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Curriculum Vitae
Merry Angela Noel Miller, M.D.
ADDRESS: Box 70567
Building 52, Ned McWherter Hall
Department of Psychiatry
East Tennessee State University
Quillen College of Medicine
Johnson City, TN 37614
[email protected]
1975 B.S. (Biology), Southwestern at Memphis (now Rhodes College), Memphis,
1983 M.D., University of Tennessee Center for Health Sciences School of Medicine,
Memphis, TN
1983 M.S. (Biochemistry), University of Tennessee Center for Health Sciences
Graduate School in Biochemistry, Memphis, TN
1987 Psychiatry Residency, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC
Phi Beta Kappa, 1975
Fellow, American Psychiatric Association, inducted 1999
Distinguished Fellow, American Psychiatric Association, effective January 2003
1999 Humanism in Medicine Award for James H. Quillen College of Medicine
Faculty from The Healthcare Foundation of New Jersey
2000 Recipient for James H. Quillen College of Medicine Faculty for Tenth Annual
Nancy C. A. Roeske, M.D. Certificate of Recognition for Excellence in Medical
Student Education, given by American Psychiatric Association and its Committee on
Medical Student Education
Inducted into Gold Humanism Honor Society, Quillen College of Medicine Chapter,
September 2005
Roy-Miller Award created to honor Dr. Thomas Roy and Dr. Merry Miller as the
original supporters of the combined Medicine-Psychiatry residency program at
Quillen College of Medicine (to be given each year to the faculty member who has
most contributed to this combined program), June 2007
Recipient of Roy-Miller Award, June 2011
Best Doctors in America 2009-2010; 2011-12; 2013-14
American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, October 1988
American Board of Adolescent Psychiatry, May 1993-2003
1983 - 1987
Resident, Department of Psychiatry
Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC
09/87 – 12/87
Clinical Associate, Affective Disorders
University Medical Center, Durham, NC
01/88 - 02/95
Private practice psychiatry as partner with Neuropsych group,
including inpatient and outpatient work with both adolescents
and adults. Medical staff member at St. Therese Medical Center,
Waukegan,IL and at Condell Medical Center, Libertyville, IL
06/91 - 02/95
Medical Co-Director, Adolescent Unit
St. Therese Medical Center, Waukegan, IL
1993 - 1994
Chairperson, Psychiatry Committee
St. Therese Medical Center, Waukegan, IL
1994 - 02/95
Medical Director, The Women's Circle of Health Outpatient
Psychiatry Clinic, Libertyville, IL
03/95 – 6/04
Clinic Director, University Physicians Psychiatry Clinic
Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral
Sciences, James H. Quillen College of Medicine, East Tennessee
State University, Johnson City, TN
Appointed to Associate Faculty in Graduate School, East
Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TN
Professor (with tenure), Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral
Sciences, James H. Quillen College of Medicine, East Tennessee
State University, Johnson City, TN
Interim Chair, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences,
James H. Quillen College of Medicine, East Tennessee State
University, Johnson City, TN
Chair, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, James
H. Quillen College of Medicine, East Tennessee State University,
Johnson City, TN
Appointed as Senior Member of Graduate Faculty, East
Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TN
American Psychiatric Association
Tennessee Psychiatric Association
Southern Psychiatric Association
American College of Psychiatrists
American Association of Chairs of Departments of Psychiatry 2001-2012
The Authors Guild
Northeast Tennessee Area Health Education Consortium, Coinvestigator for granted
proposal entitled “Assessment of incidence of Eating Disorders Among Adolescents
in Rural Areas of East Tennessee”, Principal Investigator Ruth Verhegge, R.D., 199697 ($5,000)
Bristol-Myers Squibb, Principal Investigator for grant entitled “Effect of Dosing
Schedule of Nefazodone in Women with Premenstrual Magnification of Depression",
1997-98 ($5,000)
National Institutes of Mental Health, Coinvestigator for grant entitled “Search for
A7 Antibodies in Serum of Schizophrenics”, Principal Investigator Dr. Barney Miller,
1999-2001 ($69,500)
ETSU Research Development Grant, Principal Investigator for grant entitled “Role
of ovarian hormones and serotonin in postpartum depression”, 2000-2001 ($6,000)
Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, Miller MN (Principal Investigator), Co-investigators Miller
BE, Coyle BR, Clark T, Frizzell P, Kayser A, Newell C, grant proposal entitled
“Variable dosing of sertraline for premenstrual magnification of depression”, 20022008 ($103,080)
Noel MA, Mays KS, and Byrne WL (1980). "Oral tryptophan as a potential
therapy in chronic pain patients." In E.L. Way (ed.) Endogenous Opiate Agonists and
Antagonists, New York: Pergamon Press, 371-374.
Noel MA and Byrne WL (1985). "The effect of morphine upon CSF opioids in
dogs." Neuropeptides, 5:429-432.
Noel MA and Nemeroff CB (1987). "The role of non-opioid peptides in pain."
Pain and Headache, 9:194-212.
Noel MA and Nemeroff CB (1987). "Endogenous opiates in chronic pain." In
R.D. France and K.R.R. Krishnan (eds.) Chronic Pain, Washington DC: American
Psychiatric press, 54-65.
Lipman JJ, Miller BE, Mays KS, Miller MN, North WC and Byrne WL (1990).
"Peak 'B' Endorphin concentration in cerebrospinal fluid: Reduced in chronic pain
patients and increased during the placebo response."
Krishnan KR, Miller MN, Helms MJ, Reed D, Ritchie JC, Nemeroff CB,
Carroll BJ (1993). “Dose response relationship between plasma ACTH and cortisol
after the infusion of ACTH 1-24”. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 242 (4): 240-3.
Coyle B, Miller MN, McGowen KR (1998). “Using standardized patients to
teach and learn psychotherapy”. Academic Medicine 73 (5): 591-592.
Miller MN and Pumariega AJ (1999). “Culture and eating disorders”.
Psychiatric Times 16 (2): 38.
Miller MN, Verhegge R, Miller BE, and Pumariega AJ (1999). “Assessment of
risk of eating disorders among adolescents in Appalachia”. Journal of American
Academy of Child and Adol Psychiatry 38 (4): 437-443.
