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Biology 255 – Human Anatomy
Third Exam
Please print your name clearly on the back of the last page of this exam. Please read the
instructions preceding each section carefully.
You must answer all questions on this exam. Statistics demonstrate that, on average, between 2-5
objective questions on every exam are ambiguous enough to come out “aberrant” on an item
analysis. Therefore, the total number of points possible on this exam is 106. However, grades
will be calculated out of a possible 100 points, assuming that 2-3 objective questions on this
exam are aberrant.
Section 1:
Multiple choice questions dealing with the peritoneum and the organs of the
abdominal cavity. (2 points each)
1. Which of the following statements about the abdominal peritoneum is (are)
a) The two layers of the peritoneum are continuous, in that they are connected
by mesenteries;
b) The visceral layer is applied closely to the surface of abdominal organs;
c) The serosal layer of the peritoneum covers walls of the abdominal cavity;
d) A mesentery is an extension of the peritoneum that connects an organ to the
abdominal wall;
e) More than one of the above are correct;
f) All of the above are correct.
2. An organ that is secondarily retroperitoneal is:
a) covered on only one surface (typically anterior) by the peritoneum;
b) covered on all sides by the peritoneum;
c) had a relationship with the peritoneum at one time but lost it during
d) More than one of the above;
e) None of the above.
3. An organ of the abdominal cavity:
a) may have only one relationship with the peritoneum;
b) may have more than one relationship with the peritoneum;
c) may naturally change its relationship with the peritoneum at anytime during
an individual’s life;
d) more than one of the above.
4. Which of the following statements about the “general” anatomy of hollow
digestive tract organs is/are incorrect?
a) All hollow digestive tract organs have the same number and order of layers;
b) The mucosa is composed entirely of epithelial tissue and is specialized for
c) The submucosa is composed of connective tissue and is responsible for
bring blood vessels and nerves in close contact with the mucosa layer;
d) The muscularis externa is different in the large intestine in that the inner
longitudinal layer is subdivided into three “bands” termed teniae coli;
e) The serosa is composed of connective tissue;
f) More than one of the above are incorrect.
5. Which of the following statements about the stomach is/are incorrect?
a) The stomach is intraperitoneal;
b) The lesser omentum attaches the lesser curvature of the stomach to the
esophagus, duodenum and liver;
c) The greater omentum attaches the greater curvature of the stomach to the
esophagus, duodenum and liver;
d) The fundus of the stomach is the portion of the stomach that extends
superiorly from the connection of the esophagus and stomach;
e) Chief cells of the stomach’s mucosa secrete HCl (hydrochloric acid);
f) More than one of the above are incorrect.
6. Which of the following statements about the interior of the stomach is (are)
a) The mucosa of the stomach is thrown into folds termed plica;
b) The mucosa of the stomach is modified to increase surface area for
secretion and absorption;
c) The mucosa of the stomach is modified into secretory glands. The chief
cells secrete HCl (hydrochloric acid) while the parietal cells secrete
d) The folds of the stomach is identical to the mucosa of the small intestine;
e) More of than one of the above are correct; f) None of the above are correct.
7. Which of the following organs is not intraperitoneal?
a) stomach;
b) liver;
c) spleen;
d) last portion of the duodenum;
e) jejunum;
f) ileum;
g) more than one of the above;
h) all of the above;
i) none of the above are not intraperitoneal (all are intraperitoneal).
8. Which of the following organs or parts of organs would be found within the left
hypochondrium of the abdomen?
a) spleen;
b) liver;
c) hepatic flexure of the small intestine;
d) splenic flexure of the small intestine;
e) more than one of the above;
f) none of the above.
9. Which of the following statements about the jejunum and ileum is (are) correct?
a) The mobility of the ileum and jejunum are increased due to the absence of a
b) The jejunum and ileum would both possess villi, microvilli and plica
circularis in order to increase surface area for absorption;
c) Both the ileum and jejunum are intraperitoneal;
d) The ileum would join with the large intestine (colon) within the left iliac
region of the abdomen;
e) More than one of the above are correct;
f) All of the above are correct;
g) None of the above are correct.
10. The large intestine is different from the small intestine in which of the following
a) The large intestine lacks villi;
b) The large intestine lacks plica circularis;
c) The large intestine possesses haustra;
d) The large intestine is all intraperitoneal while the relationship of the various
portions of the small intestine varies considerably;
e) More than one of the above;
f) All of the above;
g) None of the above.
