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Last week we learned how to model dynamic system behavior in the design workflow
when we looked at the sequence diagram, activity diagram, and the state diagram.
This week we will continue our design efforts by looking at additional design activities.
Specifically, software architecture, design patterns, and the data model. You will learn
how to take a design class diagram and translate this into a relational database design for
After completing this week, you should be able to:
Describe the various system architectures in use today, the types of businesses
using them, and which architectures they use (e.g. three-tier, multi-tier, etc.).
Define a design pattern and the purpose of a design pattern.
Describe object persistence and how objects are stored in a database.
Describe the process of transforming a class diagram into an entity relation
diagram (ERD).
5.1 Designing the Software Architecture
The term “software architecture” refers to the “big picture” structural aspects of an
information system. The most important aspects of software architecture are the division
of software into classes and the distribution of those classes across processing locations
and specific computers. We covered design classes in Week 3. We will cover general
software architectures this week and then expand to class distribution next week.
Software architecture grows out of algorithms, data structures, and object-level designs. It
is an abstraction of system implementation that describes the overall system structure,
decomposition of functionality into components, the nature and properties of these
components, interfaces, and communication protocols. A software system architecture
diagram serves as the common ground for people of different backgrounds (developers,
users, and project managers) to discuss and analyze jointly the high-level properties of
the system with regard to its requirements.
Other architectural issues include relationships and constraints between components,
external interfaces, overall access control and security, and strategies for scaling and
performance. A good software system requires a sound and integrated architecture.
Architectural integrity is like color coordination in paintings: it underpins the ultimate
success of the system. In addition, architecture also determines a wide range of system
characteristics, such as cost-effectiveness, interoperability, scalability, and so forth.
The distinction between architecture and design is not absolute. In architecture we are
more concerned with the coordination between components or nodes, overall system
performance, and scaling properties. In design we focus on the details within a
component, an interface and subsystem. However, you may see that problems arising
design (such as a poorly designed interface) may force a revision of the architecture.
Object-oriented architectures differ from traditional ones by emphasizing the allocation
of distributed objects, components, and their interfaces, persistent objects, and objectbased communications. Different architectures are needed for different requirements and
constraints. The following sections present common patterns in object-oriented software
architectures. The study of such patterns allows us to:
Communicate the high-level properties of a particular architecture to people of
different backgrounds.
Recognize the patterns that can be reused in other systems, either as variations or
Make informed decisions on architectural alternatives based on a thorough
understanding of their properties.
5.1.1 Client/Server Systems
To simplify development and maintenance of complex applications, we separate
centralized, monolithic systems into more manageable components or nodes. In a simple
client/server system, an application is partitioned into a client and a server. The client
handles the presentation and the server handles low-level functions and database access.
The server typically contains multiple server objects and may serve multiple clients as
shown in the following figure:
The business logic may be handled by the client or by the server, depending on the
implementation strategy. Clients communicate with the server via certain protocols, such
The advantages of this architecture are:
The clients can be detached from the server, allowing remote access and separate
code development.
One server may serve multiple clients.
The limitations are:
Client/server communication relies on a network, which may become the
bottleneck of performance.
Changes on the server side require changes on the client side if the interface
definition is changed. When there are a large number of clients, keeping them upto-date becomes a difficult task. This is especially serious for enterprise
applications that support thousands of users.
The second limitation can be alleviated by introducing thin clients, which have a
standardized interface definition. The best example of this is the Web browser. Web
applications are free from the burden of client maintenance. Alternatively, the same
objective can be achieved by using dynamic object distribution. This is where part or all
of the objects are actually transported to the client when the client application starts up.
This is the same principle as Java Applets, which in reality require a preinstalled set of
libraries on the client side. The following figure shows the interaction between a thin
client and a Web server for a Web-based application which is commonly in use today.
Web Applications using the MVC Framework
The MVC (Model-View-Controller) framework is a particular type of the client/server
architecture. It provides an effective approach for implementing Web-based applications.
The MVC architecture decouples the user interface from the Web application
functionality and information content. The model contains all application specific content
and processing logic, including all content objects, access to external data sources, and
processing functionality that are application specific. The view contains all interface
specific functions and enables the presentation of content and processing logic, including
all content objects, access to external data, and all processing functionality required by
the end-user. The controller manages access to the model and the view and coordinates
the flow of data between them. In a Web application, the view is updated by the
controller with data from the model based on user input. A schematic representation of
the MVC architecture is shown below.