Miller MN, McGowen KR, Miller BE, Coyle B, and Hamdy R. (1999).
“Lessons learned about research on premenstrual syndrome”. Journal of Women’s
Health 8 (7): 989-993.
Miller MN and Salazar L (1999). “Eating Disorders". In Psychiatry Pearls of
Wisdom Board Review Text, Boston: Boston Medical Publishing Corp., 111-118.
Miller MN, McGowen KR. (2000). "The Painful Truth: Physicians Are Not
Invincible", Southern Medical J 93 (10): 966-973.
Miller MN and Pumariega AJ (2001). “Eating disorders: Bulimia and
Anorexia Nervosa”. In Vance HB and Pumariega AJ (eds.) Clinical Assessment of
Children and Adolescent Behavior: Interfacing Assessment and Treatment for Rehabilitation,
New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 307-327.
Miller MN and Pumariega AJ (2001). “Culture and Eating Disorders: a
Historical and Cross-Cultural Review”. Psychiatry 64(2): 93-110.
Miller MN and Miller BE (2001). “Premenstrual exacerbation of mood
disorders”. Psychopharmacology Bulletin 35(3): 135-149.
Miller MN and Dyer AR(2001). "Ethics in Psychiatry". In Smelser NJ and
Baltes PB (eds.) International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, Oxford,
England: Elsevier Science Limited, vol. 7: 4774-9.
Miller MN, Miller BE, Chinouth R., Coyle B, Brown GR(2002) “Increased
premenstrual dosing of nefazodone relieves premenstrual magnification of
depression", Depression and Anxiety 15:48-51.
Miller BE, Miller MN, Verhegge R, Linville HH, and Pumariega AJ (2002).
"Alcohol misuse among college athletes: self-medication for psychiatric symptoms?",
J Drug Educ 32(1): 41-52.
Dyer AR and Miller MN (2002). “Ethics and Psychiatry". In Robert E. Hales
and Stuart C. Yudofsky, (eds.) American Psychiatric Press Clinical Textbook of
Psychiatry, Fourth Edition. Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.,
Miller MN (2003). “The Search for Influences on Eating Disorders “. In Maj
M., Halmi K., Lopez-Ibor J.J., Sartorius N., eds., Eating Disorders. World Psychiatric
Association Series, Evidence and Experience in Psychiatry, Volume 6. Chichester:
Wiley, 134-136.
Miller MN and Pumariega AJ (2003). “Culture and Eating Disorders”. In
Swain P.I., ed., Focus on Eating Disorder Research. New York: Nova Science
Publishers, Inc., 109-134.
Dyer AR, and Miller MN (2004). “Ethical Issues in Clinician Health”. In
Roberts Laura W. and Dyer Allen R, eds., A Concise Guide to Ethics in Mental Health
Care: For Mental Health and Primary Care Clinicians and Trainees. Washington, D.C.:
American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc., 233-242.
McGowen KR and Miller MN (2004). “Depression Treatment during
Pregnancy” (letter), American Journal of Psychiatry, 161(11): 2137-2138.
Conway MW and Miller MN (2007). “Mood Disorders”. In Rakel RE and
Bope ET, eds., Conn’s Current Therapy. Philadelphia, PA : W.B. Saunders Company,
Elsevier, 1300-1308.
Airhart MJ, Lee DH, Wilson TD, Miller BE, Miller MN, and Skalko RG (2007).
“Movement Disorders and Neurochemical Changes in Zebrafish Larvae after Bath
Exposure to Fluoxetine (Prozac)”, Neurotoxicology and Teratology, 652-664.
Woodside JR, Miller MN, Floyd MR, McGowen KR, and Pfortmiller DT
(2008). “Observations on Burnout in Family Medicine and Psychiatry Residents”,
Academic Psychiatry 32(1): 13-19.
Miller MN, Newell CL, Miller BE, Frizzell PG, Kayser RA, and Ferslew KE
(2008). “Variable Dosing of Sertraline for Premenstrual Exacerbation of Depression:
A Pilot Study”, Journal of Women’s Health 17 (6): 993-997.
Conway MW and Miller MN (2008). “Mood Disorders”. In Rakel RE and
Bope ET, eds., Conn’s Current Therapy 2008, 60th edition. Philadelphia, PA : W.B.
Saunders Company, Elsevier, Chapter 281, 1105-1112.
McGowen KR, Miller MN, Floyd MR, Miller BE, and Coyle B (2009). “Portal
of Discovery: Insights about Psychotherapy Training and Curricular Sequencing”,
Academic Psychiatry 33 (1), 67-70.
Chandley M., Miller MN, Kwasigroch CN, Wilson T, and Miller BE (2009).
“Increased antibodies for the alpha 7 subunit of the nicotinic receptor in
schizophrenia”, Schizophrenia Research 109 (1-3): 98-101.
Miller MN and McGowen KR (2010). “Avoiding burnout in professional
practice”, Psychiatric Times 27 (2): 25
Miller MN (2010). Review of “Integrated Treatment of Eating Disorders:
Beyond the Body Betrayed”, Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 71(3): 364.
33. McGowen KR and Miller MN (2011).
Avoiding Burnout", Paradigm 16:1, 14-15, 18.
"Wise Counsel: Understanding and
34. Airhart MJ, Lee DH, Wilson TD, Miller BE, Miller MN, Skalko RG, Monaco PJ
"Adverse effects of serotonin depletion in developing zebrafish",
Neurotoxicology and Teratology 34(1): 152-160.
35. Lauhan R, White KA, and Miller MN (2015). “Office Care of the Actively
Suicidal Patient”, in Olsen ME, Rizk BRMB, Challenging Office Cases in Obstetrics
and Gynecology. Jaypee Publishers, 97-102.
36. Miller MN (2015). Book Review: “Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy for
Bipolar Disorder”, J Clinical Psychiatry 76 (9): e1141.
Miller MN (in press). Finding Your Emotional Balance: A Guide for Women.
