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Microsoft In Emerging Markets
Author : Liam Cronin
Group Manager : Home And Entertainment Division
Microsoft Local Language Program
Microsoft Mission: Then And Now
1975: A PC on every desk and in every home.
Today: To enable people and businesses
throughout the world to realize their full potential.
During this time, more than one billion PCs
have been sold!
Microsoft Local Language Program
Emerging Markets : Vision
Bring information solutions that fundamentally
improve the lives of the 90% of the world’s population
that today cannot access computing or the Internet.
Emerging Markets : Mission
Innovations in products and business models that will
allow us to serve one billion new customers within the
next 10 years. Product changes in hardware, software,
and services are necessary to provide computing that
“fits” within emerging economies. Business model
changes include bringing new solutions to customers
that address computing affordability.
Emerging Markets : Our People
Product development team with deep expertise in
both client and web services necessary for this new
generation of products.
Microsoft Local Language Program
New PC Opportunity
By 2010 PC installed base forecasted to grow by
725 million PCs 1.3 billion.
20% in Developed
Markets, 159 million
new PCs
80% in Emerging
Markets, 566 million
new PCs
Source: Forrester, Sizing the Emerging Nation PC Market, December 10, 2004
Microsoft Local Language Program
Unlicensed PC Opportunity
In FY ’06 the unlicensed PC opportunity exceeds 50
M PCs, 60% or 32.5 M unlicensed PCs are in
emerging markets.
71% or 132 M
Licensed PCs
11% or 21.3 M
Unlicensed PCs in
Developed Markets
17% or 32.5 M
Unlicensed PCs in
Emerging Markets
Source: OEM PC Forecasting Team, Windows Client Finance
Microsoft Local Language Program
Consumer Profile Unique Needs
Segment Uniqueness
• Frequent power outages
• Dust/heat conditions
•Dense living spaces
•Low literacy rates
•Weak public infrastructure
•PC in same category with “luxury” purchases
Middle Income
• $2,000-$6,000 annual family income
• Typically own TV, cell phone,
refrigerator, and two-wheeler
• Elevation through education is
primary focus
• Multi-generational family structure
Low Income
• Annual family income less than
• Typically own radio, bicycle and
occasionally TV and cell phone
• Poverty alleviation is primary focus
• Mostly farmers in rural areas and
urban poor
Microsoft Local Language Program
1 Ecosystem disruption potential
2 Competitive pressure
3 Country stability
4 Government commitment to IT
5 Population
Underdeveloped Strategic
Growth Strategic
Each segment
would have a
different operating
and investment
Strategic Importance
Strategic Importance
Lang. Segmentation of Markets
Economic vibrancy / Profit Potential
Economic Vibrancy / Profit Potential (Current figures +
10 year projection)
1 PCs
5 PCs per 100 inhabitants
2 Internet users
6 Internet users per 10,000 inhabitants
3 Cellular subscribers
7 Cellular subscribers per 100 inhabitants
8 GDP per capita
Microsoft Local Language Program
Localization Pyramid
As market economies
change/mature, the Biz
case for a language can
move up or down
Microsoft Local Language Program
The Local Language Program
Part of ongoing Microsoft commitment to reach out
to governments and regions worldwide
Mission -- Bridge the digital divide and provide IT
Addresses several critical goals of today’s national
and regional governments:
 Develop a robust local IT economy
 Build universal IT solutions for Multilanguage
 Enable use of regional languages in technology
to help preserve language and culture
 Complements other Microsoft initiatives such as
Partners in Learning (PIL) and Unlimited
Potential (UP)
Microsoft Local Language Program
Project Details
Add-ons, spellers, fonts, templates
Localization of the User Interface
~ 250k words for Windows
~ 250k words for Office
~ 50k words for Works
Shared Terms
Windows Terms
Office Terms
~ 2700 Terms
Glossary Phase = 2 month.
Localization Phase = 4-6 months.
Solutions Phase = Partnership between MS subsidiary and partner’s.
Microsoft Local Language Program
The Local Language Program
Community Glossary
Language Interface Pack
Microsoft Local Language Program
Community Glossary
What is a Community Glossary?
 Glossary of commonly used IT terms.
 Web site provided by Microsoft
 Work area and Web tools for volunteer
translators and sponsor to build and lock
down a technical glossary for their language.
Community Glossary provides opportunity to
collaborate with local governments, language
authorities, universities, other groups in selected
language communities worldwide.
Microsoft Local Language Program
Moderator role – Lang. Quality
Community glossary approved by moderator.
Style guide prepared by moderator.
Policheck table (to avoid geo-political issues)
prepared by moderator or Geographical group
within Microsoft.
Language or software review by moderator.
Vendor / partner completes consistency check.
Microsoft Local Language Program
Program Components Language Interface Packs
IT glossary created by the Community Glossary project is used to
build new Language Interface Packs (LIP).
What is a LIP?
Provides partially localized desktop solution for markets that do
not have localized versions of Microsoft Windows, Office, Works
Created by a locally suggested partner or ISV using the Language
Interface Pack Kit (by license only)
Installs on:
Windows XP Home and Windows XP Professional.
Office Standard Edition 2003: Word 2003, Excel 2003,
PowerPoint 2003, Outlook 2003.
Requires specific base version of Office, Windows, Works
Example: Malay LIP requires English base product.
Example: Ukrainian LIP requires Russian base product.
Does not include add-ins, online services, or solutions.
Microsoft Local Language Program
Why should I consider LIP?
Challenges & Opportunities
This initiative is a collaborative effort for the
education, government and public sectors.
Partner engagement in this project is strategic. LIP is
a starting block and partners are encouraged to build
on this initiative.
Help build the local IT economy by providing
standardization of terms and a localized platform.
Customer expectations to be served in their native
Microsoft Local Language Program
Language Interface Pack
Distribution and Release
The MS product group releases each LIP to the
Web. This is an important quality safeguard. See
more details at the following web location :
LIP releases to the Microsoft Download Center,
OfficeOnline, Windows Update.
The Language Interface Pack also may be
distributed on Microsoft’s behalf by participating
third parties such as governments and Original
Equipment Manufacturers (OEM’s).
Microsoft Local Language Program
Ar chuala tú an scéal faoi?
Microsoft Office 2003 as Gaeilge
Microsoft Local Language Program
Microsoft Local Language Program
Microsoft Local Language Program
Microsoft Local Language Program
Microsoft Local Language Program
Microsoft Local Language Program
Additional Resources
For more information on the Local
Language Program (including links to the
LIP downloads) , please visit:
To request a Language Interface Pack
please contact your local Microsoft office
Microsoft Local Language Program