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the ability to do work
When work is done on an object, energy is
transferred to that object. Work is a transfer
of energy
The major forms of energy are mechanical
energy, thermal energy, chemical energy,
electrical energy, electromagnetic energy, and
nuclear energy
The energy associated with the motion and
position of everyday objects is mechanical
◦ We will study forces and motions next
thermal energy
the total potential and kinetic energy of all
the particles in an object
◦ We will study this month
Chemical energy is the energy stored in
chemical bonds.
◦ We just got done studying chemical reactions!
Electrical energy is the energy associated with
electric charges.
◦ We will do a little electricity in may
Electromagnetic energy is a form of energy
that travels through space in the form of
waves. Visible light and X-rays are examples
of electromagnetic energy
◦ We will do a little light energy 4th quarter
The energy stored in atomic nuclei is known
as nuclear energy.
Comparing energy, we subdivide it into two
The energy of motion is called kinetic energy
A 70.0-kilogram man is walking at a speed of
2.0 m/s. What is his kinetic energy?
A 1400-kilogram car is moving at a speed of
25 m/s. How much kinetic energy does the
car have?
A 50.0-kilogram cheetah has a kinetic energy
of 18,000 J. How fast is the cheetah running?
(Hint: Rearrange the equation to solve for v.)
Potential energy is energy that is stored as a
result of position or shape.
Potential energy that depends upon an
object's height is called gravitational potential
G=gravity, 9.8 m/s2
A 60.0-kg person walks from the ground to
the roof of a 74.8-m-tall building. How much
gravitational potential energy does she have
at the top of the building?