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ESL 034 (9528)
ESL 044 (9532)
Pierce College ESL at Firgrove Elementary
Level 3 (ESL 034)
Level 4 (ESL 044)
Spring 2016 Syllabus
Class Schedule: T-TH 9:00-11:50 am
April 5-June 14
No class May 31
Jennifer Scott
[email protected]
Office Hours:
T-Th 11:50-12:15
Attendance is very important. Please call, text or e-mail me if you will miss class. In order to be
eligible for a tuition waiver, students must attend 80% of classes.
All new students must take the CASAS (Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment System) pretest the first week of classes. After every 45 hours of class time, all students must take the
CASAS post-test.
At the end of the quarter, students will receive a grade of S, P, or NP.
Students who attend classes regularly and participate receive an “S.”
Students who are ready to move up a level (e.g. from level 3 to level 4) will receive a
“P.” Note, students may move up a level at any time, but may only stay in one level for
three quarters.
Students who do not come to class on a regular basis and do not participate will receive
an “NP.”
Pierce College ESL
Level 3-4
J. Scott
ESL 034 (9528)
ESL 044 (9532)
ESL levels 1-6, ABE Levels 1-4, and GED classes have a tuition cost of $25.00 per student, per
quarter. Tuition waivers are available for students who qualify.
To be eligible for a tuition refund, you must officially withdraw from the class. The percentage
of refund depends on the date you withdraw. See the academic calendar for the current
quarter's refund dates.
The student must initiate the paperwork for all refunds, including those due when a class is
To request a refund, obtain a Schedule Change Form from the registration office, complete the
form, and return it to the registration office. Refunds are made to the original payment
method. Payments made by cash or check will be refunded by check and the refund will be
mailed to the student.
Students with disabilities who believe they may need academic adjustments, auxiliary aids or
services to fully participate in course activities or meet course requirements are encouraged to
register with the Disability Support Services (DSS) Office, Room 115 in the Sunrise Building. You
may also call the DSS Office at (253) 964-6526 or 964-6527 to make an appointment to meet
with the DSS Coordinator. Students requesting academic adjustments must obtain the
"Approved Quarterly Academic Adjustments, Auxiliary Aids or Services" (green) form provided
by DSS before any adjustments are made.
Upon completion of level 3 ESL, students will be able to understand and perform the following
indicators in each of the core competencies:
ESL Level 3 High Beginning ESL --- Standards Checklist
Reading Indicators
Decode and recognize everyday words and word groups in short, simple texts by breaking words into parts, tapping
out/sounding out syllables, applying pronunciation rules, using picture aids, and recalling oral vocabulary and sight
Demonstrate familiarity with simple, everyday content knowledge and vocabulary in simple sentences.
Locate discrete items of information in texts.
Monitor accuracy of decoding and word recognition and enhance comprehension using various strategies, such as
rereading, restating, copying and rephrasing text; making a list of new words, or using a simplified dictionary.
Recall prior knowledge to assist in selecting texts and in understanding the information they contain.
Pierce College ESL
Level 3-4
J. Scott
ESL 034 (9528)
ESL 044 (9532)
Adults performing at Level 3 can read and comprehend words in small blocks of simple text, slowly but easily and with few
errors, to independently accomplish simple, well-defined and structured reading activities in a range of comfortable and
familiar settings.
Writing Indicators
Determine the purpose and audience for communicating in writing.
Follow a highly structured, externally developed plan (or text model) to organize information about self and/or
related to immediate needs in very simple structures such as lists, responses to prompts for everyday information, or
draft paragraphs.
Appropriately use everyday, familiar vocabulary (such as words with personal significance and commonly-used
adjectives, pronouns and prepositions) and simple sentence structures to produce a several sentences on a topic.
Make a few simple content changes based on review and feedback from others and make a few simple edits of
handwriting, spelling, grammar, punctuation and capitalization.
Adults performing at Level 3 can write several simple sentences on familiar topics with some effort and errors to independently
accomplish simple, well defined, and structured writing activities in a few comfortable and familiar settings.
Speaking Outcomes
Recall and use a somewhat limited vocabulary including words related to common, everyday topics, personal
experience; know and use basic grammar and sentence structure (heard in the immediate environment); know and
use basic awareness of appropriate register (level of formality) in familiar, predictable communication tasks.
Use simple strategies (such as reacting to questions or combining and recombining short known words or phrases) to
select and relay information.
Apply simple strategies (such as making and responding to requests for feedback repetition, and rephrasing) to
monitor and enhance the effectiveness of the communication and to meet the speaking purpose.
Adults performing at Level 3 can speak mostly short utterances (sometimes inaccurate, incomplete sentences and sometimes
fluent and accurate sentences that may be expansions of learned materials and stock phrases) in familiar settings with a
familiar audience (usually face-to-face with one person) when provided with a high level of support (in the form of written,
visual, or verbal prompts). Pronunciation may be inaccurate or non-standard and speech may be difficult to understand even
by a skilled, supportive listener.
