is to prevent ، ‫عندما يكون المريض في حالة التقيؤ بعد العملية‬
‫ واألكثر أهمية التمريض الهدف من ذلك هو منع ما يلي‬: -- :A. dehydration
B. aspiration
C. rupture of suture line
D. metabolic acidosis
122. which of the following is an appropriate diet for a patient with congestive
heart failure :A. low-calorie , high-residue diet with no caffeine
B. low-calorie , low- residue diet with low Na
C. high-calorie , low-fat , low-protein diet
D. high –protein , no fat , no carbohydrate diet
123. To obtain a truly estimation of the patient’s average blood pressure , your
nursing assessment should include ‫ يجب‬، ‫للحصول على تقدير حقيقي للمريض متوسط ضغط الدم‬
‫ أن التمريض تقييم ما يلي‬: -- :A. only one blood pressure reading
B. serial reading , which should be taken at the same time each day for 7 days
C. serial reading , which should be taken every 2 hours over an 8 hour period for
2 days
D. blood pressure reading on both arms should be taken sitting and standing
once a day for 2 days
124. dietary control of patients with ulcers should include :- ‫الرقابة الغذائية للمرضى‬
‫ الذين يعانون من قرح وينبغي أن تشمل ما يلي‬: -A. taking antacids every hour
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
B. increase roughage in the diet
C. eliminate highly seasoned food ‫القضاء على المواد الغذائية للغاية محنك‬
D. increasing amount of carbohydrate
125.During physical examination , the part of the kidney may be felt on deep
palpation is :A. lower pole of the right kidney .
B. lower pole of the left kidney .
C. entire right kidney .
D. right and left kidney
126. The major nursing goals post-operative care of the cataract patient is to :‫من األهداف الرئيسية التمريض والرعاية بعد العملية للمريض هو الساد‬
A. prevent hemorrhage and stress on the sutures
B. prevent hemorrhage and eye stress .
C. prevent increased intro-ocular pressure and to promote better visual acuity
D. promote decreased intro-ocular pressure and to maintain a visible lens .
127. which of the following lab. test must be done on a patient with major burns ,
prior to administration of antibiotics :- ‫ يجب أن يتم االختبار على‬.‫التي من مختبر التالية‬
‫ وذلك قبل االدارة من المضادات الحيوية‬، ‫ المرضى المصابين بحروق كبيرة‬: -A. complete blood account
B. wound culture
C. type and cross match
D. sensitivity studies
128. for how many days after a facial wound are sutures usually left in place
? ‫على مدى أيام عديدة بعد جرحا في الوجه والخيوط الجراحية وعادة ما تترك في مكان‬
A. 3 days
B. 10 days
C. 14 days
D. 7 days
129. To control bleeding from the radial artery , pressure to be applied directly
above the :- ‫ والضغط يجب أن يطبق مباشرة فوق‬، ‫ للسيطرة على النزيف من الشريان شعاعي‬: -A. Thumb on the flexor surface of the arm .
B. Thumb on the extensor surface of the arm . ‫اإلبهام على السطوح الباسطة للذراع‬
C. Little finger on the flexor surface of the arm .
D. Little finger on the extensor surface of the arm .
130. All patients taking tranquilizers must be warned that they may feel :- ‫جميع‬
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
‫المرضى الذين يتناولون المهدئات يجب ان يحذروا من انهم قد يشعرون‬
A. Anxious
B. Nauseated
C. Clumsy
D. Drowsy ‫نعسان‬
131. Witch of the following indicates placental separation after delivery :A. A globular – shaped uterus
B. A sudden rise of the funds
C. A sudden gush of blood
D. All of the above signs
132. If a patient whose membranes ruptures during labor and prior to descent of
the head , the nurse must assess the patient fore :- ‫اذا كان المريض الذي تمزق األغشية‬
‫ يجب على الممرضة تقييم الصدارة المريض‬، ‫ وقبل أن أصل للرئيس‬، ‫ أثناء المخاض‬: -A. Hemorrhage
B. Pain
C. Cord prolapsed ‫سلك هابط‬
D. Uterine inertia
133. A most important nursing measure in the prevention of thrombophebitis for
the post-partum patient is :-‫مابعد الوالده‬
A. Elastic stocking
B. Early ambulation. ‫في وقت مبكر التمشي‬
C. Anticoagulant
D. Isometric exercise
134. As a child increases age , cardiac and respiratory rate should :- ‫كما يزيد من عمر‬
‫ القلب والجهاز التنفسي معدل بما يلي‬، ‫ الطفل‬: -A. Increase
B. Decrease
C. Remain unchanged
D. Stabilize at the adult level
135. An excellent diet suggest for an elderly patient is :- ‫اتباع نظام غذائي ممتاز توحي‬
‫ للمريض مسن هي‬: -A. High-calorie , low-fat , high carbohydrate diet
B. low-calorie , low-fat , lot of fruits and vegetables
C. High-calorie , high-fat , high protein diet
D. low-calorie , high-fat , high protein diet
136. in opened and close fracture , the nurse should be aware of which of the
following when open fracture is presented ? ‫ ينبغي للممرضة أن تكون‬، ‫في فتح وإغالق الكسر‬
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
‫على علم أي من التالي عندما كسر مفتوح ويرد؟‬
A. mal-alignment
B. infection ‫عدووووي‬
C. bleeding
D. pain
137. nursing consideration for a child with osteomyelitis should include :- ‫التمريض‬
‫ النظر للطفل مع‬osteomyelitis ‫ ينبغي أن تشمل ما يلي‬:
A. relieving of pain
B. maintaining antibiotic therapy
C. maintaining adequate nutrition
D. all of the above long should the affected extremity be kept elevated after the application
of cast ?
