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Sociology Department
School of Social Sciences
Study Guide
2013 - 2014
Organization of the
Establishment of the Department:
The Sociology Department belongs to the Faculty of Social
Sciences at the University of Crete. It was founded in 1984
and admitted its first students and in the academic year
Department Administration:
The Chairperson of the Department of Sociology is Associate Professor Aliki Lavranou. The
decision-making body for the operation of the Sociology Department is the General Meeting of the faculty members.
Structure and function of the Department:
In order to better coordinate research and teaching activities, the Department is organized into Sections. Teaching staff is distributes into these Sections. Each Section
coordinates the organization and teaching of courses that correspond to specific fields
of Sociology. There are three (3) Sections at the Sociology Department, which operate
• Social Theory and Methods Section
This Section covers subjects such as the history of sociological theories classical and contemporary social theory, social and political philosophy, epistemology of social sciences,
and methods of the social sciences.
• Social Organization and Change Section
This Section covers the disciplines of the sociology of the state and of organizations, the
sociology of the family, social classes, and strata, social demography, urban sociology,
rural sociology, environmental sociology, sociology of bureaucracy, and business and
economic sociology. It also covers the theories of social change and development, government policies (with emphasis on the welfare state), local political organization, social
movements, political parties, interest groups, the political sociology of European integration, migration and theories globalization.
• Culture Section
The Culture Section covers the sociology of culture, social anthropology, social history,
the sociology of work, the sociology of education and learning, and ideology and culture.
It also covers a range of subjects related to socialization and social control, the sociology
of religion, the sociology of youth, the sociology of literature, the sociology of art, communication, and the sociology of minorities.
Faculty Members:
Koumbourlis Yiannis,
Lecturer, Historical Sociology of Contemporary
Greek Society
Alexakis Emmanuel
Kousis Maria,
Assistant Professor,
Political Sociology: Political Parties
Professor, Sociology
(Development and Environment)
Arapoglou Vassilis,
Konstantinidou Christina,
Assistant Professor, Sociology of Inequalities and
Social Exclusion
Assistant Professor, Sociology of the Mass Media
Lavranu Aliki
Acheimastos Myron,
Associate Professor, Social and Political Philosophy
Associate Professor, Sociology of Culture, Ideology
and Culture
Papageorgiou Yota,
Gounis Kostas
Professor, Social Sciences Research Methods and
Gender Studies)
Assistant Professor, Urban Anthropology
Papaioannou Skevos,
Assistant Professor, Sociology of Development
Professor, Sociology of Work and Sociology of
Zaimakis Yiannis,
Petropoulou Eugenia,
Zambarloukou Stella,
Associate Professor, Sociology of Local Societies
and Culture
Lecturer, Social Transformations in Contemporary
Rural Space
Kalogeraki Stefania,
Petoussi Vassiliki,
Lecturer, Quantitative Methods in Sociology
Assistant Professor, Sociology of Law and Deviance
Karakioulafi Christina,
Romanos Vassilis,
Assistant Professor, Sociology of Industrial
Lecturer, Sociological Theory
Samatas Minas,
Koniordos Sokratis,
Professor of Sociology, with an emphasis in
Economic Sociology
Professor, Political Sociology of the Modern Greek
Serdedakis Nikos,
Assistant Professor, Sociology of Collective Action
and Social Movements
Tzanakis Manolis,
Lecturer, Sociology of Illness and Medical
Tsiolis Giorgos,
Assistant Professor, Qualitative Methods in
Sociological Research
Fournaraki Eleni,
Associate Professor, Contemporary Social History
Retired Faculty Members:
Moschonas Andreas,
Professor, Political Sociology
Halaris Yiorgos,
Associate Professor, Sociology of Development
Collaborations of the
Sociology Department
through the ERASMUS
University of Kent at Canterbury. London Metropolitan University, Department of Sociology. School
of Oriental and African Studies, Department of
Sociology and Anthopology, University of London.
University of East London, School of Law and Social
Sciences. University of Vienna. Universite Lumiere
(Lyon II). Universite de Metz. Universite Pierre
Mendes France de Grenoble. Universite de Toulouse –II- Le Mirail. Universite Picardie. Universite
de Corse Pasquale Paoli. Freie Universitat Berlin.
Ηumboldt Universitaet. Johann Wolfgang GoetheUniversitaet Frankfurt am Main. Universitaet Gottingen. Universitaet Jena. Universities Hannover.
University of Erfurt, Faculty of Economics, Law
and Social Sciences. Bamberg University. Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Politicas Sociologia.
