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Also called as swine influenza ,that is
caused by a different strain of
anorthomyxovirus subtype (H1N1) from
those found in swine.
 Sore throat
 Cough
 Chills
 Body aches
 Fatigue
 Diarrhea
 Vomiting
If you get sick with flu-like symptoms this flu
season, you should stay home and avoid
contact with other people except to get
medical care. Most people with 2009
H1N1 have had mild illness and have not
needed medical care or antiviral drugs and
the same is true of seasonal flu.
 However, some people are more likely to
get flu complications and they should talk
to a health care provider about whether
they need to be examined if they get flu
symptoms this season.
The antiviral medications oseltamivir (Tamiflu)
and zanamivir (Relenza) may be used to
treat some people with swine flu. Your GP
will decide if these are necessary.Antivirals
are not a cure for swine flu, but will help:
 reduce the length of time you are ill by
around one day
 relieve some of the symptoms
 reduce the potential for serious
complications such as pneumonia
Antibiotics are used to treat swine flu
patients who develop complications.
They help combat bacterial infections
such aspneumonia.
In hospitals, antibiotics will be used to treat
the most ill patients and may reduce the
length of hospitalisation
is an infectioncaused by bacteria of
the Leptospira type. Symptoms can range
from none to mild such as headaches,
muscle pains, and fevers; to severe
with bleeding from the lungs or meningitis. If
the infection causes the person to
turn yellow, have kidney failure and
bleeding it is then known as Weil's
disease. If it causes lots of bleeding from
the lungs it is known as severe pulmonary
haemorrhage syndrome.
the patient
experiences muscle
pains, chills and
possibly a headache.
90% of cases are of this
can be life-threatening. There is
a risk of organ failure and
internal hemorrhaging. This
occurs when the bacterium
infects the kidneys, liver and
other major organs. Experts are
not sure why some patients
develop the severe form people who are already very ill,
such as those withpneumonia,
young children under five, and
elderly individuals are more
likely to suffer from severe
Leptospirosis can be difficult to diagnose in its mild early
stages, as it shares symptoms with other more common
Many cases may initially be mistaken for conditions such
asinfluenza (flu). Leptospirosis is therefore usually
only diagnosed if symptoms are severe.
To diagnose leptospirosis successfully, a detailed personal
history is usually required.
A diagnosis of leptospirosis can be confirmed by running a
series of blood and urine tests to detect the presence of
the leptospira bacteria in your blood or urine.
Scans such as a chest X-ray may also be carried out if it is
felt your organs have been affected.
Leptospirosis is usually treated with a
course of antibiotics, although their
effectiveness has not been conclusively
 Most cases of leptospirosis are mild and
can be successfully treated with a five to
seven-day course of antibiotic tablets.
Penicillin or a tetracycline antibiotic
called doxycycline are the preferred
The risk of acquiring leptospirosis can be
greatly reduced by not swimming or
wading in water that might be
contaminated with animal urine, or
eliminating contact with potentially
infected animals.
 Protective clothing or footwear should
be worn by those exposed to
contaminated water or soil because of
their job or recreational activities.
Meningococcemia is a bacterial infection
caused by the Neisseria
meningitides bacteria. This is the same type
of bacteria that causes some types
of meningitis. When the bacteria infect the
membranes (meninges) that cover the
brain and spinal cord, the infection is called
meningitis. When the infection remains in
the blood, but does not infect the brain or
spinal cord, it is called meningococcemia.
Neisseria meningitidis, the
bacteria that causes
meningococcemia, can
harmlessly live in your upper
respiratory tract. However,
simply being exposed to this
germ is not enough to cause
this disease. According to the
Indiana State Department of
Health, up to 10 percent of
people may carry these
bacteria (ISDH)—and not all of
these people become sick.
 An infected person can
spread these bacteria through
coughing and sneezing.
You will generally only have a
few symptoms at first. These
symptoms are common and
a fever
a headache
a rash consisting of small spots
You might also feel irritable or
As the disease progresses, you
will develop more serious
symptoms. These include
blood clots and patches
of bleeding under your skin.
Blood tests will be done to rule out other
infections and help confirm
meningococcemia. Such tests may include:
Blood culture
Complete blood count with differential
Clotting studies (PT, PTT)
Other tests that may be done include:
Lumbar puncture to get a sample of spinal
fluid for CSF culture
Skin biopsy and Gram stain
Meningococcemia must be treated immediately.
You will be admitted to the hospital and possibly kept
in an isolated room to stop the bacteria from
You will be given antibiotics through a vein
(intravenously) to begin fighting the infection. You will
probably also receive intravenous fluids.
Other treatments depend on the symptoms you have
developed. If you have blood clots, for example, you
will receive care to treat them. If you are
having difficulty breathing, you will receive oxygen. If
your blood pressure becomes too low, you will
receive medication to help treat that issue.
Meningococcemia can sometimes lead to bleeding
Early treatment results in a good
outcome. When shock develops, the
outcome is less certain.
 The condition is most life threatening in
those who have:
 Disseminated intravascular
coagulopathy (DIC) - a severe bleeding
 Kidney failure
 Shock
Preventive antibiotics for family members
and contacts are often recommended.
Speak with your health care provider about
this option.
 A vaccine that covers some -- but not all -strains of meningococcus is available, and
has been suggested for use by college
students who live in dormitories. You should
discuss the appropriate use of this vaccine
with your health care provider.
Hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) is
a human syndrome caused by intestinal
viruses of
the picornaviridae family.Coxsackievirus
A16 and Enterovirus 71 (EV-71) are the
most common strains known to cause
HFMD, but many other strains of
coxsackievirus or enterovirus are known
to cause this viral syndrome.
The most common cause of hand-footand-mouth disease is infection with the
coxsackievirus A16. ... The illness spreads
by person-to-person contact with an
infected person's:
Nasal secretions or throat discharge.
Fluid from blisters.
Respiratory droplets sprayed into the air after
a cough or sneeze.
A number of viruses can cause sores and
ulcers to develop in the mouth – not just
those responsible for hand, foot and mouth
 However, your GP should be able to
distinguish hand, foot and mouth disease
from other viral
 Hand, foot and mouth disease can be
confirmed (or ruled out) by taking a swab
of the affected skin, throat or rectum and
checking it for infection. For children, a stool
sample may be used instead
There is no specific treatment for hand,
foot and mouth disease. The condition
usually clears up by itself after 7-10 days.
 It is caused by a viral infection, meaning
it cannot be treated withantibiotics.
Antiviral medications are also ineffective
in treating hand, foot and mouth
You can help ease your child’s
symptoms by:
 encouraging them to rest and to drink
plenty of fluids (water or milk are ideal;
avoid anything acidic like cola or
orange juice)
 offering them soft foods such as mashed
potatoes and soups, as eating and
swallowing will be uncomfortable
 using medication to relieve symptoms
Healthy citizens are the
greatest asset any
country can have