5.1.2 Layered Systems
Layers refer to logical groups of objects within a component or node. Layered systems
typically appear in servers, in which each inner layer provides services to its immediate
outer layer. For example, the interface functions call the core functions to perform tasks.
The core functions in turn use the persistent services to make objects persistent. The
figure below illustrates the layered approach.
The advantages of this architecture are:
It promotes layers of design abstraction, allowing a complex problem to be
decomposed into several layers of functions.
It allows easy control of internal functions and services that should not be
exposed to the external world. Only objects in the interface layer are visible as
interface classes.
New operations can be introduced in the interface layer. These are often
combined operations from the core or persistent layers. For example, frequently
used queries involving multiple calls to the server can be grouped into one
function call that will result in improved system performance.
The limitations are:
Layering may degrade system performance because interface functions may need
to go through several layers to invoke the operations of the inner layers.
Standardizing layer interfaces may lead to cumbersome and inefficient function
Layered architectures are found mostly in application servers, database systems, layered
communication protocols (such as CORBA/IIOP, J2EE), and operating systems. They are
often used together with other types of architectures.
5.1.3 Three-Tier and Multi-Tier Systems
Unlike layers which reside inside components or nodes, tiers are physically distributed
components or nodes. In a three-tier system, there are two pairs of client/servers. The first
tier is usually a Database Management node. The second or middle tier typically handles
business logic or application-specific computation. It is a client to the first tier. It also
serves as a server to the third tier, which include a number of clients. The third tier, or
user-interface tier, handles user interaction. Its design focus is on efficient user interface
and accessibility to the enterprise. The client software can either be a regular or thin
client. Different user interfaces may also be provided to different types of users, who may
access the same Business Logic node. See the figure below.
You can generalize the three-tier system to multi-tier systems or n-tiered systems. For
example, we may add a Web server and thin clients to the three-tier system to obtain the
four-tier system shown below. The Web server handles any Web browsers (thin clients)
on the Internet. It translates HTTP requests into method invocations in the Business
Logic node (second tier).
The advantages of this architecture are:
The system is easy to maintain and extend because different groups of functions
are distributed across several tiers of servers.
It allows hierarchical control of functions from the lower tiers to the upper tiers
and similarly different levels of service to clients of different tiers.
It enables enterprise-level integration, typically by connecting the middle tiers
with other enterprise systems.
It is highly scalable to handle a large number of concurrent clients. This can be
achieved by clustering with a pool of servers.
The limitations of this architecture are:
More than one communication protocol is involved between the client/server
pairs. For example, in a four-tier system, these may include HTTP between thin
clients and the Web server, CORBA/IIOP or J2EE between the Web server and
the Business Logic node, and SQL between the Business Logic and the Database
Management nodes. Hence, a wide range of expertise is needed when
implementing such systems.
Performance tuning of the system becomes more difficult because data may travel
through multiple nodes (which may be in machine with different platforms and
operating systems) before reaching the clients.
Clustering and Serializing
To scale up a multi-tier system to handle a large number of clients, we may use a set of
server nodes, which cooperate with each other to provide services to clients. Two
approached may be employed:
1. Each replicated server node provides the same functionality, and a client may use
any one of them. We call this clustering.
2. Each server component provides a specialized function. A client request may start
with one server, followed by other servers. This is called serializing.
In clustering, client requests are processed in parallel, and is therefore most appropriate
for a large number of clients who perform similar tasks.
An example of clustering in a four-tier system is shown in the figure below. A large
number of thin clients go through a Web server to use the components in the Business
Logic nodes. Three identical nodes are shown in the figure. They all obtain data from the
Database Management node in the first tier. The Web server determines how the work is
distributed evenly across the Business Logic nodes to minimize users’ wait time.
Serializing is typically used together with clustering to provide specialized services. For
example, in the figure below, two serialized nodes are used to handle security and load
balancing. When a client request comes in, the security node checks its credentials. The
dispatcher then determines which Business Logic node should be used and returns a
reference for an object in that node to the client objects in the Web server. From this
point on, the client object in the Web server talks directly with the chosen Business Logic
node to complete the process.
5.2 Design Patterns
Design patterns are part of the cutting edge of object-oriented technology. Have you ever
designed or implemented a software solution and have gotten the feeling of deja’vu? It is
understandable because different software systems may share similar aspects. With
software design going the assembly line way, reusability has become an important
criterion in software design. Design patterns are a key to this. In addition, learning design
patterns early in the learning of object-oriented skills greatly helps improve
understanding of object-oriented analysis and design.