A. until the cast is dry
B. when the leg is no longer painful
C. for 24 hours after casting
D. for 72 hours after casting
139. when the skin , whole epidermis , dermis and the underlying structures are
affected in a burn , it is called ‫ األدمة والهياكل األساسية تتأثر في حرق‬، ‫عندما الجلد والبشرة كلها‬
‫ ويسمى‬، : -- :A. first degree burn
B. second degree burn
C. third degree burn ‫درجه ثالثه‬
140. the most common and serious complication of burns that often lead to death
is :- ‫ المضاعفات األكثر شيوعا وخطورة من الحروق التي غالبا ما تؤدي إلى الوفاة هي‬: -A. hypovolemic shock
B. hypothermia
C. sepsis .
D. Infection
141. before giving antibiotic to a burn patient which of the following should be
done first:- ‫ قبل اعطاء المضادات الحيوية لحرق المريض مما يلي ينبغي القيام به أوال‬: -A. wound culture
B. blood tests
C. wound dressing
D. sensitivity testing . ‫اختبار الحساسية‬.
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
142. when the patient is diaphoretic , there is tachycardia and decrease blood
pressure , he is experiencing :- ‫ هناك عدم انتظام دقات القلب‬، ‫عندما يكون المريض معرق‬
‫ وانه يشهد‬، ‫وانخفاض ضغط الدم‬
A. neurogenic shock.
B. Hypovolemic shock
C. Hypothermia
D. Septicemia
143. What type of isolation precaution is indicated for a burn patient ? ‫نوع من‬
‫التحوط العزلة هو مبين لحرق المريض؟‬
A. Standard precaution ‫معيار الحيطة‬
B. Reverse isolation
C. Proper isolation
D. Disposal of sharps
144. Which is the best aid to prevent breast cancer ?. ‫وهو معونة أفضل للوقاية من سرطان‬
A. Encourage women to perform self breast examination monthly
B. Public knowledge about chemotherapy
C. To eat fruits and vegetable only
D. non of the above
145. In cute stage of osteomyelities , the child should be :A. Confined to bed .
B. Up with crutches .
C. Up in a wheelchair
D. Up and about
146. Which one should the nurse monitor first in an infant ? ‫التي ينبغي ألحد أن‬
‫الممرضة رصد في أول رضيع؟‬
A. Respiratory rate
B. Cardiac rate
C. Pulse rate
D. Motor functioning
147. When assessing neonates hydration , the nurse should check for the skin’s :A. Elasticity ‫مرونة‬
B. Tone
C. Moisture
D. Color
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
148. Cerebral palsy can be detected in which of the following stage of child’s
life ‫? يمكن الشلل التي يمكن الكشف عنها في المرحلة التالية من حياة الطفل؟‬
a. During the early months ‫خالل األشهر األولى‬
b. When the child is walking
c. When the child is playing
Maternity and child health care
149. What is the normal weight of the new born according to statistics ? ‫هو الوزن‬
‫الطبيعي للمولود الجديد وفقا لالحصاءات؟‬
A. 3700 gms
B. 3200 gms.
C. 2500 gms
D. 4500 gms
150. when the head of the baby is already out in a cervix , the nurse should do
which of the following first ? ‫ يجب على‬، ‫عندما يكون رأس الرضيع هو بالفعل في عنق الرحم‬
‫الممرضة التي ال أول التالية؟‬
A. ask the mother to push more
B. check if the baby is breathing
C. wait for the baby to come out ‫انتظر الطفل على الخروج‬
151. FHR is heard clearly on fetal :-FHR ‫يسمع بوضوح على الجنين‬
A. head
B. back
C. abdomen
152. soon after the delivery of head of the baby the nurse should :- ‫بعد تسليم رأس‬
‫ الرضيع الممرضة القيام بما يلي‬: -A. suction mouth and oral cavity ‫شفط الفم وتجويف الفم‬
B. wait for the delivery of the baby
C. ask her to push
153. the fetus will get immunity from :-v ‫ الجنين سوف تحصل على الحصانة من‬: -A. lymph system
B. Placenta. ‫المشيمة‬
C. Both of them
D. Non of them
154. diet and nutritional status of pregnancy should be encouraged ‫النظام الغذائي‬
‫ والحالة التغذوية للفترة الحمل وينبغي تشجيع‬:A. first trimester‫الفصل االول‬
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
B. second trimester
C. third trimester
155.when the bag of water ruptures , the nurse should watch for which of the
following ‫ ويجب على الممرضة لمشاهدة أي من التالي‬، ‫ عندما تمزق كيس من الماء‬: -- :A. cord prolapse ‫هبوط الحبل‬
B. bleeding
C. fetal death
D. fetal distress
E. respiratory distress
156. during labor a mother experienced dystocia , which of the following should
the nurse watch out for ?
A. fetal death
B. hemorrhage
C. cord prolapse
D. Hypertention
157. which are the signs of ‫المشيمه‬placenta separation ?
A. rising of the fundus
B. sudden gush of blood
C. globular shape of the uterus
D. all of the above
158. during hyperthermia which of the following should be done as measure to
lower the temp. of the baby ?
A. immerse baby in normal heat water
B. give cold enema
C. external cooling measures
D. all of the above
159. premature labor occurs during :- ‫يحدث أثناء الوالدة المبكرة‬
A. between 20-36 weeks
B. between 36-42 weeks
C. before 20 weeks
D. first 12 weeks
160. which of the following hormones prepares the uterus for the arrival of a
fertilized ovum for implantation ? ‫ لغرس البويضة المخصبة؟‬A. ‫البروجسترون‬
A. progesterone
B. estrogen
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
161. What is the most common complication after hysterectomy ?
A. Abdominal distention ‫ ما هي المضاعفات األكثر شيوعا بعد استئصال الرحم؟‬A. ‫انتفاخ البطن‬
B. Hemorrhage
C. Vaginal pain
D. Vaginal discharge
162. When does ovulation occur? ‫عندما ال يحدث التبويض‬
A. Between 10-12 days
B. Between 12-16 days
C. Between 18-21 days
163. Diphtheria vaccine is being given during infancy and repeated :A. Booster dose at age 6
B. Every after 5 years
C. Every after 10 years .
D. No booster is recommended
164. There is no ‫ التطعيم‬vaccination for :A. Small pox‫جدري الصغيـ{ره‬
B. Measles
D. Polio
165. The end of the first stage of labor is :A. When the cervix starts to dilate
B. Full dilatation of cervix up to 10 cm
C. Birth of baby
D. Separation of placenta
166. One sign of vaginal infection is :A. Pain
B. Itchiness
C. Foul smelling discharges
167. One post-partum nursing responsibility for preventing vaginal bleeding is :A. Put patient on trendelenburg position .
