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Curriculum Vitae
Cataldo Musto, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor - Post Doc
Department of Computer Science
Università degli Studi di Bari “Aldo Moro”
Curriculum Vitae
Cataldo Musto, Ph.D.
1 Personal Info
2 Brief CV
2.1 Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.2 Schools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.3 Foreign Languages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3 Academic Career
4 Scientific Activity
4.1 Summary of the Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.2 Research Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.3 Partnership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5 Activities for the Scientific Community
5.1 Participation to Conferences and Workshops
5.2 Conference Organization . . . . . . . . . . .
5.3 Editorial Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.4 Program Commitees . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.5 Peer Reviewing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.6 Associations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6 Prizes
7 Publications
7.1 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
7.2 Scientific Impact . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
7.3 List of Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Updated: 10 gennaio 2017
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Curriculum Vitae
Cataldo Musto, Ph.D.
Personal Info
Birthplace and Birthdate:
Current Position:
Home page:
Updated: 10 gennaio 2017
Corato (Bari, Italy), October 8, 1982
Bachelor in Computer Science
Master Degree in Computer Science
Ph.D. in Computer Science
Research Assistant - Department of Computer Science,
Università degli Studi di Bari ”‘A.Moro”’
Department of Computer Science
Università degli Studi di Bari “Aldo Moro”
Via E. Orabona 4 - I-70126 Bari
Email: [email protected]
Personal: [email protected]
Office: +390805442497
Skype: cataldo.musto swap/index.php?n=Membri.CataldoMusto
Italian (native)
English (good)
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Curriculum Vitae
Cataldo Musto, Ph.D.
Brief CV
• June 2012: received a Ph.D. in Computer Science on June, 8 at Universita’ degli
Studi di Bari. Title of the dissertation: Enhanced Vector Space Models for Content-based
Recommender Systems. Supervisor: Prof. G. Semeraro.
• June 2012: Doctor Europaeus certification, jointly received with Ph.D. on June, 8
• April 2008: received a Master Degree on April, 23 at Universita’ degli Studi di Bari.
Title of the thesis: ‘Extending a content-based recommendation model through semantic
folksonomies. Supervisor: Prof. G. Semeraro.
• December 2005: received a Bachelor Degree on December, 14 at Universita’ degli
Studi di Bari. Title of the thesis: Web navigation through head-controlled input devices:
development of a Mozilla Firefox extension to identify relevant components in HTML web
pages. Supervisor: Prof. G. Semeraro.
• 2010: IEEE SSSC 2010, Summer School on Semantic Computing, Berkeley (California,
United States of America) from 25 to 31 July 2010;
• 2009: ACAI 2009, Advanced Course in Artificial Intelligence Belfast (Northern Ireland)
from 23 to 29 August 2009);
Foreign Languages
Fluency in English (written / spoken). Cataldo Musto has participated in several meetings and
presented his own works at international conferences and workshops.
Academic Career
1. January 2016 (current): Assistant Professor at University of Bari, Department of
Computer Science. Research Topic: Semantic Holistic User Modeling for Personalized
Access to Digital Services and Content
2. April 2014 - January 2016: PostDoc - Research Assistant at University of Bari,
Department of Computer Science. Research Topic: Machine Learning techniques for
Content-based Context-aware Content-based Recommender Systems
3. April 2012 - April 2014 : PostDoc - Research Assistant at University of Bari,
Department of Computer Science. Research Topic: Distributional Models for Contentbased Context-aware Content-based Recommender Systems
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Curriculum Vitae
Cataldo Musto, Ph.D.
4. April 2011 - July 2011: Stage at Philips Research Center of Eindhoven (The
Netherlands) in the Human Computer Interaction & Experiences research group, under
the supervision of Eng. Mauro Barbieri. Topic: TV-Show Retrieval and Classification
for Personalization of Electronic Program Guides”.
5. January 2009 - December 2011 : Ph.D. in Computer Science at University of Bari.
Won a Grant for Ph.D. studentship.
6. June 2008 - January 2009: Research contract at University of Bari. Topic: integration of user-generated content in a content-based recommendation model.
7. May 2007 - December 2007: Research contract at University of Bari. Topic: analysis
of the techniques for diagnosis and evaluation of QoS (Quality of Services) in Adaptive
• n.1 assistant professor position with italian university
• n.2 post-doc with italian university
• n.1 Ph.D. with a research grant;
• n.1 stage with foreign research center;
• n.2 contracts with italian universities
Scientific Activity
Summary of the Research
The research carried out during the Ph.D. and during the PostDoc focused on the development
of novel methodologies to introduce semantics in content-based representation employed by
intelligent and adaptive platforms.
During the Ph.D., this led to the development of a framework, called eVSM (enhanced Vector Space Model), that exploits the typical strengths of Vector Space Model (VSM) and extends
it through a Quantum Negation operator as well as through Distributional Semantics Models
(DSM) to semantically represented the information about items and users. DSM implement
non-supervised approaches to represent terms (and documents as well) in large vector spaces
according to their co-occurrences in large corpora of data. The main advantage that follows
the adoption of DSM is that the semantics conveyed by terms is learned in an incremental way,
without any training.
In the experimental sessions the effectiveness of eVSM is evaluated in both online and
online settings, and it emerged that eVSM overcomes several state-of-the-art models in terms of
goodness of recommendations and accuracy of the proposed ranking. Specifically, it outperforms
in a significant way LSI, the classical VSM and a Bayes text classifier in the task of providing
users with recommendations about movies. The effectiveness of the approach was confirmed
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Curriculum Vitae
Cataldo Musto, Ph.D.
during the stage carried out in Philips Research, where the above described techniques were
used to recommend personalized TV shows.
During the PostDoc the research has evolved by following two research lines: on one side, eVSM model was extended by modeling contextual information as well. This led to the definition
of a context-aware recommendation framework called Contextual eVSM which was evaluated,
with good results, against several state-of-the-art baselines. Next, the research focused on the
analysis of semantics-aware representation different from those based on DSM.
As an example, very promising results were obtained by analyzing the effectiveness of the
information gathered from the Linked Open Data (LOD) cloud. Thanks to these RDF-based
data sylos, it is possible to feed content-based adaptive platform with a huge amount of freely
available knowledge, with no costs. In recent work the effectiveness of these data points in
content-based and graph-based recommender systems was evaluated, and results showed that
LOD-based features can improve the accuracy of such systems. Finally, a very recent research
line investigated the adoption of techniques based on Deep Learning and Word Embeddings for
Content-based Recommender Systems.
