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How many ways are there to prove
figures/triangles are congruent? Explain one
of them
What is transformation?
Reflection, rotation, dilation, translation
When lines are parallel what do you know?
Angles – which ones are corresponding and
which are congruent
Similarity & Congruence
(book reference pg. 453)
Goal: to prove that triangles are congruent
and to determine if 2 figures are similar using
properties of transformation
Objective: prove using properties of similarity
transformations that if 2 angles of one
triangle are congruent to 2 angles of another
triangle, the triangles are similar (AA)
Pg. 450
Angle angle similarity postulate
Side side side similarity
Side angle side similarity
Pg. 453 #3 (got it)
Indirect measurement – pg. 454
Pg. 454 #4 (got it)
Lesson check pg. 455
When you identify angles and sides; don’t
forget the angle must be between the sides
OR the side between the angles
 What needs to be true to prove with HL
 Can you recall the different types of angles
and which ones are congruent and which
ones equal 180 degrees?
 Linear and same side interior are 180
 Alt. interior, alt. exterior, corresponding, and
vertical are congruent
What types of conditions help you to decide
which method of triangle congruency to use
when writing a proof?
Write a letter to a friend that was absent
multiple days that compares ASA, AAS, SSS,
SAS, HL and argue what method is best to
Include what type of conditions help you to
decide which method to use. Be sure to
support your position with evidence
What is a line?
Do lines play a part in circles?
Is there a relationship between sector(piece)
of a pie and diameter?
We see the circle does
Hula hoop
Dart board
Can you name others?
What is the diameter of your cookie?
What is the circumference?
What is the relationship of pi and math?
Explain in your own words
Goal: determine if 2 figures are similar using
transformation properties; determine if 2
triangles are similar given angles and side
lengths; given angles & sides, determine if
Extended proportions –
Scale factor –
Similar figures –
Pg. 444 #10, 14, 16
Pg. 445 # 26, 28, 31
Pg. 277 #10 and #11
Show work
Pg. 450
Angle angle similarity postulate
Skill based task:
◦ Is segment SU parallel to segment RV? Explain, why
or why not? (see diagram on board)
◦ Solve for x in the diagram on board
7-3 due 3/18 (assignment)
7-4 challenge due 3/20
7-5 challenge due 3/20
What is the AA similarity theorem and why
does it sufficiently determine whether two
triangles are similar or not?
Honors: why do we need to prove triangle