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The Stages of US Intervention in
World War II
From Isolation to World War
• Topic: War Breaks Out
• Objective: Students will be able to examine the
outbreak of WWII and the events leading up to
America’s involvement
• Do Now: Look at the graphic organizer you
completed for homework. Which of these dictators
do you think posed the biggest threat to the United
States? Why? How do you think that the United
States responded to the actions of these dictators?
• HW: (1) Read and outline Chapter 17, Section 1
Britain, France will go to war with Ger. If they attack
– SU signed nonaggression pact w/ Germ.
Contributed by Sandra Derstine
Desai, TechBoston Academy, AY
Stages of US Intervention in WWII
Copy into your Notebook/Binder
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
“The great rule of conduct for us in regard to
foreign nations is […] to have with them as
little political connection as possible. […]
Europe has a set of primary interests which to
us have none, or a very remote relation. Hence
she must be engaged in frequent controversies,
the causes of which are essentially foreign to
our concerns.”
– George Washington
Stage 1: Isolationism
• In the wake of World War I:
– US refused to join the League of Nations
– Other effects of WWI?
• In the 1930s, Congress passed the Neutrality Acts
– Treated all nations engaged in war as
– Set up embargos on warring nations
Stage 2: Internationalism
• England came under attack from the Germans
• Roosevelt convinced the American people to
extend a helping hand to their friends
• Cash and Carry – 1939
– Allowed nations at war to buy US arms as
long as they paid cash and transported
them in their own ships
• Lend-Lease Act - 1941
– Gave Allies much needed war materials
“The United States must be the great arsenal of democracy.”
- Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Stage 3: Interventionism
“A date that will live in infamy”
Contributed by Sandra Derstine
Desai, TechBoston Academy, AY
Stage 3: Interventionism
• Sunday, Dec. 7, 1941
• Surprise Japanese
attack on the US Pacific
Naval Fleet at Pearl
Harbor, Hawaii
• Meant to prevent the US
from interfering in the
war Japan was about to
start in the Pacific with
Contributed by Sandra Derstine
Desai, TechBoston Academy, AY
• Pearl Harbor helped to sway public opinion away from
isolationist tendencies
Axis Powers
Wrap Up
If you were alive in 1941, would you vote to
send Americans to war?
Essential Question
How did conflict of WWII impact America’s
role in foreign and domestic affairs? Provide
specific examples.