Some recent side projects focused on the development of framework for intelligent Content
Analytics. Specifically, a pipeline relying on Entity Linking, Sentiment Analysis and Machine
Learning techniques was developed. Such pipeline can extract real-time data streams from
social network and can process content in order to get some insights from the data, by exploiting
widespread techniques for data visualization. This platform has already been employed for the
Italian Hate Map project.In this scenario, we built real-time maps where intolerant Tweets
were geolocalized. To this aim we exploited content-based semantic processing with sentiment
analysis to identify the most at-risk areas of the Italian territory.
Research Projects
• National Projects
1. CHAT - “Cultural Heritage fruition & e-learning applications of new
Advanced (multimodal) Technologies” (2006-2008).
The project aimed to implement multimodal information systems, able to provide users with rich user interfaces and to adapt their own behavior according to
user interests and preferences. Cataldo Musto gave his contribution to the project
by implementing a content-based recommender system able to personalize museum
2. MAIVISTO - Massive Adaptive Internet VIdeo STreaming Using the
Cloud (2014-2015).
The project, funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MIUR),
aimed to develop a platform for the fruition of multimedia content combining stateof-the-art techniques for adaptive video streaming with semantic methodologies for
Information Retrieval and Recommendation. Cataldo Musto gave his contribution
by defining a content-based recommendation model to build a personalized video
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Curriculum Vitae
Cataldo Musto, Ph.D.
3. VINCENTE - A “Virtual collective INtelligence Environment to develop sustainable Technology Entrepreneurship ecosystems” (20132014).
The project, funded by the Italian Ministry for the University and Research (MIUR),
aimed to design, implement and test a methodological platform for the creation of a
sustainable entrepeneurship ecosystem which optimize the use of resources, enhance
the knowledge, respect the environment and ethical values and ensure social inclusion. Cataldo Musto gave his contribution by developing techniques for information
filtering and recommendation which have been integrated in the platform.
• Regional Projects
1. PugliaDigitale 2.0 (2013-2015).
The goal of the project was to implement a cloud platform for the fruition of digital
services made available by the companies belonging to the consortium. Specifically,
the project made available a large catalogue of services and defined methodologies to
automatically combine atomic services in more intelligent and complex applications.
Within the project, the candidate was responsible for the analysis of formalism
semantic annotation and discovery of services, and has defined a proposed model for
the suggestion of services.
2. Objectway Finance-as-a-Service (OFS)- ”‘Smart Application Software
and Services for Financial Service Operatores”’ (2013-2014).
The project, jointly carried out with Objectway Financial Software, aimed at the
development of a recommender systems for financial produces. The proposed approach relies on the merge of case-based reasoning with diversification techniques.
Cataldo Musto gave his contributions by defining the recommendation model as well
as implementing and evaluating the proposed approach.
3. ITSM-aoNET - ”‘IT Service Management Always on Net”’ (2012-2014).
The project, jointly carried out with IeT sistemi, Thesis, Infocom e Systech aimed
at the development of an innovative platform for IT Service Management. Cataldo
Musto gave his contributions by developing some portlet for Social CRM based on
Twitter, which facilitate the communication as well as the connction between ITSM
users and operators.
4. SISCApp - “Sistema Integrato a Supporto delle Comunità d’Apprendimento”
The project aimed to design and implement the SISCAPP platform, a complex
framework whose goal was to provide users with a personalized learning path, according to their knowledge and their interests. Cataldo Musto gave his contribution
by implementing a content-based recommender systems able to recommend learning
5. SWOP - “Semantic Web Service Oriented Platform” (2009-2011).
The project aimed to implement a framework for the semantic and dynamic selection,discovery, composition and invocation of web services. Cataldo Musto gave his
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Curriculum Vitae
Cataldo Musto, Ph.D.
contribution by designing a recommendation module based on textual description to
provide users suggestions about web services they could be interested in.
6. HEALTHNET - The Health Network - Apulian ICT Living Lab (20142015).
The project aimed to develop a platform that allows the user to enter detailed
information about her medical history in order to identify other patients who have
previously suffered from illnesses or symptoms similar to her. Through this portal,
the user can check the medical history of the other patients, the doctors consulted,
the therapies they adopted, their success, and the evolution of the clinical history
of similar subjects over time. Within the project, Cataldo Musto focused on the
definition of a model of recommendation can suggest other patients, medical facilities
by taking into account clinical history, diseases and treatments of the users of the
7. PARS ECO - Apulian ICT Living Lab (2014-2015).
The project has the goal of preparing and testing a platform to support reuse and
disposal of rubbish materials. Within the project Cataldo Musto’s activies focused
on the definition of a suggestion algorithms which suggest the more appropriate way
to confer rubbish. Moreover, Linked Open Data methodologies was exploited to
publish the content made available through the platform.
• Research Projects Funded by University of Bari
1. Member of the research unit for the national project Exploiting Open Knowledge Sources in Content-based Recommender Systems (2009).
Cataldo Musto had a primary role in the following parternships:
1. The Italian Hate Map - La Mappa dell’Intolleranza (2014-2015). The Italian
Hate Map is a project jointly carried out with Vox - Italian Observatory on Human Rights,
University of Rome La Sapienza and University of Milan. The goal of the project was to
build a ”Italian Hate Map”, a map which discovers the most at-risk areas of the italian
country, defined according to the content posted on social network. To this end, maps
were built by combining intelligent Content Analytics techniques to better understand
the semantics of the content and to understand the sentiment conveyed by discriminatory
Activities for the Scientific Community
Participation to Conferences and Workshops
Cataldo Musto gave some talks about the results of his research activities within the following
Conferences and Workshops:
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Curriculum Vitae
Cataldo Musto, Ph.D.
• Invited Talks and Tutorials:
1. Tutorial UMAP 2016 - 24th Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization, Halifax, Canada, July 16th 2016.
Tutorial: ”Pasquale Lops, Cataldo Musto. Semantics-Aware Techniques for Social
Media Analysis, User Modeling, and Recommender Systems”
2. FinRec 2015 - 1st International Workshop on Personalization and Recommender
Systems in Financial Services, Graz, Austria, April 16th 2015.
