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Compose and Create (CC). Students will extend their abilities to speak, write, and use other forms of representation to explore and present thoughts, feelings, and experiences in a variety
of forms for a variety of purposes and audiences.
Grade 6
appropriate strategies to
Composing and
 before
 during
 after
speaking, writing, and other representing activities.
Grade 7
CC7.3 Select and use the appropriate strategies to
communicate meaning with clarity and correctness
 before
 during
 after
speaking, writing, and other representing activities.
Grade 8
CC8.3 Select and use the appropriate strategies to
communicate meaning with clarity, correctness and
 before
 during
 after
speaking, writing, and other representing activities.
Big Ideas/
Proficient writers and creators develop a process.
Progress through stages/phases of the creating process (planning, drafting, revising, presenting) as needed. CC.1
What is my compose and create process?
Does composing need a process?
Consider prompt or find a topic and activate prior knowledge
What do I write about?
 Gather ideas and topics found in personal
 categorize ideas and topics found in personal
 idea journal, other means of collecting ideas
experiences – idea journal
experiences – idea journal
 Use RAFTS to refine the purpose of writing
 choose a topic that is significant – narrow topic
 form questions about chosen topic
Consider purpose and audience
 understand audience as all viewers, listeners,
readers rather than just the teacher
 understand that writing needs a purpose
 identify and define stance/role/voice
Who is my audience? Why am I writing to them?
 determine specific audience
 ask questions to analyze purpose and audience
 determine specific purpose
 develop a prompt to focus purpose and audience
 plan and organize information for the intended
viewer, listener, reader)
Consider and generate specific ideas and information that might be included
What do others say about my idea?
 generate and expand ideas through talk with peers
 get ideas from books and others
 formulate pertinent questions to explore and develop the
and teacher
What form will help me achieve my purpose and suit my audience?
 select a form that will serve purpose
 choose the best pattern to present ideas including cause
 choose underlying structures – temporal sequence,
and effect, problem/solution, opinion/reason,
time sequence, compare and contrast, problem and
fact/proof, sharing experience pattern
solution to present different kinds of information
Collect and focus ideas and information
How do I decide what to say about my idea?
 select details that will support the topic
 select details that will support the topic
 collect details about the topic and plan how to use them
 create a list, graphic organizer, character map,
 identify gaps in ideas and information
timeline, or sketch
Plan and organize ideas for drafting
What is the best way to organize my idea and details?
 mapping and authoring
 plan and organize ideas to fit format
 plan, organize, and sequence ideas to fit purpose, point
 establish a logical sequence for ideas
 mapping and authoring
of view, and format
 create an outline, flow chart, map, or other
 mapping and authoring
organizer to plan
 create a pre-writing plan as a guide
 consider alternative ways to organize and present ideas
Consider qualities of effective communication and the language to use
What tone and style of language will support my idea?
Consider and choose/adapt a possible form
 review and adapt models
 organize ideas to fit purpose of the composition
inform, describe, explain, persuade
Grade 9
CC9.3.a and CC9.3b Select and use appropriate
strategies to communicate meaning with clarity,
correctness and effect
 before
 during
 after
speaking, writing, and other representing activities.
 play with general idea and refine and narrow it
 considering and valuing own observations,
experiences, ideas, and opinions as sources for ideas
 develop purposeful Role Audience Format Topic
Strong verb
 determine timelines and deadlines
 engage intended audience and what response is
wanted from them
 choose to write to a purpose of: entertaining,
explaining, surprising, persuading, describing, or
 own observations, experiences, ideas, and opinions as
sources for ideas
 use free writing, clustering, or another selecting activity
to explore and find a focus
 Choose the frame or form that could be used to best
present ideas and that would be appropriate to
audience and purpose
 how much is already known about the subject
 what additional information is available
 where it may be found
 mapping and authoring
 state focus for communication in sentence
 map or outline a plan that might develop that focus
 use dialogue to draw readers in
 consider technology to emphasize ideas
 consider strong verbs to use
 match stance/role/voice to audience purpose
Create draft(s) and experiment with possible product(s)
 create a “discovery” draft and then revise it
 develop a clear main idea around which a
composition will be developed
Confer with others
 change writing in response to peer or teacher
 best register and point of view to use
How do I get my idea and details started?
arouse interest with a strong lead
 develop main idea with sufficient supporting detail
develop a clear main idea supported by significant
 change any ideas that are not clear or complete
and sufficient detail
 use and maintain appropriate point of view for
create a coherent sequence
audience and purpose
Do others understand my message?
 draft multiple leads and endings and consult peers
 use a peer response sheet
to seek the most effective
Use language and its conventions to construct message
Can I make my message clearer if I use a different convention?
 experiment with language that is particular to a
 write a variety of complex sentences using
 attend to the tone and sincerity
conventions of word order and punctuation
 communicate in a way that sounds informative and
 use formal and informal voice
 vary the structure and length for reasons of craft
 use transition words
Reflect, clarify, self-monitor, self-correct, and use a variety of “fix-up” strategies
What do I think about my own composition?
