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1. Introduction
The Department of Fisheries and Marine Research has developed activities in
multidisciplinary fields concerning the sustainable use of marine resources, the
development and sound management of fisheries and aquaculture, the marine
ecology, the protection of endangered species and habitats, physical and chemical
oceanography and the prevention and combat of marine pollution. Furthermore,
within the framework of the fisheries development, the Department promotes
supporting programmes for the fishermen including, inter alia, the construction of
fishing shelters. It is also responsible for the enforcement of the relative legislation.
2. Fisheries and aquaculture production
The total contribution of the capture fisheries and aquaculture production,
including the production of processed fisheries products, to the economy of Cyprus,
is valued at £38,7 million. The production of the capture fishery and aquaculture
reached 5423 tons and the production of the processed fisheries products was 5500
3. Legislation
The intensive effort to implement the National and Community legislation
continued in 2006 in order to ensure compliance with the Common Fisheries Policy
of the EU and to accomplish the best possible management of the resources. The
National legislation was amended in 2006 in order to be able to implement all
Community Regulations and Decisions.
Also, the national legislation concerning
Fishing Shelters was amended in order to harmonise the rights of usage in all of
them. On Community level, during 2006 the major legislative acts that have been
established are the Regulation establishing the European Fisheries Fund, which
deals with Community funding for the period 2007 -2013 and the regulation for the
new technical measures for the Mediterranean.
Single Programming Document for Fisheries 2004-2006
In 2006, the implementation of the projects within the framework of the Single
Programming Document for Fisheries 2004 – 2006 continued.
Scheme for the Scrapping of Fishing Vessels
The project began in December 2004 and ended in September 2006. Within the
project two bottom trawlers fishing in territorial waters of Cyprus and five
multipurpose/ polyvalent fishing vessels were scrapped.
Scheme for the Use of Fishing Vessels as Exhibits of National Heritage
The project began in December 2004 and ended in December 2005.Two wooden
bottom trawlers were given to Limassol and Polis Chrysochous municipalities to be
utilized as exhibits of national heritage.
Scheme for the Modernization of Existing Fishing Vessels
The project refers to the co-funding of actions that improve the safety on board as
well as actions that aim towards the improvement of the quality and hygiene of the
fishery products. The call for proposals began in July 2005 and ended in June 2006.
Fifty proposals from fishermen have been co financed in 2006.
Scheme for the Modernization and Development of Aquaculture
The project refers to the co-funding of actions that are relevant to the expansion of
the existing aquaculture units as well as the possible establishment of new ones and
the modernization of facilities and equipment of the existing aquaculture units without
any increase of the production. Within the first call for proposals six proposals have
been submitted for co-funding. The second call for proposals ended in October 2006
and the proposals that have been submitted are under evaluation.
Scheme for the Processing and Marketing of Fisheries and Aquaculture
The project refers to the co-funding of actions that are relevant to the expansion of
existing processing and marketing units or the establishment of new ones and the
modernization of existing processing and marketing units without any increase in
production. Within the first call for proposals seven proposals have been submitted
for co-funding. The second call for proposals ended in October 2006 and the
proposals that have been submitted are under evaluation.
Improvement of Fishing Shelters
The project refers to the co-funding of actions that are relevant to the improvement of
four fishing shelters, in Larnaca, Xylofagou, Ormidia and Agios Georgios Peyeias.
The project began at the end of 2006 and it will finish in 2007.
Study for the construction of new berthing facilities and fish landing
The project refers to the preparation of all the necessary studies for the construction
of new berthing and fish landing facilities near Limassol port. The project began at
the end of 2006 and it will finish in 2007.
European Fisheries Fund (EFF) 2007-2013
The European Fisheries Fund (EFF) defines the framework for Community support
for the sustainable development of the fisheries sector, fisheries areas and inland
fishing. Each Member State shall compose an operational programme to implement
the policies and priorities to be co-financed by the EFF for the programming period
2007-2013. The operational programme shall be coherent with the national strategic
Priority axis 1: Measures for the adaptation of the Community fishing fleet
Support from the EFF targeting towards the adaptation of the Community fishing fleet
will concern public aid for owners of fishing vessels and fishermen for permanent or
temporary cessation of their fishing activities, investments on board fishing vessels
and gear-selectivity, public aid for small-scale coastal fishing and financing of socioeconomic measures proposed by Member States for fishermen affected by
developments in fishing sector.
