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Planetary-Spin heat, Jupiter- Saturn-Solar Tidal-Sunspot coupling and Planetary-Solar
alternating magnetic field rings.
Chris Landau September 13, 2010.
How our planets and stars interact through tidal and magnetic forces
Three new concepts are proposed
Heating our Earth and the planets by Rotation or Spin, not by radio active decay.
Jupiter and Saturn’s Spring Tides cause the Sunspot Cycle and Solar Magnetic field
Planetary rings of gas giants are caused by alternating magnetic fields due to a rapid
The relationships are:
Rapid Planetary Rotation causes internal heating, through density increase, changing
magnetic and electric flows within the core, resulting in convective heat, continental drift
and volcanism.
Sunspot Jupiter-Saturn Tidal link for sunspot cycle timing and solar magnetic field
Rapid spin of planets and stars (pulsars) leading to alternating magnetic fields,
responsible for ionized planetary rings and torus rings. These are suspended halfway
between the poles of planets and pulsars. Alternating, pulsing beams of high energy
particles from pulsars are due to the alternating magnetic fields within their cores.
Concept 1
Heating our Earth and the planets by Rotation or Spin, not by radio active decay
Our Earth and the other planets in our solar system derive their heat from a rapid spin,
and an internal magnetic field that drives volcanism and continental drift.
The acceleration and deceleration of the planet’s spin can be caused by internal and
external forces that change density, and thus cause expansion and contraction of the
The resultant heat caused by opposing magnetic forces in the core of the spinning
dynamo and the changes in density provide more than enough heat to melt the core,
create convection currents and drive sea floor spreading and continental drift.
This heating and magnetic field makes the other planets geologically and volcanically
alive, so that the planet’s surface, its oceans and atmosphere are in dynamic
Concept 2
Jupiter and Saturn’s Spring Tides cause the Sunspot Cycle and Solar Magnetic field
The position of Jupiter and Saturn in a straight line with our sun (180 degrees) cause a
Spring Tide effect on our sun, expanding the photosphere.
When Jupiter and Saturn are on the same side of the sun and form a 180 degree line, (a
Spring Tide position) there is a sunspot maxima. This position will happen about every
22 years.
When Jupiter and Saturn are on opposite sides of the sun (another Spring Tide position)
that happens also about every 22 years, the magnetic fields of the sun reverse.
This alignment of the two gas giant’s tidal pull effectively creates a Sunspot Maxima
every 11 years.
Concept 3
Planetary rings of gas giants are caused by alternating magnetic fields due to a rapid spin
The cause of the rings of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are due to an alternating
magnetic field due to the rapid rotation of the planets.
This strong magnetic field ionizes dust and ice particles captured by these gas giants,
causing the particles to position themselves half way between the magnetic poles,
creating the thin disc shaped rings.
This effect is noted to a much greater degree when a neutron star or pulsar’s spin at many
times a second causes a pulsing beam of high energy particles to be noted when our Earth
is in direct line of sight. I believe the pulsing beam is due to the alternating magnetic
field, not a line of sight or spin-wobble effect. A magnetic torus ring is observed around
the center of the pulsar.
I propose that Magnetars and Black Holes have similar rings.
The planar discs of solar systems and galaxies may also be due to this alternating
magnetic effect.
An alternative method to heating the earth
What drives our continental drift, sea floor spreading and slab-pull subduction?
What is the engine that provides the heat to melt the rocks?
At school and at university we were taught that it was radioactive decay of the elements
that slow transmutation by radioactive decay from one element to another, through loss of
alpha and beta particles. Some familiar age dating techniques for age dating of rocks ,
because of their long half life decay times are Uranium to Lead(4.47 × 109 years) ,
Potassium to Argon(1.25 × 109 years) and Thorium to lead (1.405 × 1010 years).
Were these radioactive elements chosen because of their long half lives to match the age
of the earth and thereby provide a model for heating our earth?
The erratic timing of magnetic field reversals and long periods of quiescence points to
non- constant external irregular forces, not constant radio active decay.
Rotation, tides and magnetism
I would like to propose a different heating mechanism for heating and cooling our planet
earth and for many of the other planets and moons of our exciting solar system. I feel is
far more valid. This solution involves the well known familiar principles of rotation,
gravity, tidal forces, electricity, magnetism and induction.
What was wrong with the old method of heating the Earth?