B. Regulate IV fluid with oxytosis
C. do fundal massage frequently
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
168. Fetal heart tone is best heard at :A. anterior part of the fetus
B. posterior back of the fetus
169. During pregnancy iron supplement starts on :A. first trimester
B. second trimester
C. third trimester
170.72 hours post placental delivery , fundic height will be :A. 1-2 finger above the umbilical
B. 1-2 finger below the umbilical
C. on the level of umbilical
171. in the hospital , isolation is indicated if the patient :A. staphylococcal pneumonia
B. local staphylococcal infection
C. puerperal fever
D. all are indicated
172. at which age is administration of the measles vaccine the most effective :‫ الذي هو في سن االدارة من لقاح الحصبة واألكثر فعالية‬: -A. 2 months
B. 9 months
C. 12 months
D. 15 months
173. the postpartal patient should be watched closely during the first hours after
delivery for:A. uterine contraction
B. vaginal bleeding
C. hypotension
D. all of the above
174. premature labor is the labor that occurs between :A. 20-36 week gestation
B. 28-37 week gestation
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
C. 30-38 week gestation
D. any of the above
175. which of the following complication is life threatening after a penetrating
abdominal injury :A. Hemorrhage .
B. Peritonitis
C. Abdominal distention
A. CLEANS the wound
B. Stop the bleeding
C. Remove the ************************ from the wound
D. Give prophylactic anti-tetanus
177. When there is malfunction of the glomerular filter there is high secretion
of:A. Urea
B. Creatinine
C. Potassium
D. Protein
178. In a nephritic syndrome , aside from clinical manifestation , what else can
the patient complain upon consultation ?
A. Protienurea
B. Oliguria
C. albuminuria
D. polyuria
179. ECT is indicated to treat :. ‫العالج بالصدمات الكهربائية هو مبين في عالج‬
A. psychotic depression ‫اكتئاب ذهاني‬
B. obsessive compulsive disorder
C. neurosis
180. After taking tranquilizer ,a nurse must warn the patient that he may
experience :- ‫ ويجب أن نحذر ممرضة المريض انه قد يتعرض‬، ‫ بعد تناول عقار مهدئ لألعصاب‬: -A. nausea
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
B. hallucination
C. drowsiness‫نعاس‬
181. One of the signs and symptoms of paralytic ileus is:A. increased peristalsis
B. increased gas formation
C. absence of bowel sounds
182. The most important nursing responsibility following head injury is :A. monitor vital signs and record
B. monitor GCS –Glasgow coma scale
C. observe for restlessness
183. Post –operative prevention of thrombophebitis :- ‫بعد منع منطوق‬
thrombophebitis : -A. leg exercise in bed
B. passive exercise by nurse to patient
C. early ambulation ‫التمشي في وقت مبكر‬
184. nursing management which is contraindicated for thrombophelbitis :A. encourage early ambulation
B. deep breathing and coughing exercise
C. massage the operative site i.e. leg calf muscle
185. what will you observe following spinal anesthesia ? ‫ما سوف االنتباه التالية التخدير‬
a. nausea and vomiting
b. restlessness
c. hypotension and headache
186. second degree burns involve:-‫حروق الدرجه الثانيه تنطوي على‬
A. skin , dermis
B. dermis , subcutaneous , muscle
C. epidermis , dermis , subcutaneous ‫ تحت الجلد‬، ‫البشرة واألدمة‬
187. within 48 hours of burns , management is focused on :- ‫ ساعة من‬48 ‫في غضون‬
‫ وإدارة يركز على‬، ‫ الحروق‬: A. prevention of infection
B. hydration ‫ترطيب‬
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
188. best diagnostic test for suspected leukemia is. ‫أفضل اختبار تشخيصي لسرطان الدم هو‬