5.2.1 What is a Design Pattern?
A pattern is a commonly occurring reusable piece in a software system that provides a
certain set of functionality. The formal definition of a design pattern posed by
Christopher Alexander, one of the first proponents of design patterns, is:
Each pattern describes a problem which occurs over and over again in our environment
and then describes the core of the solution to that problem, in such a way that you can use
this solution a million times over, without ever doing it the same way twice. [Alexander,
Christopher, A Pattern Language. Oxford University Press, New York, 1977.]
Although Alexander was talking about patterns in buildings and towns, what he says is
true about object-oriented design patterns. Our solutions are expressed in terms of objects
and interfaces instead of walls and doors, but at the core, both kinds of patterns are a
solution to a problem.
In general, a pattern has four essential elements:
The name of the pattern
The purpose of the pattern, the problem it solves
How we accomplish this
The constraints and forces we have to consider in order to accomplish it.
Alexander postulated that patterns can solve virtually every architectural problem that
one will encounter. He further postulates that patterns can be used together to solve
complex architectural problems.
Design patterns became a widely accepted object-oriented design technique in 1995 with
the publication of the book Design Patterns:Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented
Software by Eric Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides. The four
authors of the book are now commonly referred to as the Gang of Four (GoF).
5.2.2 Why Study Design Patterns?
Now that you have an idea about what a design patterns are, you may be wondering,
“Why study them?” Design patterns benefit system developers by:
Helping to construct reliable software using proven architectures and accumulated
industry expertise
Promoting design reuse in future systems
Helping to identify common mistakes and pitfalls that occur when building
Helping to design systems independently of the language in which they will
ultimately be implemented
Establishing a common design vocabulary among developers
Shortening the design phase in a software development project.
To use design patterns effectively, designers must familiarize themselves with the most
popular and effective patterns used in the software-engineering industry. Since a system
is made up of static as well as dynamic elements, you will find patterns that can be used
for either of these types. Based on how they are to be used, patterns are primarily
categorized as:
The following sections describe several popular design patterns within the above
5.2.3 Creational Design Patterns
Creational patterns define mechanisms for instantiating objects. The implementation of
the creational pattern is responsible for managing the lifecycle of the instantiated object.
A few examples of Creational design patterns are listed below.
One of the easily recognized and frequently used design pattern is the Factory pattern. If
you have designed any object that is responsible for creating and maintaining the
lifecycle of another object, you have used the Factory pattern. Obtaining a database
connection in your application using a connection manager or connection factory object
is a good example of the Factory pattern.
A singleton is another example of a factory pattern. What makes the Singleton pattern
unique is that one and only one instance of the object can exist irrespective of the number
of times the object is instantiated. The most common use of a Singleton pattern is for
server applications like a Java-based Remote Method Invocation (RMI) server
5.2.4 Behavioral Design Patterns
Interaction between different objects is specifically covered by Behavioral patterns. An
example is given below.
The Command pattern is commonly used for gathering requests from client objects and
packaging them into a single object for processing. The Command pattern allows for
having well-defined command interfaces that are implemented by the object that provides
the processing for the client requests packaged as commands.
Structural Design Patterns
The composition of objects and their organizations to obtain new and varied functionality
is the underlying basis of Structural patterns. An example of a structural pattern is listed
In the Adapter pattern, an object provides an implementation of an interface used by
other objects in a consistent way. The adapter object wraps different disparate
implementations of the interface and presents a unified interface for other objects to
access. A good example of this is a database driver like an ODBC (Open Database
Connectivity) or JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) driver that wraps the custom
database accessing implementation for different databases and yet, presents a consistent
interface that is a published and standardized API for applications to use.
5.2.5 Designing for Change
The key to maximizing reuse lies in anticipating new requirements and changes to
existing requirements, and in designing your systems so that they can evolve accordingly.
To design the system so that it’s robust to such changes, you must consider how the
system might need to change over its lifetime. A design that does not take change into
account risks major redesign in the future. Those changes might involve class redefinition
and reimplementation, client modification, and retesting. Redesign affects many parts of
the software system, and unanticipated changes are expensive!
Design patterns help you avoid this by ensuring that a system can change in specific
ways. Each design pattern lets some aspect of system structure vary independently of
other aspects, thereby making a system more robust to a particular kind of change.
Here are some common causes of redesignalong with the design pattern(s) that address
them. Hopefully, these ideas will get you started in your investigation of design patterns.
