Download 12 symbol club - St. Joseph School

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From January to the end of the school year, music classes in Grades 2-4 spend
considerable time being tested on the 12 most-used musical symbols. These are
cornerstones for being able to read music and all students (and adults) will run into them,
whether it is just reading a song from the Gather Book at mass or participating in band or
choral programs in later years.
I have set up a fun, non-competitive incentive program called the “12 Symbol Club.”
These are tests measuring and reinforcing the musical symbols that have been taught in
Music class. All 2-4 students have review sheets and flashcards in their music journals.
Approximately every other Friday, students take a 12 Symbol Quiz (they actually look
forward to these tests.) Students know that this is not a race with other students but a tool
to gauge their progress. They are only competing against themselves.
When students receive two perfect scores, they are officially in the “12 Symbol Club.”
They then go on to take more difficult quizzes to get into the “Silver Club” and finally
the “Gold Club.” Once they have completed the Gold Club, they do not have to take the
quizzes the remainder of the year and their reward is a can of soda or fruit juice, their
choice. If a student does not complete the Gold Club by the end of the school year, they
will still receive soda or juice on the last day of the school year.
Please be aware that students are going to be accomplishing this goal at difference paces.
Their music grade is not a reflection of how long it takes them to pass these quizzes.
(They could get a perfect grade in Music class even if it takes them all year to pass a 12
Symbol Quiz.)
In case you’re curious, the 12 Music Symbols they’re being tested on are: Quarter Note,
Half Note, Two Eighth Notes, Treble Clef, Bass Clef, Middle C, Quarter Rest, Staff, Soft
(or Piano), Loud (or Forte), and the Repeat Sign. Each student has flashcards with the
correct term on the back so you could help them review even if you don’t know the
symbols yourself.