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JUNE 2016
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education
1. (a) State three effects of revolution of the earth.
 Varying lengths of day and night at different time of the year.
 The four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter.
 Changes in the position of the midday sun at different times of the
 Causes lunar eclipse.
(b) The local time at Hola 40oE
0o + 400 = 400
1o = 4min
40o = 160min = 2hrs 40mins
Local time at Hola 12:00
= 2:40 p.m
2. (a) What is temperature?
The degree of sensible heat within the atmosphere /the degree of hotness or
coldness of air in the atmosphere.
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(b) Give three factors that determine the amount of solar isolation received on
the earth’s surface.
The intensity of such radiation in space and the arrange distance of the
earth from the sun.
The atmospheric transparency in terms of hansnission absorption,
scatterings and reflection of the sun’s rays by some particles found in
the atmosphere.
The earth’s position in its orbit producing various seasons causing
rotation in isolation of both days and periods of the year.
The earth’s inclination in relation to the rays of the sun on the earth’s
The area and nature of the earth’s surface on which the sun rays fall.
3. (a) What are extrusive volcanic features?
 The landforms formed when magma/lava ejected on to the surface of
the earth’s surface through vent or pipe cooling and solidifying
forming the features.
(b) Apart from basic lava domes, name three other vent eruption volcanic.
 Volcanoes
 Acid lava cones
 Corn posite volcanoes
 Ash and cinder cones
 Plug dome volcano
 Volcanic plug
 Volcanic depressions.
4. (a) State two conditions that may lead to granite deposition.
 Increased amount of maraine and flavor-glacial deposits
 Climate change - Rise in temperature during summer makes ice to
melt and some load will be deposited.
 Change in gradient when the glacier encounters a gentle slope / low
land causing deposition.
 Increase weight of the glacier causing increase pressure leading to
deposition of embedded materials.
 Increased frictions underneath at base and sides of the glacier may
cause deposition of embedded heavy materials.
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(b) The diagram below shows some features formed from glacial deposition
in lowland areas. Name the features marked X,Y and Z.
5. (a) Give two processes through which wind erodes the desert surface.
 Abrasion process.
 Deflation process
 Attrition process.
(b)Describe how a mushroom block is formed.
This is a feature formed from a vertically laid homogenous rock having
uniform hardness and resistance  such that wind abrasion is active at the
base  /ground part leading to intensive undercutting  while at the top of
the rock undergoes slow/gradual smoothening and polishing forming a
massive rock having a broad, smooth and rounded top and a narrow
bottom/base called mushroom block/rock mainly in hot deserts.
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6. (a)(i) What is the vertical interval of the area covered by the map? (1mark)
 20 metres
(ii) Give the six figure grid reference of the chief’s house,
 255 315
(iii)What was the magnetic rotation of the area when the map was drawn?
 2o 21’
(iv) What is the height of Odiado hill?
 1568m
(i) Measure the distance of the international boundary from point where it
crosses northing 41E Northing 50 (Give your answer to the nearest 100
 9700 metres/9800metres/9900metres
(ii) Calculate the area enclosed by river sio, south of Northing 50, what of
all-weather road. Loose surface (B8/3) and East of the international
 Complete square – 32
 Incomplete square – 28
 Total square – 32 + 14 = 46
 Area = 46 km2/47km2
(i)Using a vertical scale of 1cm to represent 40 meters, draw a cross section
along Northing 37 from Easting 24 to Easting 31. On the cross-section mark
and name;
 All weather road; loose surface
 River
 Swamp
 Hill
 River line trees
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(ii)Calculate the vertical exaggeration (VE) of the cross section
V.E =
V .S
= 1
X 50,000
H .S
(iii) Determine the indivisibility of the section you have drawn. (2marks)
 The two points are not invisible.
= 12
(d) Describe the drainage of the area covered by the map.
 The main drainage features are rivers.
 The other drainage features are swamps, dams and reservoirs.
 There are many rivers in the area.
 The rivers are permanent
 The main river is River Sio
 River Sio flows South Westwards.
 Some rivers are meandering / winding
 Some rivers are shout/ disappearing underground.
 Some rivers originate from highland around Samia hills.
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7. (a) Identify four causes of earth movements.
 Convectional currents in the mantle
 Grantational piece/ grantative pressure
 Magma movement within the crust
 Isolation adjustments
 Human activities like underground nuclear, tests, underground
mining, movement of underground trains etc
(b)(i) Name three types of tectonic plate boundaries.
