Download PLAN-SCENARIO OF LESSON-Structure and function of the

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Structure and function of the excretory system
1. To form the concept of the excretory system in the human body.
2. To form the concept of decoupling and its importance in the human body.
Expected results:
1. Name organs which make up the urinary system.
2. Track the scheme movement of urine in the body.
3. Determine the importance of blood as a carrier of substances in the body.
Lesson Plan:
1. Structure of urinary system
A) kidney;
B) ureter;
B) bladder;
D) urethra.
2. Structure of the kidney
3. Formation of urine.
4. Way of urine respecting human body.
Stroke lesson:
Project no. 562113-EPP-1-2015-1-BG-EPPKA3-PI-FORWARD
Teacher activity
Update knowledge through the game "Find and
Students are divided into 2 teams of 5 players. Use
2 sets of cards on which are painted different organs
of the human body, and a panel on which can be
fitted. The teams must be arranged as follows:
1 team - the organs of the digestive system;
2 team - respiratory system.
In a signal to a competitor in every team counts a
set cards, selects one of organs and attaches it to
the dashboard. After him the second player selects
and places organs and so on.. Winning team is the
one who most quickly and regularity arranged the
Summary: through the processes eating and
breathing are substances into the environment are
released and accepted
Today we will meet the human excretory system.
Records the title of the lesson.
Structure and function of the excretory system
Student activity
Play the game and then answer the questions.
They work in groups.
1. What do you know about the processes eating and
2. Which substances are separated by them? -useless
substances entered with food, through the anus and the
carbon dioxide released by the lungs.
3. How do water and mineral salts separate in the human
body? - Through the bodies of the urinary system.
4. What are the ways through which useless substances
are separated out?
5. Which organs and organ systems are involved in the
How is structured excretory system of man?
To answer this question, we will watch a video.
You have to watch the video carefully to answer the
following questions:
1. Describe the similarity between humans and
2. List the organs of the urinary system.
3. Describe the structure of the kidney.
Writes down point 1 of the lesson.
1. Structure of urinary system
A) kidney;
B) ureter;
B) bladder;
D) urethra.
2. Structure of the kidney
Engage in the following activities:
- Watch video materials;
Work with the materials given by the teacher –
transperant with QRCode inside the book, or a page with
the QRCode. Point the camera of the mobile device to a
QR-Code. Wait till the application will read the QR-Code
and download some short information about the
multimedia material. Press on the “Play” button. The
application will then download and decrypt the
multimedia material, and then play it on the device. While
watching the video, the student can stop the playback
anytime by double-tapping on the screen.
- Discuss the question - to video;
- Engage in discussion;
Compiled and written lesson plan on the board.
1. Man and mammals are similar in structure of all
2. It consists of the kidneys, ureter, bladder and urethra.
3. The kidneys are made of bark, heart and renal pelvis.
1. Includes the following activities:
- Watch video material;
How formed urine?
To answer this question, we will watch a video.
Record the title of the lesson.
Project no. 562113-EPP-1-2015-1-BG-EPPKA3-PI-FORWARD
You have to watch the video carefully to answer the
following questions:
1. Describe the structure of the crust and the core.
2. Which processes are in placed in the lidney and
how they work?
3. How and where urine is formed?
4. How much urine is formed?
Record point 3
3. Formation of urine.
What is the way of the urine in the human body?
To answer this question will play the game "Find
and sort."
Use cards, on which were painted various organs of
the human body, and a panel on which it can be
fitted. A signal goes to the student who goes to the
card deck, choose one of the bodies and place to the
dashboard. After him a second student selects and
attaches body and so on to a correct arrangement of
the organs of the excretory system of man.
Record point.4
4. Way of the urine in the human body.
Aggregation and consolidation of new knowledge
through questions and tasks.
1. By which organs are separated vile substances
into the environment?
2. What would happen if the excretory system of
man ceases to function?
3. Complete the sentence:
The lungs are organs of ..................... ..
Kidneys are organs of ...........................
Work with the materials given by the teacher –
transperant with QRCode inside the book, or a page with
the QRCode. Point the camera of the mobile device to a
QR-Code. Wait till the application will read the QR-Code
and download some short information about the
multimedia material. Press on the “Play” button. The
application will then download and decrypt the
multimedia material, and then play it on the device. While
watching the video, the student can stop the playback
anytime by double-tapping on the screen.
- Addresses the questions - to the video;
- Engage in discussion and comments.
1. The crust and the core are made of multiple
wavy grooves coated with a dense network of
blood vessels. Vile substances arrivie with the
2. Useless substances pass inside the ducts by
diffusion, filtration and reverse suction.
3. Urine is formed in the ducts and then reaches
the renal pelvis in the kidney.
4. For one day to form 1 to 1.5 liters of urine,
which contains water and dissolved useless
Point 3 recorded.
Perform the task. Comment on the result.
Record point 4
4. Way of urine in thehuman body.
Fulfill the teachers questions and tasks.
1. By the lungs, skin, kidneys, and anus.
2. If the functioning urinary tract stops death occurs. The
reason is that i the body accumulate useless and harmful
agents that act as poison.
3. Complete the sentence:
The lungs are organs of the respiratory system.
Kidneys are organs of the urinary system.
Project no. 562113-EPP-1-2015-1-BG-EPPKA3-PI-FORWARD
Project no. 562113-EPP-1-2015-1-BG-EPPKA3-PI-FORWARD