B. Blood chemistry
C. Bone marrow aspiration ‫نخاع العظم الطموح‬
189. Nursing responsibility on leukemia :A. Ensure safety
B. Prevent infection
C. Obtain blood samples regular
190. Immediate management for reaction during blood transfusion :A. Slow down the rate
B. Stop blood transfusion
C. Change blood transfusion with a new pack
191. How many liters of oxygen can be given with nasal canula ? ‫تعطي مع الخشم مع‬
A. 1-2 liters
B. 1-10 liters
C. 1-6 liters .
192. destruction of bacterial is called :- ‫تدمير البكتيرية يسمى‬
A. medical asepsis
B. surgical asepsis
C. disinfections . ‫التطهير‬
193. first management of unconscious victim is :A. administer shock
B. determine unresponsiveness ‫تحديد االستجابة‬
C. administer oxygen .
D. give cardiac massage.
194. Nursing responsibilitybefore giving Digoxin:‫ديجوكسين‬
A. Check BP
B. Check apical rate‫تتأكد من المعدل‬
‫المسؤولية قبل إعطاء‬
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
C. Instruct patient to do deep breathing
195. Treatment of scurvy :-‫عالج داء االسقربوط‬
a. Vit.b supplement
b. Vit.c supplement
c. Iron supplement
196. Atropine so4 is given pre-operative to :- ‫ األتروبين‬so4 ‫معطى مسبقا إلى المنطوق‬
a. relax the patient
b. decrease the secretion ‫انخفاض إفراز‬
c. prevent intra-operative bleeding
197. when the patient is diagnosed with wilm,s tumor , the nurse should :a. always keep bed rails up
b. avoid palpation of abdomen
c. observe foe nausea and vomiting
198. a patient with asthma is receiving intravenous aminophylline .the adverse
reaction for which the nurse should observe is :a. oliguria
b. braducardia
c. hypotension
d. hypertension
199. The force with which the blood is pushing against the arterial walls when
the ventricles are contracting is called:- ‫والقوة التي تدفع الدم على جدران الشرايين عندما يتم‬
‫التعاقد البطينين يسمى‬
a. pulse pressure
b. pressure gradient
c. systolic pressure ‫الضغط االنقباضي‬
d. diastolic pressure
200. acide-base balance refers to the regulation of the concentration of:a. hydrogen ions
b. sodium
c. bicarbonates ions
d. plasma protein
201. carbohydrates are stored in the body in the form of ‫يتم تخزين الكربوهيدرات في‬
‫ الجسم في شكل‬:a. glucose
b. glucagons
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
c. glycogen ‫الجليكوجين‬
d. glucose 6 phosphate
202. the period in which communicable is most contagious is the :- ‫في الفترة التي هي‬
‫ أشد حاالت العدوى المعدية هي‬: -a. incubation period ‫فترة الحضانة‬
b. period of illness
c. convalescent period
d. all are equally contagious
203. spinal fluid for culture :- ‫ السائل الشوكي للثقافة‬: -a. can be stored in the refrigerator for 48 hours
b. can survive refrigeration for only 4-6 hours
c. must be examined immediately ‫يجب أن تدرس على الفور‬
d. will survive in a holding medium for 72 hours
204. an enjection the gluteal site must be given in which quadrant of the
buttocks :a. upper – inner quadrant
b. upper-outer quadrant
c. lower – inner quadrant
d. lower – outer quadrant
205. the most important rout of drug excretion for nonvolatile substances is:a. lungs
b. kidneys
c. feces
d. liver
206. atropine is capable of producing which of the following effects :- ‫األتروبين قادرة‬
‫ على إنتاج أي من اآلثار التالية‬: -a. dilated pupils
b. decreased bronchial secretion
c. blocked stimulation of the vagus nerve
d. all of the above
207. the sulfonamide drugs remin the treatmint of the control of :- ‫المخدرات‬
‫ سلفوناميد‬remin ‫ في‬treatmint ‫ من السيطرة على‬: -a. respiratory infections
b. skin infections
c. urinary tract infections
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
d. gastrointestinal infections
208. The drug of choice for treatment of an angina pectoris ‫الدواء المفضل لعالج الذبحة‬
‫الصدرية و‬: -- :a. nitroglycerin ‫النتروجليسرين النتروجليسرين‬
b. quinidine
c. epinephrine
d. dopamine
209. any one using antihistamine should be cautioned that antihistamine may
cause:- ‫أي واحد باستخدام مضادات الهيستامين وينبغي أن يكون حذر من ان مضادات الهيستامين قد يسبب‬
: -a. drowsiness‫نعاس‬
b. hypertinsion
c. tachycardia
d. anaphylaxis
210. the most frequent causes of death in pneumonia patients are shock and:‫األسباب األكثر شيوعا للوفاة لدى مرضى االلتهاب الرئوي والصدمة و‬
a. pulmonary embolism
b. pulmonary edema. ‫الوذمة الرئوية‬
c. pulmonary consolidation
d. atelectasis
211. the most important factor in the promotion and maintenance of wound
healing both during surgery and the postoperative period is :- ‫أهم عامل في تعزيز‬
‫ والحفاظ على التئام الجروح سواء أثناء الجراحة وفترة ما بعد الجراحة هي‬:
a. adequate fluid intake
b. proper administration of antibiotics
c. strict asepsis asepsis ‫صارمة‬
d. frequent cleansing of the wound
212. the major complications of inhalation anesthesia which the nurse should be
constantly aware of :- ‫المضاعفات الرئيسية للتخدير استنشاق الممرضة التي ينبغي أن تكون دائما‬
‫على علم‬
a. circulatory depression only
b. circulatory and respiratory depression ‫الدورة الدموية والجهاز التنفسي واالكتئاب‬
c. respiratory and renal depression
d. renal and circulatory depression
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
213. if the skin must be shaven prior to surgery . ideally the preoperative shave
be done:- ‫ مثالي للحالقة ينبغي عمله قبل الجراحة‬.‫ إذا كان الجلد يجب أن يكون حليق قبل الجراحة‬: -a. the night before
b. early in the morning of the surgery
c. no more than one hour before surgery ‫ما ال يزيد عن ساعة واحدة قبل الجراحة‬
d. by the patient before entering
214. which of the following amounts of water per day should be ingested by the
average person to maintain hydration :- ‫وهو ما ينبغي من المبالغ التالية من المياه يوميا يتم‬
‫ تناولها من قبل الشخص العادي للحفاظ على الماء‬: -a. 500cc
b. 1000cc
c. 1200cc
d. 2500cc
215. in the internal environment , fluids make up what percent of body weight :‫ ويشكلون ما السوائل في المئة من وزن الجسم‬، ‫في البيئة الداخلية‬
a. 10 %
b. 20 %
c. 30 %
d. 70 %
216. in which of the following ways can ascorbic acid be administer ‫في أي من الطرق‬
‫التالية يمكن أن تكون إدارة حمض االسكوربيك‬
a. orally
b. IM
c. Diluted intravenous fluids
d. all of the above
217. the type of burn in which all the dermis and epidermis , is destroyed and
there is involvement of underlying structures is called ‫نوع من حرق فيها جميع البشرة‬
‫ ودمرت وهناك مشاركة من الهياكل األساسية يسمى‬، ‫واألدمة‬
:a. superficial or first degree burn
b. partial thickness or second degree burn
c. full-thickness or third degree burn ‫كامل سمك أو حرق درجة ثالثة‬
d. fourth degree burn
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
218. while teaching diabetic patient to give himself insulin , you should stress that
injections should not be given in any one spot more often than every:- ‫بينما التدريس‬