Universidad de Sevilla. Universita degli studi di
Firenze, University of Trento. Universita di MilanooBicocca. Universita della Calabria. Uniwersitet
Jagiellonski. The AGH University of Science and
Technology PL KRAKOW 02. Krakowska Akademia,
Faculty of Humanities. Instituto Superior de Ciencias do Trabalho e da Empresa. Ινστιτούτο ISEG του
Τεχνικού Πανεπιστημίου της Λισσαβόνας. Linkopings
Universitet. Maltepe University. Yalova Universitesi.
Kaunas University. Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου. Frederic
University, School of Humanities Social Sciences.
Admission procedures
According to the legislative provisions of the Greek
Ministry of Education, admission to the Sociology
Department is determined through the National
Examination System.
Each academic year, the Sociology Department
also admits, through written qualifying examinations, a limited number of university and Technical Education Institutes graduates or holders of
recognized diplomas from abroad, in accordance
with applicable legal provisions.
Students who enter the Department through
this provision may apply for the recognition and
inclusion in the requirements for the Sociology
Department degree of courses they successfully
completed in earning their previous degree. The
number of courses thus recognized cannot exceed
one third of the required courses for the Sociology
Department degree. Such applications are subject
to approval by the General Assembly of the Department.
Objectives of the Sociology
Educational and research objectives:
Sociology is an empirically oriented social science
that studies social phenomena in a historical and
contemporary perspective. The objective of the
curriculum is to equip students with the theoretical and methodological foundations of sociology,
as well as enable them to utilize the empirical
methods of sociological research. The curriculum is
oriented towards the development of autonomous
and reflexive sociological thinking in the scientific
analysis of social problems and great emphasis
is placed on developing students’ to reflect on
the effects of their activity in social reality. The
Department’s aim is to provide a theoretically- and
methodologically-grounded education with critical knowledge about the social structure, social
interaction, and social institutions. Studies in the
Sociology Department are structured in such a
way as to ensure a wide sociological knowledge,
knowledge in particular fields of sociology, and
knowledge from other related disciplines of the
social sciences.
Career objectives:
Graduates of the Sociology Department can be
employed as teachers in secondary education, in
local administration authorities, in the wider public
sector, and in the private sector. A major asset of
the graduates of the Sociology Department when
seeking a position in the labor market lies in their
capacities as scientists with the appropriate skills
to approach contemporary social issues and to
formulate and implement research projects that
scientifically document and propose ways for
dealing with social problems. Sociology graduates
are equipped with specialized knowledge that allows them to study changes in social structure in
a comparative dimension and to interpret the perceptions and practices adopted by various social
groups and social categories of citizens. Towards
this end, the curriculum of the Sociology Depart-
ment places great emphasis on subjects relating
to the mastering of current qualitative and quantitative methods of sociological research. In sum,
graduates of the Sociology Department are able to
seek employment related to the scientific organization and operation of various social institutions
and services.
Access to further studies
Graduates of the Sociology Department are qualified to pursue postgraduate studies in the social
sciences, either in specific professional fields, or in
academically-oriented directions.
Curriculum of the Undergraduate
Studies Program
Summary of the Curriculum
The curriculum includes a number of courses
covering the wider field of Sociology: theory and
methods of sociology, as well as theoretical and
analytical knowledge in various sub-fields of the
discipline. The Department’s strategy is to develop
and offer courses that are not only of an introductory- theoretical nature, but have more analytical,
empirical, and comparative content.
A. Core Courses (YPO)
The Core Curriculum includes eleven (11) courses
designed to provide basic methodological tools,
knowledge and the frame of reference of Sociology and the Social Sciences in general, and an
introduction to major sub-fields of the discipline.
The Core courses are designed both to provide a
comprehensive understanding of the wider discipline of Sociology and to facilitate the transition to
specific thematic areas, or Directions, that make
up the curriculum. All students are required to
complete successfully these courses.
Seminars are characterized by the relative specialization of the course’s subject. They require
active student participation in the course, through
oral presentations of specific topics and the
submission of written assignments. The number
of students who can enroll in seminars is limited,
ranging from five (5) to twenty (20). Seminars,
along with their respective prerequisites, function
as an effective means for building student ability
to conduct and present independent research, under the guidance and supervision of the instructor.
