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Vocabulary for 9-week exam
Circulatory System:
1. artery- blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart.
2. atrium- upper chambers of the heart that contract at the same time during
a heartbeat.
3. capillary- microscopic blood vessel that connects arteries and veins; has
walls one cell thick, through which nutrients and oxygen diffuse into body
cells and waste materials and carbon dioxide diffuse out.
4. coronary circulation- flow of blood to and from the tissues of the heart.
5. hemoglobin- chemical in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the
lungs to body cells.
6. plasma- liquid part of the blood, made mostly of water, in which oxygen,
nutrients, and minerals are dissolved.
7. platelet- irregularly shaped cell fragment that helps clot blood.
8. pulmonary circulation- flow of blood through the heart to the lungs and
back to the heart.
9. systemic circulation- largest part of the circulatory system in which
oxygen-rich flows to all the organs and body tissues, except the heart and
The Respiratory System:
1. alveoli- tiny, thin-walled, grape-like clusters at the end of each
bronchiole that are surrounded by capillaries, where carbon dioxide
and oxygen exchange take place.
2. bronchi- two short tubes that branch off the lower end of the trachea
and carry air into the lungs.
3. diaphragm- muscle beneath the lungs that contracts and relaxes to
move gases in and out of the body.
4. larynx- airway to which the vocal cords are attached.
5. pharynx- tube-like passageway for food, liquid, and air.
6. trachea- air-conducting tube that connects the larynx with the bronchi.
The Digestive System:
1. chemical digestion- digestive system process that occurs when
chemicals break down large food molecules into smaller ones that can
be absorbed by the body.
2. chyme- thin, watery product of digestion that moves slowly out of the
stomach and into the small intestine.
3. digestion- chemical and mechanical process that breaks food down
into small molecules so that they can be absorbed by the body.
4. enzyme- a type of protein that speeds up the rate of chemical
5. mechanical digestion- digestive system process where food is broken
down through chewing, mixing, and churning.
6. peristalsis- waves of muscular contractions that move food through
the digestive system.
7. villi- fingerlike projections in the small wall of the small intestine that
increase the surface area for absorption of nutrient molecules.
The Skeletal System:
1. cartilage- tough, flexible tissue similar to bone but is softer and less
2. joint- any place where two or more bones come together; can be
movable or immovable.
3. ligament- touch band of tissue that holds bones together at joints.
4. periosteum- tough, tight-fitting membrane that convers a bone’s
surface and contains blood vessels that transport nutrients into the
5. skeletal system- all the bones in the body; forms an internal, living
framework that provides shape and support, protects internal organs,
moves bones, forms blood cells, and stores calcium and phosphorous
compounds for later use.
The Muscular System:
1. cardiac muscle- striated, involuntary muscle found only in the heart.
2. involuntary muscle- muscle, such as heart muscle, that cannot be
consciously controlled.
3. muscle- organ that can relax, contract, and provide the force to move
bones and body parts.
4. skeletal muscle- voluntary, striated muscle that moves bones, works in
pairs, and is attached to bones by tendons.
5. smooth muscle- involuntary, non-striated muscle that controls
movement of internal organs.
6. tendon- thick band of tissue that attaches bones to muscles.
7. voluntary muscle- muscle, such as leg or arm muscle, that can be
consciously controlled.
The Nervous System
1. axon- neuron structure that carries messages away from the cell body.
2. brain stem- connects the brain to the spinal cord and is made up of the
mid-brain, the pons, and the medulla.
3. central nervous system- division of the nervous system, made up of
the brain and spinal cord.
4. cerebellum- part of the brain that controls voluntary muscle
movements, maintains muscle tone, and helps maintain balance.
5. cerebrum- larges part of the brain, where memory is stored,
movements are controlled, and impulses from the senses are
6. dendrite- neuron structure that receives messages and sends them to
the cell body.
7. homeostasis- regulation of an organism’s internal, life-maintaining
conditions despite changes in its environment.
8. peripheral nervous system- division of the nervous system, made up
of all the nerves outside the CNS: connects the brain and spinal cord
to other parts of the body.
9. reflex- automatic, involuntary response to a stimulus; controlled by
the spinal cord.
10.synapse- small space across which an impulse moves from an axon to
the dendrites or cell body.
The Endocrine System
1. hormone- chemical produced by the endocrine system, is released
directly into the bloodstream by ductless glands, affects specific target
tissues, and can speed up or slow down cellular activities.