Priority axis 2: Aquaculture, Inland Fishing, Processing and Marketing of
fishery and aquaculture products
Support from the EFF that targets aquaculture production may be granted for
productive investments in aquaculture, for aqua-environmental measures such as
organic aquaculture as well as investments regarding processing and marketing of
fisheries and aquaculture products.
Priority axis 3: Measures of common interest
The EFF supports measures of common interest. These measures may concern
collective actions, protection and development of aquatic fauna and flora, fishing
ports, landing sites and fishing shelters, the development of new markets as well as
promotional campaigns and pilot projects.
Priority axis 4: Sustainable development of fisheries areas
The EFF provides assistance for the sustainable development and improvement of
the quality of life in fisheries areas eligible as part of an overall strategy which seeks
to support the implementation of the objectives of the common fisheries policy. The
implementation of this axis will take account its socio-economic effects.
Priority axis 5: Technical assistance
The EFF co-finances the preparatory, monitoring, administrative and technical
support, evaluation and audit measures and actions that are necessary for the
implementation of the Operational programme.
Fishing Shelters
The construction plans for the fishing shelter at Zygi have been completed.
Construction works are expected to begin in 2007 and be completed by the year
To comply with the EU legislation, an area for fish landing facilities must be
established which would maintain high quality hygiene. The on-land facilities will
include auctioning areas, offices, areas for fresh fish packing under hygienic
conditions, refrigeration areas, ice factory, storage areas and other necessary
supplementary structures. The project will also include the construction of port
facilities (dock and unloading areas).
The above installations will not only be used by the local fishing vessels but
also by vessels coming from other countries and will cover fish products which are for
export as well as products for local consumption.
The construction of a fishing shelter in the Pissouri Area is also planned, in
order to cover the needs of the fishermen in the area and also for the better
management and exploitation of the fishery resources.
Minor improvement works have been carried out at the fishing shelter of
Pomos and at Akrotiri fishing shelter. Improvement works are being carried out at
Larnaca, Xylophagou and Ayia Napa fishing shelters.
In 2006, the total aquaculture production (marine and fresh water) reached
approximately 3500 tons of market size fish and 13 million marine fish fry valued at
C£18 million.
Aquaculture production of market size fish, cultured in open sea cages,
reached 2450 tons of sea bass and sea bream and 1000 tons of blue fin tuna. The
total production of market size trout from the private sector reached 70 tons valued at
C£280.000. Additionally 30.000 ornamental fish were produced by the private sector
valued at C£20.000. The total production of marine hatcheries reached 13 million fry,
mainly sea bass and sea bream.
In 2006, there were in operation three marine fish hatcheries and one shrimp
hatchery/ farm on land, as well as six private offshore cage farms culturing mainly
sea bass and sea bream and three offshore cage farms culturing/ fattening blue fin
tuna. Additionally, there were in operation six small trout farms, culturing mainly
rainbow trout and two farms culturing ornamental fish.
The Department of Fisheries and Marine Research (DFMR) is operating two
research stations, the Meneou Marine Aquaculture Research Station (MEMARS) and
the Fresh Water Aquaculture Research Station at Kalopanayiotis.
The Meneou Marine Aquaculture Research Station (MeMARS) is the centre
for research aiming at the development of marine aquaculture in Cyprus. The
research programmes that have been undertaken at MeMARS focused mainly on
new candidate species for fish farming, such as red porgy (Pagrus pagrus), rabbit
fish (Siganus rivulatus), striped sea bream (Lithognathus mormyrus) and common
pandora (Pagellus erythrinus). The main objective of these research programmes is
the diversification of aquaculture production with new species, a task that will
contribute to the sustainability of the sector. The main projects that have been
running during 2006 were i) Reproduction and larval rearing protocols for the mass
production of fry of the rabbitfish (Siganus rivulatus) and nutritional requirements for
fattening, ii) Reproduction and larval rearing protocols for the mass production of fry
of the common pandora (Pagellus erythrinus), iii) The development of normal
pigmentation in common pandora (Pagellus erythrinus), iv) Gonadal development
and maturation of the striped sea bream (Lithognathus mormyrus), and v)
Development of methods for the controlled reproduction and culture of Shi drum
(Umbrina cirrosa), a project undertaken in co-operation with the Hellenic Centre for
Marine Research (HCMR) and funded by the Cyprus Research Promotion
Foundation and a private fish farm. Furthermore, two new research programmes
have been initiated for the reproduction and culture of amberjack (Seriola dumerili)
and octopus (Octopus vulgaris). MeMARS is participating in a European thematic
educational network and in the European Project COST Action 867 “Welfare of fish in
European aquaculture”.