It was good for the Earth. If we assumed that all planets were similar to ours, they would
have to be mostly rock and have an iron core, some water and an atmosphere. As we
know, that is not true. Each planet and moon is very different and we can not
superimpose our earth’s history on the other planets of our solar system, let alone other
solar systems as a means to understanding why they are the way they are.
A case in point would be Jupiter’s four Galilean Moons that become progressively more
quiescent with distance, slower rotation speeds and weaker magnetic fields with
increasing distance from Jupiter. See figure below.
Our planets are physically and chemically different
Even before the space probes began to explore the solar system from the mid 1960’s
onwards, we all knew that the moon and Mercury were not like the Earth. They were
geologically dead with no atmosphere. Saturn had rings and rotated once every 10.57
hours. Jupiter was huge with a day and night flashing by in only 9.925 hours. These two
gas giants had hydrogen–helium atmospheres with Jupiter being slightly denser than
water and Saturn slightly less dense than water. Jupiter had the mass of 318 Earths and
Saturn 95 Earth masses.
How does spin or rotation rate of a planet or star affect that object?
We can Increase the rotation rate, by increasing the density, through conservation of
If we increase the density of a planet while it is spinning, we have conservation of
angular momentum; the planet spins faster, gravity increases on the surface of the planet
as we approach the center of that planet. The whole body or planet becomes denser. It
becomes hotter. The analogy is the ice skater bringing in their arms. Density of their body
to the volume of space increases and spin or acceleration or gravity increases.
Magnetic flux also increases as space shrinks, through conservation of magnetic flux.
This will increase magnetic flux strength and magmatic currents leading to increased
heating for planets, resulting in increased volcanism, while stars have increased stellar
Diagram showing conservation of angular momentum and magnetic flux.
Heating a body by varying the spin and the density
Therefore a planet or star can heat or cool its core by changing its spin or rotation rate or
by changing its density. The denser an object becomes, the hotter it gets; the more this
leads to internal heating.
Decreasing the orbit of a planet to a star, increases the spin, increases the density and
increases the heat.
Should planets move closer to the sun due to gravitational influences of passing comets,
other planets or asteroids, density will increase and internal heating will promote
Planetary close encounters, comets and meteorite impacts, affect spin and planet’s heat
Meteorite impacts in themselves can cause extra heating of a planet, but I believe that a
change in rotation speed by a near encounter or actual impact also affecting rotation
speed can cause the heating or cooling of a planet, depending on whether rotation is sped
up or slowed down.
Artist’s impression of a meteor and comet that can cause changes in spin or complete
planetary destruction and melting such as in the moon Miranda (Voyager 2 photo) of the
planet Uranus.
Effect of no spin or rotation or very slow rotation of a planet
This is the quiet time or geologically dead time for the solid planet. The planet becomes
cold as convection currents shut down within the mantle. There is no active volcanism
and no plate tectonics or Sea Floor Spreading. There is no liquid–solid-gas interaction.
There is no chemical interaction between the phases. The planet freezes, sleeps or dies.
They are heavily cratered and do not rotate, rotate very slowly or are tidally locked to the
body they orbit around.
Both Venus and Mars now fit into this category, although Mars has a rapid spin it has
almost no magnetic field.
Their dynamo engines have shut down.
A dynamo requires three factors to operate; a conducting liquid, rotation, and convection
If one of these is missing, the heat engine source shuts down.
Tidal heating may substitute for the dynamo effect to heat a planet.
Here is a table of comparative magnetic fields:
Smallest value in a
magnetically shielded room 10^-14 Tesla 10^-10 Gauss Interstellar space 10^-10 Tesla 10^-6 Gauss Earth's magnetic field 0.00005 Tesla 0.5 Gauss Small bar magnet 0.01 Tesla 100 Gauss Within a sunspot 0.15 Tesla 1500 Gauss Small NIB magnet 0.2 Tesla 2000 Gauss Big electromagnet 1.5 Tesla 15,000 Gauss Strong lab magnet 10 Tesla 100,000 Gauss Surface of neutron star 100,000,000 Tesla 10^12 Gauss Magstar 100,000,000,000 Tesla 10^15 Gauss Some geologically alive (dynamic core) and geologically dead (frozen core) planets
in our solar system
Mercury: 0 moons. Density is 5.43 g/cm³. Year is 88 days. Day 176 earth
days. Magnetic field only 1.1% as strong as the earth’s magnetic field or
0.006 Gauss. Mercury is geologically dead. Heavily cratered surface. Strong
tidal pull does not drive volcanism on this planet.
