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Name__________________________________________ Period________
Class ID#______
Unit V: classical Greece
The earliest Greek civilizations thrived nearly 4,000 years ago. Greece is a much harder place to live than
along a river valley because the soil is not as good and there is not always enough water to grow plants for food. Instead
they used the seas for much of their livelihood. Because of the mountainous terrain, ancient Greece was split into
many different city-states, each one was ruled in its own way. Each state had its own laws, government and
money but they shared the same language and religion.
In the classical period, the two most important city states were Athens and Sparta. In about 500 BC, the
Athenians tried a new kind of government: the world's first democracy. The word 'democracy' means 'government by
the people.’ By about 900 BC, Greek trade with Mesopotamia and Egypt led to cultural diffusion. From the
Phoenicians, the Greeks learned the alphabet, to which they adapted and added vowels. The first two letters of the
Greek alphabet, alpha and beta, give us the word 'alphabet'. The legacy of the classical Greeks (how ancient
Greece influenced modern day culture) are in the arts (including beautiful marble sculptures), in philosophy (with
the contributions of thinkers like Socrates and Plato), in science, in math, in literature (with mythology) and in
politics (with different forms of government). The ideas of trial by jury, tragedy and comedy, theatre, the Olympic
Games, the Marathon (when Pheidippides ran from Athens to Sparta to ask for help against the Persians just
before the Battle of the Marathon in 490 BC), and architectural styles using columns all came from the Greeks.
In the Hellenistic period, Greece was much weaker, and by 336 BC Greece became part of Philip of Macedon's
empire. Philip's son, Alexander, controlled Greece and then conquered the Persian Empire, Egypt and went as far as
India before dying in 323 BC. These cultures blended together to form Hellenistic civilization. After Alexander's death,
Greece became part of the Roman Empire. When the Roman Empire fell in 476 AD, Greece continued to be part of the
Byzantine Empire, and then transitioned in 1453 AD into the Ottoman Empire (,
Classical Civilization Concepts- Interdependence, Conflict, Justice and Law, Golden Ages,
Movement of People and Goods, Political Systems and Citizenship, Science and Technology
By the end of the unit, you will be able to answer the following:
1. How were the Greeks on the forefront of thinking and technology?
2. How did Greek ideas about government influence later societies?
3. How did geography affect trade and travel for various societies?
HW1- Greece Map
HW2- Chapter 5 Questions (reading included in the homework packet) Sections 1-5
HW3- Greece Vocab
Name: ___________________________
Homework 1
Using textbook pages 108 and 113 label all of the
Mediterranean Sea
Aegean Sea
Mount Olympus
Ionian Sea
Asia Minor
Then color your map and label the key
Name: ___________________________ Homework 2: Chapter 5 questions
Answer the following questions in complete sentences based on the information from the reading.
Section 1-Cultures of the Mountains and the Sea
1. According to the key idea, what caused Greek peoples to develop in isolation from each other?
2. Why were Greeks living in different areas not united?
3. List two ways the geography of Greece affected how Greeks lived.
4. What was the first culture in Greece? In what year did they invade Greece?
5. How did the Mycenaeans become interested in trade?
6. How were stories preserved during the time of decline of the Mycenaeans?
7. Describe The Iliad and The Odyssey.
Sections 2- Warring City-States
8. What is the polis? (Make sure you provide a complete description!)
9. List who ruled the different kinds of governments the city-states had.
10. What did the Greeks begin to make weapons out of?
11. Describe the government of Sparta.
12. What charges did Solon make in Athens?
13. Who was excluded from (left out of) Athenian democracy?
14. What famous battle did the Greeks fight against Persia in 490 BC?
Section 3- Democracy and Greece’s Golden Age
15. Who did Athens elect to be their leader?
16. How did Pericles make Athens more democratic?
17. How did Pericles make Athens stronger?
18. How did Pericles make Athens more beautiful?
19. What kinds of plays did playwrights in Athens write?
20. What happened in 431 BC?
21. List three philosophers who lived in Athens.
Section 4- Alexander-Empire Builder
22. Where was Macedonia located?
23. Who was the king of Macedonia and what did he do to Greece?
24. At what age did Alexander ascend (inherit/come up) to the throne after his father’s
25. Describe Alexander.
26. Where did Alexander invade in 334 BC?
27. What happened to Alexander when he conquered Egypt and what did he found?
28. What happened when Alexander got to India? (Why did he turn back?)
29. How old was Alexander when he died?
30. Even though Alexander’s empire was divided after his death, what important effect did the
empire have?
Section 5- The Spread of Hellenistic Culture
31. What cultures blended together to make Hellenistic culture? (List all of them!)
32. Name and describe the center of Hellenism. Include the many things they had in the city.
33. List the ideas of astronomers and scientists mentioned.
34. List and describe two things Archimedes invented.
35. Describe the two new schools of philosophy that arose/
36. How did the Hellenistic Age change sculpture?
Name: ___________________________
Homework 3: Greece Vocab
Using your notes, book and reading from this homework packet, define, describe and explain the
significance of the terms as they relate to Greece (include examples if you can).
1. Polis (define and give examples)
2. Acropolis
3. archipelago
4. peninsula
5. direct democracy
6. legislature
7. Trojan War
8. Delian league
9. Peloponnesian League
10. rhetoric
11. Parthenon
12. tragedy
13. comedy