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World History
Ms. Avar
Rise of
Exam Review
Full Name:_________________
Period #:___________________
Use this as a study guide for
your upcoming exam. Prepare!
Find the following answers from “Prologue, Section 1 Reader" and p. 5-11 in your book
1. Be able to define the following terms (see “Terms and Names” on your Reader):
a. government
b. democracy
2. How is a republic different from a direct democracy? (see “Terms and Names” on your Reader)
3. Know how democracy developed (read the first part of the reader: throughout history, what have people needed? How
have people lived for most of history? Did the idea of democracy grow slowly or quickly)?
4. How was the Roman legislative (law-making) branch organized (ie. how was it made up AND what were each of the
branches like?)
5. How have Rome’s laws influenced democracy?
6. What are some of the most important principles of Roman law?
7. What were the Twelve Tables, and why were they important?
8. The Code of Justinian established the idea that “a government of laws, not of men”. Why was that important?
Find the following answers from “Democracy: Now That’s Thinkin’” and p. 8
1. Be able to recognize ways that Athenian Democracy and U.S. Democracy are the same (the “both” circle)
Find the following answers from “Greek Philosopher: Play by Play”
1. Be familiar with Solon:
 How did Solon help Athens avoid revolution or civil war?
 How did Solon change citizenship laws in Athens? How did it help contribute to democracy, but still leave
citizens unequal?
 What kind of council did Solon create in Athens?
 Under Solon, what changed regarding what happened when somebody did something wrong against another
2. Be familiar with Cleisthenes:
 What was his nickname? Why?
 Were Athenian citizens considered equal due to Cleisthenes? Support your response.
 How did Cleisthenes help to increase democracy? (See Prologue Sec. 1 Reader)
3. Be familiar with Pericles:
 What would he do to create equal participation in Athenian democracy? How did it help?
 What type of government did Athens become as a result of Pericles?
 What changes did he introduce into Greek government to make it more democratic? (See Prologue Sec. 1 Reader)
4. What are the two assumptions upon which the Greek thinkers based their philosophy?
5. What did Socrates encourage his students to examine?
Really Understand Plato & Aristotle
1. Plato:
 From “Greek Philosopher: Play by Play”
o What was Plato’s famous writing called?
o What did Plato want for society?
 From “Plato Face Packet”:
o What did Plato believe is essential for good government?
o What did Plato believe were the dangers of democracy? Of Autocracy?
o Under Plato’s ideal form of government, who should rule, and what would their role be?
7. Aristotle:
 From “Greek Philosopher: Play by Play”:
o What is the name of Aristotle’s most famous writing? What is his famous quote in that?
o Who was Aristotle’s teacher?
 From “Aristotle Primary Source” quote p. 31 in your book:
o With which group does Aristotle say political power is best located?
o According to Aristotle, what causes tyranny?
 From “Drawing Conclusions”/ Primary Source from Politics (the back):
o According to Aristotle, what are the advantages of having a large, middle class?
 From “Aristotle Face Packet”:
o What did Aristotle believe is the possible danger of democracy?
o What did Aristotle believe the relationship should be between kings and philosophers?
Find the following answers from “Rule of Law: Governments”
1. Be able to compare the different types of government systems. Study the government type, and their definitions. Be
able to match and recognize each government type with their definitions and examples.
2. Be able to explain the difference between the government that was formed in Ancient Greece and Ancient
a. Greece
i. What are the major contributions of the Greeks to the idea of democracy? (KWL Religion)
ii. What is the legacy of Greece? (p. 8)
iii. What type of government did Greece develop? (p. 5)
b. Rome
i. What are the main contributions of the Romans for democracy? (KWL Religion)
ii. What is the legacy of Rome? (p. 11)
iii. What type of government did Rome develop? (p. 10)
iv. What are the four basic principles of Roman law? (p. 11)
Find the following answers from “Religions of the World”, “KWL Religion” and p. 12-17
1. Be able to identify / match the different types of world religions to their key beliefs, leadership, holy book & symbols
2. Be able to explain how religion indirectly contributed to the growth of democracy.
a. See your KWL Religion: What is Monotheism? Individualism? How did these shape democracy?
b. See p. 30 Visual Summary
************************ESSAY QUESTION (Study the back of KWL Religion)**********************
In what ways are the monotheistic religions similar to the Greeks and the Romans in the development of democracy?
- Include an introduction and conclusion sentence (1 point)
- Includes 2 specific examples about how Greek society was similar to monotheistic religion(s) (2 points each)
- Includes 2 specific examples about how Roman society was similar to monotheistic religion(s) (2 points each)
Is written legibly (1 point)