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Rubric Descriptors
Sentence variety
Adherence to Assign.
Passing Plus/ A
Well-developed support for
main ideas, with a variety of
specific examples
Smooth, logical flow of ideas
from one sentence to
another. In a standard
paper, the reader may lose
the thread of thought only
once or twice.
Passing/ B
Support is adequate but
formulaic, fairly specific but
not greatly varied.
Smooth, logical flow of ideas
from one sentence to another
with occasional gaps in the
text, requiring re-reading;
there may be one or two
segments with unrelated
Uses near native style in
Uses acceptable balance of
balance of simple, compound simple, compound and
and complex sentence
complex sentences
Nearly all transitions are
used where needed.
Not Passing D
Little specific support,
reliance on generalities and
The logical relationship
between ideas and from
sentence to sentence is often
vague, requiring frequent
re-reading. There may be
several segments with
serious “gaps” in the flow.
Uses mostly simple
sentences or compound
sentences; little or no
subordination evident
Many incorrectly used or
missing which creates
coherence problems. Poorly
matched to idea being
Very Low C
Almost no support,
completely lacking
specificity or relevance.
Gaps in logic are frequent,
requiring frequent
rereading; numerous gaps
in the flow of ideas
seriously affect clarity and
create ambiguity.
Uses only simple sentences
Most correctly used; few
missing where needed; few
resulting coherence
problems. Some may be
formulaic or not
well-integrated in text.
Assignment clearly
Assign. generally followed; Assign. not followed, though
addressed; clear, direct
some aspects may be off the general topic may be
connection to specific assign. point slightly.
addressed; direct relevance
and general topic
not readily apparent.
Most incorrectly used or
missing so as to create
frequent coherence
problems and illogical
phrases and clauses.
Interesting lead-in with
well-developed ideas and a
clear integrated thesis
statement; purpose of essay
is very clear.
Missing a thesis, lead-in not
developed, purpose not at
all clear; very short relative
to length of paper and
Generally follows the rules,
but not particularly
interesting; has thesis
Missing or unclear thesis
statement. Introduction
lacks a clear focus.
No connection to assign. or
Topic Sentences
Thesis/focus is clear,
unambiguous and
insightful. It entirely relates
to the assignment.
T/F is mostly clear but with
little originality or insight. It
mostly relates to the
T/F is too vague or
general. It may be too
general or indirect to
understand. It only slightly
relates to the assignment.
Clear and relevant topic and Topic sentences used when Topics poorly stated and/or
controlling idea used in all
required, but may
unfocused and no controlling
body paragraphs, where
occasionally lack clarity or
idea evident
required (not req. in
narratives, for ex.)
Paraphrases thesis in
Repeats thesis nearly
Lacks restatement of thesis,
interesting way, summarizes verbatim, but
has little or no summary,
some key points in logical
summarizes main points
and/or introduces various
order and finishes with
from paper, possibly in
irrelevant new topics. It has
appropriate closing
random order. May
no clear closing sentence.
sentences. No new off-topic introduce one
unrelated topic and may
have weak or no clear
closing sentence.
Throughout the essay each One body paragraph has
More than one paragraph
paragraph maintains a clear trouble maintaining a clear
has serious trouble
focus; all details work
focus. A few details may
maintaining a clear focus.
together to develop a clear wander off the main point.
Focus is completely
missing/not evident; does
not relate to the
All sentence boundaries
clearly marked with
appropriate punctuation; few,
if any fragments or run-ons.
Ordinary clauses properly
constructed, though may be
Poor control of sentence
boundaries; frequent
fragments or run-ons
Very poor control of
sentence boundaries; no
sense of rules evident.
Writer does not have good
control of clauses. Verbs
Many clause errors cloud
the meaning of sentences,
No identifiable topic
Has no conclusion or
mostly irrelevant material.
Often one sentence,
perhaps an exact repetition
of the thesis.
