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Aljazeera - The Cure: Karl Landsteiner
This piece revolves around being in a 3D snapshot of Karl Landsteiners office, with everything perfectly still as a bullet time effect.
The camera with a very shallow depth of field moves around the office to reveal what the script is describing.
Begin with a shot of Karl Landsteiner in an office. The piece is
filmed as these objects are still life objects which the camera
zooms around
In 1901, Karl Landsteiner discovered that centuries of
attempted blood transfusions had failed because practitioners
had overlooked one simple factor: that blood falls into distinct
Camera moves towards Landsteiner
Camera rotates around to show many pictures on the walls of
his office, all related to the history of blood medicine
We see an old illustration of blood transfusion, and how far we
have moved on since.
Camera moves back to Landsteiner
The Viennese pathologist discovered different types of protein
and sugar markers
Camera starts to zoom into his notes on the table in front of
Aljazeera - The Cure: Karl Landsteiner
known as antigens – on the surface of people’s red blood cells.
Zooming further, can see his notes. These can be non specific
research notes, but gives an impression and sketched diagrams
of cells.
He realised that blood transfusions between people with
different types of antigens failed because the body’s immune
system would attack the foreign antigens.
Sketches turn into 3D diagrams of the cells with Antigens
For example, if a person with antigen A on their blood cells is
given a transfusion of blood cells with antigen B,
Zoom out to show this blood type being injected into a human
with a different blood type
Foreign blood type moves into view of the humans own
antibodies in their blood plasma will attack the donated blood
cells, causing potentially dangerous clots.
Antigens from the humans plasma move onto the foreign cells
and stick on them
Timeline of show
Zoom back out of notes
Aljazeera - The Cure: Karl Landsteiner
Rotate around desk and then tilt up to see picture on wall
In 1902, Landsteiner classified human blood into the now wellknown
It becomes clear this is a classifaction table for blood types
A, B, AB and O groups, allowing safe blood transfusion on a
mass scale.
Table becomes 3D and we go into the picture
Classifcations start to multiply
Today, around 107 million units of blood donations are
collected globally every year – demonstrating the huge impact
of Landsteiner’s discovery.
Zoom out to show this shows the amount of units donated
In 1930 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine.
Zoom back out of picture and around to show nobel prize on
the desk
Aljazeera - The Cure: Karl Landsteiner
Move along from nobel prize back to notes
Characteristic of his energetic and hard-working nature,
Landsteiner died pipette in hand in June 1943,
Note blows off
after suffering a heart attack in his laboratory at the
Rockefeller Institute in New York.
Reveals picture of Karl Landsteiner