Baltimore MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Noel, MA (June 1979). Oral tryptophan as potential adjunctive therapy in
chronic pain patients. Abstract, oral presentation, Proceedings of the International
Narcotics Research Conference, North Falmouth, MA.
Miller BE, Byrne WL, Noel MA, Ungar A, Mays K, North WE, Lipman J,
Karkera S (October 1980). "Levels of a cerebrospinal fluid endorphin are elevated in
placebo-responding chronic pain patients." Abstract, Proceedings of the Society for
Noel, MA (July 1984). The effect of morphine upon CSF opioids in dogs.
Abstract, poster presentation, Proceedings of the International Narcotics Research
Conference, Cambridge, England.
Miller MN, Verhegge R, Miller B ( May 1997). “Assessment of prevalence of
eating disorders among adolescents in rural East Tennessee”. Abstract, Proceedings
of the American Psychiatric Association, San Diego, California.
Johnson T, Miller MN, Verhegge R, Miller B, and Pumariega AJ (October
1997). “Dieting, oral control, and bulimic behaviors in Appalachian adolescents”.
Abstract, Proceedings of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry.
Coyle BR and Miller MN (January 1998). Psychotherapy: real training with
imitation patients. Abstract, workshop presentation at American Association of
Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training Conference, Orlando, Florida.
Miller BE, Miller MN, Hosler S, Verhegge R, Kauffmann C, Vance H, and
Pumariega A (May 1999). Cultural factors associated with the mental health of
college athletes. Abstract, Proceedings of the American Psychiatric Association,
Washington, D.C.
Pumariega AJ, Miller MN, Miller BE, Verhegge R, Vance HB, Hosler S and
Kauffmann C (May 1999). Risk for eating disorders in an athletic program. Abstract,
Proceedings of the American Psychiatric Association annual meeting, Washington,
Coyle BR, Graham J, Miller MN, Brahmbhatt H, Sabri S, and Garatli A
(September 1999). Depression, suicidality, stigma and support systems among
psychiatrists and clergy. Abstract, poster presentation, 1999 Spirituality, Culture, &
End of Life Conference, jointly sponsored by National Institute on Healthcare
Research and Association of American Medical Colleges, Denver, Colorado.
10. Miller BE, Miller MN, Schacht T, Kauffmann C, and Lipman JJ (October 1999).
Depressed patients report more subjective pain and have a higher objective pain
tolerance than normal controls. Abstract, poster presentation delivered at Society
for Neuroscience annual meeting, Miami, Fla.
Miller MN, Miller BE, Chinouth R, Coyle BR, and Brown GR (October 1999).
Increased premenstrual dosing of nefazodone relieves premenstrual magnification
of depression: a double-blind, crossover study. Abstract, poster presentation
delivered at Society for Neuroscience annual meeting, Miami, Fla.
Woodside J, Miller MN, and Floyd M (April 2000) Assessment of resident
wellness and perceived threats to wellness. Abstract, poster presentation presented
at 2000 International Conference on Physician Health, cosponsored by the American
Medical Association (AMA) and Canadian Medical Association (CMA), Charleston,
Miller MN, Miller BE, Verhegge R, Linville H, Pumariega AJ, and Vance HB,
(May 2000). Sociocultural factors associated with binge drinking among college
Abstract, poster presentation presented at American Psychiatric
Association annual meeting, Chicago, IL.
Miller BE, Miller MN, and Kauffmann C (April 2001). Search for Nicotinic
Receptor A7 Autoantibodies in the Serum of Schizophrenics. Abstract, poster
presentation accepted for the International Congress on Schizophrenia Research,
Whistler, British Columbia, Canada.
Pumariega AJ, Miller BE, Miller MN, Verhegge R, Linville HH (May 2001)
Alcohol misuse in college athletes: self-medication for psychiatric symptoms?
Abstract, poster presentation submitted to the APA for annual meeting, New
Orleans, La.
Woodside, J., Floyd, M., Peeples, K., McGowen, K., & Miller, M (October
2002) A Program to Enhance Resident Wellness. Abstract, presentation to
International Conference on Physician Health, cosponsored by the American
Medical Association (AMA) and Canadian Medical Association (CMA), Vancouver,
British Columbia.
Woodside J, Miller M, Floyd M (October 2004). Assessment of resident
wellness and perceived threats to wellness. Abstract, presentation to 2004
International Conference on Physician Health, cosponsored by the American
Medical Association (AMA) and Canadian Medical Association (CMA), Oak Brook,
Airhart M.J., Miller B., Lee D., Conner T., Miller M., and Skalko R.G. (June
2005) Movement disorders and neurochemical changes in zebrafish larvae after bath
exposure to fluoxetine (Prozac). Birth Defects Research, Part A: Clinical and Molecular
Teratology, Volume 73, Number 5, page 371, May 2005. Poster presentation to
Teratology Society 45th Annual Meeting, St. Petersburg, Florida.
Woodside J, Miller M, Floyd M, McGowen KM (November 2005) Assessment
of resident wellness and perceived threats to wellness. Abstract, poster presentation
to 4th National Doctors’ Health Conference sponsored by Australian Medical
Association, Melbourne, Australia.
Miller BE, Airhart MJ, Miller MN, Lee DH, Conner TD, Skalko RG
(November 2005) Developmental effects of the antidepressant drug Prozac on
zebrafish. Abstract, poster presentation to Neuroscience Conference, Washington
Turner BB. Miller BE, Miller MN, Kayser A, Newell C (November 2005).
Patient response to antidepressant therapy is predicted by polymorphisms in the
serotonin 1A receptor promoter and serotonin 2A receptor. Abstract, poster
presentation to Society for Neuroscience Conference, Washington, D.C.
Airhart MJ, Miller B, Lee D, Wilson T, Miller M, and Skalko RG (June 2006).
The effects of serotonin depletion on locomotor development in zebrafish. Abstract,
Birth Defects Research, Part A: Clinical and Molecular Teratology, May 2006. Poster
presentation to Teratology Society 46th annual meeting, Tucson Arizona.
Miller B, Miller M, Turner B, Newell C. (July 2006). Patient response to
antidepressant is predicted by a single nucleotide polymorphism in the serotonin 1A
receptor. Collegium Internationale Neuro-Psychopharmacogium biannual meeting,
Chicago Illinois.
