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QUESTION BANK 1. The process of grouping the related data in to classes is called (a) Collection
(b) Tabulation
(c) Grouping
(d) Classification
2. Non-measurable characteristics of data are called
(a) Variables
(b) Attributes
(c) Features
(d) None of these
3. Measurable characteristics of data are called
(a) Variables
(b) Features
(c) Attributes
(d) Characteristics
4. If the upper limit of a class and lower limit of the next class in a class
interval are the same, it is a/an
(a) Inclusive Class Interval
(b) Exclusive Class Interval
(c) Cumulative Class Interval
(d) Statistical class interval
5. Two-dimensional diagrams are also called
(a) Pictograms
(b) Area diagrams
(c) Pie diagrams
(d) Cartograms
Psychological Statistics Page 1 School of Distance Education 6. When the aggregate and their divisions are to be shown together, the
diagram used is
(a) Histogram
(b) Bar diagram
(c) Pie diagram
(d) Square diagram
7. Cumulative frequency curve is also called
(a) Line graph
(b) Frequency polygon
(c) Ogive
(d) None of these
8. Frequency polygon is called
(a) Frequency curve
(c) Histogram
(b) Line graph
(d) Ogive
9. If the highest frequency of a frequency distribution occurs at the lowest
values or highest values, the distribution is
(a) Symmetrical
(b) Normal curve
(c) Skewed
(d) Non-skewed
10. Lack of symmetry is called
(a) Kurtosis
(c) Skewness
(b) Dispersion
(d) Either (a) or (b)
11. The sum of squares of deviations of a set of numbers from their mean is the
property of
(a) Arithmetic mean
(b) Geometric mean
(c) Harmonic mean
(d) Combined mean
12. ______ is a positional average.
(a) Mean
(c) Mode
(b) Median
(d) MD
13. Value of an item which occurs more frequently than others is
(a) Average
(b) Mean
(c) Median
(d) Mode
Psychological Statistics Page 2 School of Distance Education 14. In a moderately asymmetrical distribution
(a) Mean≠ median ≠ mode
(b) Mean= median ≠ mode
(c) Mean≠ median = mode
(d) Mean= median = mode
15. Histograms are drawn for
(a) Discrete series
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(b) Continuous series
(d) Either (a) or (b)
16. Histogram is useful to locate graphically the value of
(a) Arithmetic mean
(b) Median
(c) Mode
(d) Geometric mean
17. The sum of squares of deviation is least when measured from
(a) Zero
(b) Mean
(c) Median
(d) Mode
18. Stsndard deviation is defined as
(a) Mean of deviations taken from the value of mean
(b) Mean of deviations taken from value of median
(c) Square root of average of squares of deviations taken from the
value of mean
(d) Square root of average of squares of deviations taken from the
value of median
19. The value of median is diagrammatically calculated by drawing
(a) Histogram
(b) Ogive
(c) Frequency polygon
(d) Line graph
20. In a positively skewed distribution
(a) Mean > median > mode
(c) Mean > median < mode
(b) Mean < median < mode
(d) None of these
21. _____ is a relative measure of variation based on standard deviation.
(a) Quartile deviation
(b) Mean deviation
(c) Coefficient of variation
(d) Variance
Psychological Statistics Page 3 School of Distance Education 22. The value of an item which occupies the central position when the items are
arranged in the ascending or descending order is
(a) Mean
(b) Mode
(c) Median
(d) Average
23. In discrete series, items having ____ frequency is taken as mode.
(a) Highest
(b) Lowest
(c) Medium
(d) Average
24. Measure of variation of the items from some central value is referred to as
(a) Deviation
(b) Dispersion
(c) Difference
(d) Doth (a) and (c)
25. Which of the following is not a measure of dispersion?
(a) Range
(b) Quartile deviation
(c) Median
(d) Mean deviation
26. _____ is the simplest possible measure of dispersion.
(a) Mean deviation
(b) Quartile deviation
(c) Standard deviation
(d) Range
27. _____ is defined as half the distance between the third quartile and the first
(a) SD
(b) QD
(c) MD
(d) range
28. _____ is defined as the arithmetic mean of deviations of all items in a series
from their average.
(a) Quartile deviation
(b) Mean deviation
(c) Range
(d) Standard deviation
29. The standard deviation of the series 5, 8, 7, 11, 9, 10, 8, 2, 4, 6 is
(a) 2.646
(b) 2.466
(c) 2.664
(d) 2.7
Psychological Statistics Page 4 School of Distance Education 30. The mean deviation from mean for the values 25, 63, 85, 75, 62, 70, 83, 28,
30, 12 is
(a) 22.64
(b) 23.64
(c) 20.36
(d) 20.64
31. Standard deviation when expressed as percentage ratio to ____ we get
coefficient of variation.