Title of the talk: ”Cataldo Musto. Il progetto The Italian Hate Map contro le
violenze in Rete;
3. Event Smart Companies and Artificial Intelligence, Tecnologie Intelligenti
al Servizio delle Aziende. Firenze, Italy, May 14th 2013.
Title of the talk: ”Giovanni Semeraro, Cataldo Musto. Recommender Systems di
Prodotti bancari/finanziari”;
4. SASWeb 2012 - 3rd International Workshop on Semantic, Adaptive and Social
Web, Montrèal, Canada, July 16-20th 2012.
Title of the talk: ”Cataldo Musto. Meaning is its use: towards the use of distributional semantics for content-based recommender systems”.
• Presentation of Research Papers:
1. 24th International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization
(UMAP 2016) - Title of the Talk: ”Semantics-aware Graph-based Recommender
Systems exploiting Linked Open Data”;
2. 1st CINI Annual Workshop on Smart Cities and Communities (i-Cities 2015) - Title
of the Talk: ”The Italian Hate Map: semantic content analytics for social good ”;
3. 1st CINI Annual Workshop on Smart Cities and Communities (i-Cities 2015) - Title
of the Talk: ”Combining Social Data and Semantic Content Analysis for L’Aquila
Social Urban Network ”;
4. 9th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2015) - Title of the talk:
”Automatic Selection of Linked Open Data features in Graph-based Recommender
Systems”’ during CBRECSYS 2015 workshop (2nd Workshop on New Trends in
Content-based Recommender Systems);
5. 24th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2015) - Title of the Talk:
”Developing Smart Cities services through Semantic Analysis of Social Streams”’
during WDS4SC 2015 workshop (WWW2015 Workshop on Web Data Science and
Smart Cities);
6. 14th Symposium of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AI*IA 2014) Title of the talk: ”A comparison of Lexicon-based approaches for Sentiment Analysis
of microblog posts” during DART 2014 workshop (8th International Workshop on
Information Filtering and Retrieval);
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Curriculum Vitae
Cataldo Musto, Ph.D.
7. 8th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2014) - Title of the talk:
”Linked Open Data-enabled Strategies for Top-N Recommendations”’ during CBRECSYS 2014 workshop (1st Workshop on New Trends in Content-based Recommender
8. 22th International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization
(UMAP 2014) - Title of the talk: ”Combining Distributional Semantics and Entity
Linking for Context-Aware Content-Based Recommendation”;
9. 5th Italian Information Retrieval Workshop (IIR 2014) - Title of the talk: ”Developing a Semantic Content Analyzer for L’Aquila Social Urban Network ”;
10. 14th International Conference on Electronic Commerce and Web Technologies (ECWEB 2013) - Title of the talk: ”Contextual eVSM: A Content-Based Context-Aware
Recommendation Framework Based on Distributional Semantics”;
11. 4th Italian Information Retrieval Workshop (IIR 2013) - Title of the talk: ”Distributional Models vs. Linked Data: Exploiting Crowdsourcing to Personalize Music
12. 13th International Conference on Electronic Commerce and Web Technologies (ECWEB 2012) - Title of the talk: ”Leveraging Social Media Sources to Generate
Personalized Music Playlists”;
13. 20th International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization
(UMAP 2012) - Title of the talk: ”Enhanced Semantic TV-Show Representation for
Personalized Electronic Program Guides”;
14. 3rd Italian Information Retrieval Workshop (IIR 2012) - Title of the talk: ”Comparing Word Sense Disambiguation and Distributional Models for Cross-Language
Information Filtering”;
15. 1st Workshop on Personalized Multimedia Hypertext Retrieval (PMHR 2011) Title of the talk: ”Learning Semantic Content-based Profiles for Cross-language
16. 11th Symposium of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AI*IA 2011) Title of the talk: ”Cross-Language Information Filtering: Word Sense Disambiguation vs. Distributional Models”;
17. 12th International Conference on Electronic Commerce and Web Technologies (ECWEB 2011) - Title of the talk: ”Random Indexing and Negative User Preferences
for Enhancing Content-Based Recommender Systems”;
item 2nd Italian Information Retrieval Workshop (IIR 2011) - Title of the talk:
”Random Indexing for Content-Based Recommender Systems”;
18. 4th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2010) - Title of the talk:
”Enhanced vector space models for content-based recommender systems”;
item 1st Italian Information Retrieval Workshop (IIR 2010) - Title of the talk: ”An
IR-Based Approach for Tag Recommendation”;
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Curriculum Vitae
Cataldo Musto, Ph.D.
19. 11th International Conference on Electronic Commerce and Web Technologies (ECWEB 2010) - Title of the talk: ”Combining Collaborative and Content-Based Techniques for Tag Recommendation”;
20. 1st AI*IA 2009 Workshop on Intelligent Cultural Heritage - Title of the talk: ”Contentbased Recommendation Services for Personalized Fruition of Cultural Heritage”;
21. 4th International Conference on Automated Solutions for Cross Media Content and
Multi-channel Distribution (AXMEDIS 2008) - Title of the talk: ”FIRSt: a Contentbased Recommender System Integrating Tags for Cultural Heritage Personalization”;
• Public Events:
1. Event FuoriCorso” - Melkweg. Terlizzi (BA), Italy, March 9th 2016.
Title of the talk: ”Cataldo Musto. L’irragionevole efficacia dei dati”;
2. Event Presentazione eBook ”La Rete e il Fattore C: competenze, consapevolezza, conoscenze. Matera, Italy, November 25th 2014.
Title of the talk: ”Cataldo Musto. Il progetto della Mappa dell’Intolleranza contro
le violenze in Rete”;
Conference Organization
• Workshop Chair for:
1. CBRecSys 2016 - 3rd Workshop on New Trends in Content-based Recommender Systems, co-located with the 9th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RECSYS
2. DeCAT 2015 - 1st Workshop on Deep Content Analytics techniques for Personalized
and Intelligent Services, co-located with the 23th International Conference on User
Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP 2015);
• Publicity Chair for:
1. ACM UMAP 2017 - 25th International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation
and Personalization;
2. EC-WEB 2013 - 14th International Conference on Electronic Commerce and Web
• Local Organization for:
1. FINREC 2016 - 2nd International Workshop on Personalization and Recommender
Systems in Financial Services;
2. IIR 2012 - 3rd Italian Information Retrieval Workshop;
3. SWAP 2007 - 4th Italian Workshop on “Semantic Web Applications and Perspectives”;
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Curriculum Vitae
Cataldo Musto, Ph.D.