Venus: 0 moons. Density is 5.20 g/cm3. Venus takes 225 days to orbit. 243 days to rotate
once on its axis. It has virtually no magnetic field at less than 0.0006 Gauss. Strong tidal
pull by the sun does not drive volcanism on this planet. Venus is geologically dead.
The moon and the Earth
Moon: Density 3.3464 g/cm³. The sidereal period is 27.32 days. The synodic period 29.53
days. Magnetic field is less than 0.005 Gauss. The spin is too slow. Geologically dead.
Earth: 1 moon. Density is 5.52 g/cm³. Year 365.26 days. Rotation of day is 1. Magnetic field
is 0.5 Gauss or 5x10-5 Tesla. Earth has Plate tectonics and volcanism. Earth is geologically
alive and has a rapid spin and a good magnetic field.
Mars: 2 moons. The density is 3.93 g/cm3. The year is 687 days. The rotation is 24.62 hours.
Magnetic field 0.0006 Gauss. Mars has lost its magnetic field. Mars has a good spin, but a
very weak magnetic field. Mars has lost its conducting liquid or its convection currents and
is geologically dead.
Jupiter, Io and Callisto
Jupiter: 63 moons. Density is 1.33 g/cm3. Magnetic field 14 gauss at poles. 4.2 gauss at
equator. Year is 11.9 earth years. Day is 9.93 hours. Geologically alive. Rapid spin. Great
magnetic field.
Jupiter (strong magnetic field)
Io (active volcanos)
Callisto (cratered icy surface)
Io: Jupiter’s innermost moon. Density 3.53 g/cm3. Magnetic field. 0.13 Gauss. Orbital
period and rotation on axis around Jupiter is synchronous at 1.77 days. Surface of moon is
highly active with over 400 active volcanic plumes ejecting gases into space and 500
kilometer lava flows. Geologically alive. Excellent spin. Good magnetic field. Good tidal
Callisto: Density 1.83 g/cm3. Orbital period and rotation on axis around Jupiter is
synchronous at 16.69 days. No magnetic field. Slower rotation. Heavily cratered surface.
No magnetic flux heating. More likely to be geologically dead.
Tidal Forces of Jupiter and Saturn control our Sunspot Cycle
Our two gas giants, Jupiter and Saturn have a large tidal influence on our sun; much
like our moon has a very large tidal influence on our oceans, our atmosphere and our
solid Earth. These tides where we have competing gravitational forces between the
sun and moon, cause our daily, measureable influence on our 12 hour cycle of the
tides on our oceans and large inland seas, our weather, due to compression and
expansive forces and even small earthquakes and minor volcanism changes as
documented on Mt Etna in Sicily.
Where the sun and moon and Earth are in a straight line this is called a Spring tide
and the water, atmosphere and planet bulge out on all the planetary and solar bodies
more than when the bodies are at right angles to each other (Neap Tides).
Matching the Spring Tides of Jupiter and Saturn to the Solar Sunspot Cycle
The link to the java applet below provides a “bird’s eye" view of the positions of the
planets with respect to each other going backwards and forwards in time. I used this
model to align the solar sunspots maxima to the positions of Jupiter and Saturn which
also align every 10-11 years to form spring tides on our sun where the two planets can be
on the same or opposite sides of the sun every 11 years. The two planets are on the same
side every 22 years and on opposite sides of the sun every 22 years. The magnetic
reversal occurs when Jupiter and Saturn are on opposite sides of the sun. The match is
extraordinary good. I have no doubt that the solar maxima and minima of the sunspots are
due to the photosphere tidal distortion on the sun’s atmosphere by the tidal forces of the
two gas giants, Jupiter and Saturn, during Spring Tides.
Table Comparing of actual sun spot maxima dates with tidal prediction dates
Maxima Date.