The Department’s Curriculum and the courses it
contains, enables students to select and formulate
their own individual program of studies. To facilitate this process, the Department has structured
the Curriculum based on the following criteria:
- the degree of difficulty and complexity of the
- the availability of courses that from an epistemological and pedagogical perspective function as
prerequisites for selecting other, more complex or
more specialized, courses
- the availability of courses offering the absolutely
necessary sociological basis for each student of
B. Direction Courses (YEK)
E. Inter-Departmental Elective Courses
The Direction courses cover systematic thematic
areas within the broader discipline of Sociology.
They offer the possibility of a more comprehensive
understanding of these sub-fields and provide
students a greater degree of flexibility in choosing
their area of specialization .
Students are offered the option to enroll in courses
of their interest that are offered by Departments
of the University of Crete or, with the approval of
the General Assembly of the Sociology Department, from other Universities or Technical Education Institutes, in Greece or abroad.
The Directions are the following four (4):
F. Foreign Language
Based on these criteria, the courses are divided
into two groups: (a) Core Courses and (b) Direction
[Thematic Areas] Courses.
3. Political Sociology
4. Culture - Labor - Education
A four-term “English for Sociology” course offered
by the Department is a required Core Course.
By the end of their studies, students must have
developed adequate linguistic skills in the English
language so as to be able to understand sociological texts. Alternatively, students may choose to
learn another language (French, German, Italian,
Spanish), offered at the School of Social Sciences,
or another School of the University of Crete.
C. Elective Lecture Courses (YEP)
G. Internship
These courses constitute the bulk of the subjects
contained in the four Directions. When deemed
necessary, instructors can determine whether the
successful completion of prerequisites is a condition for enrollment in these courses.
Internships offer a significant opportunity to
link theoretical knowledge with empirical reality
through student placement at agencies, mostly
public services, that participate in the program and
deal with issues relevant to the academic subjects
taught at The Sociology Department. Through the
Internship Program, students are trained in real
1. Social Theory - Methodology
2. Social Development - Social Transformation
D. Elective Seminars (YES)
working conditions and are in a position to acquire
valuable work experience. Additionally, the Internship Program mobilizes interest by public and
private agencies and companies and contributes
towards the development of a network of contacts
that can support the integration of Sociology
Department graduates to the labor market. Internships are optional and can be approved after the
third year of study.
H. Graduate Thesis
The Graduate Thesis is optional and is equivalent to
two (2) Electives (YEP) and one (1) Seminar (YES).
Upon the recommendation of the faculty member
that is to serve as supervisor, the Thesis proposal is
subject to approval by the General Assembly of the
Sociology Department. Graduate Thesis proposals
can be submitted by students who have completed
all but are ten (10) or less courses from the total
number of courses required for graduation. The
subject matter of the Thesis must relate to the
student’s academic development, as reflected by
the courses he/she has completed so far. The completion of the Thesis extends over a two-semester
Course Categories and ECTS:
A. Mandatory Core Courses (YEP)
Category of Course Number of Courses
ECTS per Course
Total ECTS per Category
Lecture and Tutorial11666
Foreign language4520
Course Duration:
The duration of the academic semester for each
course offered is thirteen (13) weeks. Each class
meeting, for both lecture courses and seminars,
lasts for three hours per week.
B. Direction Courses (YEK)
Category of Course Number of Courses
ECTS per Course
Total ECTS per Category
C. Elective Courses (YEP)
Category of Course Number of Courses
ECTS per Course
Total ECTS per Category
D. Seminars
Category of Course Number of Courses
ECTS per Course
Total ECTS per Category
D. Seminars6530
E. Inter-Departmental Elective Courses
(Optional – if not chosen, must be substituted by Direction Courses and/or Elective Courses)
Category of Course Number of Courses
ECTS per Course
Total ECTS per Category
F. Graduate Thesis
(Optional – Corresponds to one seminar and two Elective Courses)
Category of Course Number of Courses
ECTS per Course
Total ECTS per Category
Graduate Thesis11515
G. Internship
(Optional – Corresponds to one Elective Course)
Category of Course Number of Courses
ECTS per Course
Total ECTS per Category
Total Number of Courses and ECTS required for Degree
46 Courses
Total ECTS 241
ECTS through the Erasmus Program:
Course Distribution
The Sociology Department participates in
the European Union “Socrates/Erasmus”
program, relating to the exchange of
teaching staff and students. The Department recognizes courses that were
successfully completed at other European universities in the framework of this
Examination periods
Under current law, the Dean of the School
of Social Sciences designates the examination periods, at the end of each semester.
An additional period is set at the beginning
of the academic year, in September, for all courses offered during
the two semesters of the previous
academic year.