Throughout the essay the
support is not clearly
related to the main point of
the paragraphs.
Sentence Boundaries
Clause Structure
Some errors with sentence
boundaries but they don’t
interfere with clarity or
interrupt flow.
Most of the clause structures
are correct although the
some errors in very complex student shows some minor
difficulties; errors don’t
interfere with clarity
Verb Structure, Tense,
aspect, voice
Nearly all verb forms properly
constructed in all tense.,
including irregular
verbs. Shows full command
of appropriate verb tense,
aspect, mood and voice
Meaning is clear; pronoun
referents clear; very few
vague words or phrases;
non-idiomatic constructions
don’t interfere with meaning.
Nouns are consistently and
appropriately marked as
singular or plural. Articles
are correctly used 60-100%
of the time.
Word Forms
Word Order
Excellent control of word
forms. No more than one or
two misused forms.
Ordering of words follows
acceptable sequencing of
subject-predicate, both for
statements and
interrogative. Nearly all
modifiers (adv., adj., clauses)
and/or subjects
missing. Infinitive forms
used incorrectly. Choice of
subord. Conjunc. not always
Only a few errors in verb
Frequent distracting errors in
formation which rarely
verb forms. Shows
interfere with clarity. Shows inconsistent control of
good command of present
present and past tenses;
and past. May have some repeated errors in choice of
difficulties with choice of
continuous, perfect, mood
continuous, perfect, mood
and voice. Tends to omit
and voice (passives).
Meaning is mostly clear and Unusual constructions cause
unambiguous; pronoun
ambiguity; unclear pronoun
referents generally clear; few referents; frequent
vague or non-idiomatic
non-idiomatic constructions.
Nouns are consistently
Nouns are not consistently
marked as singular or plural, marked as singular or
but there are some errors in plural. There are many
appropriate use. Articles are errors in appropriate
correctly used at least 60% of use. Articles are correctly
the time.
used less than 50% of the
A few incorrect word forms, Many errors in word form
but they do not interfere with denote poor control.
sentence clarity.
Acceptable sequencing of
Ordering of words does not
subject-predicate, both for
follow acceptable
statements and
sequencing. Many modifiers
questions. Most modifiers are incorrectly used, resulting
used correctly, resulting in
in coherence problems.
few coherence problems.
interfering with logical
relationships, requiring
frequent re-reading. Or
lack of subordination where
Little or no understanding
of English verb structure
rules. Lacks control with
verb tenses. many errors
in choice and formation of
continuous, perfect, and
passive voice.
Many non-idiomatic
phrases, missing pronoun
referents; frequent
Nouns are rarely marked as
singular or plural. Articles
are correctly used less than
40% of the time.
Errors frequently interfere
with clarity, causing
frequent re-reading.
Ordering of words does not
follow acceptable
sequencing. Most
modifiers are incorrectly
used or missing, resulting in
severe coherence
Word Choice
General Comments
used correctly
Shows native-like use of
vocabulary appropriate to
topics including academic
college-level papers. Use of
vocabulary is never
confusing to the reader.
Good control of basic
academic vocabulary. Use
of vocabulary is seldom
confusing to the reader.
Synonyms frequently
employed with some minor
Good control of
Generally good control, but
punctuation. Uses less
there may be occasional
common forms such as the missing commas and
semi-colon. Only one or two apostrophes, a few words
may be misspelled.
or comma-splices. Most
commas placed correctly,
mostly correct
spelling. Apostrophes in
Weak control of academic
Use of basic and college
vocabulary. Cannot write
level vocabulary is very
academic college-level
confusing. The reader is
papers. Reader confused
often confused. Frequent
frequently. Only occasional repetitions of common
synonyms employed.
Missing punctuation
interferes with sentence
clarity. Little consistency
denotes poor grasp of
rules. Frequent
Little understanding
of correct
punctuation. Incorrect use
of commas and punctuation
seriously interferes with
meaning. No control of
spelling rules.