(a) Mean
(b) Median
(c) Coefficient of MD
(d) Coefficient of SD
32. While finding deviation from average, the sign is ignored in
(a) Standard deviation
(b) Mean deviation
(c) Quartile deviation
(d) Coefficient of mean deviation
33. Standard deviation for a set of equal value is
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 0
34. If N=10, mean=12, ∑x2= 1530, the co-efficient of variation is
(a) 20
(b) 15
(c) 25
(d) 10
35. In a symmetrical frequency distribution, the number of items above and
below the mean would be
(a) Same
(b) Not the same
(c) Equal to the mean
(d) More or less same
36. In a symmetrical distribution, mean, median and mode lie at the ____ of
the distribution
(a) Left
(b) Right
(c) Centre
(d) Either (a) or (b)
37. For a symmetrical distribution, Q3 and Q1 are equidistant from the
(a) Mean
(b) Median
(c) Mode
(d) Standard deviation
Psychological Statistics Page 5 School of Distance Education 38. For a skewed distribution, Q1 and Q3 will not be equidistant from
(a) Mean
(b) Median
(c) Mode
(d) Mean deviation
39. If mean > median > mode, then skewness is said to be
(a) Positive
(b) Negative
(c) Zero
(d) 1
40. In a negatively skewed distribution
(a) Mean> median > mode
(c) Mean = median = mode
(b) Mean < median < mode
(d) None of these
41. If a distribution is skewed to the left, the distribution is said to have
_____ skewness
(a) Positive
(b) Negative
(c) Zero
(d) 1
42. ___ deals with the spread of individual values from an average
(a) SD
(b) MD
(c) QD
(d) dispersion
43. ___ is a measure of peakedness of a frequency curve
(a) Skewness
(b) Kurtosis
(c) Deviation
(d) Dispersion
44. When a frequency curve is more peaked than normal curve it is
(a) Meso kurtic
(b) Lepto kurtic
(c) Platy kurtic
(d) None of these
45. The frequency curve having a flat top than a normal curve is called
(a) Lepto kurtic
(b) Meso kurtic
(c) Platy kurtic
(d) Normal curve
46. When a curve is neither peaked nor flat topped, it is called
(a) Platy kurtic
(b) Meso kurtic
(c) Lepto kurtic
(d) None of these
Psychological Statistics Page 6 School of Distance Education 47. Normal curves are also called ___ curves.
(a) Lepto kurtic
(b) Platy kurtic
(c) Meso kurtic
(d) None of these
48. Qualitative observation of elementary units are called
(a) Variables
(b) Attributes
(c) Data
(d) Strata
49. A characteristic that may take on different values at different times,
places and situations is
(a) Attribute
(b) Data
(c) Strata
(d) Variable
50. A collection of raw facts or related observation is called
(a) Data
(b) Strata
(c) Variable
(d) Attribute
51. Data collected by the investigator for the first time which is original in
character is
(a) Primary data
(b) Secondary data
(c) Tertiary data
(d) None of these
52. It is preferable to use primary data because it is
(a) More reliable compared to secondary data
(b) It contains less errors compared to secondary data
(c) Original in character
(d) All the above
53. The point at which the less than ogive curve and the more than ogive
curve intersect is the value of
(a) Mean
(b) Median
(c) Quartiles
(d) Percentiles
54. The most stable measure of central tendency is
(a) The mean
(b) The median
Psychological Statistics Page 7 School of Distance Education (c) The mode
(d) None of these
55. _____ is the most stable and reliable measure of dispersion.
(a) Standard deviation
(b) Mean deviation
(c) Range
(d) Coefficient of variation
56. The median of the following data is
No. of students :
(a) 17
(c) 19
(b) 18
(d) 20
57. Calculate the value of mode of the following data:
(a) 40
(b) 25
(c) 20
(d) 35
58. For a frequency distribution, what will be the mean if median=132.8
and mode=141.3 ?
(a) 128.55
(b) 125.55
(c) 120
(d) 122
59. ____ is a diagram that contains rectangles of equal width and of
length proportional to the values they represent.
(a) Histogram
(b) Bar diagram
(c) Pie diagram
(d) Area diagram
60. Difference between the largest and smallest values of the distribution
is called
(a) SD
(b) MD
(c) Range
(d) Dispersion
61. Mean deviation is also called
(a) Standard deviation
(c) Range
Psychological Statistics (b) Average deviation
(d) Quartile deviation
Page 8 School of Distance Education 62. The quartile deviation for the values 28, 32, 25, 42, 55, 82, 10, 25,
40, 38, 39 is
(a) 8.5
(b) 6.5
(c) 7.5
(d) 9.5
63. variance is the square of
(a) Mean deviation
(c) Semi inter quartile range
(b) Mean
(d) Standard deviation
64. when mode is illdefined, it is calculated using the formula
mode= _____ - 2 mean.
(a) 2 median
(b) 4 median
(c) 3 median
(d) 5 median
65. Among the following ____ is not a method of collecting primary
(a) Direct personal interviews
(b) Mailed questionnaire method
(c) Information from correspondents
(d) Official publications
Psychological Statistics Page 9 School of Distance Education ANSWERS
11(a) 16(c)
21(c) 26(d) 31(a) 36(c) 41(b) 46(b) 51(a) 56(c) 61(b)
12(b) 17(b) 22(c) 27(b) 32(b) 37(b) 42(d) 47(c) 52(d) 57(d) 62(a)
13(d) 18(c) 23(a) 28(b) 33(d) 38(a) 43(b) 48(b) 53(b) 58(a) 63(d)
14(a) 19(b) 24(b) 29(a) 34(c) 39(a) 44(b) 49(d) 54(a) 59(b) 64(c)
5(b) 10(c) 15(b) 20(a) 25(c) 30(b) 35(a) 40(b) 45(c) 50(a) 55(a) 60(c) 65(d)
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