The types of courses, a total of 46, required for the award of the Sociology
Department degree are distributed as
- eleven (11) mandatory Core courses
- four (4) terms of English for Sociology
(or another language)
- three (3) Direction courses (YEK)
- sixteen (16) to twenty-two (22) Elective
courses (YEP)
- six (6) Seminars
- up to six (6) Inter-Departmental Elective
courses (ELE)
NOTE: Inter-Departmental Elective courses
(ELE) are optional and can be taken in the
place of Sociology Department
Elective courses. As mentioned
above, the Graduate Thesis and the
Internship are optional as well.
Mandatory Core Courses A’ Semester (YΠO):
ΕΙΣΚ100 Introduction to Sociology I
(Includes Lab)
Social Theory I(Includes Lab)
ΙΣΤΚ120 Social History(Includes Lab)
Sk. Papaioannou /N. Serdedakis 4 credits
6 ects
A. Lavranou/PhD Candidate
E. Fournaraki/Lab
4 credits
4 credits
6 ects
6 ects
3 credits
3 credits
3 credits
3 credits
3 credits
5 ects
5 ects
5 ects
5 ects
5 ects
4 credits
6 ects
4 credits
6 ects
4 credits
6 ects
3 credits
3 credits
3 credits
3 credits
3 credits
5 ects
5 ects
5 ects
5 ects
5 ects
Foreign Languages:
English for Sociologists Level A’ I. Havredaki ΓΑΛΚ010
French Level Α΄
Μ. Vitorou
German Level Α΄
I. Pappa
Spanish Level Α΄
Ε. Oikonomou
Italian Level Α΄
Ν. Giannakodimou
Mandatory Core Courses C’ Semester (YΠΟ):
Social Theory III(Includes Lab) V. Romanos/ K. Gounis ΜΕΘΚ132
Methods and Techniques of
Sociological Research II
(Includes Lab)
P. Papageorgiou/Papadaki M.
Theories of Social Change and
Development (Includes Lab) St. Zamparloukou/Lab
Foreign Languages: ΑΓΓΚ030
English for Sociologists Level C I. Havredaki
French Level C΄
Μ. Vitorou
German Level C΄
I. Pappa
Spanish Level C΄
Ε. Oikonomou
Italian Level Α΄
Ν. Giannakodimou
Direction Courses (ΥΕΚ):
Β΄+C΄Sociology of Health and Illness M. Tzanaikis
3 credits
5 ects
A΄+Β΄+D΄Sociology of Leisure
I. Zaimakis
3 credits
5 ects
Β΄+C΄ Society and the Environment M. Kousi
3 credits
5 ects
Α΄+D΄ Ideology and Culture
M. Axeimastos
3 credits
5 ects
Β΄+D΄ Industrial Sociology Sociology of Work I
X. Karakioulafi
3 credits
5 ects
NEW Β΄+C΄ Social Inequalities and
Social ExclusionV. Arapoglou3 credits5 ects
Elective Courses (ΥΕΠ):
Introduction to Sociology II
Economic Sociology
Sociology of the Information
Society and Internet Sociology
Social Identities and Biographies
in Postindustrial Society
Sociology of Privacy and Surveillance
Social Demography I
NEW Methods of Gender Research Μ. Axeimastos
S. Koniordos
3 credits
3 credits
5 ects
5 ects
M. Samatas
3 credits
5 ects
G. Tsiolis
M. Samatas
St. Kalogeraki
P. Papageorgiou
3 credits
3 credits
3 credits
3 credits
5 ects
5 ects
5 ects
5 ects
Seminars (ΥΕΣ):
C΄Social Exclusion -Social Inclusion
Policies in Urban Spaces
V. Arapoglou
4 credits
5 ects
D’ Sociology of Mental Health
E. Tzanakis
4 credits
5 ects
A’ Special Topics in Contemporary
Social Theory IV. Romanos4 credits5 ects
Α΄ The Weberian Thesis on the Prote
stant Ethic and the Contempor. Debate S. Koniordos
4 credits
5 ects
ΝEW C΄+ D΄Political Culture and
Political ParticipationN. Serdedakis4 credits5 ects
C΄ Political Parties and Social Action in
Post-War Greece
Μ. Alexakis 4 credits
5 ects