Editorial Activities
• Giovanni Semeraro, Cataldo Musto, Mathias Bauer: Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Personalization & Recommender Systems in Financial Services, Bari,
Italy, June 16, 2016. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 1606
• Toine Bogers, Marijn Koolen, Cataldo Musto, Pasquale Lops, Giovanni Semeraro: Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on New Trends in Content-Based Recommender Systems
co-located with ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2016), Boston, MA,
USA, September 16, 2016. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 1673, 2016
• Member of the Editorial Board of RecSys Review (,
official newsletter of Recommender Systems community, since 2014.
Program Commitees
• Member of the Program Committee for:
1. 10th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (ACM RecSys 2016);
2. 10th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems - Demo and Poster Track (ACM
RecSys 2016);
3. 9th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (ACM RecSys 2015);
4. 8th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (ACM RecSys 2014);
5. 24th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (ACM
UMAP 2016);
6. 24th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization - Poster
Track (ACM UMAP 2016);
7. 2a Conferenza Italiana di Linguistica Computazionale (Clic-it 2015)
8. 1a Conferenza Italiana di Linguistica Computazionale (Clic-it 2014)
9. 16th International Conference on Electronic Commerce and Web Technologies (ECWEB 2015);
10. 14th International Conference on Electronic Commerce and Web Technologies (ECWEB 2013);
11. 13th International Conference on Electronic Commerce and Web Technologies (ECWEB 2012);
12. 22th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI 2017);
13. 3rd International Workshop on Educational Recommender Systems (EDRecSys 2016);
14. 2nd International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery on the Web (KDWeb 2016);
15. 1st International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery on the Web (KDWeb 2015);
16. 2nd International Workshop on Recommender Systems meet Big Data and Semantic
Technologies (SeRSy 2013);
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Curriculum Vitae
Cataldo Musto, Ph.D.
17. 1st International Workshop on Recommender Systems meet Big Data and Semantic
Technologies (SeRSy 2012);
18. 7th Italian Information Retrieval Workshop (IIR 2016);
19. 6th Italian Information Retrieval Workshop (IIR 2015);
20. 10th Italian Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Cultural Heritage (AI*CH 2016)
21. 38th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2016);
22. 36th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2014);
23. 32nd ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC 2017)
24. 2nd Workshop on New Trends in Content-based Recommender Systems (CBRECSYS
25. 3st Workshop on Personalization in eGovernment Services and Applications (PEGOV
26. 2st Workshop on Personalization in eGovernment Services and Applications (PEGOV
27. 1st Workshop on Personalization in eGovernment Services and Applications (PEGOV
28. 3rd Workshop on Recommender Systems meet Databases (RSmeetDB 2013).
Peer Reviewing
• External reviewer for the following conferences and workshops.
1. 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia (Hypertext 2009);
2. 7th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (ACM RecSys 2013);
3. 6th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (ACM RecSys 2012);
4. 5th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (ACM RecSys 2011);
5. 4th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (ACM RecSys 2010);
6. 3th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (ACM RecSys 2009);
7. 8th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2014 - Demo and Poster
8. AI*IA Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Human-Computer Interfaces (AI*HCI
9. 13th Symposium of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AI*IA 2013);
10. 39th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2017);
11. 37th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2015);
12. 35th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2013);
13. 34th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2012);
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Curriculum Vitae
Cataldo Musto, Ph.D.
14. 33th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2011);
15. 18th European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of
Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD 2016);
16. 17th European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of
Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD 2015);
17. 16th European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of
Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD 2014);
18. 12th European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of
Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD 2010);
19. 11th European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2014);
20. 5th International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications (ADMA
21. 14th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence: methodology, systems, applications (AIMSA 2010);
22. 4th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER
23. 13th International Conference on Electronic Commerce and Web Technologies (ECWEB 2012);
24. 12th International Conference on Electronic Commerce and Web Technologies (ECWEB 2011);
25. 10th International Conference on Electronic Commerce and Web Technologies (ECWEB 2009);
26. 11th International Conference on Intelligent System Design and Applications (ISDA
27. 9th International Conference on Intelligent System Design and Applications (ISDA
28. 19th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI 2014);
29. 7th International Conference on Knowledge Capture (K-CAP 2013);
30. 23th International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization
(UMAP 2015);
31. 22th International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization
(UMAP 2014);
32. 21th International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization
(UMAP 2013);
33. 6th International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM 2013);
34. International Workshop on Adaptation in Social and Semantic Web (SASWeb 2010);
35. 2nd International Workshop on Interfaces and Human Decision-Making for Recommender Systems (IntRS 2015);
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Cataldo Musto, Ph.D.
36. 1st International Workshop on Recommender Systems meet Big Data and Semantic
Technologies (SeRSy 2012);
37. International Workshop on Semantic Adaptive Social Web (SASWeb 2011);
38. International Workshop on Web Personalization and Recommender Systems (WebPres 2010) - Joint workshop with the WI-IAT Conference;
39. 3rd International Workshop on Web Personalization, Recommender Systems and
Social Media (WPRSM 2012);
40. 4th Italian Information Retrieval Workshop (IIR 2013);
41. 1st Italian Information Retrieval Workshop (IIR 2010);
42. 34th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2012);
43. 32th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2010);
44. Learning from User-Generated Content Workshop at ICML 2012 (LUC 2012);
45. Mining Ubiquitous and Social Environments (MUSE 2011);
46. Mining Ubiquitous and Social Environments (MUSE 2010);
47. 16th Online Conference on Soft Computing in Industrial Applications (WSC16 2011);
48. 2nd Workshop on Semantic Personalized Information Management (SPIM 2011);
49. 6th Workshop on Semantic Web Applications and Perspectives (SWAP 2010);
• Reviewer for the following journals;
1. ACM TIST - ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (2011);
2. ACM TOIS - ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems (2014);
3. ACM TOIT - ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (2016);
4. Artificial Intelligence Journal - Special Issue on ”Artificial Intelligence, Wikipedia
and Semi-Structured Resources (2010);
5. ID&A - Interactive Design and Architectures (2016);
6. IEEE Communication Magazine (2014);
7. IEEE Internet Computing (2010);
8. IJHCS - International Journal of Human-Computer Studies (2014);
9. IJEPR - International Journal of E-Planning Research (2016);
10. IJSWIS - International Journal of Semantic Web Information Services (2015);
11. ECRA - Electronic Commerce Research and Applications (2012);
12. JMLC - International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics (2015);
13. JZUSC - Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering (2016);
14. PMC - Pervasive and Mobile Computing (2015);
15. SCICO - Science of Computer Programming (2013);
16. The Computer Journal (2016);
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Curriculum Vitae
Cataldo Musto, Ph.D.
