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• 1. What is the function and effect of the human
thyroid gland?
• The thyroid gland regulates the body’s
metabolism and calcium levels.
• 2. If a hormone causes an increase in a certain
activity in the body, describe how positive
feedback would work in this situation.
• If an increase in the activity causes the production
of a certain hormone, then the increase in the
hormone will produce an even greater increase in
the activity, and so on……
• 3. If a hormone promotes a certain activity in the
body, describe what an antagonistic hormone
would do.
• An antagonistic hormone would promote an
activity that is opposite to the activity of another
• 4. What is the target tissue for antidiuretic
hormone, and what is its function?
• Antidiuretic hormone targets the kidneys and
stimulates them to reabsorb water to be used for
cooling the body, rather than release it in urine
• 5. Describe proliferation of the endometrium and
tell the purpose of this bodily function.
• Proliferation is the preparation of the cells in the
endometrium for the implantation of the blastula.
Sugar-rich nutrients are secreted for the
developing fetus to use if pregnancy occurs.
• 6. What does a sperm cell contribute to a zygote?
• Primarily just DNA, but the flagellum can be used
as structural components during mitosis and
• 7. Which hormone stimulates the production of a
sugar-rich endometrial lining in the uterus to
support the developing embryo, and where did
this hormone originate?
• As the corpus luteum within the ovary (what is
left of the follicle that holds the egg after the egg
is released) degenerates,
• it releases progesterone,
• which stimulates the
• production of the
• sugar-rich lining of the
• endometrium.
• 8. Name some tissues that would develop from
• Parts of the central nervous system, outer linings,
such as the skin
• 9. Which hormones occur in larger amounts in the
blood during the first half of the menstrual cycle?
• Estrogen and Follicle Stimulating Hormone are
found in increased amounts in the blood during
the 1st half of the menstrual cycle.
• 10. Name some things that are exchanged
between mother and developing fetus through the
placenta, and some things that are not exchanged.
• ARE – carbon dioxide & oxygen, waste products,
• ARE NOT – macromolecules and blood supplies
• 11. Name some organisms that have an amnion
around the embryo and some that do not have an
amnion around the embryo.
• HAVE – mammals, birds, reptiles
• DO NOT HAVE – fish, amphibians
• 12. Name some tissues that develop from
• The linings of internal organs and the digestive
• 13. What are gibberellins and what are the
effects of gibberellins?
• Gibberellins are plant hormones that regulate
growth and influence various developmental
processes, including stem elongation,
germination, dormancy, flowering, etc. Adding
gibberellins to a plant would most likely cause it
to grow taller.
• 14. If a lipid and an amino acid both acted as a
ligand, identify where each would end up at the
completion of the signal transduction pathway,
and tell what the effect of each would be.
• Lipids, such as cholesterol and steroids, would
most likely travel to the nucleus to affect
transcription. Amino acids, or peptide hormones,
would most likely remain in the cytoplasm to have
an effect on enzymes there.
• 15. As embryos develop in plants and animals,
which stages of development are the same in
both plants and animals?
• All information for building the organism is in the
• Genes are controlled by enzymes and hormones
• Fertilization produces a diploid zygote
• Cell divisions and growth occur by mitosis
• Cell differentiation occurs as genes are expressed
• 16.
An experiment involving a species of photosynthetic algae was conducted to try and
measure the amount of carbon that was fixed into the composition of glucose molecules.
The algae was placed in a one liter glass mason jar and then covered with the same pond
water in which the algae was growing. The initial amount of dissolved oxygen (DO) in the
water was determined to be 5.64 mg O2/L. The mason jar was then placed under a light
source for 24 hours. The final reading for dissolved oxygen was 11.83 mg O2/L. The
mason jar remained at 6⁰C the whole time. Calculate the amount of carbon that was
fixed, in photosynthesis, based on the change in amount of dissolved oxygen over the 24
hour period, using the formulas given.
ΔDO = DOf - DOi
Mg O2/L X 0.698 = mL O2/L
O2/L X 0.536 = mg of carbon fixed/L
• ΔDO = DOf – Doi = 6.19 mg O2/L
• 6.19 mg O2/L X 0.698 = 4.32 mL O2/L
• 4.32 mL O2/L X 0.536 = 2.32 mg of carbon fixed/L
• 17. Explain alternation of generations in plants.
Tell what type of cell division occurs in each and
what is produced in each division.
• The sporophyte generation is diploid and produces
spores. Meiosis occurs in the spores, and they
become haploid. When they are released, they
begin the gametophyte generation, producing
haploid gametes that form a diploid zygote when
fertilization occurs.
• 18. What is apoptosis. Give an example in both
plants and animals.
• Apoptosis is “programmed cell death”. In plants
cells in the stem die, creating holes or tubes
through which xylem can flow. In animals cells die
between fingers and toes to prevent webbing, as
seen in duck appendages.
How would you explain
• 19. Describe the development of an embryo from
fertilized egg through gastrula.
• Fertilization occurs between male and female
• Cleavage begins as rapid cell divisions occur,
producing a solid ball of cells (morula)
• As the morula produces a cavity in the center, the
blastula (hollow ball of cells) is formed
• The gastrula forms when some cells in the
blastula begin to push inward, creating the
archenteron, an opening, and three germ layers of
• 20. Explain the difference between protostomes
and deuterostomes.
• Protostomes – mouth forms first and anus forms
• Deuterostomes – anus forms first, mouth forms
• 21. Describe human embryonic stem cells, their
function, and their use in medical research.
• Stem cells are totipotent, meaning they can
become any type of cell.
• They can have infinite reproduction to become
any type of cell.
• They have the potential to treat many diseases,
including leukemias, anemias, heart disease,
stroke, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, diabetes, cancer,
multiple sclerosis, lupus, neurodegenerative
disorders and many other medical problems.