11. Which of the following statements about the large intestine is (are) correct?
a) The cecum is intraperitoneal;
b) The appendix is attached to the cecum and would be typically found within
the right iliac region of the abdominal cavity;
c) The Ascending colon is intraperitoneal;
d) The entire transverse colon is retroperitoneal;
e) The descending colon is secondarily retroperitoneal;
f) Two of the above are correct;
g) Three of the above are correct;
h) More than three are correct;
i) All of the above are correct;
12. Which of the following statements about the large intestine is (are) incorrect?
a) The ascending colon is secondarily retroperitoneal;
b) The transverse colon starts out intraperitoneal and then becomes
c) The transverse colon passes across the abdominal cavity, passing from left
to right;
d) The hepatic flexure is found between the ascending colon and transverse
e) The splenic flexure is found between the transverse colon and the
descending colon;
f) The descending colon is retroperitoneal;
g) More than one of the above are incorrect.
13. Which of the following structures is (are) not retroperitoneal?
a) ureters;
b) kidneys;
c) empty urinary bladder;
d) last portion of the transverse colon;
e) ascending colon.
14. Relax, and collect your thoughts (and two free points), and draw your best
illustration of the stomach in the space provided.
Section 2:
Multiple choice questions dealing with the vasculature of the abdominal and
pelvic cavities. (2 points each)
15. Which of the following blood vessels directly supplies the esophagus with blood?
a) celiac trunk;
b) common hepatic artery;
c) splenic artery;
d) left gastric artery;
e) superior mesenteric artery;
f) inferior mesenteric artery;
g) internal iliac artery;
h) external iliac artery;
i) More than one of the above.
16. Which of the following blood vessels supplies the gallbladder with blood?
a) celiac trunk;
b) common hepatic artery;
c) splenic artery;
d) left gastric artery;
e) superior mesenteric artery;
f) inferior mesenteric artery;
g) internal iliac artery;
h) external iliac artery;
i) More than one of the above.
17. Which of the following blood vessels would supply the urinary bladder with
a) celiac trunk;
b) common hepatic artery;
c) splenic artery;
d) left gastric artery;
e) superior mesenteric artery;
f) inferior mesenteric artery;
g) internal iliac artery;
h) external iliac artery;
i) More than one of the above.
18. Which of the following blood vessels would supply the stomach with blood?
a) celiac trunk;
b) common hepatic artery;
c) splenic artery;
d) left gastric artery;
e) superior mesenteric artery;
f) inferior mesenteric artery;
g) internal iliac artery;
h) external iliac artery;
i) More than one of the above.
19. Which of the following blood vessels supplies the appendix with blood?
a) celiac trunk;
b) common hepatic artery;
c) splenic artery;
d) left gastric artery;
e) superior mesenteric artery;
f) inferior mesenteric artery;
g) internal iliac artery;
h) external iliac artery;
i) More than one of the above.
20. Which of the following blood vessels supplies the sigmoid colon with blood?
a) celiac trunk;
b) common hepatic artery;
c) splenic artery;
d) left gastric artery;
e) superior mesenteric artery;
f) inferior mesenteric artery;
g) internal iliac artery;
h) external iliac artery;
i) More than one of the above.
Section 3:
Questions dealing with the organs of the male and female pelvic cavities. (2
points each)
21. Which of the following structures would not be considered to an organ of the
urogenital triangle of the female?
a) mons pubis;
b) labia majora;
c) labia minora;
d) rectum;
e) clitoris;
f) more than one of the above.
22. Which of the following structures would not have any pigmentation?
a) mons pubis;
b) labia majora;
c) labia minora;
d) rectum;
e) clitoris;
f) more than one of the above.
23. Which of the following structures would be found to be directly inferior to the
a) urinary bladder;
b) rectum;
c) uterine tubes;
d) ovaries;
e) round ligament;
f) more than one of the above;
g) none of the above
24. Which of the following structures would be found to be directly posterior to the
a) urinary bladder;
b) vaginal cavity;
c) uterus;
d) uterine tubes;
e) ovaries;
f) more than one of the above;
g) none of the above.
25. Which of the following structures would be found posteriorly and laterally to the
urinary bladder of the male?
a) prostate;
b) prostatic urethra;
c) membranous urethra;
d) cavernous urethra;
e) bulbourethral glands;
f) seminal vesicles;
g) more than one of the above;
h) none of the above
26. Which of the following structures does not contain some segment of the male
urethra, or have some portion of the male urethra passing through it?
a) prostate;
b) corpora cavernosa;
c) corpora spongiosum;
d) coccygeus muscle;
e) more than one of the above.
27. Which of the following structures within the male pelvis contains the portion of
the male urethra that possesses the involuntary sphincter?
a) prostate;
b) corpora cavernosa;
c) corpora spongiosum;
d) coccygeus muscle;
e) more than one of the above.