Miller M, Newell C, Miller B (July 2006). Variable dosing of sertraline
(Zoloft) for premenstrual exacerbation of depression. Collegium Internationale
Neuro-Psychopharmacogium biannual meeting, Chicago Illinois.
Prabhakar A., Miller M., Prabhakar D. (August 2007). Prevalence of
premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD): United States National Comorbidity
Survey Replication (NCS-R), Southern Psychiatric Association, Memphis, Tennessee.
Gregory C, Derrick M, Rainey L, Holt J, Wallace S, Wilson T, Miller B, Miller
M, and Moore N (September 2008). Visual and auditory EEG biofeedback in
anxious patients compared with healthy controls. Fifth Joint Meeting of the EEG and
Clinical Neuroscience Society and the International Society for NeuroImaging in
Psychiatry, Frankfurt, Germany.
"Women and Depression."
Presentation for Innovative Treatment
Approaches for the Comprehensive Care of Women, a symposium sponsored by
Condell Medical Center, October 1993.
"Special Strategies for Treatment of Mood Disorders in Women."
Presentation for Women's Lifestages, a regional symposium sponsored by Condell
Medical Center, St. Therese Medical Center, Highland Park Hospital, Eli Lilly
Pharmaceuticals, and Neuropsych, November 1994.
"Adolescent Suicide." Grand Rounds for Department of Pediatrics, James H.
Quillen College of Medicine, East Tennessee State University, November 1995.
"Adolescent Suicide." Departmental seminar for Department of Family
Medicine, James H. Quillen College of Medicine, East Tennessee State University,
January 1996.
“The Spectrum of Premenstrual Disorders”, Grand Rounds for Department of
Psychiatry, James H. Quillen College of Medicine, East Tennessee State University,
September 1996.
“Premenstrual Syndrome”, Workshop for Women’s Health: A
Comprehensive Approach, James H. Quillen College of Medicine, East Tennessee
State University, November 1996.
“The Spectrum of Premenstrual Disorders”, Grand Rounds for Department of
Obstetrics-Gynecology, James H. Quillen College of Medicine, East Tennessee State
University, December 1996.
“Eating Disorders”, Workshop for Women’s Health: A Comprehensive
Approach II, James H. Quillen College of Medicine, East Tennessee State University,
October 1997.
“Eating Disorders in Adolescent Athletes”, Presentation for Pumpkin Patch
III Pediatric Conference, sponsored by Dept. of Pediatrics, James H. Quillen College
of Medicine, East Tennessee State University, October 1997.
“Eating Disorders”, Presentation for Psychology and Health Care Forum:
Advances in Integrative Care, sponsored by Wellmont Health System, September
“Eating Disorders”, Grand Rounds for Department of Obstetrics-Gynecology,
James H. Quillen College of Medicine, East Tennessee State University, November
“Physician, Heal Thyself: The Importance of Physician Self-Care”, Grand
Rounds for Department of Psychiatry, James H. Quillen College of Medicine, East
Tennessee State University, January 1999.
“Eating Disorders: A Physiological and Clinical Update”, Seminar for
Department of Physiology, James H. Quillen College of Medicine, East Tennessee
State University, March 1999.
“Overview of Eating Disorders”, Seminar for Spring Workshop, Watauga
Counseling Association, May 1999.
“Postpartum Depression”, Grand Rounds for Department of Obstetrics &
Gynecology, James H. Quillen College of Medicine, East Tennessee State University,
September 1999.
“Psychiatric aspects of reproduction”, Seminar for Family Medicine
Department, James H. Quillen College of Medicine, East Tennessee State University,
September 1999.
“Physicians Heal Themselves: Physician Behavioral Wellness in the Age of
Managed Care”, Panel Discussion for “Behavioral Health in Primary Care: From the
Cradle to the Grave”, Conference sponsored by Department of Psychiatry and
Behavioral Sciences, James H. Quillen College of Medicine, East Tennessee State
University, October 1999.
"Women and Depression: Novel Strategies for Treatment", Grand Rounds for
Department of Psychiatry, James H. Quillen College of Medicine, East Tennessee
State University, February 2000.
"Does the Immune System Cause Psychiatric CNS Malfunctions?", Internal
Medicine Research Seminar done jointly with Dr. Barney Miller, James H. Quillen
College of Medicine, East Tennessee State University, August 2000.
“Professional Self-Care”, Panel Discussion for Women’s Health Across the
Life Cycle, James H. Quillen College of Medicine, East Tennessee State University,
April 2001.
“Diagnosis and Treatment of Eating Disorders”, Grand Rounds for Carilion
Roanoke Memorial Hospital, Roanoke, Virginia, November 2001.
“Autoimmunity in Psychiatry”, Grand Rounds done jointly with Dr. Barney
Miller for Department of Psychiatry, James H. Quillen College of Medicine, East
Tennessee State University, December 2001.
“Eating Disorders”, Seminar for Women’s Health Student Interest Group,
James H. Quillen College of Medicine, East Tennessee State University, February
“Eating Disorders”, Presentation for Watauga Counseling Association,
conducted at East Tennessee State University, May 2002.
“Women and Depression: The Role of the Menstrual Cycle”, Grand Rounds
for Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, James H. Quillen College of Medicine,
East Tennessee State University, February 2003.
“Clinical Research at Quillen College of Medicine”, Faculty Development
Workshop, James H. Quillen College of Medicine, East Tennessee State University,
March 2003.
“Women and Depression: The Role of the Menstrual Cycle”, Grand Rounds
for Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science, James H. Quillen College of
Medicine, East Tennessee State University, July 2003.
“Women and Depression: The Role of the Menstrual Cycle”, Grand Rounds
for Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science, Wake Forest University,
October 2003.
“Postpartum depression and Premenstrual Disorders”, Seminar for Women’s
Health Student Interest Group, James H. Quillen College of Medicine, East
Tennessee State University, November 2003.