Actual Tidal Date J + S. Prediction Date Tidal Month J + S Prediction Month
2011 February 2001 2000 June 1991 1990 June 1980 1981 April 1969 1970 October 1960 1961 April 1948 1951 July 1939 1940 November 1930 1930 December 1918 1921 September 1907 1911 June 1894 1901 October Jupiter +Saturn Same Side of sun Opposite J + S magnetic reversal X REVERSAL X X REVERSAL X X REVERSAL X X REVERSAL X X REVERSAL X X REVERSAL X The tides on our sun’s atmosphere or photosphere by Jupiter and Saturn affect Earth’s atmosphere too. As Jupiter and Saturn revolve around the sun in 11.85 years for Jupiter and 29.5 years for
Saturn, they are either on the same side of the sun reinforcing the tidal effect(equivalent to the
Spring tide on Earth-Moon-Sun System) or on opposite sides of the sun, also known as Spring
tide . This occurs every 10.7 years approximately. Because of Jupiter’s mass, the Jupiter- Sun
center of gravity position falls 7% outside our sun and has a great tidal effect on the sun.
So here we have a simple answer for what causes the pull on our sun and distorts that atmosphere
to create solar dark spots that are actually magnetic field storms. These storms occur because the
sun is composed of plasma (free electrons, protons and neutrons moving in circular currents,
much like our Earth’s atmospheric storms move in circular fashion, driven by heat and the
Coriolis force.
These magnetic storms ionize our earth’s atmosphere and probably provide more condensation
nuclei in the form of charged, dust, salt and smoke particles that either increase or decrease our
rainfall over the same 11 year cycle.
I have not noted a link to volcanism from the solar sunspot cycle.
Sunspot maxima have an 11 year cycle and magnetic solar reversals a 22 year cycle
Magnetic Reversals in Rock Record unrelated to Jupiter-Saturn 22 year cycle
There have been tens of thousands of magnetic reversals documented in the rock record and
there is no discernable pattern as seen by these two plots of the last 5 million years and the last
170 million years. Why are there long periods of stability and then rapid reversal changes? I feel
that planetary spin or rotation caused by external planets, comets and asteroids as they pass by or
collide, changing the angular momentum of our planet is the key that will heat our planet’s core
and cause reversals in magnetism. Gravity, density and magnetic changes are interrelated. Cycles
of contraction and expansion of our sun, due to variations of fusion rates, is going to change our
planets rotational spin and heat and cool our planet’s core to provide the answers to some of the
magnetic reversals we see. These magnetic reversals should also be read the other way
around and tell us what is happening in our sun and what is still going to happen. They
provide clues to changing events. I think that once we know where all the orbiting bodies in our
solar system are; we will come to understand the big picture that controlled all of these past
recorded events; that are written in the pages of our planets. We have only just begun to read the
pages in the other planets of our solar system.
A) Geomagnetic polarity during the late Cenozoic Era. Dark areas denote periods where the
polarity matches today's polarity, light areas denote periods where that polarity is
B) Geomagnetic polarity since the middle Jurassic. Dark areas denote periods where the
polarity matches today's polarity, light areas denote periods where that polarity is
Magnetic Torus and Planetary Rings.
It has been suggested that the magnetic field of Jupiter is a torus or doughnut shape. All
observations tell us that the rings are disc shaped and not torus shaped.
Rings of Saturn are as little as 20 meters thick.
There are two main theories regarding the origin of the rings of Saturn and the other gas
giants. One theory is that the rings are remnants of a destroyed moon. The second theory
is that the rings are left over from the original nebula material from which these giants
formed. These theories do not explain how these rings are held in space. Why does the
earth not have a ring with the same magnetic field strength as that of Saturn? Gravity, I
feel will simply pull all the material from the rings into the planets.
I feel that the rings must be associated with alternating magnetic fields that keep these
ionized particles suspended halfway between the poles. I feel that all the planets that have
rings probably have alternating magnetic fields, because of their rapid spins. Pulsars or
neutron stars also have strong ring structures, suggestive of more of a torus shape.
The strong magnetic pulse of pulsars must be due to alternating magnetic fields within
the core of pulsar due to its rapid rotation.
Magnetic Torus, and Planetary Rings & Shapes
X-ray image taken with Chandra of the Crab Nebula
Saturn’s rings are a magnetic plane of ionized particles suspended halfway between the two poles as the magnetic field oscillates and alternates. This plane is not a torus but a ring. Dedicated to Tracey Devonport my sister, Johan and Julia Landau, my parents my wife Susan Landau, my daughter Ashleigh Landau, who helped finance the research and presentations. I wish to thank my daughters Natalie Landau who helped with the preparations and Candice Landau for encouragement. By Chris Landau 09/13/2010. [email protected] 14