• Member of SWAP Research Group (Semantic Web Access & Personalization) of the Department of Computer Science of University of Bari, head by prof. Giovanni Semeraro,
dal 2008. (website: swap)
• Member of’AI*IA, Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence, since 2008.
• October 2014: Winner of the research grant Future in Research, funded by Regione
Puglia. The grant was won with a project proposal entitled: Semantic Holistic User
Modeling for Personalized Access to Digital Services and Content.
• May 2014: Winner of the Linked Open Data-enabled Recommender Systems
Challenge, organized within the 11a European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2014),
with the framework described in the paper Content-Based Recommender Systems +
DBpedia Knowledge = Semantics-Aware Recommender Systems.
• June 2013: Most Inspiring Contribution Award, obtained during the conference
UMAP 2013 (21st International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization) with a paper entitled: Leveraging Encyclopedic Knowledge for Transparent and
Serendipitous User Profiles.
• August 2010: Best Project Work, obtained during the IEEE SSSC 2010 Summer
School . The prize was given thanks to the development of a system for the suggestion
of personalized music playlists based on Linked Data.
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Curriculum Vitae
Cataldo Musto, Ph.D.
Cataldo Musto is author of 60 publications:
• n. 10 Journal Papers;
• n. 3 Chapters in International Books;
• n. 22 Articles in International Conferences;
• n. 1 Article in National Conferences;
• n. 12 Articles in International Workshops:
• n. 11 Articles in National Workshops:
47 out of 58 publications are indexed on DBLP1 .
Scientific Impact
Metrics have been calculated on November 3, 2016, by using the tool Harzing, A.W. Publish
or Perish, available for download
• h-index: 11
• g-index: 16
• Citations: 382
• Years: 8
• Cites/year: 47.75
• Cites/paper: 6.26
List of Publications
Journal Articles
[JA.1] F. Narducci, P. Basile, C. Musto, P. Lops, A. Caputo, M. de Gemmis,
L. Iaquinta, and G. Semeraro. Concept-based item representations for a cross-lingual
content-based recommendation process. Information Sciences, 374:1339–1351, 2016.
[JA.2] M. de Gemmis, P. Lops, G. Semeraro, and C. Musto. An investigation on the
serendipity problem in recommender systems. Information Processing and Management,
51 (5):695–717, 2015.
1 ley/db/indices/a-tree/m/Musto:Cataldo.html
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Curriculum Vitae
Cataldo Musto, Ph.D.
[JA.3] C. Musto, G. Semeraro, M. de Gemmis, and P. Lops. Crowdpulse: a framework
for real-time semantic analysis of social streams. Information Systems, 54:127–146, 2015.
[JA.4] C. Musto, G. Semeraro, M. de Gemmis, and P. Lops. A framework for Personalized Wealth Management exploiting Case-based Recommender Systems. Intelligenza
Artificiale - Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence for Society and Economy, 9 (1):89–103,
2015. ISSN 1724-8035.
[JA.5] C. Musto, G. Semeraro, P. Lops, M. de Gemmis, and G. Lekkas. Personalized
finance advisory through case-based recommender systems and diversification strategies.
Decision Support Systems, 77:100–111, 2015.
[JA.6] L. Bordoni, L. Ardissono, J. A. Barceló, A. Chella, M. de Gemmis, C. Gena, L. Iaquinta, P. Lops, F. Mele, C. Musto, F. Narducci, G. Semeraro, and
A. Sorgente. The contribution of ai to enhance understanding of cultural heritage.
Intelligenza Artificiale, 7(2):101–112, 2013. ISSN 1724-8035.
[JA.7] P. Lops, M. de Gemmis, G. Semeraro, C. Musto, and F. Narducci. Contentbased and collaborative techniques for tag recommendation: an empirical evaluation.
Journal Of Intelligent Information Systems, 40(1):41–61, 2013. ISSN 0925-9902.
[JA.8] G. Semeraro, P. Basile, R. Basili, M. de Gemmis, C. Ghidini, M. Lenzerini,
P. Lops, A. Moschitti, C. Musto, F. Narducci, A. Pipitone, R. Pirrone,
P. Poccianti, and L. Serafini. Semantic technologies for industry: From knowledge
modeling and integration to intelligent applications. Intelligenza Artificiale, 7(2):125–137,
2013. ISSN 1724-8035.
[JA.9] G. Semeraro, P. Lops, M. de Gemmis, C. Musto, and F. Narducci. A
folksonomy-based recommender system for personalized access to digital artworks. ACM
Journal of Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH), 5(3):11, 2012. ISSN 1556-4673.
Book Chapters
[BC.1] M. De Gemmis, P. Lops, C. Musto, F. Narducci, and G. Semeraro. Semanticsaware content-based recommender systems. 2015.
[BC.2] M. de Gemmis, L. Iaquinta, P. Lops, C. Musto, F. Narducci, and G. Semeraro. Learning Preference Models in Recommender Systems. In E. Hüllermeier and
J. Fuernkranz, editors, Preference Learning, pages 387–407. Springer, 2011. ISBN
[BC.3] P. Lops, M. de Gemmis, G. Semeraro, C. Musto, F. Narducci, and M. Bux.
A semantic content-based recommender system integrating folksonomies for personalized
access. In G. Castellano, L. C. Jain, and A. M. Fanelli, editors, Web Personalization in Intelligent Environment, pages 27–47. Springer (Berlin), 2009. ISBN
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Curriculum Vitae
Cataldo Musto, Ph.D.
International Conferences
[IC.1] C. Musto, P. Lops, P. Basile, M. de Gemmis, and G. Semeraro. Semanticsaware graph-based recommender systems exploiting linked open data. In J. Vassileva, J. Blustein, L. Aroyo, and S. K. D’Mello, editors, Proceedings of the 2016
Conference on User Modeling Adaptation and Personalization, UMAP 2016, Halifax, NS,
Canada, July 13 - 17, 2016 , pages 229–237. ACM, 2016. ISBN 978-1-4503-4368-8.
