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21 Symposium
NUS Clinical Dentistry
Sunday, 28 May 2017
8.00 am – 4.30 pm
Lecture Theatre 35 @MD6-01
(Peter & Mary Fu Lecture Theatre),
Centre for Translational Medicine,
14 Medical Drive, Singapore 117599
Enquiries Contact: Ms Azlia Aziz Tel: 65 67725258 Fax: 65 67796520
Organised by:
Centre for Advanced Dental Education
Faculty of Dentistry
Part of the National University Health System
Sunday, 28 May 2017
8.00 am - 8.50 am
8.50 am - 9.00 am
Opening Address
Professor Patrick Finbarr Allen, Dean
Faculty of Dentistry
Chair: Associate Professor Jennifer Neo
9.00 am - 10.00 am
The Crisis: Chronic Pain
Dr Tan Hee Hon
10.00 am - 10.45 am
10.45 am - 11.45 am
Factors for clinical success with adhesively bonded
dental composites
Professor Steven R Armstrong
11.45 am -12.45 pm
Orthodontic management of the special needs patient
Dr Kaan Sheung Kin
12.45 pm - 2.15 pm
Chair: Associate Professor Lim Lum Peng
2.15 pm - 3.15 pm
Early Orthodontic Intervention According to a Dummy
Dr Hu Shijia
3.15 pm - 4.30 pm
The impact of Smoking on Periodontal and Periimplant
Health and Disease
Professor Dimitris Tatakis
4.30 pm
End of Programme
Dr Tan Hee Hon
MDS (Prosthodontics);
Dr Tan Hee Hon is a practitioner in the fields of Prosthodontics,
Implant Dentistry and Orofacial Pain.
He earned his BDS from National University of Singapore in
1989 and completed his Prosthodontics Residency Program
in 1995. In 1999, he spent a sabbatical year under another
sponsorship of Health Manpower Development Program for the Study of Orofacial
Pain. After working at the Oral Medicine Department, School of Dentistry, University of
Washington, he returned to National Dental Center and became the Head of Orofacial
Pain Management Program. From 2004 to 2014, he was in full time private practice
at Mount Elizabeth Medical Center. He is appointed to be a trainer for NobelGuide
Concept and Mentor for NobelBiocare Implants educational program in 2005.
Dr Tan maintains his passion for education. His lecture topics include implant
dentistry, prosthodontics, orofacial pain and temporomandibular disorder. In 2014,
his enthusiasm for education and research of prosthodontics and orofacial pain
prompted him to join National University of Singapore, as a full time member of the
Faculty of Dentistry.
Lecture Synopsis: The Crisis - Chronic Pain
How much do we know about chronic orofacial pain and temporomandibular
disorders? What is the model of illness and care to adopt when we are managing
chronic orofacial pain and temporomandibular disorders? Diagnosis and management
of orofacial pain and temporomandibular disorders is always puzzling to healthcare
providers. Without a proper working diagnosis, the management of the patient will
be very challenging. This presentation focuses on the interactive factors in explaining
and diagnosing chronic orofacial pain and temporomandibular disorders.
Professor Steven R Armstrong
Professor and Head, Department of Operative Dentistry
The University of Iowa College of Dentistry and Dental Clinics
B.S., University of Iowa, 1983
D.D.S., University of Iowa, 1987
G.P.R. Certificate, U.S.A.F., 1988
Certificate, Operative Dentistry, University of Iowa, 1998
Ph.D., Oral Sciences, University of Iowa, 1998
Dr Armstrong joined The University of Iowa College of Dentistry faculty in 1999 after
completing post-doctoral work at the college as an NIDCR Dentist-Scientist. He
is a full professor and Head of the Department of Operative Dentistry. His primary
teaching responsibilities include instructor in dental anatomy and operative dentistry
and is a lecturer in various pre- and post-doctoral courses. Dr Armstrong maintains
a private intramural practice. His research primary focus is the biodurability of the
dentin adhesive bond. Currently, Dr Armstrong is a member of the American Dental
Association, the American Dental Education Association, the Academy of Operative
Dentistry, the International Association for Dental Research, and is a Fellow and
Member-At-Large of the Academy of Dental Materials. Dr Armstrong is also a
consultant to the American Dental Association and previously (2007-2011) served on
the Council of Scientific Affairs.
Lecture Synopsis: Factors for clinical success with adhesively
bonded dental composites
This presentation will discuss the clinically relevant factors involved in successful
outcomes with the placement of adhesively bonded dental composites. The current
scientific literature will be reviewed to outline how areas such as case selection,
control of the operative field, adhesive placement, composite selection, dental
composite placement technique, and photopolymerization can affect clinical
outcomes in your dental practice. Dr Kaan Sheung Kin
Dr Kaan is an adjunct senior lecturer in the Department of
Preventive Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, National University
of Singapore. He received his BDS from National University
of Singapore and completed his Masters in Science (Medical
Sciences) in Orthodontics at the University of Glasgow in 1988.
In 1991, he became a member in Dental Orthopaedics at the
Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow. In 1993,
he became a Fellow of Academy of Medicine of Singapore
under the Chapter of Dental Surgeons. Since then, Dr Kaan has had tremendous
work experiences as an orthodontics specialist, running his own private specialist
Lecture Synopsis: Orthodontic management of the special needs
In 1984, I obtained a MOH traineeship in orthodontics. As a trainee based in a polyclinic
run by an orthodontist, I spent a full year working with removable orthodontic
appliances. Making, issuing, activating, repairing and discarding them taught me
much about as to how I could treat many patients cheaply and effectively.