 Reflect on the lead choice
 Check for a strong lead
 Check for clear transitions that increase flow and
 Review the beginning middle and ending structure
 Look for details that develop the main idea
 Check that ideas are expressed in a variety of ways
Acknowledge sources
How do I use and acknowledge others’ ideas and thoughts?
 cite (ideas, quotes and facts) and reference (source)
CC.6.9 7,8,9. 2 Using
 what to emphasize in the communication
what tone or voice could be used
 develop a first draft that
 introduces the topic and gives the focus statement
 covers each part of the topic
 uses details explaining the topic
 ends in a way that gives the viewer, listener, reader a
final thought
 shape and reshape draft with audience and purpose in
 articulate hopes for composition and solicit feedback
and suggestions from peers and others
 use the right level of language for purpose and
 check for active, forward-moving sentences
 cut, clarify, and condense
CC6,4 7,8,9.5
Experiment with communication features and techniques
 see CC.1 Traits of Language
How can I make my message understood?
Revise for content and meaning (adding, deleting, substituting, and rethinking)
Are there changes I can make to strengthen my composition?
 check for a clear message or idea in the beginning,
 ensure the beginning attracts the viewer, listener, or
 consider the assumptions and values presented
reader, the middle part supports the focus, and the
middle and end
 ensure that there are a variety of sentence types
closing connects everything
 word choice is interesting and varied
 check for a logical and deliberate order of ideas and
Revise for organization
Do my ideas flow for the reader?
 reorganize paragraphs or sections for better
 move information to increase suspense or move the
 check that the text patterns and features are
sequence or logical progression
appropriate to the form of representation
 review for consistent point of view
 make choppy communications fluent
 look for a smooth flow of ideas between the
 revise to eliminate unnecessary repetition
beginning, middle and end by using transitions
Revise for sentence structure and flow
Are my sentences interesting?
 check that sentences are clear
 eliminate run- on sentences
 use a variety of sentences that flow smoothly and
 eliminate run-on sentences
 check that punctuation supports the sentence
clearly from one idea to the next
Revise for word choice, spelling, and usage
 use transitional words for flow
 use correct terminology to establish authority
 check for the rules of punctuation, capitalization,
spelling, and usage
Are the words the best they can be?
 consult a variety of resources to find appropriate
 use vivid verbs, specific subjects, and well-chosen
and precise words to reflect what students want to
 check for the rules of punctuation, capitalization,
 check for the rules of punctuation, capitalization,
spelling, and usage
 cut information that does not support focus
 add information if additional points need to be made
 refine so ideas are interesting, colourful, and understood
consider what parts are working together well
review method of development
consider if the opening and closing are appropriate
consider if a written composition reads smoothly and
 test and revise sentences for variety, verb choice, and
 choose sentences to make the desired effect
 Consider clarity and quality of words
 check for the rules of punctuation, capitalization,
spelling, and usage
spelling, and usage
Do the mechanics support or impede the meaning?
 polish to enhance legibility
 include an appropriate variety of print features that
 use white space, font, bold to communicate
suit text form and purpose
Do others ‘get’ my message?
 provide editing help to peers
 use pre-determined and/or student-developed criteria
 seek feedback from peers and teacher
for revision
 revise with peers’ and others’ responses in mind
Polish, practise, and decide how work will be shared and published
How shall I share my work?
 Choose which sharing form best suits the audience
 Choose which sharing form best suits the audience
 Choose from a small repertoire of sharing formats
and purpose, with teacher support
and purpose, with teacher guidance
 Enhance for clarity, correctness and variety
 enhance for clarity
 enhance for clarity and correctness
 create necessary supports: illustrations, charts,
 create necessary supports: illustrations, charts,
 create necessary supports: illustrations, charts,
graphics, expression, voice pitch, etc.
graphics, expression, voice pitch, etc.
graphics, expression, voice pitch, etc.
Share final product, reflect, consider feedback, and celebrate learning
What have I learned that will improve my next work?
 present
 present
 present
 collect feedback using a teacher selected method
 collect feedback using a method from a teacher
 collect feedback using a method from a personal
 reflect and set goals for future work
selected repertoire
 reflect and set goals for future work
 use a reflection sheet to think about the product,
delivery, and planning for future communications
Use the composing process strategies to create products
defined in other outcomes
Proofread for mechanics and appearance
 write fluently and legibly in cursive handwriting
with appropriate spacing
 choose appropriate font style and size
Confer with peers, teacher, or others
 provide editing and proofreading help to peers
Evidence of
Sept. 27, 2010
Living Sky School Division No. 202
 Review overall effect of the look of the composition –
neatness, organized, includes variety
 provide meaningful feedback based on specific
observations; keep comments positive and
 review purpose and choose a sharing format from a
large repertoire
 enhance for effect
 create necessary supports: illustrations, charts,
graphics, expression, voice pitch, etc.
collect feedback using a self-created method
reflect and set goals for future work
prepare a portfolio