‫ يجب التأكيد على أن الحقن ال ينبغي أن تعطى في أي بقعة واحدة في‬، ‫مريض السكري إلعطاء األنسولين نفسه‬
‫ كثير من األحيان كل‬: -a. 36 hours
b. one week
c. two weeks
d. month
219. which of the following dietary restrictions are usually indicated to decrease
edema in nephritic :- ‫التي من القيود التالية الغذائية وعادة ما اشارت الى انخفاض في ذمة الكلوية‬
a. high – protein , low – calorie , on sodium restrictive diet
b. high – protein , high – calorie , low on sodium diet
c. low– protein , low – calorie, high vitamin diet
d. low– protein, high – calorie , on sodium diet
220. following a sigmoidoscope , the patient should be observed for signs of
hemorrhage and :a. fluid loss
b. performation
c. flatus
d. nausea
221. to avoid the possible development of heart diseases following rheumatic
fever the patient must guard himself against infection :- ‫لتفادي تطور ممكن ألمراض‬
‫وجراحة القلب في أعقاب مرض الحمى الروماتزمية يجب على المريض نفسه حارسا ضد العدوى‬
a. until the fever is gone
b. for one year
c. until sedimentation rat is normal
d. for the rest of his life
222. hypertension is a persistent elevation of systolic and diastolic pressure
above:- ‫ ارتفاع ضغط الدم هو االرتفاع المستمر في الضغط االنقباضي واالنبساطي أعاله‬: -a. . 140/90 mmhg
b. 150/190 mmhg
c. 160/100 mmhg
d. 160/110 mmhg
223. After below knee amputation :- ‫ بعد أقل من بتر في الركبة‬: -a. keep the patient in semi fowler’s
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
b. stump to be evaluated
c. watch the site for bleeding
224. to collect urine c/s specimen , the most accurate method:a. catheterize the patient
b. mid stream urine
c. provide sterile bedpan and collect urine
225. the nurse should observe the patient receiving decradon:a. urinary stasis
b. hypotension
c. infection
d. weight loss
226. signs of septic shock :a. cool & clammy skin
b. bradicardia
c. warm & dry skin
227. oral contraceptive used for :a. once daily for 21 days
b. once daily for 18 days
c. once daily for 28 days
228. normal arterial O2 saturation :a. 85%
b. 92%
c. 97%
d. 100%
229. valve which control the blood flow from right atrium to right ventricle :a. bicuspid valve
b. tricuspid valve
c. mitral valve
d. pulmonary artery
230. the common complication after operation :- ‫المضاعفات بعد عملية مشتركة‬
a. fever
b. pulmonary edema
c. pulmonary embolism
231. digitalis is given :a. with meals
b. before meals
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
c. 3 hours after meals
d. bedtime
232. diet in cirrhosis of liver without ascitis and swelling :a. low protein with multivitamins
b. high protein with vitamins B supplement
c. high protein with sodium restriction
d. high protein with diet .
233. persistent sweating , hypotension , tachycardia with loss of fluid on blood .
nurse would suspect :a. hypovolemic shock
b. cardiogenic shock
c. septic shock
d. neurogenic shock
234. before the collection of blood culture , the site should be cleansed:a. isopropyl alcohol70%
b. isopropyl alcohol 100%
c. povidone iodine
235. blood transfusion reaction occurs , the nurse should :a. slow down the rate
b. notify the physician
c. shut off the transfusion
236. signs of hyperglacemia :a. polyuria , polydepsia , loss of appetite
b. acetone breath , flushed face , polyuria
237. if O2 is ordered as midication , which method the nurse would choose ?
a. nasal canula
b. nasal catheter
c. O2 mask
d. O2 tent
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
238. pre-op medication is given :a. 2 hours before operation
b. 45 min. before operation
c. previous night of operation
d. as physician ordered ‫كما أمر الطبيب‬
239. temp. 98.6 f , is equal to :a. . 37C
b. 37.5C
c. 36.8C
d.37.3 C
240. complication of chemotherapy ‫مضاعفات العالج الكيميائي‬:a. bon marrow depression ‫شهية نخاع االكتئاب‬
b. liver damage
241. ECT is given for :a. psychotic depression
b. obsessive compulsive neurosis
c. hysteria
242. Age group more prone to get rheumatic fever :A. 5-15 years
B. 5 years
C. above 65 years
243. iron is mostly absorbed in :A. large intestine
B. small intestine
C. liver
244. early signs of respiratory arrest ‫العالمات المبكرة لتوقف التنفس‬:A. thread pulse
B. cyanosis
C. orthopnea .
245. one fluid ounce equal to :A. 30cc
B. 15cc
C. 60cc
D. 5cc
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
246. most effective , easy and un-expensive method of sterlization is :A. heat
B. pressure ‫الضغط‬
C. drying
D. antiseptic
247. in nephritic syndrome , apart from clinical manifestation the patient would
complain of:- ‫ بصرف النظر عن المظاهر السريرية للمريض أن يشكو من‬، ‫في المتالزمة الكلوية‬
A. proteinuria
B. oliguria
C. hematuria
248. in active stage of osteomelitis the child should be:A. continue in bed ‫االستمرار في السرير‬
B. allowed to sit in a wheel chair
C. walk up and down
249. an enlarged movable lymphnode is a sign of:A. inflammation
B. malignant
C. normal lymph node
D. any of the above
250. to prevent irreversible brain hypoxia CPR should be commenced within.
‫الدماغ ال رجعة فيه لمنع نقص األكسجة البطاقة السكانية ينبغي أن تبدأ في غضون‬
:A. 2-3min
B. 4-6 min
C. 6-8 min
D. 8-10 min
251. post-operative patient to do deep breathing & change of position every ‫بعد‬
‫انتهاء المريض من المنطوق للقيام التنفس العميق وتغيير في موقف كل‬
:A. 2 hourly
B. 4 hourly
C. in each shift
D. hourly
252. cystitis patient should be encourage to pass urine :- ‫مرضى التهاب المثانة وينبغي‬
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
‫تشجيع على التبول‬
A. 2-3hourly
B. 2-3 hourly & 2 times in the night
C. 2-3 times round the clock
D. any one of the above according to the patient’s schedule
253.mode of transmission of hepatitis A :A. oral
B. parental
C. blood transfusion
254. reacting of penicillin :- ‫رد فعل من البنسلين‬
A. anaphylactic shock
B. vomiting
C. nausea.
255. Disease without vaccination :- ‫التطعيم ضد المرض دون‬
A. small pox
B. measles
C. polio
D. chicken pox
256. health teaching to a diabetic patient will be on :A. diet , oral hypoglycemic , weight loss , feeding
B. diet , insulin , exercise , feeding
C. diet , hypoglycemic , exercise , feeding
D. about complications
257. surgical asepsis means :-‫وسائل جراحيه‬
A. destroying bacteria from articles . ‫تدمير البكتيريا من المواد‬
B. removing the bacteria which is in contact with the patient
C. destroying the bacteria before entering in to the body
D. hand washing
258. ECG done for a patient with chest to assess:- ‫تخطيط القلب القيام به للمريض مع الصدر‬
A. stress of heart rate
B. change the rhythm
C. the decreased blood supply to the particular part of the heart
259. the nurse is expecting fracture of bone for patient , the sign would be.