Creating an object by specifying a class explicitly. Specifying a class name when you
create an object commits you to a particular implementation instead of a particular
interface. This commitment can complicate future changes. To avoid it, create objects
Design patterns: Abstract Factory, Factory Method, Prototype.
Dependence on specific operations. When you specify a particular operation, you
commit to one way of satisfying a request. By avoiding hard-coded requests, you make it
easier to change the way a request gets satisfied both at compile-time and at run-time.
Design patterns: Chain of Responsibility, Command
Dependence on hardware and software platform. External operating system interfaces
and APIs are different on different hardware and software platforms. Software that
depends on a particular platform will be harder to port to other platforms. It may even be
difficult to keep it up to date on its native platform. It’s important therefore to design
your system to limit its platform dependencies.
Design patterns: Abstract Factory, Bridge
Dependence on object representations or implementations. Clients that know how an
object is represented, stored, located, or implemented might need to be changed when the
object changes. Hiding this information from clients keeps changes from cascading.
Design patterns: Abstract Factory, Bridge, Memento, Proxy
Algorithmic dependencies. Algorithms are often extended, optimized, and replaced
during development and reuse. Objects that depend on an algorithm will have to change
when the algorithm changes. Therefore, algorithms that are likely to change should be
Design patterns: Builder, Iterator, Strategy, Template, Method, Visitor
Tight coupling. Classes that are tightly coupled are hard to reuse in isolation, since they
depend on each other. Tight coupling leads to monolithic systems, where you can’t
change or remove a class without understanding and changing many other classes. The
system becomes a dense mass that’s hard to learn, port, and maintain. Loose coupling
increases the probability that a class can be reused by itself and that a system can be
learned, ported, modified, and extended more easily. Design patterns use techniques such
as abstract coupling and layering to promote loosely coupled systems.
Design patterns: Abstract Factory, Bridge, Chain of Responsibility, Command, Façade,
Mediator, Observer
Extending functionality by subclassing. Customizing an object by subclassing often isn’t
easy. Every new class has a fixed implementation overhead (initialization, finalization,
etc.). Defining a subclass also requires an in-depth understanding of the parent class. For
example, overriding one operation might require overriding another. An overridden
operation might be required to call an inherited operation. And subclassing can lead to an
explosion of classes, because you might have to introduce many new subclasses for even
a simple extension.
Object composition in general and delegation in particular provide flexible alternatives to
inheritance for combining behavior. New functionality can be added to an application by
composing existing objects in new ways rather than by defining new subclasses of
existing classes. On the other hand, heavy use of object composition can make designs
harder to understand. Many design patterns produce designs in which you can introduce
customized functionality just by defining one subclass and composing its instances with
existing ones.
Design patterns: Bridge, Chain of Responsibility, Composite, Decorator, Observer,
Inability to alter classes conveniently. Sometimes you have to modify a class that can’t
be modified conveniently. Perhaps you need the source code and don’t have it (as may be
the case with commercial class libraries). Or maybe any change would require modifying
lots of existing subclasses. Design patterns offer ways to modify classes in such
Design patterns: Adapter, Decorator, Visitor
[Gamma, Helm, Johnson, Vlissides, Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable ObjectOriented Software, Addison-Wesley, 1995, pages 24-25.
5.2.6 Designing for Change
The key to maximizing reuse lies in anticipating new requirements and changes to
existing requirements, and in designing your systems so that they can evolve accordingly.
To design the system so that it’s robust to such changes, you must consider how the
system might need to change over its lifetime. A design that does not take change into
account risks major redesign in the future. Those changes might involve class redefinition
and reimplementation, client modification, and retesting. Redesign affects many parts of
the software system, and unanticipated changes are expensive!
Design patterns help you avoid this by ensuring that a system can change in specific
ways. Each design pattern lets some aspect of system structure vary independently of
other aspects, thereby making a system more robust to a particular kind of change.
Here are some common causes of redesign along with the design pattern(s) that address
Creating an object by specifying a class explicitly. Specifying a class name when you
create an object commits you to a particular implementation instead of a particular
interface. This commitment can complicate future changes. To avoid it, create objects
Design patterns: Abstract Factory, Factory Method, Prototype.
Dependence on specific operations. When you specify a particular operation, you
commit to one way of satisfying a request. By avoiding hard-coded requests, you make it
easier to change the way a request gets satisfied both at compile-time and at run-time.
