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Contributory Factors
Crash DNA
Crossing Facilities
Road Class
Regional Variation
Previous Research
Common Factors
•At weekends
•Between 6pm and 11pm
•Where the casualty is aged between 16 and 34 years old
•Where the casualty is male
•Where the casualty is deprived
•Where the casualty is impaired by alcohol
•Where the casualty is wearing dark clothing
•Where the casualty undertook dangerous actions in the carriageway
•Where the related driver was impaired by alcohol, driving aggressively and/or
were exceeding the speed limit
Previous Research
Other Findings
•Lack of awareness of impairment
•Risky crossing behaviour
•Difficulty judging speed and distance
•Areas with a high density of pubs & clubs
•History of alcohol abuse
•Separation of pedestrians from motor vehicles by
•Reducing speed limits
•Fencing or other facilities to separate pedestrians and
motor vehicles in areas where bars cluster
•Adequate lighting to assist drivers in seeing
pedestrians at night
•Traffic calming devices
•Drunk-Walkers do not think they are at risk
•More worried about assault
•Getting drunk is normal behaviour, telling
people not to drink won’t work
•Very drunk people will not retain
advertising or awareness messages
Existing Campaigns
• Use trains and buses: Transport info website
• Organise a lift
• Book a taxi or mini-bus: Taxis NSW
• Stay overnight at a place nearby
• Wear bright, light clothes at night so you are
more visible to drivers and riders
• Drink & Drug Driving
• Interruption events
• Direct conversations with target groups
• Evaluated
Fun Theory
“The thought that something as simple as fun is
the easiest way to change people’s behaviour for
the better”
Fun Theory