 Extension boundaries
 Compression boundaries
 Conservative boundaries
(ii) Give four reasons why it is necessary to study the plate tectonic theory.
 Formation of various landscapes attracting tourism.
 Volcanic eruptions may expose minerals for mining .
 Formation of Riftvalleys and associated features .
 May be sources of earthquakes causing destructions.
 May lead to climate change.
 Volcanism may form fertile volcanic soils for agriculture.
 Volcanic activities may form geysers and hot springs for
production of geothermal power.
 May cause metamorphism forming precious minerals.
(c)The map below shows the location of some fold mountains ranges.
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Name the mountains ranges marked W,X,Y, and Z
 W – Himalayas
 X - Atlas
 Y – Alps
 Z – Appalahinias
Apart from Fold Mountains, name two other features associated with
 Synclinal valleys / depressions.
 Rolling plains.
 Ridges and valley landscapes.
 Intermontane basins.
 Intermontane plateaus
Explain four positive effects of Fold Mountains to human activities.
Fold Mountains may be sources of major rivers providing water for
generation of hydro-electric power, domestic and industrial uses.
Fold Mountains have fascinating sceneries that may attract tourists
promoting tourism.
Windward slopes of Fold Mountains receives high and reliable rainfall
encouraging agricultural activities.
Some fold mountains have exposed valuable minerals deposits which
are mined.
Fold mountains slopes may be forested providing timber for building
and construction for tourism/ have mechanical value / timber for
pulp and paper industries.
Leeward slopes of some Fold Mountains creates the rainfall
encouraging livestock keeping/ pastoralism.
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8. Use the map below to answer question (a) and (b)
(a)(i) Name the:
Vegetation marked L,M
 L = Tropical/ Equatorial rainforestl
 M = Coniferous forest
Grasslands marked N,Q
 Veldt
 steppe
(ii) Identify the type of climate marked P.
 P = Desert / tropical desert
(b) Explain four ways in which vegetation in the region marked P
has adopted to the climatic conditions.
 Some plants have succulent stems to store water.
 Some plants have handy, waxy and slimy leaves and sunken stomata to store
water and reduce water loss.
 Some plants have reduced leaves / small/thorny leaves to reduce rate of
 Some plants have deep tap roots systems to reach and tap water deep from the
 Some plants are drought resistant and shed off their leaves to survive the long
dry seasons.
 Some plants have short life cycle with dormant seeds which can only sprout
during occasional rains.
 Some plants are salt-tolerant and can survive in the saline soils.
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(c)(i) Describe the characteristics of the equatorial climate. (5marks)
High temperature throughout the year / 24oC-27oC
Small diurnal temperature range
Small annual range of temperature about 2o c.
High rainfall betweenbetween 1500mm-2000mm
Rainfall is well distributed annually.
Has a double maxima rainfall regime.
Receives convectional rainfall usually accompanied by lightning and thunder in
the lowlands and orographic/relief rainfall in the highlands.
Thick cloud cover /dense cloud cover.
Low atmospheric pressure throughout the year due high temperature.
High relative humidity due to high rainfall and high temperature.
(ii) What is climate change?
 This is the establishment of new climatic sate continuous change in
climatic state in temperature and precipitation over time.
(iii)State two natural causes of climate change.
 Variation in the earth’s orbital characteristics.
 Variation in atmospheric carbon dioxide
 Variation in solar output.
 Volcanic eruptions
 Increase in greenhouse gases due to pollution
 Destruction of ozone layer.
(iv)State four consequences of climate on the physical environment.(4marks
 Increased rainfall
 Folding from rising sea levels and rainfall
 Increased temperature due to greenhouse effect
 Disruption of the natural ecosystem.
 Disruption of agriculture in terms of types of crops
 Increase warming city environments
 Abnormally fast growth of plants
 Increase ultra-violet radiation leading to several challenges.
 Shifting of climatic and vegetation zones.
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9. (a)(i) Distinguish between a river divide and interfluves.
 River divide is a ridge high ground that separates two or more river
while interfluves is a high area in between the tributaries.
(ii) The diagram below shows the processes of hydrological cycle. Name the
processes marked P, Q,R and S
 P= Runoff
 Q= Peculation
R= Evapotranspiration
S= condensation level
(iii)Explain two significance of the hydrological cycle.