[IC.2] C. Musto, F. Narducci, P. Lops, M. de Gemmis, and G. Semeraro. Explod:
A framework for explaining recommendations based on the linked open data cloud. In
S. Sen, W. Geyer, J. Freyne, and P. Castells, editors, Proceedings of the 10th
ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, Boston, MA, USA, September 15-19, 2016 ,
pages 151–154. ACM, 2016. ISBN 978-1-4503-4035-9.
[IC.3] C. Musto, G. Semeraro, M. de Gemmis, and P. Lops. Learning word embeddings
from wikipedia for content-based recommender systems. In N. Ferro, F. Crestani,
M. Moens, J. Mothe, F. Silvestri, G. M. D. Nunzio, C. Hauff, and G. Silvello, editors, Advances in Information Retrieval - 38th European Conference on IR Research,
ECIR 2016, Padua, Italy, March 20-23, 2016. Proceedings, volume 9626 of Lecture Notes
in Computer Science, pages 729–734. Springer, 2016. ISBN 978-3-319-30670-4.
[IC.4] C. Musto, G. Semeraro, M. de Gemmis, and P. Lops. Modeling community
behavior through semantic analysis of social data: The italian hate map experience. In
J. Vassileva, J. Blustein, L. Aroyo, and S. K. D’Mello, editors, Proceedings of the
2016 Conference on User Modeling Adaptation and Personalization, UMAP 2016, Halifax,
NS, Canada, July 13 - 17, 2016 , pages 307–308. ACM, 2016. ISBN 978-1-4503-4368-8.
[IC.5] C. Musto, G. Semeraro, M. de Gemmis, and P. Lops. Developing smart cities
services through semantic analysis of social streams. In A. Gangemi, S. Leonardi, and
A. Panconesi, editors, Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on World Wide
Web Companion, WWW 2015, Florence, Italy, May 18-22, 2015 - Companion Volume,
pages 1401–1406. ACM, 2015. ISBN 978-1-4503-3473-0.
[IC.6] C. Musto, G. Semeraro, M. de Gemmis, and P. Lops. Word embedding techniques for content-based recommender systems: An empirical evaluation. In P. Castells,
editor, Poster Proceedings of the 9th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, RecSys
2015, Vienna, Austria, September 16, 2015., volume 1441 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings., 2015.
[IC.7] F. Narducci, C. Musto, M. Polignano, M. de Gemmis, P. Lops, and G. Semeraro. A recommender system for connecting patients to the right doctors in the
healthnet social network. In A. Gangemi, S. Leonardi, and A. Panconesi, editors,
Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on World Wide Web Companion, WWW
2015, Florence, Italy, May 18-22, 2015 - Companion Volume, pages 81–82. ACM, 2015.
ISBN 978-1-4503-3473-0.
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Curriculum Vitae
Cataldo Musto, Ph.D.
[IC.8] C. Musto, G. Semeraro, P. Lops, and M. de Gemmis. Combining distributional semantics and entity linking for context-aware content-based recommendation. In
V. Dimitrova, T. Kuflik, D. Chin, F. Ricci, P. Dolog, and G. Houben, editors,
User Modeling, Adaptation, and Personalization - 22nd International Conference, UMAP
2014, Aalborg, Denmark, July 7-11, 2014. Proceedings, volume 8538 of Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, pages 381–392. Springer, 2014. ISBN 978-3-319-08785-6.
[IC.9] C. Musto, G. Semeraro, P. Lops, and M. de Gemmis. Contextual eVSM: A
content-based context-aware recommendation framework based on distributional semantics. In C. Huemer and P. Lops, editors, EC-Web, volume 152 of Lecture Notes in
Business Information Processing, pages 125–136. Springer, 2013. ISBN 978-3-642-39877-3.
[IC.10] F. Narducci, C. Musto, G. Semeraro, P. Lops, and M. de Gemmis. Exploiting big data for enhanced representations in content-based recommender systems. In
C. Huemer and P. Lops, editors, EC-Web, volume 152 of Lecture Notes in Business
Information Processing, pages 182–193. Springer, 2013. ISBN 978-3-642-39877-3.
[IC.11] F. Narducci, C. Musto, G. Semeraro, P. Lops, and M. de Gemmis. Leveraging encyclopedic knowledge for transparent and serendipitous user profiles. In S. Carberry, S. Weibelzahl, A. Micarelli, and G. Semeraro, editors, UMAP , volume 7899 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 350–352. Springer, 2013. ISBN
[IC.12] C. Musto, F. Narducci, P. Lops, G. Semeraro, M. de Gemmis, M. Barbieri,
J. H. M. Korst, V. Pronk, and R. Clout. Enhanced semantic tv-show representation for personalized electronic program guides. In J. Masthoff, B. Mobasher,
M. C. Desmarais, and R. Nkambou, editors, UMAP , volume 7379 of Lecture Notes
in Computer Science, pages 188–199. Springer, 2012. ISBN 978-3-642-31453-7.
[IC.13] C. Musto, G. Semeraro, P. Lops, M. de Gemmis, and F. Narducci. Leveraging social media sources to generate personalized music playlists. In C. Huemer
and P. Lops, editors, EC-Web, volume 123 of Lecture Notes in Business Information
Processing, pages 112–123. Springer, 2012. ISBN 978-3-642-32272-3.
[IC.14] P. Lops, M. de Gemmis, G. Semeraro, F. Narducci, and C. Musto. Leveraging the linkedin social network data for extracting content-based user profiles. In
B. Mobasher, R. D. Burke, D. Jannach, and G. Adomavicius, editors, RecSys,
pages 293–296. ACM, 2011. ISBN 978-1-4503-0683-6.
[IC.15] C. Musto, F. Narducci, P. Basile, P. Lops, M. de Gemmis, and G. Semeraro. Cross-language information filtering: Word sense disambiguation vs. distributional
models. In R. Pirrone and F. Sorbello, editors, AI*IA, volume 6934 of Lecture Notes
in Computer Science, pages 250–261. Springer, 2011. ISBN 978-3-642-23953-3.
[IC.16] C. Musto, G. Semeraro, P. Lops, and M. de Gemmis. Random indexing
and negative user preferences for enhancing content-based recommender systems. In
C. Huemer and T. Setzer, editors, EC-Web, volume 85 of Lecture Notes in Business
Information Processing, pages 270–281. Springer, 2011. ISBN 978-3-642-23013-4.