Design patterns: Chain of Responsibility, Command
Dependence on hardware and software platform. External operating system interfaces
and APIs are different on different hardware and software platforms. Software that
depends on a particular platform will be harder to port to other platforms. It may even be
difficult to keep it up to date on its native platform. It’s important therefore to design
your system to limit its platform dependencies.
Design patterns: Abstract Factory, Bridge
Dependence on object representations or implementations. Clients that know how an
object is represented, stored, located, or implemented might need to be changed when the
object changes. Hiding this information from clients keeps changes from cascading.
Design patterns: Abstract Factory, Bridge, Memento, Proxy
Algorithmic dependencies. Algorithms are often extended, optimized, and replaced
during development and reuse. Objects that depend on an algorithm will have to change
when the algorithm changes. Therefore, algorithms that are likely to change should be
Design patterns: Builder, Iterator, Strategy, Template, Method, Visitor
Tight coupling. Classes that are tightly coupled are hard to reuse in isolation, since they
depend on each other. Tight coupling leads to monolithic systems, where you can’t
change or remove a class without understanding and changing many other classes. The
system becomes a dense mass that’s hard to learn, port, and maintain.
Loose coupling increases the probability that a class can be reused by itself and that a
system can be learned, ported, modified, and extended more easily. Design patterns use
techniques such as abstract coupling and layering to promote loosely coupled systems.
Design patterns: Abstract Factory, Bridge, Chain of Responsibility, Command, Façade,
Mediator, Observer
Extending functionality by subclassing. Customizing an object by subclassing often isn’t
easy. Every new class has a fixed implementation overhead (initialization, finalization,
etc.). Defining a subclass also requires an in-depth understanding of the parent class. For
example, overriding one operation might require overriding another. An overridden
operation might be required to call an inherited operation. And subclassing can lead to an
explosion of classes, because you might have to introduce many new subclasses for even
a simple extension.
Object composition in general and delegation in particular provide flexible alternatives to
inheritance for combining behavior. New functionality can be added to an application by
composing existing objects in new ways rather than by defining new subclasses of
existing classes. On the other hand, heavy use of object composition can make designs
harder to understand. Many design patterns produce designs in which you can introduce
customized functionality just by defining one subclass and composing its instances with
existing ones.
Design patterns: Bridge, Chain of Responsibility, Composite, Decorator, Observer,
Inability to alter classes conveniently. Sometimes you have to modify a class that can’t
be modified conveniently. Perhaps you need the source code and don’t have it (as may be
the case with commercial class libraries). Or maybe any change would require modifying
lots of existing subclasses. Design patterns offer ways to modify classes in such
Design patterns: Adapter, Decorator, Visitor
[Gamma, Helm, Johnson, Vlissides, Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable ObjectOriented Software, Addison-Wesley, 1995, pages 24-25.]
Hopefully, the ideas described above will get you started in your investigation of design
5.3 Persistent Objects and Database Design
In previous weeks, our discussion has focused on objects and their structural and
behavioral relationships. Once we implement an object design with a specific
programming language, the source code contains definitions of object classes along with
their relationships. The code exists as a file in our current system. However, the object
instances generated when we execute the code are transient. That is, they cease to exist at
the end of the code execution, unless we some make them persistent.
Thus, if we want to save the object instances as persistent data and be able to retrieve
them later, we need to map them to a certain format and store it on a disk or other
permanent medium (such as a database). This brings about persistent objects, which are
representations of objects that exist independently of the processes that create them.
Persistent objects (or persistent data in general) are managed by database management
systems (DBMSs). There are, in general, four types of database models: relational,
extended relational or object-relational, functional, and object-oriented. They are
distinguished by their allowable kinds of data and schema. The relational model is based
on the simple concept of the table. The extended relational model adds to the relational
model certain object-related capabilities. Functional models use a declarative functional
query language to define and access the function values. The object-oriented model is
built on the object paradigm. In this course, we do not go into the details of the database
models or database management concepts. The course CS 445 and CS 442 are available
for learning these topics.
Ideally, we should be able to perform a persistent object design without worrying about
the underlying persistent mechanism or database model. After that, if the database model
is not object-oriented, we may follow a standard procedure or employ some semiautomatic tools to map the objects to the native database models. We can call this an
object-relational approach to database design.
The following discussion will show you how to map your classes from the class diagram
to a relational database management system (RDBMS). This is the most common activity
for object-oriented designers at this point in time. But first let’s review.
