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Chapter 11
Managing Weight and Eating Behaviors
The Calorie Connection
 calories are units to measure the _______________found in food
 consume more calories than you burn = ____________ weight
 use more calories than you take in = __________ weight
 __________________________ – balance between calories you take in and those you burn
Your Energy Balance
 ______________________ – process by which the body breaks down substances and gets energy
from food → converts food into fuel
 _______________ calories = __________ of body fat
How Many Calories?
 high fat foods = usually high in _______________
 1g fat = ________ calories
 1g protein or carbohydrate = __________ calories
 low-fat foods can also be _____________ in calories
 food ____________________ plays a role in how many calories a food delivers
 limit or stay away from ___________ food, those with _____________sauces or those prepared in a
way that adds extra _________ and sugars
Maintaining a Healthy Weight
 right weight based on several factors: __________, gender, _____________, body frame, stage and
rate of _____________
 everyone grows at his or her ___________ rate
 _________________________ (BMI) – a measure of body weight relative to height
o BMI = weight in pounds  height in inches  height in inches x 703
o doesn’t tell the whole story
o __________________ people may have higher BMI but can still be healthy
o should also consider body composition – ratio of _________ to __________ tissue
o commonly used BMI test → ___________________ test
Weighing Too Much
 ___________________ your risk for health problems like heart disease, ______________, asthma,
osteoarthritis, ____________________ disease, or type 2 diabetes
 more than ________ of teens in the U.S. are overweight – that number has ______________since the
 being overweight may put one at risk of becoming ______________– having an excess of body fat
 being overweight or obese can be caused by ______________/genetics, slow ____________________ or
consuming too many _______________ and getting too little ____________________________
Weighing Too Little
 being __________________ (below the standard weight range for your height) carries health risks
 some may have trouble fighting off ________________
 people can be naturally thin because of ________________ or because they have a fast
 _____________ may be thin because their bodies are growing ___________
 being too thin can mean you are not getting the _______________ and nutrients your body needs
or you are _________________ excessively
Managing Your Weight
 teens should try to eat a ________________, well-_______________ diet every day to reach a healthy
 healthful weight management strategies:
o ______________________________________
o Set realistic goals
o ______________________________________
o Put your goals and plan in writing
o ______________________________________
Healthful Ways to Lose Weight
 ___________________________________ – fruits, vegetables and whole grains  nutrients with fewer
 _____________________________________
 ______________________________________________________________– add calories without many nutrients
 ______________________________________________________________
 _____________________________________
 _______________________________ – muscle tissue takes more calories to maintain than fat  more
muscle mass = more _________________ burned
 _______________________ – teens should drink _______________ cups of fluids a day
Healthful Ways to Gain Weight
 try to increase amount of healthy muscle not fat
 ___________________________ – will ensure that most of the weight gained is muscle rather than fat
 select foods from the five major food groups that are higher in calories – whole milk vs. low
or fat-free milk
 ___________________________________________________: nuts, dried fruits, cheese, avocados
 eat nutritious snacks
Benefits of Regular Physical Activity
 helps ________________________________
 promotes a _________________________________________
 increases _____________________________, which helps you keep your plan on track
 helps you feel __________________________________
 the way you see your body
 teens often feel ____________________ about their changing bodies
 teens often compare their bodies to _______________, _________________, or ___________________
 images in _______________ are not always realistic
influenced by ________________
Fad Diets
 weight-loss plans that tend to be popular for only a _________________ time
 promise _____________, easy weight loss
 may lose weight ______________________, but usually regain it after going __________ the diet
 promotes _________________________ – a repeated pattern of losing and regaining body weight
 neither __________ nor _________________ ways to lose weight
Types of Fad Diets
 __________________________________
 promise you can “burn fat” by eating lots of a single food or type of food
 no ________________food can destroy fat
 will not give your body all the __________________ it needs
 __________________________________
 certain foods will trigger weight lose when eaten together
 no _____________________ that this works
 ________________________________
 replace solid foods with ultra-low-calorie liquid formulas
 have ________________________side effects if followed incorrectly
 may be prescribed by doctor for people who are seriously _________________
 _________________________________
 claim to suppress appetite so you eat less