 The cycle creates an ecolognal balance in water supply between the
atmosphere and the ground.
 It leads to formation of rainfall which assists in agricultural production
and vegetation growth.
 It leads to formation of clouds in the atmosphere.
 It clues the atmosphere, hydrosphere and the earth.
 It assists in the oxygen and carbon cycles in the atmosphere.
(b) Describe two processes by which a river transports its load. (4marks)
 Solution process: - the soluble minerals / materials are dissolved in
river water and carried away.
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 Suspension: - Light and insoluble materials such as sand and silt are
carried and maintained within the water by river turbulence and
transportation downstream.
 Traction:- the large and heavy loads of the rive are rolled/ dragged
along the river bed by the force of the moving water and gravity.
 Saltation:-Some medium sized particles which cannot be suspended
are momentarily lifted and dropped by water turbulences.
(c) Describe the following drainage patterns:
(i) Superimposed
 The drainage system developing on a rock structure that overlies a
totally different one.
 The river cuts through the surface rock layer onto the underlying
 Gradually the surface rocks are removed and the underlying rocks
now become exposed.
 The river maintains the original direction of flow despite the new
rock structure.
 The superimposed drainage bears no relationship to the existing
rock structure.
(ii) Dendritic
 It develops in areas where rocks have uniform structure.
 The direction of flow is influenced by the slope of the land.
 The tributaries coverage on the main river forming a shape like that of
tree and its branches.
(d)Your class is planning to carry out a field study on a river in its old stage.
Apart from flood plain, name two other features you are likely to
 Alluvial fans
 Meanders
 Ox-bow lakes
 River braids
 Natural levees
 Deltas.
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(ii) State three activities students would engage in during the field study. (3marks)
 Taking photographs
 Observing features
 Drawing sketches
 Measuring the width of river.
(iii)Describe three characteristics of the flood plain they would identify. (3marks)
 The slope is almost flat in some areas
 Surface covered by thick alluvial deposits
 Lavas are common along the river bank
 Marshers/swamps are common on it.
 There are meanders and ox-bow
 River braids may be seen along the river bank.
 Distributaries and deltas may be found on the seaward/lake ward end.
 Different tributaries may be found where trees have formed.
10. (a)(i) Define the term soil profile.
 Soil profile is the vertical arrangements of soil from the surface to the
bed/parent rock.
(ii) Outline three factors that contribute to the development of soil
catena. (3marks)
 Relief
 Drainage
 Transport of soil materials
 Leaching
(b) Explain how the following factors influence the formation of soil.
 Parent rock
 Soft rocks weather fast/hand rocks are resistant and weathered
slowly delaying the soil forming process.
 Parent rock determines the soil texture
 The type of minerals in the parent rock is transferred to the soil
during formation.
 Soil colour is determined by the colour of the parent rock.
Biotic factors
 Micro-organism in the soil assists in plants animals decay to
form humus.
 The micro-organism mix and aerate the soil.
 The roots of plants penetrate the soil, enabling it to become
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 Penetrating plant roots / ploughing / digging/burrowing
animal breakup the rocks into small process forming soil.
(c)You intend to carry out a field study on the management and conservation of soil in
the area near your school.
(i) Explain how the following influences the characteristics of the soil.
 Irrigation
 The water dissolves soluble minerals leading to leaching of the soil
 Regions of high temperature, the water escapes from the soil by capillary
action, depositing salts/ iron thus leading to the development of poor
laterite soils.
High temperature
 It leads to excess loss of water which destroys the soil.
 High temperature kill soil living micro-organisms which assist in the
formation of humus, thus reducing soil quality.
(ii) Give three reasons why you are likely to rely on observation as a method of data
 It helps collect firsthand information
 Information gathered through observation cannot be forgotten.
 Only observation is relevant to the study selected.
 Observation makes it possible to same time which could have been used
moving around.
 It allows the learner to identify features, observe inter-relationship and see
real process all at the same time.
(d)Describe lateralization as soil forming process.
During the wet season, minerals salts in the top layer of the soil dissolve in rain
water. The dissolved minerals percolate /seep downwards from the top soil to the subsoil. The dissolved minerals are deposited further downwards to the lower layer .The
insoluble minerals such as iron and aluminum oxides accumulate in the top layer to
form a crust of laterite hence lateralization.
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