Listening Outcomes
Understand and respond to explanations, conversations, instructions, and narratives made up of sentence length
utterances and some connected discourse on familiar topics related to personal background and needs, social
conventions, and everyday tasks.
Use several strategies, including formulas for asking for repetition and clarification, and strategies for indicating
understanding, for giving feedback, for gathering missing information and/or for repairing problems in
comprehension, such as by rephrasing, substituting a different word, or drawing a picture.
Apply linguistic, socio-cultural, and other background knowledge and strategies (such as expressing an opinion or
collecting relevant information) to understand the intent of the speaker and what is required to respond
appropriately and to meet the listening purpose.
Adults performing at Level 3 can listen for structured and well-defined purposes related to maintaining personal conversations,
acquiring information, or completing basic transactions, either face-to-face or in a brief telephone conversation when language
is somewhat simplified and frequent opportunities for repetition, rewording and clarification are provided. For English
language learners, level of ease using English is growing but varies depending on the level of familiarity with the audience and
purpose and the stressfulness of the context.
Upon completion of level 4 ESL, students will be able to understand and perform the following
indicators in each of the core competencies:
ESL Level 4 Low Intermediate ESL --- Standards Checklist
Reading Indicators
Pierce College ESL
Level 3-4
J. Scott
ESL 034 (9528)
ESL 044 (9532)
Decode and recognize most everyday and some unfamiliar words in short to medium-length text by drawing on
content knowledge and oral vocabulary, breaking words into parts, applying pronunciation rules, and adjusting
reading pace.
Demonstrate familiarity with common, high-interest content knowledge and related vocabulary
Locate important information in simple text using some simple strategies.
Monitor and enhance comprehension by using a range of simple strategies, such as recalling, restating,
rephrasing, explaining the content of the text or using simple examples.
Actively apply prior knowledge to assist in understanding information in texts.
Adults performing at Level 4 can quickly and accurately read and comprehend words and word groups in multiple pages of
simple text to independently accomplish simple, well-defined and structured reading activities in a range of comfortable and
familiar settings.
Writing Indicators
Determine the purpose and audience for communicating in writing.
Follow a highly structured plan to identify and organize a limited number of ideas to support a single purpose and
produce a legible and comprehensible draft.
Appropriately use familiar vocabulary (based on personal experience and learning) and basic text structure of
simple steps/instructions/commands or a single paragraph to convey an idea with supporting details and
Demonstrate beginning attention to revision strategies including rereading and revising based on review and
feedback from others.
Make many edits of grammar (verb tense forms), spelling, sentence structure simple/compound/complex with
appropriate capitalization and punctuation), language usage and text structure often with the help of tools such
as simplified dictionaries, grammar checklists, and graphic organizers.
Adults performing at Level 4 can write short, structured paragraphs on familiar topics with some effort but with few errors to
independently accomplish simple, well defined, and structured writing activities in a few comfortable and familiar settings.
Speaking Outcomes
Recall and use high-frequency vocabulary including words related to common, everyday topics and personal
experience, use knowledge of basic grammar, discourse forms, and sentence structure in familiar communicative
Select from a limited range of strategies (such as combining and recombining known or heard words, phrases, and
sentence reformulation, or self-correction) to select and relay information.
Apply some strategies (such as checking pace and register, repeating/clarifying/correcting errors as necessary,
self-rating/evaluation) to monitor and enhance effectiveness of the communication and to meet the speaking
Adults performing at Level 4 can speak fluently and accurately in familiar settings with one or more familiar listeners (either
face-to-face or in a brief telephone conversation) when a moderately high level of support is provided (in the form of written,
visual, or verbal prompts). There may be some errors in pronunciation, but with repetition, speech can usually be understood
by a skilled, supportive listener.
Listening Outcomes
Understand and respond to conversations, explanations, instructions and short narratives of a somewhat complex
nature but related to familiar tasks and situations. Tasks may include short routine telephone conversations and
some simple information conveyed through electronic media, such as television or radio.
Know when to use a range of strategies to repair gaps in understanding, comprehend information, and give
feedback even when opportunities to seek clarification or repetition are somewhat limited and the context is
somewhat unfamiliar.
Apply linguistic, socio-cultural, and other background knowledge and strategies (such as by taking notes and
summarizing main points to share with others, evaluating what was heard, and sharing responses of a more
complex nature) to understand the main intent and details communicated by the speaker, to respond
appropriately, and to meet the listening purpose.
Adults performing at Level 4 can listen and respond to most basic content related to personal background information,
everyday transactions, and simple routine tasks but understanding the full range of details on less familiar topics may still be
uneven. Limited adjustments in the text may be made. English language learners display growing comfort using English in
simple interactions and social situations but may be less at ease in more complex and/or stressful contexts.
Pierce College ESL
Level 3-4
J. Scott
ESL 034 (9528)
ESL 044 (9532)
This class is designed to help you improve your reading, writing, listening and speaking skills.
Conversation and activities will center around language that will be useful to you at home and
in typical social interactions.