 some claim to “block” or “flush” fat from body
 can be ________________________
 may cause drowsiness, __________________, a racing heart, or other serious side effects
 _________________________________
 _______________________body of needed nutrients
 can result in ________________________________
 short-term fasting (required by some religious and cultural customs) is safe for most
Recognizing Fad Diets
 do not follow the ______________________ guidelines
 promise ultra-fast weight loss (more than __________ per week)
 promise weight loss ____________________ boosting your physical activity
 use words as __________________, guaranteed, _________________, breakthrough, ancient or ___________
 may require you to buy certain products rather than choose healthful foods
 claims that “doctors don’t want you to ______________ about this weight-loss plan”
Eating Disorders
 extreme harmful eating behaviors that can cause serious illness or even ______________
 classified as _________________ illnesses
 often linked to depression, low self-esteem or trouble personal relationships
 can be triggered by ______________________ from social and cultural that emphasize physical
 often runs in ___________________
 genetics may be a factor
o _________________________________
 an eating disorder in which an irrational fear of weight gain leads people to
starve themselves
 mainly affects ___________ and _________________
 see themselves as overweight even they are ____________________ thin
 affects a person’s ____________________ and coping abilities
 develop __________________ behaviors related to food:
 _________________ food and meals
 eating only a few kinds of food in _________________amounts
 weighing or counting the calories in everything they eat
 ____________________ excessively
 weighing themselves _______________________
 can lead to ________________________ and starvation
 bones may become ____________________
 body temperature, _____________________, and blood pressure may drop, may be a
_____________________ in organ size
 can lead to heart problems and sudden ___________________ death
o Bulimia Nervosa
 eating disorder that involves cycles of _________________ and _______________, or
attempts to get rid of the food
 regularly go on _________________, eating a huge amount of food in a setting
 binge makes them feel out of control
 after binging, they purge, or force themselves to vomit or take _________________
to flush out food
 some may _______________ or exercise frantically after a binge
 typically in the _______________ weight range for their age and height
 have the ______________ of weight gain and poor body image
 leads to several health consequences:
 dehydration
 sore, inflamed throat
 swollen __________________
 _________________may become damaged by stomach acid from vomiting
 stomach, intestinal or kidney damage
 chemical imbalances from purging can lead to ___________________ heart
rhythms, heart failure, and death
o ________________ Eating Disorder
 eating disorder in which people __________________ compulsively
 binges do not occur as ______________________ as with bulimia
 person may feel ___________ and disgusted about his or her behavior, but feel
_______________________to stop it
 more common in _________________ than any other eating disorder →account for
more than 1/3 of all cases
 consequences include becoming overweight or obese, high blood pressure,
type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease
 these diseases are serious and dangerous illnesses
 treated with medical help through _____________________, nutritional guidance, a doctor’s care
and in some cases a ___________________ stay
 for ______________________, goal of treatment is to restore patient’s body weight to a healthy level
 patient will receive ________________________ and family therapy
 family members and friends can help create a supportive environment and helping the
patient learn to eat ____________________again
 key for treating ___________________ is to break the cycle of binging and purging
 since people with eating disorders often cannot _______________they have a problem, family
and friends can help them recognize the problem and seek treatment
 teens who know they have a problem should talk with a _______________ adult
Factors That Affect Your Nutritional Needs
 _________________
 body’s calorie needs _______________________ during teen years to support growth
 needs change based on activity level as you get older
 _________________
 ___________________ tend to need fewer calories than males
 females have greater need for iron and calcium
 _________________women need extra calcium, iron and folic acid, along with more
____________________ from food
 _____________________________
 the more active you are, the more calories you need
 calories should come from ___________________________ foods
Vegetarian Diets
 vegetarian – _______________________________________________________________________________
 types of vegetarians:
o __________________ – eat only plant-based foods
o lacto-ovo – also eat dairy foods and eggs
o __________________ – add dairy foods to their diet
o ovo – include eggs in their diet
 people choose a vegetarian diet for health, religious, cultural, economic reasons or for
personal preference
 advantages: foods tend to be lower in __________________ fat and cholesterol and higher in
_________________, may reduce risk of _________________________ disease and some
types of cancer
 drawbacks: plant-based foods tend to be ___________________ in certain nutrients (protein, iron,