“Women and Depression: The Role of the Menstrual Cycle”, Grand Rounds
for Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science, University of Tennessee, May
“Issues in Women’s Health”, Presentation to joint Tennessee Psychiatric
Association and Kentucky Psychiatric Association Conference, Louisville, Kentucky,
March 2005
“Women’s Moods Through the Life Cycle”, Grand Rounds for Department of
Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, James H. Quillen College of Medicine, East
Tennessee State University, April 2005
“Women’s Moods Through the Life Cycle”, Grand Rounds for Department of
Obstetrics and Gynecology, James H. Quillen College of Medicine, East Tennessee
State University, August 2005
“From Puberty to Menopause: Women’s Changing Moods Through the
Lifecycle”, Grand Rounds for Department of Psychiatry, Loyola University Stritch
College of Medicine, Chicago IL, March 2006
“The Challenges of Treating Anorexia Nervosa”, Presentation to 10th Annual
Primary Care Conference for Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants, James H.
Quillen College of Medicine, East Tennessee State University, April 2006
“Women’s Moods Through the Reproductive Life Cycle”, Presentation for
11 annual Women’s Health Across the Life Cycle: A Comprehensive Approach
Conference, East Tennessee State University, February 2007
“The Before and After of Residential”, Panel Discussion for Eating Disorders
Coalition of Tennessee 4th Annual Forum, Nashville TN, April 2007
“Eating Disorders”, Presentation to Pediatric-Psychiatry Conference
sponsored by Center of Excellence, East Tennessee State University, May 2008
“Eating Disorders: Advances in Management of Anorexia Nervosa”,
Presentation for 1st Annual Chairs in Psychiatry Summit, Hilton Head, S.C., June
“The Ins and Outs of Eating Disorders”, Presentation for Sewanee-The
University of the South, Women’s Center Pinnacle Series, October 2008.
“Overview of Current Treatment for Eating Disorders”, Presentation for
Eating Disorder Coalition of Tennessee-Northeast, Advanced Clinical Training for
Treatment of Eating Disorders, Johnson City TN, November 2008.
“Eating Disorders: Treatment Update”, Grand Rounds for Department of
Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, James H. Quillen College of Medicine, East
Tennessee State University, December 2008.
“Eating Disorders”, Presentation for 13th Annual Primary Care Conference for
Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants, James H. Quillen College of Medicine,
East Tennessee State University, April 2009.
“Eating Disorders”, Presentation for 2nd Annual Chairs in Psychiatry Summit,
Charleston, S.C., July 2009.
“Current Concepts on Treatment of Eating Disorders”, Grand Rounds for
Department of Psychiatry, Vanderbilt University, September 2009.
“Depression and Pregnancy”, Seminar and Panel Discussion for College of
Public Health, East Tennessee State University, November 2009
47. "Eating Disorders: Current Concepts and Controversies", Presentation for
Southern Psychiatric Association/Tennessee Psychiatric Association conference,
Asheville NC, October 2010
48. "Overview of Eating Disorders", Presentation for University of Tennessee
Combined Family Medicine and Psychiatry Conference, Memphis TN, March 2011
49. "Eating Disorders: An Update from the Trenches", Presentation for 4th Annual
Chair Summit, Annapolis, Maryland, June 2011.
50. "Women's Moods Across the Life Cycle", Grand Rounds for Department of
Psychiatry, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, September 2011
51. "Women's Moods Across the Life Cycle", Grand Rounds for Department of
Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, James H. Quillen College of Medicine, East
Tennessee State University, September 2011
52. "Women's Health", Discussant for Women's Health Across the Life Span
Conference, James H. Quillen College of Medicine, East Tennessee State University,
October 2011
53. “Current Concepts on Grief”, Grand Rounds for Department of Psychiatry and
Behavioral Sciences, James H. Quillen College of Medicine, East Tennessee State
University, November 2014
“Current Concepts on Grief”, Presentation for Southern Psychiatric
Association/Tennessee Psychiatric Association conference, Chattanooga TN,
October 2015
Site Coordinator for East Tennessee State University DSM-IV National Field Trial,
Co-creator and Activity Codirector, “Women’s Health: A Comprehensive
Approach”, jointly sponsored by Departments of Family Medicine, Psychiatry, &
Office of Women in Medicine, ETSU, November 1996
Activity Codirector, “Women’s Health: A Comprehensive Approach II”, jointly
sponsored by Departments of Family Medicine , Psychiatry, & Office of Women in
Medicine, ETSU, October 1997
Examiner for American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, Part II Exam,
Indianapolis, IN, 1998; San Francisco, CA 2006
Activity Director, “Women’s Health Across the Life Cycle”, jointly sponsored by
Departments of Family Medicine,Obstetrics & Gynecology, Psychiatry & Office of
Women in Medicine, ETSU, April 1999, April 2000, April 2001
Neuroscience Advisory Board on Women and Depression for Bristol-Myers Squibb,
Planning Committee for Women’s Health Conference, East Tennessee State
University, Quillen College of Medicine, March 2002.
Reviewer, CNS Spectrums, October 2001-present
Reviewer, American Family Physician, January 2002-present
Reviewer, Preventive Medicine, October 2002-present
Reviewer, Archives of General Psychiatry, April 2003
Reviewer, Psychosomatic Medicine, January 2004-present
Reviewer, Psychoneuroendocrinology, August 2005
Reviewer, Journal of Women’s Health, June 2006
Board of Directors, East Tennessee State University Research Foundation, July 20022015.