The Κalopanagiotis Freshwater Research Station continued to be upgraded
during the year 2006 with its modernization and construction of new production
Its upgrade, which focuses mainly on enhancing the capabilities of
controlled breeding with the ability of controlling environmental conditions such as
photoperiod and temperature, will play an important role in the operations of the
station and will contribute significantly to the current and future research projects.
The first successful artificial reproduction was achieved with the mass production of
sturgeon larvae. The studies will now focus on finding the optimum environmental
parameters for larval rearing with emphasis on commercial culture conditions. For
that reason, a number of sturgeon fingerlings were given to commercial farms in
order to assess their production and market impact. In addition, the culture of two
other species of sturgeon is carried on for the establishment of broodstock.
In 2006 the DFMR issued 2000 individual recreational angling permits for
recreational fishing in dams and reservoirs and 80 group permits for a total of 230
persons. Within the framework for the promotion and development of recreational
angling, 27.000 trout and a small number of other fish were released in several dams
and reservoirs.
Research and Resources Management
Stock Assessment and Resources Management
During 2006 regular sampling of the catch of the inshore and trawl fisheries
was carried out for the purpose of stock evaluation of the main fish species and the
study of their population dynamics.
Stock assessment results for 2005, which are based on the previous year
statistics, are still under processing.
National Programme for the Collection of Fisheries Data
In 2006 the Cyprus National Programme for the Collection of Fisheries Data
was conducted for the second time, in accordance with Regulation (EC) 1543/2000.
The Programme is co-funded by the Cyprus Government and the European
Commission, and covers the following modules:
a) Module of Evaluation of Inputs: Fishing Capacities and Fishing Effort
b) Module of Evaluation of the Catches and Landings
c) Module of Evaluation of the Economic Situation of the Sector.
The scientific survey “International bottom trawl survey in the Mediterranean”
(MedITS), which is part of the Cyprus National Programme, was conducted
successfully in June. The aim of the survey is the evaluation of the abundance and
distribution and also the collection of length composition and other biological
parameters of the demersal species encountered in Cyprus waters.
In 2006, the Council of Ministers decided, within the framework for the best response
to marine pollution, first to create an immediate response team to combat marine
pollution and second to assign the pollution response to the private sector under the
supervision of
the Department of
Merchant Shipping of the Ministry of
Communication and Works.
Fishing Monitoring Center (FMC)
The Department has established a
Fishing Vessel Registry which is constantly
updated and regularly communicated with the appropriate authority of the EU. During
2006 there was a significant decrease both in the total tonnage (GT) and engine
power (KW) of the Cyprus fishing fleet.
The successful operation of the Fishing Monitoring Center (FMC) continued in 2006.
The Fishing Monitoring Center receives at least every one hour the following
information from the Satellite Tracking Devices which are installed on the fishing
vessels over 15m flying the flag of Cyprus:
Fishing vessel identification
Most recent geographical position of the fishing vessel
Date and time of the most recent position of the fishing vessel
Speed and course of the fishing vessel
Cyprus submitted to the Commission reports concerning the functioning of the Vessel
Monitoring System during the year 2006. In particular the following data were
the number of fishing vessels flying the flag of, or registered in the Member State
concerned, subject to VMS, during the previous half year
the list of fishing vessels whose satellite-tracking devices have repeatedly
experienced technical failure or have repeatedly failed to function during the
previous half year
the number of position reports received by the FMC during the previous half year,
broken down by flag State
the aggregated time spent in maritime zones identified by FAO sub-areas, during
the previous half year, by the fishing vessels flying the flag of, or registered in the
Member State concerned subject to VMS
The Vessel Monitoring System is an effective tool for monitoring the fishing vessels
that has not replaced the traditional ways of fisheries control, but enforces the effort
of monitoring the fishing activities.
