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Unit 5 Notes: Agricultural & Rural Land Use
Defining Agriculture
Growing plants or raising animals to produce food
Before domestication, humans = nomadic hunters & gatherers
Farms = stationary societies & cities
Subsistence Farming
Grow only enough food to feed own family
LDC Farming
There are 4 different types of subsistence farming
1) Shifting Cultivation
2) Slash-and-burn
3) Intensive
4) Pastoralism
Shifting Cultivation
Farmers rotate fields they cultivate (farm)
Crop Rotation – change crop type on same farm land
Tropical zones (rain forest)
• Africa
• S. America (Amazon River)
• SE Asia
Land is cleared by cutting existing plants on the land
Burn whatever is left
• Swidden- new farmland
Extensive subsistence farming = large amount of land to farm food
Dependent on human labor
Intertillage – different seeds
Creates environmental problems
• Damaged soils
Intensive Subsistence Farming
Cultivate small amounts of land very efficiently
Make most use of their small plots of land
• Terrace-Farming Pyramids
Double Cropping
Occurs in highly populated areas
• China, India, SE Asia
• Rice
Breeding & herding animals to produce needs for survival
Sedentary – farmers live in one area, animals in nearby pastures
Nomadic – farmers travel with herds
Practice transhumance – movement based on seasons
In climates with limited arable land
Declining worldwide
Commercial Farming
Grow food to be sold in markets
USA – mainly commercial famers
5 different types of commercial farming:
1) Mixed Crop & Livestock
2) Ranching
3) Dairying
4) Large-Scale Grain Production
5) Plantation
Mixed Crop & Livestock
Involves both crops & animals
Crops – used to feed animals
Mixed farm’s income – sale of animal products
Lower dependence on seasonal harvests
Europe & E. North America (large urban areas)
Use crop rotation
Commercial grazing – raise animals on land they graze
Requires large amount of land
Cattle & sheep most common ranch animals
Dry climate (W. USA – rarely done in Europe)
Decline in ranching
Milk-based products for market
Most economically productive commercial farming
Small, capital-intensive farming
Milkshed – zone around city’s center where milk is sold w/o spoiling
Greater technology = larger milkshed area
Large-Scale Grain Production
Wheat = dominant grain
Grains exported to other places for consumption
Growth during industrial revolution
Highly mechanized capital-intensive
Growth of grain production:
• McCormick Reaper
• Combine Machines
Plantation Farming
Large-scale farming
• Specialize in 1-2 high demand crops
Labor-intensive practices
Tropical & Subtropical zones – low-latitude regions of Africa, Asia, Latin America
Easy coastal access
Best farmland owned by companies of MDC’s
Mediterranean Agriculture
Combines subsistence and commercial practices
Regions of Mediterranean Sea
Also: Climates with hot, dry summers & mild, wet winters
• California, Chile, Southern South Africa
Wheat, barley, vine & tree crops
Origins of Agriculture
Transformation from hunters & gatherers to stationary famers evolved over thousands of years
Agricultural innovation diffused from multiple hearths
SE Asia: Vegetative Planting –
• Cutting off a stem of another plant
• Dividing up roots of a plant
• Diffused North & East (China, Japan)
Other vegetative hearths:
• South America
• Africa
• Mediterranean
1st Agricultural Revolution
Development of Seed Agriculture:
• Farming through planting seeds
12,000 years ago
Wheat, Rice replaced nomadic life
Produce more food w/o roaming = increased carrying capacity
Occurred independently in several hearth
Diffusion Route
Crop Innovation
W. India
To SW Asia
Wheat & Barley
SW Asia
To Europe, N. Africa, NW India
Integrated Seed Agriculture
N. China
To S. Asia & SE Asia
Isolated in Ethiopia
Millet (Teff)
S. Mexico
To W. Hemisphere
Squash & Corn
N. Peru
To W. Hemisphere
Squash, Cotton, Beans
2nd Agricultural Revolution
After fall of Rome (500 AD)
Feudal Structure – subsistence farming
• Open-Lot System – community farmland
• Establishment of Capitalism = diminished feudal villages
• Enclosure Movement
• Coincided with Industrial Revolution
• Urban migration =  food demand
• Newer technology, newer fertilizers, newer irrigation systems
Higher farm output = population boom
Von Thϋnen’s Model of Agricultural Land
Johann Heinrich von Thϋnen
• 19th century German economist
• Model explaining & predicting agricultural activity
Basic Parts of the Model
Based on several assumptions:
1) Only 1 city with 1 central marketplace
2) Farmland is equally farmable and productive
3) Only 1 type of transportation mode
Only 1 variable of change in model: Distance
1) Distance of farm’s location was from the city’s market as evident in transportation costs
Von Thϋnen’s Predictions
Central marketplace is surrounded by agricultural activity zones (concentric rings)
Each ring = different type of agricultural land use
Further from central marketplace = more extensive farming activities
Closer to central marketplace = more intensive farming activities
Von Thϋnen’s Reasoning
Land closest to marketplace is more expensive
Grain famer needs more land – buy further from center
Dairy farmer buys closest to center – milkshed
Grazing = further from center
 Need for land
 Makes least amount of money per unit of land
Modern Commercial Agriculture
19th century N. America
3rd Agricultural Revolution:
• Distribution of mechanized farming technology
• Farming & food processing done at different locations
Industrialized Farming Process:
• Purity Dairies (Nashville, TN)
Combination of pieces of food-production industry
Modern system of food production
US Farmers  , # of workers in agribusiness 
Farming division of labor
Green Revolution
1940’s as part of 3rd Agricultural Revolution
Hybrid seeds to increase output
Higher-yielding strains – more at faster pace
Norman Borlaug – world peace by spreading hunger-reducing technology
Using living organisms to produce/change a plant
Genetic Modification • Scientific manipulation
• Re-organizing plant & animal DNA
Super Plants
Hunger & Food Supply
Undernutrition - not getting enough calories/nutrients
Famine - mass starvation
Ester Boserup – up to farmers (more people = more farmers needed)
• Subsistence farmers…Don’t be lazy
Solutions • Distribution of food supply
• Empowering people to obtain their own food
• Produce sustainable yields
Economic Disadvantages
Less demand for labor
Pest infestations & crop failure
Inequality • Crops & Economics
Environmental Disadvantages
Strain on resources • Water, fossil fuels
Genetic uniformity
Negative consequence of human overuse
Loss of habitable land
• Expansion of deserts (Sahara)
Loss of forested ares
• Chopping down trees
Slow/zero regeneration
Rainforest danger - less than a century
Debt-for-Nature Swaps
Save land resources
Forgive international debts in exchange for protecting valuable resources