calcium, zinc, and some B vitamins)
 some vegetarians need to take _____________________________ – products that supply one or more
nutrients as a supplement to, not a substitute for, healthful foods
 healthy vegetarian diet must contain a _________________of foods
Health Conditions
 Diabetes
 must monitor their eating to make sure _________________________stays in range
 can control without insulin by carefully controlling the _______________________ in foods
and beverages
 insulin dependent diabetics must tailor the amount of insulin to the amount of
carbohydrates they eat
 Food Allergies
 can range from annoying to _____________________________
 must ________________ food or ingredients they are allergic to
Lactose intolerance
 inability to digest the lactose in _______________and some _______________products
 can control by eating ________________ dairy portions
 some take ____________________(enzyme needed to digest lactose) in liquid or tablet form
when they eat dairy products
Celiac disease
 condition that makes people unable to tolerate a protein called _______________, which is
found in wheat, rye, barley and sometimes oats
 _________________treatment is to _______________ these grains and anything made from
them (ex. bread, pasta, beer)
High blood pressure
 consuming ____________can raise blood pressure
High cholesterol
 should reduce intake of __________________ fats and ______________ fats
Nutrition for Athletes
 eating right affects an athlete’s performance
 when active, you need from ________________________ calories per day depending on the sport
and on the __________________, length, and frequency of the training
 need more protein and carbohydrates than __________________ people
 sports that require you to “make weight” might be putting you at __________if you force your
body down to a weight that isn’t __________________
 extreme measures such as fasting or trying to sweat off extra weight can cause
______________________ and harm your performance and health
 to lose weight sick to a reasonable plan that takes off _____________ pound per week
 teen girls should drink about ________ cups of non-___________________ fluids per day
 teen boys should drink about ________ cups per day
 student athletes may need more
 ______________________ causes you to lose fluids
 dehydration can lead to fatigue, ___________________ or light-headedness and cramping
 dehydration can lead to an imbalance of _________________________(minerals – sodium, chloride,
potassium - that help maintain the body’s fluid balance)
 drink water before, during and after _________________________
Avoiding Performance Enhancers
 substances that boost athletic ability
 many pose health _____________, especially for teens
 is __________________ and has been ____________________ by many sports organizations
 using any performance enhancer is not worth the risk
 some of the best-know performance enhancers:
o Anabolic steroids
 illegal without doctor’s prescription
 have same effect as male ____________________ (androgens)
 athletes who take steroid ____________________health risks to boost muscle
o Androstenedione
 better known as “________________”
 weaker form of androgen hormone the body produces ___________________
 actual benefits are doubtful
 ______________side effects as steroids
 banned in professional sports
o Creatine
 compound that helps ___________________energy
 athletes take to give a quick burst of _______________ and reduce muscle fatigue
 can _____________ performance because of side effects like ______________ and
 high doses may damage the _____________, liver, and _________________
o Energy Drinks
 contain high amounts of ___________________
 provide quick energy in an unhealthy way by ___________________ your heart rate
 drinking caffeinated beverages may cause your body to _____________ more
fluids, leading to dehydration
Eating Before a Competition
 provides body with ______________ it needs to compete
 eat ____________ hours before competition so stomach can empty
 choose meals high in carbohydrates and low in fat and protein
 fat and protein stay in the digestive system __________________
 good choices: pasta, rice, vegetables, breads and fruits
 drink plenty of _____________ before, during and after competition
Using Supplements
 provide various combinations of vitamins, minerals, protein and fiber
 ____________________________________- dietary supplements containing plant extracts
 not a substitute for eating a variety of _________________________ foods
 supplements best used by vegetarians, pregnant or nursing women, those recovering from
illness or taking medications that reduce the body’s ability to absorb certain nutrients
 concerns:
o if your diet is __________________________, you will not need a multivitamin
o multivitamin and mineral supplements are safe if used ______________________
o do not take supplements that provide more than ____________% of Daily Values of any
o _____________________(very large amounts) of any supplement can be dangerous
o some vitamins such as ____, D, E and ______ can build up and become toxic
o ephedra, or ma huang, can lead to heart attack or stroke – products containing this
herb banned in ___________________
o ____________ and comfrey linked to serious ______________damage
o supplements are not _____________________ in the same way as foods or drugs
o treat supplements with the same ___________________you’d use with any drug
o check with health care provider before using, especially when taking other