NEW B’ +C’ Biopower and Biopolitics:
Anthropological readings Κ. Gounis
4 credits
5 ects
C΄+ D΄ Sociology of the Internet
Ch. Konstantinidou
4 credits
5 ects
NEW B’ +D΄Special Topics in Media
and Social Inequalities
Ch. Konstantinidou
4 credits
5 ects
Β΄+ Γ΄+ Δ’ Special Topics in the
Sociology of Work: Crisis of the Industrial
Society of Work
Sk. Papaioannou
Α΄ Biographical and Narrative
Approaches in Sociology
G. Tsiolis
4 credits
5 ects
Β΄+ C΄ Special issues in Rural Sociology:
Rural society, development transfor
mations, environm. and new directions E. Petropoulou
4 credits
5 ects
Senior Thesis (optional)
Required Courses (ΥPΟ) – 1st Semester:
Introduction to Sociology I
Sk. Papaioannou /
(Includes Tutorial)N. Serdedakis4 credits6 ects
Social Theory I(Includes Tutorial)
A. Lavranou/
PhD Candidate4 credits6 ects
ΙΣΤΚ120 Social History(Includes Tutorial)
E. Fournaraki/
E. Fournaraki4 credits6 ects
Foreign Languages:
English for Sociologists Level Α΄ I. Havredaki 3 credits
5 ects
French Level Α΄
Μ. Vitorou
3 credits
5 ects
German Level Α΄
I. Pappa
3 credits
5 ects
Spanish Level Α΄
Ε. Oikonomou
3 credits
5 ects
Italian Level Α΄
Ν. Giannakodimou
3 credits
5 ects
Required Courses (ΥPΟ) - 3rd Semester
Social Theory III(Includes Tutorial)
V. Romanos/ K. Gounis 4 credits
6 ects
Methods and Techniques of
Sociological Research IIP. Papageorgiou/
(Includes Tutorial)Papadaki M.4 credits6 ects
Theories of Social Change and
St. Zamparloukou/
Development (Includes Tutorial)Tutorial4 credits6 ects
Foreign Languages: ΑΓΓΚ030
English for Sociologists Level C΄
I. Havredaki
3 credits
5 ects
French Level C΄
Μ. Vitorou
3 credits
5 ects
German Level C΄
I. Pappa
3 credits
5 ects
Spanish Level C΄
Ε. Oikonomou
3 credits
5 ects
Italian Level Α΄
Ν. Giannakodimou
3 credits
5 ects
Direction Courses (ΥΕΚ):
Β΄+C΄ Sociology of Health and Illness M. Tzanakis
3 credits
5 ects
A΄+Β΄+D΄Sociology of Leisure
I. Zaimakis
3 credits
5 ects
Β΄+C΄ Society and the Environment M. Kousi
3 credits
5 ects
Α΄+D΄ Ideology and Culture
M. Axeimastos
3 credits
5 ects
Β΄+D΄ Industrial Sociology - Sociology
of Work IX. Karakioulafi3 credits5 ects
NEW Β΄+C΄Social Inequalities and
Social ExclusionV. Arapoglou3 credits5 ects
Elective Courses (ΥΕP):
Introduction to Sociology II
Μ. Axeimastos
3 credits
5 ects
Economic Sociology
S. Koniordos
3 credits
5 ects
Sociology of the Information Society
and Internet Sociology
M. Samatas
3 credits
5 ects
Social Identities and Biographies in
Postindustrial SocietyG. Tsiolis3 credits5 ects
Sociology of Privacy and Surveillance M. Samatas
3 credits
5 ects
Social Demography I
St. Kalogeraki
3 credits
5 ects
NEW Methods of Gender Research P. Papageorgiou
3 credits
5 ects
Seminars (ΥΕS):
Social Exclusion -Social Inclusion
Policies in Urban Spaces
V. Arapoglou
4 credits
5 ects
Sociology of Mental Health
E. Tzanakis
4 credits
5 ects
Special Topics in Contemporary
Social Theory IV. Romanos4 credits5 ects
The Weberian Thesis on the
Protestant Ethic and the Contemporary DebateS. Koniordos4 credits5 ects
ΠΟΛΚ339ΝEW C΄+ D΄ Political Culture and Political
ParticipationN. Serdedakis4 credits5 ects
Political Parties and Social
Action in Post-War Greece
Μ. Alexakis 4 credits
5 ects