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Curriculum Vitae
Cataldo Musto, Ph.D.
[IC.17] P. Lops, C. Musto, F. Narducci, M. de Gemmis, P. Basile, and G. Semeraro. Cross-language personalization through a semantic content-based recommender
system. In D. Dicheva and D. Dochev, editors, AIMSA, volume 6304 of Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, pages 52–60. Springer, 2010. ISBN 978-3-642-15430-0.
[IC.18] C. Musto. Enhanced vector space models for content-based recommender systems.
In Proceedings of the fourth ACM conference on Recommender systems, RecSys ’10, pages
361–364. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2010. ISBN 978-1-60558-906-0.
[IC.19] C. Musto, F. Narducci, P. Lops, and M. de Gemmis. Combining collaborative and content-based techniques for tag recommendation. In F. Buccafurri and
G. Semeraro, editors, EC-Web, volume 61 of Lecture Notes in Business Information
Processing, pages 13–23. Springer, 2010. ISBN 978-3-642-15207-8.
[IC.20] P. Basile, M. de Gemmis, L. Iaquinta, P. Lops, C. Musto, F. Narducci,
and G. Semeraro. Spiter: A module for recommending dynamic personalized museum
tours. In 2009 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence, WI 2009,
Milan, Italy, 15-18 September 2009, Main Conference Proceedings, pages 584–587. IEEE
Computer Society, 2009. ISBN 978-0-7695-3801-3.
[IC.21] C. Musto, F. Narducci, P. Lops, M. de Gemmis, and G. Semeraro. ContentBased Personalization Services Integrating Folksonomies. In E-Commerce and Web Technologies, 10th International Conference, EC-Web 2009, Linz, Austria, September 1-4,
2009. Proceedings, volume 5692 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 217–228.
Springer, 2009. ISBN 978-3-642-03963-8.
[IC.22] P. Lops and M. de Gemmis and G. Semeraro and P. Gissi and C. Musto
and F. Narducci. Content-based Filtering with Tags: the FIRSt System. In Ninth
International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, ISDA 2009, Pisa, Italy, November 30-December 2, 2009 , pages 255–260. IEEE Computer Society, LOS
ALAMITOS, CA – USA, 2009. ISBN 978-0-7695-3872-3.
National Conferences
[AN.1] C. Musto, F. Narducci, P. Lops, M. de Gemmis, and G. Semeraro. Integrating a content-based recommender system into digital libraries for cultural heritage.
In M. Agosti, F. Esposito, and C. Thanos, editors, IRCDL, volume 91 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, pages 27–38. Springer, 2010. ISBN
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pag. 21
Curriculum Vitae
Cataldo Musto, Ph.D.
International Workshops
[IW.1] C. Musto, P. Basile, M. de Gemmis, P. Lops, G. Semeraro, and S. Rutigliano. Automatic selection of linked open data features in graph-based recommender
systems. In T. Bogers and M. Koolen, editors, Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop
on New Trends on Content-Based Recommender Systems co-located with 9th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2015), Vienna, Austria, September 16-20, 2015.,
volume 1448 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, pages 10–13., 2015.
[IW.2] C. Musto and G. Semeraro. Case-based recommender systems for personalized
finance advisory. In A. Felfernig, J. Tiihonen, and P. Blazek, editors, Proceedings
of the 1st International Workshop on Personalization & Recommender Systems in Financial Services, Graz, Austria, April 16, 2015., volume 1349 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings,
pages 35–36., 2015.
[IW.3] P. Basile, C. Musto, M. de Gemmis, P. Lops, F. Narducci, and G. Semeraro. Content-based recommender systems + dbpedia knowledge = semantics-aware recommender systems. In V. Presutti, M. Stankovic, E. Cambria, I. Cantador, A. D.
Iorio, T. D. Noia, C. Lange, D. R. Recupero, and A. Tordai, editors, Semantic
Web Evaluation Challenge - SemWebEval 2014 at ESWC 2014, Anissaras, Crete, Greece,
May 25-29, 2014, Revised Selected Papers, volume 475 of Communications in Computer
and Information Science, pages 163–169. Springer, 2014. ISBN 978-3-319-12023-2.
[IW.4] C. Musto, P. Basile, P. Lops, M. de Gemmis, and G. Semeraro. Linked open
data-enabled strategies for top-n recommendations. In T. Bogers, M. Koolen, and
I. Cantador, editors, Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on New Trends in Content-based
Recommender Systems co-located with the 8th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems,
CBRecSys@RecSys 2014, Foster City, Silicon Valley, California, USA, October 6, 2014.,
volume 1245 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, pages 49–56., 2014.
[IW.5] C. Musto, G. Semeraro, and M. Polignano. A comparison of lexicon-based
approaches for sentiment analysis of microblog posts. Proceedings of the 8th International
Workshop on Information Filtering and Retrieval co-located with XIII AI*IA Symposium
on Artificial Intelligence (AI*IA 2014), pages 59–68, 2014.
[IW.6] P. Lops, C. Musto, F. Narducci, M. de Gemmis, P. Basile, and G. Semeraro. Learning semantic content-based profiles for cross-language personalization. In
Proceedings of the Workshop on Personalized Multimedia Hypertext Retrieval (PMHR11),
pages 26–33. June 6 2011.
[IW.7] P. Lops, C. Musto, F. Narducci, M. de Gemmis, P. Basile, and G. Semeraro. MARS:a multilanguage recommender system. In Proceedings of the 1st International
Workshop on Information Heterogeneity and Fusion in Recommender Systems (HetRec
2010), pages 24–31. September 26 2010.
[IW.8] M. de Gemmis, L. Iaquinta, P. Lops, C. Musto, F. Narducci, and G. Semeraro. Preference Learning in Recommender Systems. In Proceedings of the ECML/PKDD
2009 Workshop on Preference Learning, pages 41–55. September 11 2009.
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Curriculum Vitae
Cataldo Musto, Ph.D.
[IW.9] C. Musto, F. Narducci, M. de Gemmis, P. Lops, and G. Semeraro. A
Tag Recommender System Exploiting User and Community Behavior. In D. Jannach,
W. Geyer, J. Freyne, S. S. Anand, C. Dugan, B. Mobasher, and A. Kobsa,
editors, Proceedings of the ACM RecSys 2009 Workshop on Recommender Systems & The
Social Web, volume 532 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, pages 25–33. NEW YORK,
October 25 2009. ISSN 1613-0073.
