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Lesson 1: roughly chapters/days 1, 2, and 3
Instructor Introduction & Course Objective
- me
- learn what Java is
- gain an understanding of the motivation behind Java, history, what makes it unique
- gain a working ability to solve problems with Java (write programs)
- gain a general understanding of object oriented techniques
- programming is learned by doing: reading programs, and writing them – just like reading and
writing. Explanation is not how they are learned.
- marketing versus reality
Student Introductions & Course Objectives
- what you want out of the class
- what is your background
Resources: the book and many others
What is Java and how does it work
- programming language
- extensive libraries, class libraries in this case
- run time environment (virtual machine, etc)
- what Java is not
- JavaScript
- C, C++ - closer
How to develop a successful Java program
Analyze: know your objective and audience
Design: What does the program do, how does it do it
Implement: How will the program be built
Test: Technical and User/Client testing
Cost of changes and errors is much greater in time.
Object-oriented programming
- Class
- Attributes
- Object/instance
- Methods
- Inheritance
Setup: lab tools and how to use them
- Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) & real geeks
- Complete understanding can be hidden with IDEs
- Modify, compile, load, run/test
Getting off the ground with Java: learn by doing
An overview of basic Java
Writing your first Java Program
Lesson 2: roughly chapters 4, 5 and 6
course objectives
lab tools
Java basics
Using Objects: creating, setting attributes, invoking methods
Control Flow
Creating classes, methods & applications
Lesson 3: roughly chapters 7, 8 and 9
Methods in action
Applets versus Applications
Creating Applets
graphics, Graphics, GRAPHICS!
Constructor, Overriding, and Finalizer methods
Drawing, Text, Color, Rendering
Lesson 4: roughly chapters 10, 11 and 12
Sizzle: Images, Animation, Sound
Applet user interface development
UI items: labels, buttons, check boxes, choice lists…
Arranging UI items
Flow, Grid and Border Layout
Card and Grid Bag Layout
Lesson 5: roughly chapters 13, 14 and 15
Event Handling
User input: mouse & Keyboard
Component Events
Abstract Windowing Toolkit (AWT)
Overview of advanced Java features
Windows and Menus
Lesson 6: roughly chapters 16, 17 and 18
Error Handling, etc. – Java exceptions
Java Streams
Lesson 7: roughly chapters 19, 20 and 21
Remote Method Invocation, RMI
Java Database Connectivity, JDBC
Swing – User input a better way
Lesson 8: Overview
What did we set out to Accomplish
What did we Accomplish
Java in the future…