Editorial Board, Quillen College of Medicine Creative Writing Journal, 2003
Continuing Medical Education Advisory Committee, East Tennessee State
University, Quillen College of Medicine, 2003-present
Activity Director, ETSU Mental Health Consortium Conference, October 2003
Councilor to Tennessee Psychiatric Association, 2003-2004
Activity Director, “Psychiatric Issues Across the Lifecycle”, sponsored by
Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, East Tennessee State University,
September 2005
Activity Director, “Psychiatric Issues Across the Lifecycle, 2nd annual conference”,
sponsored by Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, East Tennessee State
University, October 2006
Activity Director, “Mirror on the Wall…The Assessment and Treatment of Body
Image Disturbance”, sponsored by Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
and Eating Disorder Coalition of Tennessee-Northeast, October 2006
Codirector, Eating Disorders Coalition of Tennessee-Northeast, November 20062007
Chair, Search Committee for Chair of Family Medicine, 2006-7
Activity Director, “Psychiatry in the Mountains”, 3rd annual departmental
conference, sponsored by Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, East
Tennessee State University, October 2007
Continuing Medical Education Advisory Board, Southern Medical Journal, 2007present
ETSU Physicians and Associates Compliance Committee, Quillen College of
Medicine, 2007-present
Committee on Geriatrics Educational Program, Quillen College of Medicine, 2008
Reviewer, Current Psychiatry, August 2009
Activity Director, “Psychiatry in the Mountains”, 5th annual departmental
conference, sponsored by Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, East
Tennessee State University, October 2009
Visiting Professor, University of Florida, Gainesville FL, September 2011
Activity Director, “Psychiatry in the Mountains”, 6th annual departmental
conference, sponsored by Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, East
Tennessee State University, October 2011
Search Committee for Chair of Biomedical Sciences, 2012-2013
Committee on Membership for American College of Psychiatrists, March 2013-Feb
2015; 2nd term March 2015-Feb. 2018.
Activity Director, “Psychiatry in the Mountains”, 8th annual departmental
conference, sponsored by Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, East
Tennessee State University, October 2013
Board of Regents for Southern Psychiatric Association, 2012-2015
Chair of Board of Regents for Southern Psychiatric Association, 2015-2016
Campus Institutional Review Board, East Tennessee State University, July 2013ongoing.
Reviewer, American Journal of Psychiatry, October 2013
Reviewer, Case Reports in Psychiatry, May 2014
Member, MSHA/ETSU Communication Task Force, June 2014-2015
Program Committee, Southern Psychiatric Association/ Tennessee Psychiatric
Association annual meeting 2015
Reviewer, Academic Psychiatry, April 2015
"Depression and Marital Conflict: Exploring the Relationship."
Neuropsych, March 1989 and April 1992.
Presentation for
"Depression and Family Relationships." Presentation for Wildwood Presbyterian
Church, April 1989.
"Communication in Marriage." Presentation for Victory Memorial Hospital, October
"A Shrink's View of Lawyers." Presentation to Lake County Bar Association, August
"Depression and Suicide." Presentation to Public Action to Deliver Shelter, April
“Depression and Women.” Presentation to Women’s Circles of First Presbyterian
Church, January 2001.
“Depression and Women”. Presentation to Dilettante Club, March 2001.
“Staying on the Sunny Side of the Street: How to Avoid Depression”. Presentation
to the National Association of Retired Federal Employees, April 2001.
“Depression”. Presentation to Philanthropic Educational Organization, October 12,
“Treatments for Depression”.
Organization, November 8, 2002.
“Women’s Moods”. Presentation to community physicians, Winston-Salem, N.C.,
October 2003.
“How to handle holiday stress and depression”. Presentation to Johnson City Lion’s
Club, December 2005.
“Stress and Depression”. Presentation to First Presbyterian Church, Johnson City,
January 2006.
“Mood Problems and Treatments”.
Organization, January 12, 2007.
Presentation to Philanthropic Educational
“College Students and Eating Disorders”. Presentation at Presbyterian Campus
House, East Tennessee State University, October 2009.
“Depression and Anxiety”. Presentation at Presbyterian Campus House, East
Tennessee State University, February 2010.
"Eating Disorders in the College Population". Presentation for Eating Disorder
Coalition of Tennessee-Northeast and college counselors, September 2010
“Emotional Eating”, Panel Presentation for Eating Disorders Coalition of TennesseeNortheast at Health Resource Center in the Mall at Johnson City, January 2012
“Grieving Well and Living Again”. Presentations for Wesley Memorial United
Methodist Church, Johnson City TN, February 16 and February 28, 2012; December
“Learn More About Depression”. Presentation for Shoreline Unitarian Universalist
Church, Seattle WA, July 2012.
“Finding Emotional Balance”. Presentation for Dilettante Club, October 2015
The Lakeland Press Newspaper, Lake Co., IL
"Disentangling Depression and Marital Conflict," August 1994.
“Strategies for Surviving Premenstrual Syndrome," September 1994.
"How to Understand Your Adolescent Daughter," October 1994.
"Help for the Overstressed Woman," November 1994.
"The Season of Joy...and Sorrow," December 1994.
"Escaping the Terror of Panic Disorder," January 1995.
"Coping with Change in a Positive Manner," February 1995
Organized first and then annual Eating Disorder Screenings at ETSU and The Mall
at Johnson City as part of National Eating Disorder Awareness Week, February
1998 ; February 1999 (at ETSU, The Mall at Johnson City, and included third site at
Northeast State Technical College); February 2000 (at ETSU and Northeast State
Technical College); February 2001 (at ETSU and Northeast State Technical College);
February 2002; February 2003
Community education on Eating Disorders during Eating Disorder Awareness
Week: television interview on WJHL News Channel 11 (CBS Affiliate) with Lisa
Kaplan February 1998 and on Noon Magazine with Ann Carter on WCYB News
Center 5 (NBC Affiliate) February 1998; radio interview WAEZ FM 99.3 February
1999 and public service announcement for WETS FM 89.5 February 1999; newspaper
interviews February 1999 for Elizabethton Star, Johnson City Press, and Kingsport
Times; television interview on WJHL News Channel 11 (CBS Affiliate) for "Doctor
on Call" series with Lisa Kaplan and interview with Leighann Laube for Kingsport
Times February 2000; television interview on eating disorders for WJHL with Elissa
Burnell January 2006.
