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Created for MKTG, 1st CDN Ed.,
by Lamb, Hair, McDaniel, Kapoor, Klaise, and Appleby
Nelson Education
Chapter 14 – Integrated
Marketing Communication
Created by John T. Drea, Western Illinois University
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Chapter 14 – Integrated
Marketing Communications
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Final Challenge!
Basic Communication Mix It Up Something to Promotional
Sing About?
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Basic Terms - 100 points
• Answer: It is communication by marketers
that informs, persuades, and reminds potential
buyers of a product in order to influence an
opinion or elicit a response.
• Question:
What is promotion?
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Basic Terms - 200 points
• Answer: This two-word term describes a plan
for the optimal use of the promotional elements.
It is determined with the other elements of the
marketing mix (price, product, and
• Question:
What is a promotional strategy?
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Basic Terms - 300 points
• Answer: It is the combination of promotion
tools - including advertising, public relations,
personal selling, and sales promotion - used to
reach the target market and fulfill the
organization’s overall goals
• Question:
What is the promotional mix?
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Basic Terms - 400 points
• Answer: This one-word term describes the
process by which we exchange or share
meanings through a common set of symbols.
• Question:
What is communication?
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Basic Terms - 500 points
• Answer: This term describes the method of
carefully coordinating all promotional
activities to produce a consistent, unified
message that is customer-focused.
• Question:
What is integrated marketing
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Communication Basics - 100 points
• Answer: This is the name given to the
originator of the message in the
communication process.
• Question:
Who is the sender?
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Communication Basics - 200 points
• Answer: It is the term that describes the
conversion of the sender’s ideas and thoughts
into a message, usually in the form of words
or signs.
• Question:
What is encoding?
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Communication Basics - 300 points
• Answer: It is the one-word term that
describes anything that interferes with,
distorts, or slows down the transmission of
• Question:
What is noise?
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Communication Basics - 400 points
• Answer: It is the interpretation of the
language and symbols sent by the source
through a channel.
• Question:
What is decoding?
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Communication Basics - 500 points
• Answer: Of the four elements of the
promotional mix, it is the one that features
direct and personal two-way communication
between buyers.
• Question:
What is personal selling?
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Mix It Up - 100 points
• Answer: It is defined as impersonal, one-way
mass communication about a product or
organization that is paid for by a marketer.
• Question:
What is advertising?
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Mix It Up - 200 points
• Answer: It is a planned presentation to one or
more prospective buyers for the purpose of
making a sale.
• Question:
What is personal selling?
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Mix It Up - 300 points
• Answer: A coupon falls into this category of
promotion activity.
• Question:
What is sales promotion?
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Mix It Up - 400 points
• Answer: It is a marketing function that evaluates
public attitudes, identifies areas within the
organization that the public may be interested in,
and executes a program of action to earn public
understanding ands acceptance.
• Question:
What is public relations?
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Mix It Up - 500 points
• Answer: Related to public relations, this is public
information appearing as a news item about a
company, good or service.
• Question:
What is publicity?
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Is AIDA Something to Sing About? - 100 points
(answers/questions about AIDA and promotion)
• Answer: It is what the first “A” in AIDA
• Question:
What is attention?
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Is AIDA Something to Sing About? - 200 points
(answers/questions about AIDA and promotion)
• Answer: They are the two elements of the
promotional mix that are generally weakest
during the action stage of AIDA.
• Question:
What are advertising and
public relations?
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Is AIDA Something to Sing About? - 300 points
(answers/questions about AIDA and promotion)
• Answer: They are the two stages of AIDA
that are the strengths of sales promotion.
• Question:
What are desire and action?
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Open Challenge
Is AIDA Something to Sing About? - Challenge
(answers/questions about AIDA and promotion)
• Answer: According to the AIDA concept,
consumers respond to marketing messages in
this sequence.
– Affective, then cognitive, then conative
– Conative, then cognitive, then affective
– Cognitive, then affective, then conative.
• Question:
What is cognitive, then
affective, then conative?
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Is AIDA Something to Sing About? - 500 points
(answers/questions about AIDA and promotion)
• Answer: They are the two elements of the
promotional mix that are generally most
effective during the attention stage of AIDA.
• Question:
What are advertising and
public relations?
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Promotional Tasks - 100 points
• Answer: They are the three tasks of
• Question:
What are informing,
persuading, and reminding?
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Promotional Tasks - 200 points
• Answer: Of the three primary promotional
tasks, it is the one that would be the primary
task for a new product entering a market to
compete against well-established products.
• Question:
What is informing?
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Promotional Tasks - 300 points
• Answer: Examples of this type of
promotional task include “encouraging brand
switching” and “influencing customers to buy
• Question:
What is persuading?
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Promotional Tasks - 400 points
• Answer: An example of this promotion task
would be an advertisement to maintain
consumer awareness of a company’s product.
• Question:
What is reminding?
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Promotional Tasks - 500 points
• Answer: Examples of this type of
promotional task include “explaining how a
product works” and “suggesting new uses for
a product.”
• Question:
What is informing?
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And now, it’s time for
•Get two pieces of paper.
•On one piece, write your team’s wager.
•Use the other piece of paper to write the
“question” for the final challenge “answer.”
Click here for the Final Challenge Answer
Final Challenge!
• Answer: Of the four elements of the
promotional mix, they are the three elements
that are generally impersonal, one-way means
of mass communication with little/no
opportunity for direct feedback.
• Question:
What are
– advertising
– public relations
– sales promotion