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
‫ من شأنه أن يكون عالمة‬، ‫الممرضة يتوقع كسر العظم للمريض‬:A. absence of normal activity
B. tenderness
C. loss of sensation
D. all of the above
1. R.T.A. Patient in E.R. , he start complain from Increase Pulse rate, Low
blood pressure, and decrease level of consciousness, you must think that
he develop:
a. Urinary Tract Infection
b. Shock
c. Coma
d. Respiratory distress.
2. “Code Blue “, means :
a. Patient with arrest
b. Patient with hemorrhage
c. Patient in O.R
d. Patient with blood infusion
3. you find a victim arrested in the street according to car accident, you
found a clear fluid dropping from his ear, and you must give him rescues
breathing, what you will do?
1. head tilt, chin lift
2. chest thrust
3. jaw thrust
4. put him in left side position
4. you heard the nurse talk to the doctor and he said “ the patient has
macro Haematuria”. What he means by haematuria?
a. Difficult of breathing
b. Difficulty of urination
c. The urine seems bloody
d. The patient cannot urinate.
5. You found the cardiac monitor show straight line in a sleeping patient
in CCU, what you will do?
a. call for CPR
b. give cardiac massage
c. check cardiac monitor leads
d. give cardiac shock
6. before you send the patient to the operation room, you must check :
a. is the patient fasting?
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
b. Did he sign the consent form?
c. Did he shaved the site of operation?
d. All of them
7. the yellow hard containers in the hospital used to waste which of the
a. used gauze, cotton.
b. Sharp waste
c. Used papers and fluids.
d. All of them.
8. if u know that the patient is complain from quadriplegia, you will know
that he have weakness in :
a. his arms
b. his legs
c. his legs and arms.
d. One arm and one leg.
9. Carotid artery is located in :
a. the nick
b. the head
c. the legs
d. the abdomen
27. The route of drug administration that provides the dependable
absorption is :a. Oral
b. Intermuscular
c. Subcuntaneous
d. Intravenous
28. medication is being administered , the most accurate way to verify a
patient’s identification is to :a. call the patient by the name in the drug card or cardex
b. ask the patient to state his or her name
c. ask another nurse to identify the patient
d. check the patient’s identification bracelet.
29. when the nurse is administering medications , the patient informs the
nurse that the tablet usually received is a different color . the nurse
should :a. insist that the patient take the tablet she poured
b. have the patient take the tablet & then recheck the order
c. leave the medication at the bedside & recheck the order
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
d. recheck the order before giving the drug
e. verify the medication with the physician .
Preparations coated to dissolve in the intestines & not in the stomach are
referred to as :1- Sustained – action
2- Enteric coated
3- Lozenges
4- A tablet within a tablet
When the appearance , odor , or color of a medication changes , the nurse
sould :Disregard this & give the medication as ordered
Have the registered nurse give the medication
Withhold the medication & consult the pharmacist .
Understand this is a normal occurrence when dealing with chemicals
The route of drug administration that provides the most rapid & dependable
absorption is :Oral
For accurate drug administration the nurse should read the drug label :2 times
3 times
4 times
5 times
when a medication is being administered , the most accurate way to verify a
patient’s identification is to :call the patient by the name in the drug card or kardex
ask the patient to state his or her name
ask another nurse to identify the patient
check the patient’s identification bracelet
when the nurse is administering medications , the patient informs the nurse
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
that the tablet usually received is a different color . the nurse should :insist that the patient take the tablet she poured
have the patient take the tablet & then recheck the order
leave the medication at the bedside & recheck the order
recheck the order before giving the drug
verify the medication with the physician .
the physician’s order to administer 3 L of IV fluid 5% D \ 0.45 % normal
saline over 24 hours . the drop factor is 60 gtt / ml . the nurse regulates the
IV at :
25 gtt / min
100 gtt / min
125 gtt / min
150 gtt / min
(3*100 ) / ( 24*60) * 60 = 125
all of the following are examples of mild allergy symptoms that may occur in
response to antibiotic therapy exept
urticaria ( redness )
pruritus ( itching )
for which client is the oral rouy of administration appropriate ?
client D who has vomited twice in the last hour .
client E who is complaining of a sever headache
client F whose assessment reveals an absence of bowel sounds.
Client G who is only responsive to painful stimuli.
ORDERED : 500 cc D5RL to be infused in 6 hours . the drop factor is 15 . how
many gtt per minute should you give ?
28 gtt / min
32 gtt / min
21 gtt / min
30 gtt / min
500 / 360 * 15 = 20.83
of the following , which is the main reason the nurse should stay with the
patient until the oral medication is swallowed ?
all liquid that is ingested is considered part of the fluid intake.
An unopened unit dose drug can be saved if the patient refuses it
the nurse is responsible for documenting that the drug was taken
the nurse is only one that can give the patient medications.
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
listed below are statements related to pharmacokinetics .
1 . drug taken to its site of action
2 . drug & their metabolites excreted in renal system
3 . drug undergoes metabolism or biotransformation
4 . drug pass into from site of entry to the body fluid
the correct order of occurrence of these processes is :1,2,3,4
‫بداية دخول الدواء في (االجابه الثالثه يعني الترتيب الصحيح هو الفقره الرابعه‬
‫وصول الدواء للموقع المطلوب (يعني االمتصاص وبعدين الفقره االولى )سوائل الجسم‬
) ‫يمون الدواء تحت عمليات االيض والتحويل (يعني التوزيع وبعدين الفقره الثالثه‬
‫)الدواء ومنتجات ايضه تخرج عن طريق الجهاز البولي (واخيرا الفقره اثانيه )الحيوي‬
Which of the following organs is a primary site for the metabolism of drugs ?
