Download Similarity Day 3: Proving Triangles Similar

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Similarity Day 3: Proving Triangles Similar
OBJECTIVE: To apply AA~, SAS~, and SSS~
Triangle Shortcuts
Angle-Angle Similarity (AA~):
If two angles of one triangle are congruent to 2 angles of another triangle, then
the triangles are similar.
Reason: ____________
Side-Angle-Side Similarity (SAS ~):
If two sides of 1 Δ are proportional to 2 sides of another Δ, and the angles
between the sides are congruent, then the triangles are similar.
Reason: ____________
Similarity Ratio: _______
Side-Side-Side Similarity (SSS ~):
If ALL of the corresponding sides of two Δ’s are proportional, then the triangles
are similar.
Reason: ____________
Similarity Ratio: _______
1) Are the triangles similar? If so, complete the following information.
Similarity Statement:
#2,3: Are the triangles similar? If so, complete the following information.
Then set up a proportion and solve for 𝒙.
***Tip for overlapping triangles: REDRAW THE 2 TRIANGLES!
2) Similarity Statement: ∆𝐴𝑋𝑌______________________
Reason: _____________
Similarity Ratio: ____________
Solve for 𝑥:
3) Similarity Statement: ∆𝐴𝐵𝐶______________________
Reason: _____________
Similarity Ratio: ____________
Solve for 𝑥:
REVIEW: Why are the following angles congruent?