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Investigation 9
How do ocean plates interact with
each other?
Have you ever been in an earthquake before? Do you know what caused it? It was the manifestation of the
release of energy held in bound up plates. As that energy was released, the entire plate shook, resulting in the
earthquake that you felt. However, that was on a Continental Plate. What happens when Oceanic Plates
interact? Do you get a similar reaction, or is it much different. Today, you will be investigating the interaction
of both Oceanic and Continental plates to determine how things like mountain ranges, mid-ocean ridges, and
deep ocean trenches are created.
1. To determine how undersea earthquakes are formed
2. To determine how deep ocean trenches are formed
3. To determine how convection affects plate tectonics
Tectonic Plate Analogs
Before Class
Go online and review the following video prepared by your teacher:
“Plate Tectonics and the Ocean”
Answer the following questions:
1. What bathymetric feature forms at a subduction zone? (5pt)
2. What type of plate interaction causes an undersea earthquake? (5pt)
3. What is one of the largest consequences of undersea earthquakes? (5pt)
4. What is the difference between Continental and Oceanic plates? (5pt)
1. Collect two Oceanic plates. These will be labeled “Oceanic”. You will need to model three types of plate
interaction: Convergent, Divergent, Transform. Use the space below to draw (with color) and describe the
interaction. Please take care not to break the plates. (120pt)
Convergent plate boundary drawing:
Divergent plate boundary drawing:
Transform plate boundary drawing:
2. Now, collect a Continental plate. You will be examining the interaction between Continental and Oceanic
plates. Look at the Continental plate. It is made up of the same amount of material, has roughly the same area,
but is much thicker. What can you say about the physical properties of the Continental plate?
3. Take your Continental plate, and have it interact with the Oceanic plate as if it was a convergent boundary.
Draw your interaction below, and describe what is happening: (40pt)
Convergent plate boundary drawing:
4. Speculate about the following: Why do mid-ocean ridges and Divergent plate boundaries exist? What
process drives this phenomena? (10pt)
5. We know that you cannot create or destroy matter. If so, where are oceanic plates destroyed, if they’re
created at mid-ocean ridges? (10pt)
6. What causes deep ocean trenches? (10pt)
7. Why are ocean plates always subducted under continental plates? Explain. (10pt)
Study Questions
1. Draw a mid-ocean ridge and divergent plate boundary below. You MUST use color. (10pt)
2. There is a lot of pressure, heat, and shearing at subduction zones. What rock types might be formed in these
locations? (10pt)
3. Draw a subduction/convergent plate boundary below. You MUST use color. (10pt)
4. How deep are the deepest ocean trenches? (10pt)
5. What is the connection between the “Ring of Fire” and the Mariana Trench? (10pt)
6. What do you speculate the water temperature would be, at the bottom of the ocean, at a mid ocean spreading
ridge? (10pt)
7. What is the portion of the sea floor that is closest to the center of the Earth? Explain. (20pt)
8. Draw the convection cycle of the mantle and how it affects plate movement below (use color): (50pt)