After graduating from the orthodontic course in Glasgow in 1988, I started working
at Government Dental Clinic, SGH. There were great opportunities to treat and learn
from a variety of cases, albeit very “normal” patients. It was also while working in the
government clinic that I had the opportunity to do interceptive orthodontics, growth
modifications, surgical corrections and very importantly, working with pedodontists.
It was only after setting up my own private practice that I had time to push things
further. In 2001, without any special needs training, I started helping out at the
rainbow Centre Dental Clinic in Margaret Drive Special School, treating children with
both physical and mental disabilities. It was before long that I treated my first autistic
orthodontic patient. Since then, through self-taught trial and error, my special needs
patients have been treated with the whole gamut of orthodontic applications, running
the whole gamut of interceptive extractions, removable plates, fixed appliances and
fixed retainers. A systematic management approach to treating the special needs
patient has evolved over the years, working in tandem with the patients, parents,
caregivers, dental assistants, dentists, clinics and bosses.
In this lecture, I will try to show how ordinary or “normal” orthodontic management
of the special needs patient can be.
Dr Hu Shijia
Dr Hu Shijia joined NUS in 2010 as a dental instructor. He
completed his residency and PhD from the University of North
Carolina and returned in 2016 to his alma mater to join the NUS
Faculty of Dentistry as assistant professor. Shijia is a boardcertified pediatric dentist in the American Board of Pediatric
Dentistry and works as a registrar in the NUH dental cluster.
Lecture Synopsis: Early Orthodontic Intervention According to a
To treat, not to treat or refer? Often, children present with head-scratching
malocclusions that baffle their primary dentist. Should they be referred to an
orthodontist right away, in 3 years’ time or can they be treated easily by the primary
dentist? Even harder to manage are parents who insists that their children inherited
their spouse’s “bad teeth”! In this talk we shall look at some common malocclusions
that are present in children and adolescents, and discuss possible management
strategies for these conditions according to a dummy.
Professor Dimitris N. Tatakis
Assistant Dean for Global Initiatives
Graduate Periodontics Program Director
The Ohio State University
Dr Tatakis is Professor and Postdoctoral Program Director
at the Division of Periodontology, College of Dentistry, The
Ohio State University, and serves as Assistant Dean for Global
Initiatives at the College. He received his dental degree from the University of Athens,
Greece, and his graduate education from the University at Buffalo. Dr Tatakis has
authored over one hundred thirty peer-reviewed articles and his clinical research has
received honors such as the R. Earl Robinson Periodontal Regeneration Award and
the E. Bud Tarrson Research Award in Oral Plastic Surgery. He serves on the Editorial
Board of several professional journals and as Examiner for the American Board of
Periodontology, and he lectures nationally and internationally.
Lecture Synopsis: The Impact of Smoking on Periodontal and PeriImplant Health and Disease
Recent evidence indicates an increasing prevalence of smoking in Singapore. This
lecture will review current evidence on the effects of smoking on periodontal tissue
health, periodontal treatment outcomes, implant therapy outcomes and long-term
prognosis. This information will help practitioners better educate their patients on
the need for and the benefits of smoking cessation in the context of maintaining
optimal periodontal and periimplant health.
How to register
Complete the registration form, including payment of the full registration fees, and
mail / fax to:
Centre for Advanced Dental Education (CADE),
Faculty of Dentistry
National University of Singapore
11 Lower Kent Ridge Road
Singapore 119083
Fax: (65) 6779 6520
Attention: Ms Azlia Aziz
For payment of fees, please provide either credit card information or cheque made
payable to “National University of Singapore”.
Registration Fees (inclusive of 7% GST)
On-Site Registration
(before closing date)
(after closing date)
(subject to availability of seats)
Closing Date for Registration: Monday 15 May 2017
Registration Policy
Registration will be on a first-come-first-serve-basis. As the Auditorium has limited
seating capacity, we encourage early registrations.
Withdrawal / Refund Policy
Full refund minus $25 (administrative charges) for withdrawal made in writing and
received by CADE before 15 May 2017. There will be no refunds after the closing
The organisers reserve the right not to conduct the course if there are not enough participants.
NUS and PDPA: Attendees should be aware that NUS, others on behalf of NUS and third parties
may be taking photographs and/or videos during this event. NUS may use such photos and
videos for the purpose of NUS publicity, marketing and media/social media. We may identify
attendees by name in such media and/or share these with third parties (which may be in or
outside of Singapore).
Location Map of Conference Venue:
Lecture Theatre 35 @MD6-01
(Peter & Mary Fu Lecture Theatre)
Centre for Translational Medicine
14 Medical Drive
Singapore 117559
A Dental Trade Exhibition has also been organised
for the benefit and convenience of all participants.
21 NUS Clinical Dentistry Symposium
Sunday, 28 May 2017
Your Particulars
Registration Fees (inclusive of 7% GST)
(Before Closing Date)
(After Closing Date)
(Subject to Availability)
Matriculation No.
Method of Payment
CHEQUE (made payable to National University of Singapore)
VISA / MASTERCARD* (delete accordingly)