Overview of VMS
Marine Biology and Ecology
The main activities in this field refer to the research programmes on marine
biodiversity, ecological relationships among marine macrobenthos and the ambient
environment, including studies on the effects of environmental disturbances on
marine macrobenthos, simultaneously with studies on nutrient and chlorophyll
dynamics of coastal waters.
The turtle conservation project at Lara continued and this year. The aim of the
project is a) the protection of turtles b) the protection of their eggs and hatchlings
from predators and human activities, c) the protection and conservation of the
remaining reproductive biotopes d) monitoring of the population dynamics of the
turtles and their reproductive activity in Cyprus and e) public awareness for the
protection and conservation of turtles, their biotopes and in general the marine
Two European Union research projects, the MedVeg and MedMPA, which
focus on the effects of nutrient releases from Mediterranean fish farms on coastal
ecosystems and on the development of marine protected areas, respectively, and a
project on the study of macro/meio-benthic assemblages of littoral soft sediments
funded by the Research Promotion Foundation, were completed successfully this
An EU Life project on the development of management plans in Natura 2000
sites and a monitoring programme on the quality of the coastal waters, including the
assessment of pollutants (heavy metals etc.) in fish, which is implemented within the
framework of MEDPOL/UNEP, continued effectively.
A study on the development of artificial reefs in the Amathus Bay was
implemented in collaboration with the University of Alicante, Spain.
Within the framework of the protection of the endemic grassnake, a captivebreeding programme and a study on its population dynamics, including survey on
existing and new habitats was undertaken. Moreover, the ecological monitoring
studies on Larnaca and Akrotiri Salt Lakes complexes continued regularly.
Physical Oceanography
In the framework of an agreement for cooperation with the University of
Cyprus the Oceanography Centre was established, in order to promote and develop
the oceanographic research in Cyprus and to consolidate the leading role of Cyprus
in the Eastern Mediterranean, within several EU research projects, particularly
related to operational oceanography.
Oceanographic surveys were carried in the SE Levantine, in order to
understand the local and sub-regional general circulation pattern, in the framework of
the CYBO (Cyprus Basin Oceanography) and the MOON (Mediterranean Operational
Oceanography Network). Moreover, coastal field works and a master thesis student
training, from the French Institut des Sciences de I’Ingenieur de Toulon et du Var,
were carried in the coastal sea area of Cyprus, within the framework of the CYCO
(Cyprus costal oceanography) project.
Research work was continued within the framework of the EU research
projects: MERSEA-IP -Marine Environment and Security in the European areas
,SeaDataNet-A Pan European Infrastructure for Oceanographic Data Management
New research proposal were submitted and funded by the EU and the Cyprus
Research foundation:
ECOOP-European Coastal Shelf sea operational monitoring and forecasting system.
SESAME-Southern European Seas Assessing and modeling ecosystem changes.
CORI-Prevention and management of sea originated risks to the coastal zone.
Autonomous underwater oceanographic units for measuring sea water parameters.
Aqua-Planner- System for evaluating the environmental impact from marine
Further development of the CYCOFOS-Cyprus Coastal Ocean Forecasting
and Observing System, in order to provide daily predictions on the sea currents,
temperature and salinity.
During the Lebanese oil pollution crisis, the Oceanography Centre applied in
operational mode the MEDSLIK oil spill model, using the CYCOFOS forecasting
products, in order to assist the Cyprus, EU and UN agencies and decision makers.
Three workshops referring to the MOON (Mediterranean Operational
Oceanography Network), EuroGOOS (European Global Observing System) and
ESEAS (European Sea Level Service) were organized in Cyprus, with the
participation of more than 60 researchers.
Several articles were submitted in international scientific journals, like Deep
Sea Research and Ocean Sciences, while several presentations were carried out in
International and European conferences, like the WMTC-World Maritime Technology
Conference and the EGU-European Geophysical Union.
Enforcement of the fisheries, Aquaculture and Fishing Shelters Laws
During 2006 the Fisheries Inspectors have performed patrols to enforce the
Fisheries, Aquaculture and Fishing shelters Laws and reported infringements that
took place. On total, the Inspectors conducted 1,031 patrols on land and 294 at sea,
while 128 infringements were reported.