[IW.10] C. Musto, F. Narducci, M. de Gemmis, P. Lops, and G. Semeraro. STaR: a
Social Tag Recommender System. In F. Eisterlehner, A. Hotho, and R. Jäschke,
editors, ECML PKDD Discovery Challenge 2009 (DC09), volume 497 of CEUR Workshop
Proceedings, pages 215–227. September 7 2009. ISSN 1613-0073.
[IW.11] P. Basile, F. Calefato, M. de Gemmis, P. Lops, G. Semeraro, M. Bux,
C. Musto, and F. Narducci. Augmenting a Content-based Recommender System with
Tags for Cultural Heritage Personalization. In L. Aroyo, T. Kuflik, O. Stock, and
M. Zancanaro, editors, Proceedings of the Workshop on Personalized Access to Cultural
Heritage (PATCH 2008) at the 5th International Conference on Adaptive Hypermedia and
Adaptive Web-Based Systems (AH 2008), Hannover, Germany, pages 25–34. July 29,
[IW.12] P. Basile, M. de Gemmis, P. Lops, G. Semeraro, M. Bux, C. Musto, and
F. Narducci. First: a content-based recommender system integrating tags for cultural
heritage personalization. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Automated
Solutions for Cross Media Content and Multi-channel Distribution (AXMEDIS 2008) Workshop on Cultural heritage and Artificial Intelligence, Florence, Italy, 17-19 November,
2008 . 2008.
National Workshops
[NW.1] C. Musto, C. Greco, A. Suglia, and G. Semeraro. Ask me any rating: A
content-based recommender system based on recurrent neural networks. In G. M. D.
Nunzio, F. M. Nardini, and S. Orlando, editors, Proceedings of the 7th Italian
Information Retrieval Workshop, Venezia, Italy, May 30-31, 2016., volume 1653 of CEUR
Workshop Proceedings., 2016.
[NW.2] C. Musto, G. Semeraro, P. Lops, M. de Gemmis, F. Narducci, L. Bordoni,
M. Annunziato, C. Meloni, F. F. Orsucci, and G. Paoloni. Developing a semantic content analyzer for l’aquila social urban network. In R. Basili, F. Crestani, and
M. Pennacchiotti, editors, Proceedings of the 5th Italian Information Retrieval Workshop, Roma, Italy, January 20-21, 2014., volume 1127 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings,
pages 34–38., 2014.
[NW.3] C. Musto, F. Narducci, G. Semeraro, P. Lops, and M. de Gemmis. Distributional models vs. linked data: Exploiting crowdsourcing to personalize music playlists.
In R. Basili, F. Sebastiani, and G. Semeraro, editors, IIR, volume 964 of CEUR
Workshop Proceedings, pages 84–87., 2013.
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Curriculum Vitae
Cataldo Musto, Ph.D.
[NW.4] C. Musto, F. Narducci, G. Semeraro, P. Lops, and M. de Gemmis. Myusic:
a content-based music recommender system based on eVSM and social media. In R. Basili, F. Sebastiani, and G. Semeraro, editors, IIR, volume 964 of CEUR Workshop
Proceedings, pages 65–72., 2013.
[NW.5] C. Musto, F. Narducci, P. Basile, P. Lops, M. de Gemmis, and G. Semeraro. Comparing word sense disambiguation and distributional models for cross-language
information filtering. In G. Amati, C. Carpineto, and G. Semeraro, editors, IIR,
volume 835 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, pages 117–120., 2012.
[NW.6] C. Musto, F. Narducci, P. Lops, G. Semeraro, M. de Gemmis, M. Barbieri,
J. H. M. Korst, V. Pronk, and R. Clout. Tv-show retrieval and classification. In
G. Amati, C. Carpineto, and G. Semeraro, editors, IIR, volume 835 of CEUR
Workshop Proceedings, pages 179–182., 2012.
[NW.7] C. Musto, P. Lops, M. de Gemmis, and G. Semeraro. Random indexing for
content-based recommender systems. In M. Melucci, S. Mizzaro, and G. Pasi,
editors, IIR, volume 704 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings., 2011.
[NW.8] C. Musto. Boosting Content-based Recommender Systems through Advanced Vector
Space Models. In Abstract Booklet of the 1st AI*IA Doctoral Consortium, pages 87–91.
December 1-3 2010.
[NW.9] C. Musto, F. Narducci, M. de Gemmis, P. Lops, and G. Semeraro. An IRbased approach for tag recommendation. In M. Melucci, S. Mizzaro, and G. Pasi,
editors, IIR, volume 560 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, pages 65–69.,
[NW.10] C. Musto, F. Narducci, M. de Gemmis, P. Lops, and G. Semeraro. Contentbased recommendation services for personalized fruition of cultural heritage. In Proceedings of the AI*IA 2009 Workshop on Intelligent Cultural Heritage. 2009.
[NW.11] P. Basile, F. Calefato, M. de Gemmis, P. Lops, G. Semeraro, M. Bux,
C. Musto, and F. Narducci. Cultural Heritage Personalization using a Content-based
Recommender System and Folksonomies. In G. Armano, M. Schaerf, and G. Semeraro, editors, Atti del Convegno dell’Associazione Italiana per l’Intelligenza Artificiale,
Workshop Artificial Intelligence and Cultural Heritage, pages 46–54. September 11, 2008.
[1] T. Bogers, M. Koolen, C. Musto, P. Lops, and G. Semeraro. Third workshop on new trends in content-based recommender systems (cbrecsys 2016). In S. Sen,
W. Geyer, J. Freyne, and P. Castells, editors, Proceedings of the 10th ACM
Conference on Recommender Systems, Boston, MA, USA, September 15-19, 2016 , pages
419–420. ACM, 2016.
[2] C. Musto, G. Semeraro, P. Lops, M. de Gemmis, and G. Lekkas. Financial
product recommendation through case-based reasoning and diversification techniques. In
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Curriculum Vitae
Cataldo Musto, Ph.D.
L. Chen and J. Mahmud, editors, Poster Proceedings of the 8th ACM Conference on
Recommender Systems, RecSys 2014, Foster City, Silicon Valley, CA, USA, October 6-10,
2014 , volume 1247 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings., 2014.
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