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Midterm Possible Essay Questions
1. Name and briefly describe the 4 main branches of Science? (pg. 5)
1. Biology (Life Science) – deals with living things and their parts or actions
2. Physics – studies forces, motion, energy and how they affect matter
3. Chemistry – properties and composition of matter
4. Earth Science – a study of planet Earth
2. Explain the difference between making observations and inferences. (pg. 10)
Observing is using one or more of your senses- sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch- to gather
information about the world.
Inferring is explaining, or interpreting, your observations.
3. List 5 examples of qualitative observations and 5 examples of quantitative observations. (pg. 10)
4 ft³ of freezer space
It has a shiny finish
It is 64 in tall
It is made of steel
Door opens 90 degrees
The freezer is frost free
It is 31 inches wide
It is white
It has 25.7 feet of shelf space
It has simulated wood handles
4. On the essay question page.
5. Explain the difference between a hurricane warning and a hurricane watch.
A hurricane warning means that a hurricane will likely make landfall in an area within 24 hours.
A hurricane watch means that a hurricane will likely make landfall in an area within 36 hours.
6. Explain the movement of the molecules in the following substances: ice, water vapor, kool-aid.
Include an illustration next to your explanation. (pg. 31)
Ice- solid, particles are packed tightly together. This makes a solid have definite shape and
Water Vapor- gas, particles are farthest apart and move the fastest. A gas flows and takes the
shape of its container.
Kool-aid- liquid, particles move freely which allows for the substance to flow and take
the shape of its container.
7. Explain the difference between a physical and chemical change and give an example of each.
(pg. 35)
Physical- a change in the size, shape or state of matter with no new matter being
formed. Ex. Cutting an apple
Chemical- the formation of one or more different kinds of matter through a chemical
reaction. The chemical make-up is altered. Ex. Metal rusting
8. Describe the subatomic particles that make up an atom. Be specific about their charge,
mass, and location. (pg. 39)
Proton- found in the nucleus, positive charge, mass of 1 amu
Neutron- found in the nucleus, no charge/neutral, mass of 1 amu
Electron- found in the electron cloud surrounding the nucleus, negative charge, mass of
1/1,836 amu
9. How is the Periodic Table arranged? What is the difference between a row and a column on
the periodic table and what are they each called? (pg. 43)
The Periodic Table is arranged by atomic number. A row is called a period, elements in a
period do not share similar properties. A column is called a group or family, elements in
a group do share similar properties.
10. On essay questions page.
11. What is the difference between an ionic bond and a covalent bond? What types of
elements form each type of bond? Draw an example of each. (pg. 55 and 57)
Ionic bond- transfer one or more electrons to another to form the bond. An ionic bond
forms between a metal ion with a positive charge and a nonmetal ion with a negative
Covalent bond- share one or more electrons with each other to form the bond. A
covalent bond forms between two nonmetals.
12. On essay questions page.
13. Suppose Earth’s landmasses someday all move together again. Describe the changes that
would occur in Earth’s oceans and Earth’s landmasses. Use the theory of plate tectonics to
explain your answer.
There would be one major landmass, it would most likely not look the same as the
original landmass called Pangea. There would be one major ocean.
14. How do the Earth’s plates move? Explain the process. (pg. 65/67)
Earth’s plates move through a process called plate tectonics. The theory of plate tectonics
states that Earth’s plates are in slow, constant motion, driven by convection currents in the
mantle. Convection currents are heat rising from the core, through the mantle towards the
crust. When the heat rises up through the mantle it begins to cool and as it cools it sinks back to
the core.
15. Draw a diagram to represent plate tectonic movement. Include the different types of crust,
and features that will form. Label your diagram. (pg. 67)
a. Divergent Boundary - two plates move away from one another; ex. Sea-floor
b. Convergent Boundary -two plates move toward each other.
c. Transform Fault Boundary - two plates slide past each other; they can move in
opposite directions or in the same direction.
16. What factors should engineers consider when building cities along plate boundaries?
They need to account for plate movement and build strong buildings that are able to
move with earth underneath them.
17. Compare and contrast the three different types of converging boundaries. (pg. 67)
1.) subduction zone- dense ocean plate sinks under light continental plate
ex: deep sea trench, volcanic mountain chains
2.) two ocean plates collide
ex: deep sea trench, volcanic island chain
3.) two continental plates collide
ex: mountains, earthquakes common
18. Explain the difference between constructive and destructive forces. Give an example of
each. (pg. 63)
Constructive forces- Forces that construct and shape the land’s surface by building up
mountains and other land masses.
Ex. Landslides, volcanic eruptions and floods
Destructive forces- Forces that destroy and wear away landmasses.
Ex. Erosion, weathering and earthquakes
19. If you were making a topographic map, how would you show a steep cliff? How would you
show a gentle slope? Draw an example. (pg. 82)
20. Can a contour line on a topographic map connect a point with an elevation of 100 feet to a
point with an elevation of 110 feet? Explain. (pg. 82)