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PHYSICS G110 – 3 Units
Conceptual Physics
(Formerly known as: Conceptual Physics: Mechanics and Modern
A course designed for non-science majors which considers the
everyday applications of physics. This course is a nonmathematical approach to the basic concepts of physics. Open
to students with or without high school physics, but not open
to those who have credit for any college physics course. It
covers the subjects of motion, energy, waves, music,
electromagnetism, relativity and nuclear energy. UC Credit
Limitations:No credit if taken after G120 or G185. Lecture.
Optional pass/no pass grade. Transferable to CSU; UC.
PHYSICS G111 – 1 Unit
Conceptual Physics Lab
Corequisites: Enrollment in or completion of Physics G110
This course is designed to supplement Physics G110. The
student will do laboratory exercises which illustrate some of
the phenomena discussed in Physics G110. UC credit
limitations. No credit given if taken after G120 or G185. Lab.
Optional pass/no pass grade. Transferable to CSU; UC.
PHYSICS G120 – 4 Units
Algebra Based Physics: Mechanics
(Formerly known as: General Physics: Mechanics, Heat and
Prerequisites: Math G120 or concurrent enrollment, or
Mathematics Placement Assesment
This is an algebra/trigonometry based physics course in
mechanics, heat and sound. Topics studied include force,
motion, energy, heat transfer, effects of heat and the nature
and properties of waves. Three hours lecture and
demonstration, three hours laboratory a week. UC Credit
Limitations:Physics G120, G125 and G185, G280, G285
combined–maximum credit, one series; deduct credit for
duplicatation of topics. C-ID PHYS 105 Lecture & lab. Letter
grade only. Transferable to CSU; UC. Offered fall semester
PHYSICS G125 – 4 Units
Algebra Based Physics: Electricity/Magnetism
(Formerly known
Electricity, At)
Prerequisites: Physics G120
This is an algebra/trigonometry based general physics course
in the areas of electricity, magnetism, light and modern
physics. Topics studied include electric charges and fields,
DC circuits, magnetic fields, electromagnetic induction,
reflection, refraction, interference of light, quantum theory,
matter waves, radioactivity and nuclear reactions. Three hours
lecture and demonstration, three hours laboratory a week. This
course may not be offered each semester. UC credit
limitations. Phhysics G120, G125 and G185, G280, G285
combined–maximum credit, one series; deduct credit for
duplication of topics. Lecture & lab. Letter grade only.
Transferable to CSU; UC. Offered spring semester only.
PHYSICS G185 – 4 Units
Calculus Based Physics: Mechanics
(Formerly known as: General Physics: Mechanics and Sound)
Prerequisites: Math G180
Advisories: Mathematics G185
This is an introductory course in physics using calculus.
Topics studied include vectors, motion, forces, energy,
momentum, oscillators and properties of waves. Physics G185,
G280 and G285 are required for students majoring in physics,
chemistry or engineering. UC Credit Limitations:Physics G120,
G125 and G185, G280, G285 combined–maximum credit, one series;
deduct credit for duplication of topics. C-ID PHYS 205 Lecture
& lab. Letter grade only. Transferable to CSU; UC.
PHYSICS G280 – 4 Units
Calculus Based Physics: Electricity/Magnetism
(Formerly known as: General Physics: Electricity and
Prerequisites: Physics G185 and Math G185
This is a calculus based physics course which covers the
topics of electric charge, electric fields, potential
dielectrics, DC circuits, magnetic fields, magnetic forces,
electromagnetic induction, electromagnetic oscillators, and
waves. UC Credit Limitations:Physics G120, G125 and G185,
G280, G285 combined–maximum credit, one series; deduct credit
for duplications of topics. C-ID: PHYS 210 Lecture & lab.
Letter grade only. Transferable to CSU; UC. Offered spring
semester only.
PHYSICS G285 – 4 Units
Calculus Based Physics: Modern
(Formerly known as: General Physics: Heat, Light, Modern
Prerequisites: Physics G185 and Mathematics G185
This is a calculus based physics course including the topics
of measurement of heat and temperature, effects of heat,
kinetic theory of gases, thermodynamics, propagation of light,
reflection, refraction, interference, diffraction, relativity,
quantum theory and matter waves. UC Credit Limitations:Physics
G120, G125 and G185, G280, G285 combined–maximum credit, one
series; deduct credit for duplications of topics. C-I D PHYS
215 Lecture & lab. Letter grade only. Transferable to CSU; UC.
Offered fall semester only.
The goal of the physics program at Golden West College is to
develop a student’s ability in analyzing and understanding the
physical world in which we live through the use of
mathematical analysis and laboratory experimentation using
qualitative and quantitative reasoning, and to prepare our
students for upper division and graduate level physics
programs, and ultimately for a career in physics or any STEM
related field. A physics education that emphasizes problem
solving and critical thinking, as well as hands on
experimentation makes physics graduates very desirable to
government agencies and to private employers in all science
related fields as well as in other specialized areas such as
medicine, law, and financial institutions. The Associate in
Science in Physics for Transfer Degree will help a student to
seamlessly transfer to the CSU in a baccalaureate degree
Upon completion of this program, students will be able to:
Understand the basic principles and concepts of physics.
Use these principles and concepts in solving problems in
the various areas of physics.
Understand the methods of physicists.
Appreciate the importance of physics.
Appreciate that physics is an active, unfinished area of
work in which many people are, today, actively engaged.
This is the major pattern for students planning to
transfer to a CSU.
It is strongly recommended that
students contact a GWC counselor to develop an official
Student Educational Plan to discuss non-CSU
Semester 1
Physics G185 (Core) Calculus-based Physics: Mechanics
4 Units
Math 180 (Core) Calculus I 5 Units
General Education TBD
Semester 2
Physics G280 (Core) Calculus-based Physics: Electricity
and Magnetism 4 Units
Math 185 (Core) Calculus II 5 Units
General Education TBD
Semester 3
Physics G285 Calculus-based Physics:
Optics & Modern 4 Units
Math G280 Calculus 3 5 Units
General Education TBD
Semester 4
General Education TBD
Major total: 27 Units
Total units that may be double-counted: 7 Units
CSU General Education Breadth or IGETC Pattern: 37-39 Units
Transferable Electives (as needed to reach 60
transferable units): 1-3 Units
DEGREE TOTAL UNITS (max): 60 units
( ) Descriptor in parentheses indicates credit earned in
[tabby title="Apply Now"]
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[tabby title="Financial Aid"]
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programs, grants, work study, and loans to fulltime and part-time students. Student financial aid
resources are intended to supplement, not replace,
the financial resources of the student and/or the
family. Student financial aid is available to assist you with
the cost of education; this includes enrollment and tuition
fees, books, supplies, food, housing, transportation,
computer, and personal expenses. Learn more....
[tabby title="Counseling"]
Navigating your way through college can be confusing,
especially if you try to go it alone. The counseling
department offers advising assistance, to help in deciding
which courses you need to take to complete your educational
goals. Learn more...
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