Section 4:
Multiple choice questions dealing with terminology. (2 points each)
28. Which of the following terms would be defined as pertaining to the external wall
of a body cavity?
a) peripheral;
b) internal;
c) parietal;
d) visceral;
e) meatus;
f) more than one of the above;
g) none of the above.
29. Which of the following terms would be defined as being a narrow, cleft-like
a) process;
b) meatus;
c) hamulus;
d) fissure;
e) epiphysis;
f) alveolus;
g) more than one of the above;
h) none of the above
30. Which of the following structures would be defined as a line, marked by either a
low crest or a depression?
a) hamulus;
b) line;
c) linea;
d) process;
e) trochlea;
f) tuberosity;
g) trochanter;
h) more than one of the above;
i) none of the above
31. Which of the following structures would be defined as a pulley-shaped structure?
a) hamulus;
b) line;
c) linea;
d) process;
e) trochlea;
f) tuberosity;
g) trochanter;
h) more than one of the above;
i) none of the above
32. Which of the following structures would be defined as a ridge above a condyle?
a) epiphysis;
b) condyle;
c) epicondyle;
d) crest;
e) diaphysis;
f) more than one of the above;
g) none of the above
33. Which of the following structures would be defined as a shallow depression?
a) fovea;
b) fissure;
c) hamulus;
d) fossa;
e) meatus;
f) two of the above;
g) three of the above;
h) none of the above
34. Which of the following terms describes a structure that is essentially the same as a
suture, but is used only for particular junctions?
a) epiphysis;
b) trochanter;
c) symphysis;
d) sulcus;
e) sinus;
f) more than one of the above;
g) none of the above.
35. Which of the following terms would best describe the armpit?
a) brachium;
b) axilla;
c) carpus;
d) corpus;
e) manus;
f) more than one of the above;
g) none of the above.
Section 5:
True-False Questions dealing with the divisions of the abdominal cavity as well as
the musculature of the abdominal and pelvic cavities. If the following statements
are true place a (+) in the space provided; if the statement is false place a (O) in the
space. 2 points each.
36. The abdominal and pelvic cavities may be divided into superficial regions by four
lines: two horizontal and two parasagittal. These lines divide the abdominal and
pelvic cavities into the following regions (superior to inferior): hypogastric and
right and left hypochondriac, umbilical and right and left lumbar, and epigastric
and right and left iliac.
37. The external oblique muscle is the largest, thickest and most superficial of the
three flat muscles of the anterolateral abdominal wall musculature.
38. The external oblique originates on the ribs and inserts onto the iliac crest and linea
39. The external oblique originates on the iliac crest and inguinal ligament, and
inserts onto the ribs, costal cartilages, linea alba and pubic crest.
40. The internal oblique originates on the iliac crest and inguinal ligament, and inserts
onto the ribs, costal cartilages, linea alba and pubic crest.
41. The transverse abdominis muscle is the innermost and thinnest of the abdominal
muscles. Its fibers run transversely, and may be absent in a large number of
42. The rectus abdominis muscle is a long strap-like muscle extending the length of
the anterior abdominal wall on each side of the linea alba.
43. The attachments of the rectus abdominis are the pubic bone (pubic crest, pubic
tuberosity and pubic symphysis), costal cartilages of ribs 5-7 and xiphoid process
of the sternum.
44. The anterolateral muscles of the abdominal cavity have several actions. One of
these is to support the abdominal viscera and to compress the abdomen during
respiration, defecation, urination, birth and vomiting.
45. The rectus abdominis flexes the trunk.
46. The external oblique on one side would work with the internal oblique on the
opposite side to flex and rotate the trunk to the side of the internal oblique.
47. The muscles of the pelvic diaphragm form a funnel-shaped musculofibrous sheet
that closes off the pelvic outlet and forms a floor of the pelvic cavity. It consists
of two muscles (levator ani and coccygeus) and helps to support the pelvic organs
as well as form the voluntary rectal and ureter sphincters.
48. This is the third exam of the term.
49. This is the 7th week of the term.
50. In order for an internet source to be appropriate for use in a PBL report the article
must meet all of the following criteria: accuracy, authority, expert opinion and
coverage. is an excellent example of such an internet site.
51. The uterus is held in place by several pieces of connective tissue. The broad
ligament is one of these, and it attaches the uterus to the external body wall by
passing through the inguinal canal.
52. The suspensory ligament attaches the ovaries to the anterior and posterior pelvic
53. The round ligament attaches the lateral aspects of the uterus to the bony pelvis.