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You need to know the following fifteen things for the reading quiz for Chapter 2 Section 1 & 2
(pages 26 – 39).
1. Mesopotamia is the land between these two rivers:
2. Rich soil called _______ was deposited on the dry floodplain by the swelling rivers.
3. The flooding was ____________ which made the people have a drought one year and
too much flooding the next.
4. The sturdiest homes in Mesopotamia were made out of: ______ ________
5. Mesopotamians traded for many items by shipping out surplus grains and:
6. A political unit made up of a city and its surrounding lands:
7. The first known writing system, which used wedge-shaped symbols:
8. Ur is this far from the Euphrates today:
9. Another name for a Mesopotamian temple:
10. By 3000 B.C., this region of southwest Mesopotamia had at least 12 city-states:
11. The belief in many gods and goddesses:
12. A person with this title replaced the priests in a leadership role in Sumer by 2375 B.C.:
13. These people were at the bottom of the social class system in Sumer:
14. The Sumerians invented this around 3500 B.C.:
15. Sumerians who could read and write were called:
You need to know the following fifteen things for the reading quiz for Chapter 2 Section 1 & 2
(pages 26 – 39).
1. Mesopotamia is the land between these two rivers:
2. Rich soil called _______ was deposited on the dry floodplain by the swelling rivers.
3. The flooding was ____________ which made the people have a drought one year and
too much flooding the next.
4. The sturdiest homes in Mesopotamia were made out of: ______ ________
5. Mesopotamians traded for many items by shipping out surplus grains and:
6. A political unit made up of a city and its surrounding lands:
7. The first known writing system, which used wedge-shaped symbols:
8. Ur is this far from the Euphrates today:
9. Another name for a Mesopotamian temple:
10. By 3000 B.C., this region of southwest Mesopotamia had at least 12 city-states:
11. The belief in many gods and goddesses:
12. A person with this title replaced the priests in a leadership role in Sumer by 2375 B.C.:
13. These people were at the bottom of the social class system in Sumer:
14. The Sumerians invented this around 3500 B.C.:
15. Sumerians who could read and write were called: