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Chapter 9
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Explain the necessity for backup.
Describe backup scope and methods.
Describe the different RAID (redundant array of independent
disks) levels.
Explain the need for data storage policies.
Explain database protections.
Explain the need for database access controls, auditing, and
Describe the difference between data leakage and data theft.
Explain data deletion, destruction, and disposal.
Explain digital rights management (DRM) and how it can
prevent data loss.
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© 2015 Pearson Education Ltd.
In prior chapters we focused on
◦ Protecting data as it passed over networks (Chapter 3)
◦ Hardening hosts that store data (Chapter 7)
◦ Securing applications that process data (Chapter 8)
This chapter will emphasize the protection of
stored data
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9.1 Introduction
9.2 Data Protection: Backup
9.3 Backup Media and RAID
9.4 Data Storage Policies
9.5 Database Security
9.6 Data Loss Prevention
© 2015 Pearson Education Ltd.
Data are the principal elements of any
information system
Businesses gather enormous amounts of data
◦ Information is then extracted for decision making
◦ Data are valuable assets that are core components
of a larger corporate strategy
◦ Source code, intellectual property, user data, etc.
must all be protected
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This chapter will primarily focus on securing
data while it is being stored
More specifically:
How backup can prevent accidental data loss
How to securely store data in a database
How to prevent data from being taken out of the
How to securely dispose of data
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9.1 Introduction
9.2 Data Protection: Backup
9.3 Backup Media and RAID
9.4 Data Storage Policies
9.5 Database Security
9.6 Data Loss Prevention
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Image Backup
◦ Everything, including programs and settings
◦ Image backup is very slow
◦ Data files change the most rapidly, so doing several
file/directory data backups for each image backup
may be appropriate
◦ A backup copy of each file being worked on is
written every few minutes to the hard drive, or to
another location
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© 2015 Pearson Education Ltd.
Continuous Data Protection (CDP)
◦ Used when a firm has two server locations
◦ Each location backs up the other in real time
◦ Other site can take over very quickly in case of a
disaster, with little data loss
◦ Requires expensive high–speed transmission link
between the sites
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PCs back up one another.
Data is stored redundantly.
Security issues must be addressed.
© 2015 Pearson Education Ltd.
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Data Protection: Backup
9.3 Backup Media and RAID
9.4 Data Storage Policies
9.5 Database Security
9.6 Data Loss Prevention
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Data Retention Policies
◦ There are strong legal requirements for how long
certain types of data must be kept
◦ The legal department must get involved in retention
Auditing Policy Compliance
◦ All policies should be audited
◦ Includes tracing what happened in samples of data
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Benefits of Retention
◦ Major part of corporate memory
◦ Can retrieve old e-mail for current purposes
Dangers of Retention
◦ Legal discovery process
◦ Defendant must supply relevant e-mails
◦ Potentially very damaging information
◦ Always expensive
◦ Even though very expensive to retrieve, firms must
pay whatever is necessary to do so
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Accidental Retention
◦ Even if firms delete e-mail from mail servers, may
be stored on backup tapes
◦ Users will often store copies on their own
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Message Authentication
◦ Spoofed messages can frame employees or the firm
◦ Need message authentication to prevent spoofed
sender addresses
User Training
◦ Never put anything in a message that you would not
want seen in court, printed in the newspaper, or
read by your boss
© 2015 Pearson Education Ltd.
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Data Protection: Backup
9.3 Backup Media and RAID
9.4 Data Storage Policies
9.5 Database Security
9.6 Data Loss Prevention
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◦ Often used in mission-critical applications
◦ Require additional security precautions
◦ Relational databases: Tables (relations) with rows
(records) and columns (attributes)
◦ As discussed earlier, avoid SQL injection attacks
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◦ Restrict Access to Data
 Restrict users to certain columns (attributes) in
each row
 For instance, deny access to salary column to most users
 Limit access control to rows
 For instance, only rows containing data about people in
the user’s own department
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◦ Restrict granularity (level of detail)
 Prevent access to individual data
 Allow trend analysts to deal only with sums and
averages for aggregates, such as departments
◦ Restrict information about the structure of the
database itself (data model)
 Knowledge about the data model can make SQL
injection much easier
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Database Access Control
◦ Restrict access to databases via database management
systems (e.g., Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, IBM DB2,
Oracle, etc.)
◦ Rename administrator account, disable guest/public
accounts, lowest possible permissions necessary
SQL Injection Attacks
◦ Data must be sanitized to remove unacceptable characters
◦ Stored procedures can be used to sanitize and validate
incoming data
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1. Windows
2. SQL Server
3. Password
policy options
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Database Auditing
◦ Collect information about users’ interactions with
◦ Policy driven, reflecting legal and regulatory obligations
What should be audited?
◦ Logins, changes to the database, warnings, exceptions, and
special access
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Trigger - Code that is automatically run when
changes are made to a database
Data Definition Language (DDL) trigger
◦ Used to produce automatic responses if the structure of the
database has been altered (e.g., create new table, drop a
table, alter properties of an existing table)
Data Manipulation Language (DML) trigger
◦ Used to produce automatic responses if the data has been
altered (e.g., data are inserted, updated, or deleted)
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CREATE TRIGGER EmployeeSalaryChange
ON Employees
DECLARE @EmailBody varchar(1000)
DECLARE @FirstName varchar(20)
DECLARE @LastName varchar(20)
DECLARE @OldSalary int
DECLARE @NewSalary int
IF UPDATE (Salary)
SELECT @FirstName = First_Name,
@LastName = Last_Name,
@OldSalary = Salary
FROM deleted d
SELECT @NewSalary = Salary
FROM inserted
SET @body = 'I just wanted to let you know that @FirstName ' ' @LastName '
changed their salary from' @OldSalary ' to ' @NewSalary
EXEC master..xp_sendmail
@recipients = '[email protected]',
@subject = 'Somebody changed their salary',
@message = @body
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© 2015 Pearson Education Ltd.
Key Escrow
◦ Loss of the key is disastrous
 Not like losing a password that can be reset
◦ Key escrow stores a copy of the key in a safe place
◦ Bad if managed by user
 May not do it
 May not be able to find it
 If fired, may refuse to give it back, locking up all
data on the computer
◦ Central key escrow on a corporate server is better
© 2015 Pearson Education Ltd.
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Data Protection: Backup
9.3 Backup Media and RAID
9.4 Data Storage Policies
9.5 Database Security
9.6 Data Loss Prevention
© 2015 Pearson Education Ltd.
Spiders (crawlers) - Navigate the web gathering,
Web Scraper - Tool that extracts predefined data
organizing, and indexing web content
from specified webpages
 Can aggregate extracted data from multiple websites
Mashup - Combining data from various sites or
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Data Destruction Is Necessary
◦ Backup media are not needed beyond their
retention dates if…
 a computer is to be discarded
 the computer is to be sold or given to another
◦ Drive-wiping software for hard drives
 Reformatting the hard drive is not enough
◦ Shred CDs and DVDs
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© 2015 Pearson Education Ltd.
© 2015 Pearson Education Ltd.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a
retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written
permission of the publisher.
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