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Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7
Belief Systems:
Major Belief Systems under the Tang Dynasty
Major beliefs of Hinduism
How did different religions spread
Law of Manu and Gender roles
Basic principles of Confucianism Xiao, Ren, and Li
Differences between Buddhism and Hinduism
Belief systems of Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia
Major concepts in Buddhism
Similarities of Buddhism and Hinduism
Importance of Aryans to India
First Christians and the Roman Empire
Similarities of Buddhism and Christianity
Major beliefs in Daoism
Tenets of Zoroastrianism
Skin color and Caste system
Reincarnation and the atman
Paleolithic Age and Neolithic Revolution:
Meaning of the words Paleolithic and Neolithic
Compare and Contrast Paleolithic and Neolithic
Compare areas of the world that the Neolithic Revolution started
Characteristics of Hunting and Gathering
Compare and contrast status of women in both time periods
Pastoral nomadism (Americas?)
Compare Zhou and Han Dynasties
Compare Greeks and Phoenicians
Compare and contrast Rome, Han, Gupta
Uniqueness of the Shang and Zhou compared to other early civilizations
Social Structures in early India
The effects of slavery in Greece, India, China, and Rome
Compare Gender roles in Rome and Han Chine
Indus River Valley
Political legacy of the Zhou Dynasty
Role of the family in early China
Compare and Contrast Roman Republic and Roman Empire
Greece and its City-States
Major advancements in Phoenicia, Greece, Rome, Han China, Gupta
Compare militaries of Rome and Greece
Difference in political structure of Rome and Han China
Compare Mauryan Dynasty and Gupta Dynasty
Compare and Contrast the fall of the Roman and Han Empires
Reasons for the slower development of the American civilizations compared to other areas
Geographical challenges in Mesopotamia
Persian Government
Importance of Punic Wars
Trade Routes:
What areas did the Indian Ocean trade network directly link to and affect
Trade network locations between 1700 and 1100 B.C.E.
How can modern historians tell there were extensive interactions among sub-Saharan Africans
Alexander the Great
Location of early civilizations
Persian Empire map
Scholar gentry
Cultural hearths in the Americas
Geography of Ancient Greece and why it is important
Lateen sail
Shi Huangdi