Apr 5-7
TUE/WED Intros and Ice Breakers
Review all forms & vocab, Welcome Unit, reference handouts
Informal assessments (RWLS & Grammar)
THU Ventures Unit 1-Personal Information—Lesson A Intro/Listening
L3: Describing People
L4: Different personality types and personal interests
Apr 12-14
TUE Unit 1 Personal Information—Lesson B: Grammar Focus
L3: Grammar Focus—Adjective Order
L4: Grammar Focus-- Verbs + Gerunds
WED Unit 1 Personal Information—Lesson C: Grammar Focus
L3: Grammar Focus - Present Continuous and Simple Present
L4: Comparisons
THU Unit 1 Personal Information —Lesson D: Reading
L3: Read an e-mail, use topic-related words
L4: Read about jobs and personality, uses title and pictures to predict, use clues to guess
Apr 19-21
TUE Unit 1 Personal Information —Lesson E: Writing
L3: Write a descriptive paragraph about a classmate
L4: Write about personality types and jobs
WED Unit 1 Personal Information —Lesson F: Another View
L3: Read an order form; introduce and...too, and...either, and but
L4: Read web page of personal ads; use must for logical conclusions
THU Unit 1 Personal Information — Review (with games)
L3: Vocabulary, Grammar (Adjective Order, Present Continuous and Simple present, and...too,
and...either, and but), reading an e-mail, writing a descriptive paragraph
L4: Vocabulary, Grammar (Verbs + Gerunds, Comparisons, Must), reading about jobs and
personality, writing about jobs and personality
Pierce College ESL
Level 3-4
J. Scott
ESL 034 (9528)
ESL 044 (9532)
Apr 26-28
TUE Unit 1 Personal Information - Mini Review and Unit Test
L3: See above + Self Assessments
L4: See above+ Self Assessments
WED Foundations for Success
THU Unit 2 At School - Lesson A: Intro/Listening
L3: School Services
L4: Study Problems and Solutions
May 3-5
TUE Unit 2 At School - Lesson B: Grammar Focus
L3: want and need + to + verb
L4: Present Perfect: how long, for, and since
WED Unit 2 At School — Lesson C: Grammar Focus
L3: Future with will
L4: Present Perfect: questions with ever; short answers
THU Unit 2 At School — Lesson D: Reading + Cinco De Mayo Party
L3: Read an application; use topic-related vocabulary
L4: Identify examples that support statements; identify parts of speech to define words
May 10-12
Unit 2 At School —Lesson E: Writing
L3: Write a paragraph about goals
L4: Write about strategies to learn English; support statements with examples
WED Unit 2 At School - Lesson F: Another View
L3: Read a course catalog / future with be going to and will, and present continuous
L4: Tips for taking tests / Contrast simple past and present perfect
THU Unit 2 At School - Review
L3: Vocabulary, Grammar (want and need + to + verb, Future with will, Future with be going to,
present continuous), reading an application, writing about goals.
L4: Vocabulary, Grammar (Present perfect with how long, for, since, questions with ever, short
answers), reading an application, write using supporting examples
May 17-19
TUE No class
WED Unit 2 At School - Mini Review and Test
L3: See Above + Self Assessments
L4: See Above + Self Assessments
THU Unit 4 Health - Lesson A: Intro/Listening
L3: Accidents
L4: Healthy Habits and Routines
Pierce College ESL
Level 3-4
J. Scott
ESL 034 (9528)
ESL 044 (9532)
May 24-26
TUE Unit 4 Health - Lesson B: Grammar Focus
L3: Should; practice giving advice about health problems
L4: Present Perfect - recently and lately
WED Foundations for Success
THU Unit 4 Health - Lesson C: Grammar Focus
L3: have to + verb; practice expressing necessity
L4: used to in statements and questions
May 31-Jun 2
TUE No Class - Firgrove Elementary Not in Session
WED Unit 4 Health - Lesson D: Reading
L3: Understand a bulleted or numbered list
L4: Identify topic from first and last paragraphs; recognize word families
Unit 4 Health - Lesson E: Writing
L3: Write an accident report form / Use cursive writing in a signature
L4: Write a descriptive paragraph about a plant / Write topic sentences
THU Unit 4 Health -- Lesson F: Another View
L3: Read a medicine label / Use must, must not, have to, not have to
L4: Read and discuss medical history form / Use reported commands
Jun 7-9
TUE Unit 4 Health - Review
L3: Vocabulary, Grammar (should, have to + verb, must, must not, have to, not have to), read a
bulleted/numbered list, write an accident report form, use a cursive signature, read a medicine
L4: Vocabulary, Grammar (recently, lately, used to, reported commands), identify topic from
first and last paragraphs, write topic sentences, read a medical history form
WED Unit 4 Health - Mini Review and Test
L3: See Above + Self Assessments
L4: See Above + Self Assessments
THU All Units Review / Catch Up Day
Jun 14
TUE Review and End-of-Quarter Party
Pierce College ESL
Level 3-4
J. Scott