Community education on Schizophrenia: interviewed by Amy Kaufeldt on WJHL
News Channel 11, “Doctor on Call” television news series, June 1999
Community education on Adolescent Depression: interviewed by Lisa Kaplan on
WJHL News Channel 11 , “Doctor on Call” television news series, April 1999; also
interviewed for Channel 11 in Spring 2002 on same topic
Community education on Women’s Health: interviewed by Lisa Kaplan on WJHL
News Channel 11 regarding Women’s Health Conference, April 1999, and by Josh
Smith regarding Women’s Health Conference April 2001 and February 2002
Community education on Panic Disorder: interviewed by Lisa Kaplan on WJHL
News Channel 11 as part of “Doctor on Call” television news series, December 1998;
reinterviewed by Lisa Kaplan for WJHL on this topic, May 1999
Community education on Men and depression: interviewed by Lisa Kaplan on
WJHL News Channel 11, June 1998; also interviewed for Reader’s Digest, appeared
April 2000
Community education on Premenstrual Syndrome & Premenstrual Exaceberbation
of Major Depression: interviewed by Lisa Kaplan on WJHL News Channel 11 (CBS
Affiliate) Spring 1997 and by Cheryl Munn on WCYB News Center 5 ( NBC
Affiliate) Spring 1997 ; interviewed for Doctor on Call about this topic January 2006
Community education on Postpartum Depression: interviewed by Cindy Tipton for
Johnson City Press, Summer 2001
Community education on Reactions to Terrorist Attacks: interviewed by Robert
Lewis on WJHL News Channel 11, September 2001
Treasurer, Boy Scout Troop 33, Johnson City, TN, 1997-1999
Treasurer & Assistant Pack Leader, Webelos Cub Scout Pack 33, Johnson City, TN,
Elder, Wildwood Presbyterian Church, Wildwood, IL, 1990-1995
Member of Eating Disorder Coalition of Tennessee, Northeast, 2005-2012
Member of Advisory Team, The River, First Presbyterian Church, 2010-present
Undergraduate Student Teaching
Sponsor for McNair Program 1998-1999, research mentor for Wendy Ray, Susan
Hosler, and Susan Mahar (in conjunction with Dr. Barney Miller)
Supervision for NIMH Grant starting April 1999 for student assistants Susan Mahar,
Maria Rice, and Denisa Xhani (in conjunction with Dr. Barney Miller and Dr. Curt
Sponsor for McNair Program 2001-2002, research mentor for Ashley Delucenay
Medical Student Teaching
Introduction to Medicine course, Small Group Co-leader, for MS-I students,
Fall 1995
Psychiatry II, Lecture on Eating Disorders, for MS-II students, Winter/Spring
1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013,
Psychiatry II, Lectures on Mood Disorders for MS-II students, Winter 1998,
Winter 1999, Winter 2000, Winter 2001
Psychiatry II, Small Group Leader, for MS-II students, Winter and Spring
1996, Fall 1997, Winter 1998, Winter 1999, Winter 2000, Winter 2001
Psychiatry I, Small Group Leader, for MS-I students, Fall 1997
Psychiatry Clerkship, Lectures on Eating Disorders each rotation 1995present; Preceptor for students each rotation; Inpatient Attending on University
Service (cross-coverage), for MS-III students
Research Mentor for MS-3 Holly Linville in 1998-1999, sponsored
participation in ETSU Science Fair; Research Mentor in conjunction with Dr. Barney
Miller for Holly Linville as MS-4 in 1999-2000, sponsored her participation in athlete
screening project
Research Mentor for MS-4 Helen Hutcherson in 1999-2000
Research Mentor for MS-4 Swati Dakori in 2000
Psychiatry II, Lectures on Mood Disorders for MS-II students, Summer
2001, 2002
Orientation program for MS-I students on Professionalism, Summer 2005
Keystone presentation for MS-4 students on Medical Professionals and
Depression, April 2008, April 2009, April 2010, March 2011, April 2013
Preceptor for MS-3 students during Psychiatry Clerkship since 1995
Student Women in Medicine speaker on Women’s Health, February 2012
Psychiatry II, Lecture on Depression for MS-II students, Winter 2012, 2013,
Nutrition course for MS-I students, discussant, April 2013
Psychiatry Clerkship, Lectures on Depression and Self-Care each rotation
starting 2014 for MS-3 students.
Advisor for many MS-3 and MS-4 students, Tina Jackson in 2015-16
Graduate Student Teaching
Thesis Committee member for Kristy Kincaid, Master of Science candidate in
Nutrition Department 1998-1999, completed degree May 1999
Dissertation Committee member for Michelle Chandley, Ph.D. candidate at Quillen
Graduate School in BioMedical Sciences, 2004-2008, completed degree December
Thesis Committee member for Brittany Williams, Clinical M.A. candidate for
Department of Psychology, College of Arts and Sciences, 2012-2014
Resident Teaching
Seminars on Mood Disorders for PGY-I and PGY-II residents, Summer 1995,
Summer 1996
Seminar on Mood Disorders for PGY-I residents, annually from Summer 1997Summer 2000
Seminars on Eating Disorders for PGY-I and PGY-II residents, Spring 1996 , Spring
Seminar on Eating Disorders for PGY-1 residents, annually from Fall 1997-Fall 2000
Comparative Psychotherapies course for PGY-III residents; Co-leader throughout
1995-96, 1996-1997, 1997-1998, 1998-99, 1999-2000.
Cognitive Therapy series for PGY-III and PGY-IV residents (part of Comparative
Psychotherapies and Senior Seminar); coordinator, Winter 1996 & 1997.
Cognitive Therapy series for PGY-III residents, Fall 1997, Fall 1998
Transition into Practice series for PGY-III and PGY-IV residents; coordinator, Fall
1995 & 1996.
Transition into Practice series for PGY-III residents, annually since Winter 1998
Managed Care Series: Developed and coordinated series of seminars to teach
concepts of managed care, annually from 1995-2002
Child and Adolescent Seminar Series: Seminar on Young Adult Development Fall
Individual Psychotherapy Supervision & Mentor for PGY-III resident throughout
1995-96 (Dr. Geoffrey Boercker), 1996-97 (Dr. Nizamuddin Khaja), 1997-98 (Dr.
Shym Vuyyuru), 1998-99 (Dr. Gregory Dray), 2000-01 (Dr. Michael Hughes and Dr.
Veronica Gubatan)
Individual Psychotherapy Supervision for PGY-IV resident throughout 1996-97 (Dr.
Geoffrey Boercker), 1997-98 (Dr. Nizamuddin Khaja), 1999-2000 (Dr. Gregory Dray
and Dr. Ali Garatli).
