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Teacher: Soulou Sarah
Class: St 2/3
Numbers of students: 19
Duration : 2 weeks
Age of students: 11
Years of learning
English: 4 years
Aims: Writing a
paragraph about a myth
or a legend. Use of textrelated words and
Students were asked to
find information about
a famous character in
mythology or a famous
legend. They were
given the choice of
working individually or
in groups and were
responsible for finding
resources and using
their own creativity to
complete the task.
Leonidas was a king of Sparta. He was one of the four sons
Alexandridis from his first marriage of his father (Dorio,
Leonidas Kleombrotos).He was a leader and very brave.
Leonidas was a leader of the Greek army and
successfully managed to keep them together and forget
their differences. He was a genius at Thermopylae war
and showed heroism when Xerxes sent his messenger
and asked him to give their weapons the Spartan king
said" Come and get them ".
King Leonidas died fighting against the Persians at
Thermopylae point. He fought against the Persian
soldiers. Leonidas and 300 Spartans and 700 Thespians
won the battle. He was a hero.
Perseus and Andromeda
Perseus is one of the
greatest heroes of Greek
Mythology. He was the son of
Zeus and mortal Danae. He
is best known as the rescuer
of the Ethiopian princess
Andromeda. The beautiful
Andromeda was the daughter
of the Ethiopian king
Cepheus and queen
Made by Kathrine Mouzaki
Perseus and Andromeda
One day, the queen said that her daughter Andromeda was more
beautiful than the Nereids, the sea nymphs. The sea nymphs were
angry to hear that and complained to Poseidon, the god of the sea.
Poseidon sent the sea monster Cetus to destroy the land of
Ethiopia. The sad king Cephus called Zeus, who suggested the
sacrifice of Andromeda as the only solution.
As Perseus was flying over Africa in his return home, he came
across Atlas the Titan, a mythical giant, who challenged him. In
their fight, Perseus used Medousa's head to turn the Titan into
stone. Perseus continued his journey home and, as he passed the
kingdom of Ethiopia he saw the beautiful Andromeda, chained to
the rocks waiting to be eaten by a sea monster.
Perseus and Andromeda
Perseus found himself face to face with the beautiful Andromeda
chained on the rocks, waiting for her death. Perseus fell in love
with the lovely girl and killed Cetus the beast. Perseus took
Andromeda to her father Cepheus and asked him to marry her.
Perseus returned to the island of Serifos with his wife,
Andromeda, only to find Polydectes,who wanted to marry his
mother, Danae. Polydectes soon became a stone statue,
because of the use of the head of Medousa.
Perseus and Andromeda lived happily in Tiryns and became the
parents of seven sons and one daughter.
Perseus and Andromeda
Giakoumellou Ilianna St2
Andromeda was the daughter of
King Cepheus of Ethiopia and
queen Cassiopeia. Cassiopeia
was very beautiful and always
showed it.
Perseus and Andromeda
Poseidon , the sea god , did
not like queen Cassiopeia
and he sent a great sea
monster to Ethiopeia . An
oracle told Cassiopeia that
the only way to get rid of the
monster was to give her
daughter to it . So
Cassiopeia and her husband
King Cepheus chained their
daughter to a rock for the
Perseus and Andromeda
Perseus heard her story
and quickly offered to
rescue her. He told her
parents that he could
kill the monster ,
rescue Andromeda and
then marry her. Her
parents agreed .
Perseus and Andromeda
Perseus killed the
monster , married
Andromeda and had six
sons and one daughter.
After her death ,
Andromeda was placed
among the stars as the
Andromeda galaxy .
TIME !!!
Iliana Giakoumelou St’2 2012-2013
A famous historic character
Katiforis Michael St 2
Hercules was the son of Zeus. On the night
the twins Hercules and Iphicles were
born, Hera would kill them with two
snakes. Hercules with his power grabbed
the two snakes.
When he became a strong man, he married in
Thebes, Kings Creon’s daughter, Megara. Then
Hercules killed his own children. He realized what he
had done and he went to the Oracle of Delphi.
Hercules was a servant of King Eurystheus.
Eurystheus decided to give Hercules 12 labors.
They were:
1.The Nemean Lion
2.The Lernean Hydra
3. The Hind of Ceryneia
4. The Erymanthean Boar
5. The Augean Stables
6. The Stymphalian Birds
7. The Cretan Bull
8. The Horses of Diomedes
 9. The Belt of Hippolyte
 10. Geryon’s Cattle
 11. The Apples of the Hesperides
 12. Cerberus
After completing these labors he joined the
Argonauts in the search for the Golden Fleece. He
is famous all over the world.
Laritzakis Timos St2
Hercules was a hero of Greek mythology. He was the son
of Zeus and Alcmene and he was born in Thebes.
Hercules was famous for his strength and his twelve
adventures .
When Hercules was born, Ira the wife of Zeus who hated
Hercules sent two snakes at Hercules’ bed but Hercules
killed them.
A sculpture of
Hercules was half man and half god.
His mother Alcmene, was a mortal.
But his father was the king of all the
gods, the mighty Zeus. But Hercules
did not know he was part god until he
had grown into a man.Hera, Zeus'
wife, was very jealous of Hercules.
She tried all kinds of ways to kill him,
including sending a couple of big
snakesto kill him. Hercules killed
those snakes. Hercules was incredibly
strong, even as a baby!
Zeus loved his little son. To keep his small son safe
from attack, Zeus sent him to live with a mortal
family on earth. Hercules grew up loved. But he
was too big and too strong. One day, his earth
father told him he was a part god.
Hercules had a cousin named Eurystheus.
Eurystheus was the king of a little village in the
city of Argos. Eurystheus was an evil man. He
thought everyone wanted to steal his crown,
especially Hercules. One day, when Hera and
Eurystheus were chatting about Hercules, Hera
came up with a plan - a plan to kill Hercules!
Hera helped Eurystheus make 12 Labors that Hercules had to complete. If
Hercules completed the 12 Labors, he would earn br immortal, or so Hera
promised. Hercules asked the Oracle at Delphi who said: "If you complete
12 Labors, immorality will be yours."
The Labors, which Heracles had to complete, were the following:
1. To Slay the Nemean Lion.
2.To Slay the nine-headed Lernaean Hydra.
3.To Capture the Golden Hind of Artemis.
4.To Capture the Erymanthian Boar.
5.To Clean the Stables in a single day.
6.To Slay the Stymphalian Birds.
7.To Capture the Cretan Bull.
8.To Steal the Mares of Diomedes.
9.To Obtain the girdle of Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons.
10.To Obtain the cattle of the monster Geryon.
11.To Steal the apples of the Hesperides.
12.To Capture and bring back Cerberus.
He was very strong and earned immorality and lived with the gods of
King Midas was a very kind man who ruled his kingdom fairly, but he was
greedy and foolish. One day a satyr visited him ,old-Seilinos , the satyrs have
goat’s body and human head. The satyr was tired and hungry because he was
walking on the mountains so he asked Midas to allow him stay at his home
during the night . Midas treated him very well . This satyr was a friend of the god
Apollo. Apollo was pleased because Midas treated his friend very well , so he
decided to visit him and make a wish come true. Midas thought a bit and wished
“I want everything I touch to become gold”. Apollo said to him that this might be
dangerous , but Midas ignored him so Apollo made his wish come true.