5.3.1 DBMS Component Review
A database is an integrated collection of stored data that is centrally managed and
controlled. A database typically stores information about dozens or hundreds of classes.
The information stored includes class attributes as well as associations among the classes.
A database also stores descriptive information about data such as attribute names,
restrictions on allowed values, and access controls to data items.
A database is managed and controlled by a database management system (DBMS). A
DBMS is a system software component that is usually purchased and installed separately
from other system software components. Popular DBMSs include Oracle, Sybase,
Microsoft Access, MySQL, ObjectStore and GemStone.
A database usually has the following components:
Physical Data Store
Application Program Interface (API)
Query Interface
Administrative Interface
Data access programs and methods
The figure below shows these components and their relationships.
Databases and DBMSs provide several important data access and management
Simultaneous access by users and application programs
Access to data without writing applications programs, e.g. SQL
Application of uniform and consistent access and content controls.
Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)
A RDBMS is a DBMS that organizes data into structures called tables. These are twodimensional tables with columns and rows. Each table in a RDBMS must have a unique
key which is called the primary key. In order to relate two or more tables, a foreign key is
defined. A foreign key is an attribute value stored in one table that also exists as a primary
key value in another table. Hence, the name “relational.”
5.3.2 Translating the Object Class Diagram Into a Relational
The figure below shows a class diagram for a portion of an ATM system.
Portion of ATM System
Class Diagram
To create a relational database schema from a class diagram, follow these steps:
Create a table for each class
Choose a primary key for each table (invent one, if necessary)
Add foreign keys to represent one-to-many associations
Create new tables to represent many-to-many associations
Represent classification hierarchies or generalizations
Define referential integrity constraints
Evaluate schema quality and make necessary improvements
Choose appropriate data types and value restrictions (if necessary) for each field
Now, let’s use the example above and walk through this process.
Representing Classes
Normally you should map each class to a table and each attribute to a column. You can
add columns for an object identifier and associations (to be explained). The boldface
indicates the primary key. Keywords are in UPPERCASE. Note that operations do not
affect table structure. All these examples are using Oracle syntax.
Implementing Classes
Make each one a table
Class Diagram
Customer Table
( customer_ID NUMBER(30)
CONSTRAINT pk_customer PRIMARY KEY (customer_ID) );
Representing Associations
The implementation rules for associations depend on the multiplicity.
 Many-to-many associations. Implement the association with a table and
make the association’s primary key the combination of the classes’ primary
keys. If the association has attributes, they become additional columns.
Implementing Many-to-Many Associations
Make each one a table
Class Diagram
Account table
CardAuthorization table
Account_CardAuthorization table
accountID(references Account)
cardAuthorizationID (references CardAuthorization)
( account_ID NUMBER(30)
CONSTRAINT pk_account PRIMARY KEY (account_ID) );
CREATE TABLE Card_Authorization
( card_auth_ID NUMBER(30) CONSTRAINT nn_cardauth1 NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT pk_cardauth PRIMARY KEY (card_auth_ID) );
( account_ID NUMBER(30) CONSTRAINT nn_acctca1 NOT NULL,
card_auth_ID NUMBER(30) CONSTRAINT nn_acctca2 NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT pk_acctca PRIMARY KEY (account_ID, card_auth_ID) );
 One-to-many associations. Each one becomes a foreign key buried in the table
for the “many” class. If there had been a name on the “one” end of the
association, we would have used it as the foreign key name. We presume that
serialNumber is unique for CashCard.
Implementing One-to-Many Associations
Bury each one as a foreign key in the “many” table
Class Diagram
CashCard Table
cardAuthorizationID (references CardAuthorization)
Card_Authorization code from previous figure...
( card_auth_ID NUMBER(30) CONSTRAINT nn_carshcard1 NOT NULL,
card_auth_ID NUMBER(30),
CONSTRAINT pk_cashcard PRIMARY KEY (cash_card_ID),
CONSTRAINT uq_cashcard1 UNIQUE (serial_num) );
 One-to-one associations. These seldom occur. You can handle them by burying a
foreign key in either class table.
 N-ary associations. They also seldom occur. You can treat them like many-tomany associations and create a table for the association. Typically, the primary
key of the n-ary association combines the primary keys of the related tables.
 Association classes. An association class is an association that is also a class. It is
easier to establish the proper dependencies if you make each association class into
a table, regardless of the multiplicity.
 Aggregation, composition. Aggregation and composition follow the same
implementation rules as association.