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Mohamed Ali Abukar, Ph. D.
All the pictures in this presentation are used only for Educational purposes
Promote equity, tolerance, respect, understanding and
celebrate diversity for making the world a better place.
All Faith, teaches an absolute respect
for the sacred rights of others
Islam: It is an American faith.
Islam is for peace, love, and equity and forbids
all kind of violence.
Masque in America
Haj: Pilgrimage is a fundamental principle of
Islam; the intension is to go to the sacred
house of Mecca to worship God in a prescribed
All Muslim are commanded to be humble, and not to be
arrogant or disrespectful, and must show their best interest in
the welfare of the human being and humanity in general, and
prevents any kind of aggression against others.
Worship begins with
the recognition of
the existence of only
one God.
Islam means peace
and submission to
the will of God.
Compassion and
justice should guide
Judaism, Christianity and
Islamism are Abraham faith
and classified as monotheistic.
Muslim worship the God of Abraham, Moses, and Jesus
Islam like Christianity teaches universal love,
benevolence, aimed at global fraternity.
Every body has a moral responsibility and deserve a chance
in the life development; but the best philosophy is that we
should always help each other and care for each other.
Some of the misconception that non-Muslim have about Islam
have to do with the word Allah; believing that Muslim worship a
different God than Christians and Jews.
Usually when we speak English it is appropriate to use GOD, like
when we speak Italian we use DIO, and so on; and what we are
going to be held accountable is not whether we prefer the word
Allah over the word God/ Dios/ Dio/ Ilaah or Eebbe, but what
our concept of GOD is.
Some non Muslim try to teach peoples that Allah
is the God of the Muslims; it is not true and all
Arabic speaking people who are Christians are
using Allah and not God; Allah is simply the
Arabic word for God.
Believing in God
When peoples believe in GOD will learn to recognize and
understand evil behavior and can choose to refrain from
it, because of the negative results, and will helps the
human being to stay away from committing sin and
crime, and makes individuals always believe in doing the
good work to improve himself and his community.
Islam means peace and submission to the will of
GOD, Islam teaches peace, love and equality, and
forbids all kind of violence. Islam is for peace
and does not promote terrorism or the killing of
innocent people; and the people doing that in the
name of Islam or any other religions are wrong.
Islam Encourage
Islam encourage women’s education. Women in many
Islamic countries are in the policy makers, business
and key workers in many production and services
Prophet Muhammad’ wife Khadija was a wealthy
business owner, and his daughter Fatima was a well
respected political leader.
The use of the veil it was imposed by custom and not by
the QURA’AN, and in many countries Muslim’ women
do not have to wear veils.
Ramadan is a time of reflection when
Muslims abstain from eating, drinking
and other indulgences from sunrise to
sunset. Ramadan commemorates when the
Qura’an (Islamic holy book) was revealed
to the Prophet Muhammad
The Islam calendar, which is lunar begins with Prophet
Muhammad’s journey from Mecca to Medina, and now is in
the year 1427. One of the pillars of Islam is the Siyam: fasting
one month every year ( Ramadan), which teaches patience and
enables the individual to monitor his/her verbal behavior and
action. In the fasting period believers should give lot of
charities and help all the people.
End of Ramadan celebrated at the “White House”
President Bush celebrated the end of the Ramadan
with two dozen of Muslim children at the White House,
reading a short poem that began with the rhyme:
GOD loves children who care for others , who do deeds
of kindness to sisters and brothers.
End of Ramadan
Britain’s Prince Charles hosts a reception for
some British Islamic Community to celebrate the
end of the Ramadan.
Islam is for Flexibility
Some people believe that all Muslims are primitive and
fanatics; I believe that if all Muslim were able to present
Islam in the proper way to all people, it might make many
people reconsider and re-evaluate their understanding.
Islam is for flexibility and has a long history of
diversity, and always diversity brings openness,
tolerance and flexibility
True Islam
America is focused on Islam as never before
and its essential to promote public education,
understanding and create that all people to
be acquainted and aware to what true Islam
is; and strongly believe that what pull us
together is much stronger than what may
divide us.