Mr .Jonnes has the following order : ASA ( Aspirin ) 5 gr p.o bid pc . which of
the following is the best interpretation & correct scheduling of this order ?
Give him ASA 5 gr at 9 : 00 am ( after breakfast ) & 6 : 00 pm ( after supper
Give him ASA 5 gr at 10 :00 , 2 :00 & 6 :00 round the clock .
Give him ASA 5 gr per interamuscular injection at 9 : 00 am & 3 :00 pm .
Question the order as it is too high a dose then schedule it for 7 : 30 am & 5
:00 pm .
Mrs. Higgins has refused to take her ASA ordered by the physician . the first
action of the nurse should be :Notify the physician of the refusal
Chart the refusal on the medication administration record.
Find out why she doesn’t want to take the ASA
Tell her she must take the ASA because the physician has ordered it .
a medication order should never be implemented if : the nurse doesn’t know the physician .
the nurse doesn’t know the patient’s history .
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
the nurse Questions any part of the order
the nurse did not know witness the writing of the order .
which of the following routs for drug administration is the most common ,
least expensive , safest , and best tolerated by patient ?
1. intramuscular
2. topical
3. oral
4. intravenous
you are preparing to administer Mrs. Carter’s eye drops . the correct position
for her to assume would be :
1. head titled forward , placing the drops in the conjunctival sac.
2. head titled backward , placing the drops in the lower conjunctival sac.
3. head titled forward , placing the drops directly on the eyeball .
4. head titled backward , placing the drops directly on the eyeball.
to instill drops in the adult patient , the ear canal is opened by pulling the ear
:1. up and back
2. down and back
3. up and forward
4. back and forward
what body function is essential for adequate drug absorption?
1. adequate blood supply
2. adequate receptor sites
3. adequate liver function .
4. adequate kidney function
Mrs. Davis has a written order from her physician for Demerol 100 mg stat .
which of the following best explain this order ?
1. give it needed
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
2. give once when needed .
3. give once immediately
4. give once when specified
after withdrawing the needle from the tissue when administering an ID
injection you :1. apply firm pressure to the site with your thumb .
2. do not rewipe the site
3. gently wipe the site
4. massage the site vigorously
asking the patient if he is allergic to any medication is a part of the ……………
phase of the nursing process ?
A. assessment
B. planning
C. implementation
D. evaluation
teaching the patient about the medication is a part of the ……………
phase of the nursing process ?
A. assessment
B. planning
C. implementation
D. evaluation
Medications which are labeled [ otic ] are specific for use in \ on the :A. Eyes
B. Ears
C. Nose
D. Throat
Mr. Walker will receive regular insulin . the nurse monitors for the onist of
action in approximately -----------A. 5 to 10 minutes .
B. 150to 20 minutes
C. 30 to 60 minutes
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
D. 1 to 2 hours .
is it necessary for the nurse to wear gloves during administration of an
intermittent feeding through a G-tube ?
A. yes , because it is a sterile procedure .
B. yes , because universal precautions must be maintained .
C. no , because it is not a sterile procedure .
D. no , because there is no danger of contact with body fluid if the procedure
is performed correctly .
to prepare the skin for injection the nurse would use :
A. friction with back and forth motions at the site with alcohol swab .
B. friction and alcohol swab moving from outer edge to center of site .
C. friction and alcohol swab with circular motions and palpate site gently with
finger pad before injection .
D. friction and circular motions with alcohol swab from center of site outward.
IM injection into the deltoid muscle should be limited to :A. 2.5 ml of solution
B. 2 ml of solution
C. 1 ml of solution
D. 0.5 ml of solution
a primary concern when giving heparin SC is to prevent :
A. pain and bruising .
B. pain and bleeding
C. bleeding and bruising
D. injecting a vein .
the type of needle selected for the ( dorsogluteal ) intramscular ( IM )
injections would be based on :1) the size of the patient [ e.g., obese versus debilitated ]
2) the viscosity of the antibiotic .
3) the position of the patient .
4) the volume of medication .
A. 1,2,3,4
B. 1,2,3
C. 2,3,4
D. 1,2
the largest gauge needle of the following is :-
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
A. 19 gauge
B. 20 gauge
C. 21 gauge
D. 22 gauge
Optimum normal urin out put hourly to an adult :
A. 10cc
B. 25cc
C. 50cc
D. 100cc
scurvy is a deficiency of :
A. Vit a
B. Vit b
C. Vit c
D. Vit d
12 hours after delivery the fundus is at the level of
A. one fingerbreadth below the umbilicus .
B. one fingerbreadth above the umbilicus .
C. at the level of umbilicus.
D. Below symphysis pubis
In dystocia the ,mother should be watched for :A. Post partum haemorrhage .
B. Hypertension .
C. Cord proplase .
D. fetal death .
in the first trimester of pregnancy the vaccination to avoid :A. polio
B. rubella .
C. measles .
D. small pox .
in fetal circulation , the oxygenated blood placenta travels via :A. umbilical artery
B. umbilical vein .
C. doctus arteriosus .
D. ductus venosus .
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
normal PH for blood :A. 7.0
B. 7.4
C. 8.0
D. 8.4
first stage of labor ends with :A. pain occurs .
B. dilation of cervix 10 cm
C. delivery of the baby
D. delivery of the placenta
an electrolyte deficiency that affect the heart muscular activity :A. k
B. cal
C. Na
D. mg
coagulation of blood :A. Vit E
B. Vit K
C. Vit A
D. Vit C .
To detect what organism causes tonsillitis in children :A. Throat culture
B. Nasopharynges culture
C. Blood culture .
D. Sensitivity test .
The most vital immediate observation to a new born baby is :A. Cardiac rate
B. Respiration rate .
C. Color
D. Tone
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
Signs of dehydration :A. Loss of skin turgor .