ΑΝΘΚ338NEW B’ +C’ Biopower and Biopolitics:
Anthropological readings Κ. Gounis
4 credits
5 ects
C΄+ D΄ Sociology of the Internet
Ch. Konstantinidou
4 credits
5 ects
ΜΜΕΚ356NEW B’ +D΄ Special Topics in Media and
Social Inequalities
Ch. Konstantinidou
4 credits
5 ects
Β΄+ Γ΄+ Δ’ Special Topics in the Sociology
of Work: Crisis of the Industrial
Society of WorkSk. Papaioannou4credits.5 ECTS
Biographical and Narrative
Approaches in Sociology
G. Tsiolis
4 credits
5 ects
Β΄+ C΄ Special issues in Rural Sociology:
Rural society, development
transformations, environment
and new directions
E. Petropoulou
4 credits
5 ects
Senior Thesis (optional)
SPRING SEMESTER COURSES 2013-14 (Preliminary)
Required Courses B’ Semester (ΥΠΟ):
Social Theory ΙΙ – (Classical Theory)
Romanos V./
(Includes Tutorial)Koumbourlis I.4 credits6 ects
ΣΤΑΚ 130
Social Statistics(Includes Tutorial)
St. Kalogeraki/
4 credits
6 ects
ΠΟΛΚ 140
Introduction to Political Sociology Μ. Samatas
(Includes Tutorial)(tutorial)4 credits6 ects
ΠΟΚΚ 149
Sociology of Culture (Includes Tutorial) Axeimastos M./
Tzanakis E.4 credits6 ects
Foreign Languages:
ΑΓΓΚ 020
English for Sociologists Level B
I. Havredaki 3 credits
5 ects
ΓΑΛΚ 020
French Level Β΄
Μ. Vitorou
3 credits
5 ects
ΓΕΡΚ 020
German Level Β΄
I. Pappa
3 credits
5 ects
ΙΣΠΚ 020
Spanish Level Β΄
Ε. Oikonomou
3 credits
5 ects
ΙΤΑΚ 020
Italian Level Β΄
Ν. Giannakodimou
3 credits
5 ects
Required Courses 4th Semester (ΥΠΟ):
ΜΕΘΚ 131
Methods and Techniques of Sociological G. Tsiolis
Research I(Includes Tutorial)
Foreign Languages:
ΑΓΓΚ 040
English for Sociologists Level D΄
I. Havredaki ΓΑΛΚ 040
French Level D΄
Μ. Vitorou
ΓΕΡΚ 040
German Level D΄
I. Pappa
ΙΣΠΚ 040
Spanish Level D΄
Ε. Oikonomou
ΙΤΑΚ 040
Italian Level D΄
Ν. Giannakodimou
4 credits
6 ects
3 credits
3 credits
3 credits
3 credits
3 credits
5 ects
5 ects
5 ects
5 ects
5 ects
3 credits
3 credits
3 credits
3 credits
5 ects
5 ects
5 ects
5 ects
3 credits
3 credits
3 credits
5 ects
5 ects
5 ects
Core Courses (ΥΕΚ):
ΙΣΤΚ 218
ΘΡΗΚ 285
Α΄+C’+D΄Theories of Socialization
N. Serdedakis
Β΄+ D’ Social History of Modern GreeceE. Fournaraki
Β΄+D΄ Sociology of Communication Ch. Constantinidou
Α΄+D΄ Sociology of Religion
Μ. Αxeimastos
ΥΓΑΚ 210
ΚΟΜΚ 245
Sociology of the Body
M. Tzanakis
Introd. to the Sociol. of Political Parties Μ. Αlexakis
Urban Sociology
V. Arapoglou
Elective Courses (ΥΕΠ):
Sociology of the Trade Union Movement X. Karakioulafi
3 credits
The Feminist Movement and the State P. Papageorgiou
3 credits
NEW Social Aspects of Crisis in Greece
M. Kousi 3 credits
NEW Sociology of Work and Education
Sk. Papaioannou3 credits
5 ects
5 ects
5 ects
5 ects
Seminars (ΥΕΣ):
Α’ +Β΄ Economic Sociology
S. Koniordos 4 credits
5 ects
Β΄+ C΄ Special Topics in the Sociology of the
Trade Union Movement
X. Karakioulafi 4 credits
5 ects
ΠΟΛΚ 341
C΄ Special Topics in Political Sociology
Μ. Alexakis
4 credits
5 ects
B΄+C΄+D΄Special Topics in the Sociology of
Mass Media Xr. Constantinidou4 credits
5 ects
Α΄ Seminar in Quantitative Methods
St. Kalogeraki 4 credits
5 ects
Β΄+D΄Methodological Issues in
Contemporary Sociology
I. Koumpourlis 4 credits
5 ects
Senior Thesis (optional)
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