Coleader for newly created Mock Psychotherapy course for PGY-III residents Spring
1997, and for PGY-II residents Fall 1997-Spring 1998, Winter 1999
Women’s Issues Series: Created and coordinated new course for PGY-I residents
annually Spring 1998
Physician Self-Care Series: Created and coordinated new course for all residents
occurring since Summer 1998, conducted seminar annually
Research Mentor for PGY-II resident (Dr. Francisco Rodriguez), PGY-III resident (Dr.
Shantha Pandian), and PGY-IV resident (Dr. Ali Garatli) 1999-2000: taught and
supervised Structured Clinical Interview based on DSM-IV (SCID) for diagnostic
interviews of schizophrenic subjects
Research Mentor for PGY-III resident (Dr. Francisco Rodriguez), PGY-IV resident
(Dr. Shantha Pandian), PGY-II resident (Dr. Honora Sandifer), and PGY-II resident
(Dr. Nilima Thakkur) 2000-01
Research Mentor for PGY-III residents (Dr. Honora Sandifer and Dr. Nilima
Thakkur) and for PGY-II resident (Dr. Asha Krishnan) 2001-02
Supervisor for Counseling Center for PGY-III residents (Dr. Nilima Thakkur and Dr.
Melanie Fuertes) 2001-02
Mentor for residents each year since 2001: PGY-III resident (Dr. Nilima Thakkur)
and PGY-IV resident (Dr. Sam Mendoza) 2001-02; PGY-IV resident (Dr. Melanie
Fuertes)and PGY-II resident (Dr. Craig Tolleson) 2002-03; PGY-IV resident (Dr. Leo
Rodriguez), 2003-04; PGY-III Dr. Binoy Shah and PGY-II Dr. Jen Wisdom-Schepers
2004-2005; PGY-IV Dr. Sandra Simpson and PGY-IV Dr. Jenny Lowry 2005-2006;
PGY-IV Dr. Rakesh Patel and PGY-III Dr. Sarah McCoy 2006-2007; PGY-III/IV Dr.
Jeanne Lewis 2007-2009; PGY-IV Dr. Kelly King 2009-2010; PGY-V Dr. Lilliana
Murillo 2010-2011; PGY-IV Dr. Zac Hammons 2011-2012; Dr. Dhaishaini Nadarajah
Seminar on Eating Disorders for PGY-II residents Spring 2007, Spring 2008, Fall 2009,
Spring 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
Panel participant for resident seminar on CV preparation, Spring 2008
Seminar on Eating Disorders for PGY-IV residents, Summer 2008
Seminar on Eating Disorders for all residents, Summer 2008
Seminar on Women’s Health for PGY-I residents, November 2008
Journal Club for residents (all years), November 2009
Discussant for Ob-Gyn resident simulation lab "Physician Burnout" April 2010
Course Director for Introduction to Psychotherapies course for PGY-II residents
2013-14, 2014-15
Psychotherapy Supervisor for PGY-III residents 2013-14, 2014-2015
Supervisor for PGY-III residents in Women’s Clinic 2012-13, 2013-14, 2014-2015
Seminars on Anorexia Nervosa and on Bulimia Nervosa for PGY-I residents, MayJune 2014, April-May 2015
Seminar on Medications in Pregnancy for PGY-I residents, June 2014, May 2015
Research mentor, PGY-II resident Dr. Mark Earnest, May-June 2015
Students’ Teaching Recognition Award for Psychiatry II, Spring 1997
Students’ Teaching Recognition Award for Psychiatry II, Spring 1998
Psychiatry Residents’ Award for Outstanding Service 1996-1997, 2003-2004
1991 - 1995
Medical Co-Director, Adolescent Psychiatry Unit, St. Therese
Medical Center
Developed program for Adolescent Partial Hospitalization;
supervised Program Director and multidisciplinary treatment
team; active participant in managed care contract and
implementation process; interface with hospital administration.
1994 - 1995
Psychiatry Committee Chairperson, St. Therese Medical
Chaired meetings of psychiatry staff; quality assurance
activities; credentialing for new physicians and staff
advancement; successfully met Joint Council for Accreditation
of Hospitals (JCAH) site visit.
1994 - 02/95
Medical Director, The Women's Circle of Health
Conceptualized Women's Circle of Health (outpatient
psychiatry clinic); designed program in conjunction with
Psychologist Program Director; developed marketing plan;
supervised clinic operations and programs.
03/95 – 5/04
Clinic Director, University Physicians Psychiatric Clinic, East
Tennessee State University, James H. Quillen College of
Developed policies and procedures for group of clinicians with
previous independent practices; developed program for first
Psychiatry Residents' Clinic at ETSU; supervised office staff as
well as residents; interviewed and participated in selection of
office staff, Administrative Assistant, Clinical Social Worker,
and Office Manager; chaired ongoing meetings of psychiatry
clinical staff; interface with university administration.
Interim Chair, Department of Psychiatry, East Tennessee State
University, James H. Quillen College of Medicine East
Tennessee State University
Responsible for supervision of faculty and staff of department
as well as overseeing residency and teaching programs,
outpatient psychiatry clinic, and inpatient services at Indian
Path Pavilion in Kingsport. Hired new faculty members and
managed transitional period.
Chair, Department of Psychiatry, East Tennessee State
University, James H. Quillen College of Medicine East
Tennessee State University
Responsible for supervision of faculty and staff of department
as well as overseeing residency and medical student teaching
programs and research activities. Departmental programs
include outpatient psychiatry clinic, adult inpatient and
intensive outpatient services located at Indian Path Pavilion in
Kingsport until December 2006, now at Woodridge Hospital in
Johnson City (with addition of inpatient child & adolescent
services in December 2006). Recruit new faculty, manage
departmental needs, interface with affiliate institutions and
university administration. Combined Medicine-Psychiatry
residency program created in 2003.
Clerkship Director, Department of Psychiatry, East Tennessee
State University, James H. Quillen College of Medicine East
Tennessee State University
Responsible for coordination and supervision of MS3 medical
student experiences during psychiatry rotation.
Last revised 10/15