B. Low body temperature
C. High body temperature
D. Sweating
Most of the metabolic changes of drugs occur in :A. Liver
B. Lungs
C. Stomach
D. Circulation
Common cause of death in burns :A. Hemorrhage
B. Neurogenic shock
C. Sepsis
D. Hypovolemic shock
The difference in close & open fracture is that , in open fracture you have to
watch for :A. Infection
B. Hemorrhage
C. Inflammation
D. Pain
A wound is inflamed if there is :A. Redness
B. Pain & swelling
C. Pus
D. Tenderness
Epinephrine is not given via :A. IV
B. Orally
C. Parentally
D. Intracardiac
Immuno-deficiency :A. Protective isolation
B. Enteric and body fluid isolation
C. Respiratory isolation .
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
To detect the effectiveness of a resuscitation [CPR] :A. Constricted pupils
B. Dilated pupils
C. Non-reacting pupils
D. A symmetrical pupils
Ultra sound :A. To detect fetal position
B. To detect diameter of fetal head
C. To detect placenta abnormalities
D. All of the above .
To prevent oral mucosa infection q4h , instruct patient to use :A. Warm saline gargle
B. Glycerin oil
C. Antibiotic
D. Warm gargle with mineral oil
One of the vital care after cholecystectomy :A. Bed rest
B. Low fat diet
C. Low Cholesterol diet
D. Low protein diet
B. 1 tsp
C. ½ table spoon
D. 1 table spoon
“ tsp == tea spoon”
In case of penetrating abdominal injury :A. hemorrhage
B. peritonitis
C. infection
D. hypovolemic shock
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
A very serious complication of hysterectomy :A. vaginal pain
B. vaginal discharge
C. abdominal distention
D. no urine out put
Deep breathing and coughing exercise done :A. at angle of 90 degree
B. angel 45 degree
C. lie laterally
D. semi-fowler’s position
The cure for chronic renal failure is :A. dialysis
B. kidney transplant
C. diuretics
D. force fluids
Hypoglycemia :A. dizzy
B. headache
C. filthy odor
D. vomiting
28 days menstrual cycle . ovulation takes place :A. 16-18 days
B. 12-16 days
C. 10-13 days
D. 15-20 days
digoxin can be with held to a patient with an apical pulse rate of below :A. 45
B. 60
C. 70
D. 80
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
the best time to collect urine for culture :A. early morning awaking sample .
B. 30 minutes after voiding
C. 30 minutes after fluid
D. double voided
Prothrombin – fibrin activator :A. Vit k
B. Ca
C. Vit c
D. Vit d
The postpartal patient should be watched closely during the first hours after
delivery for :A. Uterine contraction
B. Vaginal bleeding
C. Hypotention
D. All of the above
Evaluation of the skin of a neonate for adequate hydration is best don by
observing the skin :a. Color
b. Elasticity
c. Ton
d. Moisture
The child with cerebral palsy usually diagnosed :A. In the early months
B. When the child begins to walk
C. When the child begins to play
D. When the child enter school
The child with rubella should stay at home until :A. The rash appears
B. The rash disappears
C. One week after The rash disappears
D. The temperature is normal .
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
When caring for the elderly,s skin, special care must be taken because the
skin becomes :A. More dry
B. Less elastic
C. More vascular
D. All of the above
The major goals for the burn patient in the first 48 hours after burn , is that
the patient
A. Has fluid and electrolyte balance maintained
B. Develops no contractures
C. Dose not develop hyperthermia
D. Develops minimal scarring
The normal fasting blood glucose rang mg per 100 ml . of venous blood is
1. 60-80
2. 80-120
3. 100-150
4. 100-200
the best method of preventing the spread of infection is :1. isolating all patients suspected of having an infection
2. wearing rubber gloves when performing all nursing procedures
3. washing the hands thoroughly before & after each contact with a patient
4. sterilizing the hands with strong germicide at least once a day
when caring for a client who has an open reduction and internal fixation of
hip , the nurse encourages active leg and foot exercise of the unaffected leg
every 2 hours to help to :1. reduce leg discomfort .
2. maintain muscle strength .
3. prevent formation of clots .
4. limit venous inflammation .
when administering an antibiotic or a vaccine , the nurse must be alert for the
possibility of :1. overdoses and CNS depression
2. hypersensitivity and possible anaphylaxis
3. sings of increasing infection
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
4. orthostatic hypotension
immediately after a child is admitted with acute bacterial meningitis , the
nurse should plan to :1. assess the child’s vital signs every 3 hours
2. administer oral antibiotic medication as ordered
3. check the child’s level of consciousness every hour
4. restrict parental visiting until isolation is discontinued
when assessing the unconscious victim for pulselessness , which of the
following is the best artery to chick :1. radial
2. femoral
3. brachial
4. carotid
common signs and symptoms of jaundice include:1. ascites
2. dermatitis
3. icteric sclera
4. dark-colored stools
patient with head injuries are not given sedative because these drugs may :1. produce coma
2. depress the patient’s respiration
3. mask the patient’s symptoms
4. lead to cerebral hemorrhage
in treating puncture wounds , the first priority is to :1. stop the bleeding
2. cleans the wound
3. give prophylactic treatment aginst tetanus
4. remove the object from the wound
ones the bleeding site has been determined , the first emergency measure to
institute during hemorrhage would be to :1. apply a firm – pressure dressing
2. apply direct , firm – pressure over the bleeding area or the artery involved
3. apply a tourniquet just proximal to the wound
4. elevate the extremity
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
nursing measures that can be used to lower core body temperature include :1. immersing the patient in cold water
2. placing the patient on a hypothermic blanket
3. administering chilled saline enemas
4. all of the above measures
the female hormone that induces changes in endometrium to prepare uterus
for implantation of a fertilized ovum and maintenance of a pregnancy is called
:1. aldosterone
2. testoterone
3. progesterone
4. estrogen
for a hearing – impaired client to hear a conversation , a nurse should :1. use a louder tone of voice than normal
2. use visual aids such as the hands and eyes when speaking
3. approach a client quietly from behind before speaking
4. select a public area to have a conversation
when dealing with a client with aphasia , the nurse should remember to :1. wait for him to communicate
2. speak loudly to ensure that the massage is received
3. speak from the client’s side to avoid overload
4. encourage writing of massages
‫دعواتكم لوالدتي بالشفاء العاجل والبي بالرحمة‬
‫بالتوفيق للجميع‬
‫ودمتم بخير‬
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
‫حنان القلب‬